Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. "The legislature finds that there is a need to establish consistency in the quality of driver training education in this state to reduce the number of young driver accidents that are prematurely killing our youth. The traffic safety commission reports that out of two hundred forty-five fatalities in the first half of 2016, thirty-one involved young drivers aged sixteen to twenty-five. The intent of this act is to require driver training education curriculum to be developed and maintained jointly by the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the department of licensing. The legislature also finds that there is a need to audit driver training education courses; therefore, the intent of this act is also to provide the department of licensing with resources and authority to audit all driver training education courses, in consultation with the superintendent of public instruction for driver training education courses offered by school districts.
Sec. 2. RCW 28A.220.020 and 1990 c 33 s 218 are each amended to read as follows:
((The following words and phrases whenever used in chapter 28A.220 RCW shall have the following meaning:)) The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Superintendent" or "state superintendent" ((shall)) means the superintendent of public instruction.
(2) "
((Traffic safety)) Driver training education course"
((shall)) mean
s ((an accredited)) a course of instruction in traffic safety education
((which shall consist of two phases, classroom instruction, and laboratory experience. "Laboratory experience" shall include on-street, driving range, or simulator experience or some combination thereof. Each phase shall meet basic course requirements which shall be established by the superintendent of public instruction and each part of said course shall be)) (a) offered as part of a traffic safety education program authorized by the superintendent of public instruction and certified by the department of licensing and (b) taught by a qualified teacher of
((traffic safety)) driver training education
that consists of classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction using curriculum that meets joint superintendent of public instruction and department of licensing standards and the course requirements established by the superintendent of public instruction under RCW 28A.220.030. Behind-the-wheel instruction is characterized by driving experience.
((Any portions of the course may be taught after regular school hours or on Saturdays as well as on regular school days or as a summer school course, at the option of the local school districts.))
(3) "Qualified teacher of
((traffic safety)) driver training education"
((shall)) mean
s an instructor
((certificated under the provisions of chapter 28A.410 RCW and certificated by the superintendent of public instruction to teach either the classroom phase or the laboratory phase of the traffic safety education course, or both, under regulations promulgated by the superintendent: PROVIDED, That the laboratory experience phase of the traffic safety education course may be taught by instructors certificated under rules promulgated by the superintendent of public instruction, exclusive of any requirement that the instructor be certificated under the provisions of chapter 28A.410 RCW. Professional instructors certificated under the provisions of chapter 46.82 RCW, and participating in this program, shall be subject to reasonable qualification requirements jointly adopted by the superintendent of public instruction and the director of licensing)) who:
(a) Is certificated under chapter 28A.410 RCW and has obtained a traffic safety endorsement or a letter of approval to teach traffic safety education from the superintendent of public instruction or is certificated by the superintendent of public instruction to teach a driver training education course; or
(b) Is an instructor provided by a driver training school that has contracted with a school district's or districts' board of directors under RCW 28A.220.030(3) to teach driver education for the school district.
(("Realistic level of effort")) "Appropriate course delivery standards" means the classroom and
((laboratory)) behind-the-wheel student learning experiences considered acceptable to the superintendent of public instruction
under RCW 28A.220.030 that must be satisfactorily accomplished by the student in order to successfully complete the
((traffic safety)) driver training education course.
(5) "Approved private school" means a private school approved by the board of education under chapter 28A.195 RCW.
(6) "Director" means the director of the department of licensing.
(7) "Traffic safety education program" means the administration and provision of driver training education courses offered by secondary schools of a school district or vocational-technical schools that are conducted by such schools in a like manner to their other regular courses.
Sec. 3. RCW 28A.220.030 and 2011 c 370 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public instruction is authorized to establish a section of traffic safety education, and through such section shall: Define ((a "realistic level of effort")) appropriate course delivery standards required to provide an effective ((traffic safety)) driver training education course, establish a level of driving competency required of each student to successfully complete the course, and ensure that an effective statewide program is implemented and sustained((,)); administer, supervise, and develop the traffic safety education program; and ((shall)) assist local school districts and approved private schools in the conduct of their traffic safety education programs. The superintendent shall adopt necessary rules ((and regulations)) governing the operation and scope of the traffic safety education program; and each school district and approved private school shall submit a report to the superintendent on the condition of its traffic safety education program: PROVIDED, That the superintendent shall monitor the quality of the program and carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(2)(a) The board of directors of any school district maintaining a secondary school which includes any of the grades 10 to 12, inclusive, or any approved private school which includes any of the grades 10 to 12, inclusive, may establish and maintain a traffic safety education ((course)) program.
