On page 2, line 11, after "(c)" insert "The office of clean technology must invite at least one outside guest representing a current or potential producer or consumer of aviation biofuels to each meeting to address perceived barriers to feedstock, the logistics of aviation biofuels production and delivery, or other timely issues relevant to the aviation biofuels industry in Washington.
On page 2, line 27, after "group" strike "shall meet twice a year" and insert "must:
(a) Meet twice a year;
(b) Structure meeting agendas such that they are informed by advance queries of members seeking updates on perceived barriers to aviation biofuels production;
(c) Add at least three new production-sector members to the work group by 2019;
(d) Ensure that at least seventy percent of its members attend each meeting;
(e) Provide an annual update on the development of aviation biofuel refineries in the western United States; and
(f) Provide an annual update on alternative jet fuel procurements in the United States"
EFFECT: Requires the Washington State University Office of Clean Technology to invite at least one outside guest to each meeting of the Sustainable Aviation Biofuels Work Group (Work Group) to address certain issues. Establishes certain requirements for the Work Group, including annual updates on the development of aviation biofuel refineries in the western United States.