(b) Any school district or approved private school that offers a driver training education course must certify to the department of licensing that it is operating a traffic safety education program, that the driver training education course follows the curriculum promulgated by the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the department of licensing, that it meets the course delivery standards promulgated by the office of the superintendent of public instruction, that a record retention policy is in place to meet the requirements of subsection (5) of this section, and that the school district or approved private school has verified that all instructors are authorized by the office of the superintendent of public instruction to teach a driver training education course.
(c) Any portion of a driver training education course offered by a school district may be taught before or after regular school hours or on Saturdays as well as on regular school days or as a summer school course, at the option of the local school district. If a school district elects to offer a ((traffic safety)) driver training education course and has within its boundaries a private accredited secondary school which includes any of the grades 10 to 12, inclusive, at least one ((class in traffic safety education shall)) driver training education course must be given at times other than regular school hours if there is sufficient demand ((therefor)) for it.
(a) A qualified teacher of driver training education must be certificated under chapter 28A.410 RCW and obtain a traffic safety endorsement or a letter of approval to teach traffic safety education from the superintendent of public instruction to teach either the classroom instruction or the behind-the-wheel instruction portion of the driver training education course, or both, under rules adopted by the superintendent. The classroom or behind-the-wheel instruction portion of the driver training education course may also be taught by instructors certificated under rules adopted by the superintendent of public instruction, exclusive of any requirement that the instructor be certificated under chapter 28A.410 RCW.
(b) The superintendent shall establish a required minimum number of hours of continuing traffic safety education for qualified teachers of driver training education.
(4) The board of directors of a school district, or combination of school districts, may contract with any
((drivers')) driver training school licensed under
((the provisions of)) chapter
46.82 RCW to teach the
((laboratory phase)) behind-the-wheel instruction portion of the
((traffic safety)) driver training education course. Instructors provided by any such contracting
((drivers')) driver training school must be properly qualified teachers of
((traffic safety)) driver training education under the joint qualification requirements adopted by the superintendent of public instruction and the director of licensing.
(((4) The superintendent shall establish a required minimum number of hours of continuing traffic safety education for traffic safety education instructors. The superintendent may phase in the requirement over not more than five years.))
Each school district or approved private school offering a traffic safety education program must maintain: (a) Documentation of each instructor's name and address and that establishes the instructor as a qualified teacher of driver training education as defined in RCW 28A.220.020; and (b) student records that include the student's name, address, and telephone number, the date of enrollment and all dates of instruction, the student's driver's instruction permit or driver's license number, the type of training received, the total number of hours of instruction, and the name of the instructor or instructors. These records must be maintained for three years following the completion of the instruction and are subject to inspection upon request of the department of licensing or the office of the superintendent of public instruction. The superintendent may adopt rules regarding the retention of additional documents that are subject to inspection by the department of licensing or the office of the superintendent of public instruction.
(6) A driver training education course may not be offered by a school district or an approved private school to a student who is under the age of fifteen, and behind-the-wheel instruction may not be given by an instructor to a student in a motor vehicle unless the student possesses either a current and valid driver's instruction permit issued under RCW 46.20.055 or a current and valid driver's license.
(7) School districts that offer a
((traffic safety)) driver training education
((program)) course under this chapter may administer the portions of the driver licensing examination that test the applicant's knowledge of traffic laws and ability to safely operate a motor vehicle as authorized under RCW
46.20.120(7). The superintendent shall work with the department of licensing, in consultation with school districts that offer a traffic safety education program, to develop standards and requirements for administering each portion of the driver licensing examination that are comparable to the standards and requirements for driver training schools under RCW
(((6))) (8) Before a school district may provide a portion of the driver licensing examination, the school district must, after consultation with the superintendent, enter into an agreement with the department of licensing that sets forth an accountability and audit process that takes into account the unique nature of school district facilities and school hours and, at a minimum, contains provisions that:
(a) Allow the department of licensing to conduct random examinations, inspections, and audits without prior notice;
(b) Allow the department of licensing to conduct on-site inspections at least annually;
(c) Allow the department of licensing to test, at least annually, a random sample of the drivers approved by the school district for licensure and to cancel any driver's license that may have been issued to any driver selected for testing who refuses to be tested; and
(d) Reserve to the department of licensing the right to take prompt and appropriate action against a school district that fails to comply with state or federal standards for a driver licensing examination or to comply with any terms of the agreement.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 28A.220 RCW to read as follows:
The office of the superintendent of public instruction and the department of licensing shall jointly develop and maintain a required curriculum for school districts and approved private schools operating a traffic safety education program. The jointly developed curriculum must be prepared by August 1, 2018. The curriculum and instructional materials must comply with the course content requirements of RCW
46.82.420(2) and
46.82.430. In developing the curriculum, the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the department of licensing shall consult with one or more of Central Washington University's traffic safety education instructors or program content developers.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 28A.220 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The department of licensing shall develop and administer the certification process required under RCW
28A.220.030 for a school district's or approved private school's traffic safety education program in consultation with the superintendent.
(2) The department of licensing shall conduct audits of traffic safety education programs to ensure that the instructors are qualified teachers of driver training education and teaching the required curriculum material, and that accurate records are maintained and accurate information is provided to the department of licensing regarding student performance. Each school district and approved private school may be audited at least once every five years or more frequently. The audit process must take into account the unique nature of school district facilities, operations, and hours. As part of its audit process, the department of licensing may examine all relevant information, including driver training education course curriculum materials and student records, and visit any course in progress that is part of the traffic safety education program. The director shall consult with the superintendent in developing and carrying out these auditing practices.
(3) The department of licensing may suspend a school's or school district's traffic safety education program certification if: The school or school district does not follow the curriculum promulgated by the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the department of licensing, any program instructors are not qualified teachers of driver training education, accurate records have not been maintained under RCW
28A.220.030(5) or accurate information regarding student performance has not been provided to the department of licensing, or the school or school district refuses to cooperate with the department of licensing audit process authorized under this chapter. The director shall consult with the superintendent in developing and carrying out these program certification suspension practices.
Sec. 6. RCW 46.20.055 and 2012 c 80 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
Driver's instruction permit. The department may issue a driver's instruction permit with or without a photograph to an applicant who has successfully passed all parts of the examination other than the driving test, provided the information required by RCW
46.20.091, paid an application fee of twenty-five dollars, and meets the following requirements:
(a) Is at least fifteen and one-half years of age; or
(b) Is at least fifteen years of age and:
(i) Has submitted a proper application; and
(ii) Is enrolled in a
((traffic safety)) driver training education
((program)) course offered
((, approved, and accredited)) as part of a traffic safety education program authorized by
the office of the superintendent of public instruction
and certified under chapter 28A.220 RCW or offered by a driver training school licensed and inspected by the department of licensing under chapter
46.82 RCW, that includes practice driving.
(2) Waiver of written examination for instruction permit. The department may waive the written examination, if, at the time of application, an applicant is enrolled in((:
(a))) a ((traffic safety)) driver training education course as defined
((by RCW 28A.220.020(2); or
(b) A course of instruction offered by a licensed driver training school as defined by)) in RCW
46.82.280 or 28A.220.020.
The department may require proof of registration in such a course as it deems necessary.
(3) Effect of instruction permit. A person holding a driver's instruction permit may drive a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, upon the public highways if:
(a) The person has immediate possession of the permit;
(b) The person is not using a wireless communications device, unless the person is using the device to report illegal activity, summon medical or other emergency help, or prevent injury to a person or property; and
((An approved)) A driver training education course instructor
who meets the qualifications of chapter 46.82 or 28A.220 RCW, or a licensed driver with at least five years of driving experience, occupies the seat beside the driver.
(4) Term of instruction permit. A driver's instruction permit is valid for one year from the date of issue.
(a) The department may issue one additional one-year permit.
(b) The department may issue a third driver's permit if it finds after an investigation that the permittee is diligently seeking to improve driving proficiency.
(c) A person applying for an additional instruction permit must submit the application to the department in person and pay an application fee of twenty-five dollars for each issuance.
Sec. 7. RCW 46.20.100 and 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 s 18 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Application. The application of a person under the age of eighteen years for a driver's license or a motorcycle endorsement must be signed by a parent or guardian with custody of the minor. If the person under the age of eighteen has no father, mother, or guardian, then the application must be signed by the minor's employer.
(2) Traffic safety education requirement. For a person under the age of eighteen years to obtain a driver's license, he or she must meet the traffic safety education requirements of this subsection.
(a) To meet the traffic safety education requirement for a driver's license
, the applicant must satisfactorily complete a
((traffic safety)) driver training education course as defined in RCW
28A.220.020 for a course offered by a school district
or approved private school, or as defined by the department of licensing for a course offered by a driver training school licensed under chapter
46.82 RCW. The course offered by a school district or an approved private school must
((meet the standards established)) be part of a traffic safety education program authorized by the office of the
((state)) superintendent of public instruction
and certified under chapter 28A.220 RCW. The course offered by a driver training school must meet the standards established by the department of licensing
under chapter 46.82 RCW. The
((traffic safety)) driver training education course may be provided by:
(i) A
((recognized)) secondary school
within a school district or approved private school that establishes and maintains an approved and certified traffic safety education program under chapter 28A.220 RCW; or
(ii) A driver training school licensed under chapter
46.82 RCW that is annually approved by the department of licensing.
(b) To meet the traffic safety education requirement for a motorcycle endorsement, the applicant must successfully complete a motorcycle safety education course that meets the standards established by the department of licensing.
(c) The department may waive the ((traffic safety)) driver training education course requirement for a driver's license if the applicant demonstrates to the department's satisfaction that:
(i) He or she was unable to take or complete a ((traffic safety)) driver training education course;
(ii) A need exists for the applicant to operate a motor vehicle; and
(iii) He or she has the ability to operate a motor vehicle in such a manner as not to jeopardize the safety of persons or property.
The department may adopt rules to implement this subsection (2)(c) in concert with the supervisor of the traffic safety education section of the office of the superintendent of public instruction.
(d) The department may waive the ((traffic safety)) driver training education course requirement if the applicant was licensed to drive a motor vehicle or motorcycle outside this state and provides proof that he or she has had education equivalent to that required under this subsection.
Sec. 8. RCW 46.82.280 and 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 s 19 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Behind-the-wheel instruction" means instruction in an approved driver training school instruction vehicle according to and inclusive of the ((minimum)) required curriculum. Behind-the-wheel instruction is characterized by driving experience.
(2) "Classroom" means a space dedicated to and used exclusively by a driver training instructor for the instruction of students. With prior department approval, a branch office classroom may be located within alternative facilities, such as a public or private library, school, community college, college or university, or a business training facility.
(3) "Classroom instruction" means that portion of a traffic safety education course that is characterized by classroom-based student instruction using the required curriculum conducted by or under the direct supervision of a licensed instructor or licensed instructors.
(4) "Director" means the director of the department of licensing of the state of Washington.
(5) "Driver training education course" means a course of instruction in traffic safety education approved and licensed by the department of licensing that consists of classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction ((as documented by the minimum)) that follows the approved curriculum.
(6) "Driver training school" means a commercial driver training school engaged in the business of giving instruction, for a fee, in the operation of automobiles.
(7) "Enrollment" means the collecting of a fee or the signing of a contract for a driver training education course. "Enrollment" does not include the collecting of names and contact information for enrolling students once a driver training school is licensed to instruct.
(8) "Fraudulent practices" means any conduct or representation on the part of a driver training school owner or instructor including:
(a) Inducing anyone to believe, or to give the impression, that a license to operate a motor vehicle or any other license granted by the director may be obtained by any means other than those prescribed by law, or furnishing or obtaining the same by illegal or improper means, or requesting, accepting, or collecting money for such purposes;
(b) Operating a driver training school without a license, providing instruction without an instructor's license, verifying enrollment prior to being licensed, misleading or false statements on applications for a commercial driver training school license or instructor's license or on any required records or supporting documentation;
(c) Failing to fully document and maintain all required driver training school records of instruction, school operation, and instructor training;
(d) Issuing a driver training course certificate without requiring completion of the necessary behind-the-wheel and classroom instruction.
(9) "Instructor" means any person employed by or otherwise associated with a driver training school to instruct persons in the operation of an automobile.
(10) "Owner" means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other person or group that holds a substantial interest in a driver training school.
(11) "Person" means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, or association.
(12) "Place of business" means a designated location at which the business of a driver training school is transacted or its records are kept.
(13) "Student" means any person enrolled in an approved driver training course.
(14) "Substantial interest holder" means a person who has actual or potential influence over the management or operation of any driver training school. Evidence of substantial interest includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:
(a) Directly or indirectly owning, operating, managing, or controlling a driver training school or any part of a driver training school;
(b) Directly or indirectly profiting from or assuming liability for debts of a driver training school;
(c) Is an officer or director of a driver training school;
(d) Owning ten percent or more of any class of stock in a privately or closely held corporate driver training school, or five percent or more of any class of stock in a publicly traded corporate driver training school;
(e) Furnishing ten percent or more of the capital, whether in cash, goods, or services, for the operation of a driver training school during any calendar year; or
(f) Directly or indirectly receiving a salary, commission, royalties, or other form of compensation from the activity in which a driver training school is or seeks to be engaged.
Sec. 9. RCW 46.82.320 and 2009 c 101 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) No person affiliated with a driver training school shall give instruction in the operation of an automobile for a fee without a license issued by the director for that purpose. An application for an original or renewal instructor's license shall be filed with the director, containing such information as prescribed by this chapter and by the director, accompanied by an application fee set by rule of the department, which shall in no event be refunded. An application for a renewal instructor's license must be accompanied by proof of the applicant's continuing professional development that meets the standards adopted by the director. If the applicant satisfactorily meets the application requirements
((and the examination requirements)) as prescribed in RCW
46.82.330, the applicant shall be granted a license valid for a period of two years from the date of issuance.
An applicant for a renewal instructor's license is not required to retake the examination specified in RCW 46.82.330 to renew his or her instructor's license if his or her original instructor's license is unexpired or has not been expired for longer than six months before submission of his or her renewal application.
(2) The director shall issue a license certificate to each qualified applicant.
(a) An employing driver training school must conspicuously display an instructor's license at its established place of business and display copies of the instructor's license at any branch office where the instructor provides instruction.
(b) Unless revoked, canceled, or denied by the director, the license shall remain the property of the licensee in the event of termination of employment or employment by another driver training school.
(c) If the director has not received a renewal application on or before the date a license expires, the license ((will be voided)) is void, requiring a new application as provided for in this chapter, including ((examination and)) payment of all fees, as well as an examination subject to the exception in subsection (1) of this section.
(d) If revoked, canceled, or denied by the director, the license must be surrendered to the department within ten days following the effective date of such action.
(3) Each licensee shall be provided with a wallet-size identification card by the director at the time the license is issued which shall be in the instructor's immediate possession at all times while engaged in instructing.
(4) The person to whom an instructor's license has been issued shall notify the director in writing within ten days of any change of employment or termination of employment, providing the name and address of the new driver training school by whom the instructor will be employed.
Sec. 10. RCW 46.82.330 and 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 s 21 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The application for an instructor's license shall document the applicant's fitness, knowledge, skills, and abilities to teach the classroom and behind-the-wheel ((phases)) instruction portions of a driver training education program in a commercial driver training school.
(2) An applicant shall be eligible to apply for an original instructor's certificate if the applicant possesses and meets the following qualifications and conditions:
(a) Has been licensed to drive for five or more years and possesses a current and valid Washington driver's license or is a resident of a jurisdiction immediately adjacent to Washington state and possesses a current and valid license issued by such jurisdiction, and does not have on his or her driving record any of the violations or penalties set forth in (a)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this subsection. The director shall have the right to examine the driving record of the applicant from the department of licensing and from other jurisdictions and from these records determine if the applicant has had:
(i) Not more than one moving traffic violation within the preceding twelve months or more than two moving traffic violations in the preceding twenty-four months;
(ii) No drug or alcohol-related traffic violation or incident within the preceding three years. If there are two or more drug or alcohol-related traffic violations in the applicant's driving history, the applicant is no longer eligible to be a driving instructor; and
(iii) No driver's license suspension, cancellation, revocation, or denial within the preceding two years, or no more than two of these occurrences in the preceding five years;
(b) Is a high school graduate or the equivalent and at least twenty-one years of age;
(c) Has completed an acceptable application on a form prescribed by the director;
(d) Has satisfactorily completed a course of instruction in the training of drivers acceptable to the director that is no less than sixty hours in length and includes instruction in classroom and behind-the-wheel teaching methods and supervised practice behind-the-wheel teaching of driving techniques; and
(e) Has paid an examination fee as set by rule of the department and has successfully completed an instructor's examination.
Sec. 11. RCW 46.82.360 and 2009 c 101 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
The license of any driver training school or instructor may be suspended, revoked, denied, or refused renewal, or such other disciplinary action authorized under RCW
18.235.110 may be imposed, for failure to comply with the business practices specified in this section.
(1) No place of business shall be established nor any business of a driver training school conducted or solicited within one thousand feet of an office or building owned or leased by the department of licensing in which examinations for drivers' licenses are conducted. The distance of one thousand feet shall be measured along the public streets by the nearest route from the place of business to such building.
(2) Any automobile used by a driver training school or an instructor for instruction purposes must be equipped with:
(a) Dual controls for foot brake and clutch, or foot brake only in a vehicle equipped with an automatic transmission;
(b) An instructor's rear view mirror; and
(c) A sign in legible, printed English letters displayed on the back or top, or both, of the vehicle that:
(i) Is not less than twenty inches in horizontal width or less than ten inches in vertical height;
(ii) Has the words "student driver," "instruction car," or "driving school" in letters at least two and one-half inches in height near the top;
(iii) Has the name and telephone number of the school in similarly legible letters not less than one inch in height placed somewhere below the aforementioned words;
(iv) Has lettering and background colors that make it clearly readable at one hundred feet in clear daylight;
(v) Is displayed at all times when instruction is being given.
(3) Instruction may not be given by an instructor to a student who is under the age of fifteen, and behind-the-wheel instruction may not be given by an instructor to a student in an automobile unless the student possesses a current and valid instruction permit issued pursuant to RCW
46.20.055 or a current and valid driver's license.
(4) No driver training school or instructor shall advertise or otherwise indicate that the issuance of a driver's license is guaranteed or assured as a result of the course of instruction offered.
(5) No driver training school or instructor shall utilize any types of advertising without using the full, legal name of the school and identifying itself as a driver training school. Instruction vehicles and equipment, classrooms, driving simulators, training materials and services advertised must be available in a manner as might be expected by the average person reading the advertisement.
(6) A driver training school shall have an established place of business owned, rented, or leased by the school and regularly occupied and used exclusively for the business of giving driver instruction. The established place of business of a driver training school shall be located in a district that is zoned for business or commercial purposes or zoned for conditional use permits for schools, trade schools, or colleges. However, the use of public or private schools does not alleviate the driver training school from securing and maintaining an established place of business or from using its own classroom on a regular basis as required under this chapter.
(a) The established place of business, branch office, or classroom or advertised address of any such driver training school shall not consist of or include a house trailer, residence, tent, temporary stand, temporary address, bus, telephone answering service if such service is the sole means of contacting the driver training school, a room or rooms in a hotel or rooming house or apartment house, or premises occupied by a single or multiple-unit dwelling house.
(b) A driver training school may lease classroom space within a public or private school that is recognized and regulated by the office of the superintendent of public instruction to conduct student instruction as approved by the director. However, such use of public or private classroom space does not alleviate the driver training school from securing and maintaining an established place of business nor from using its own classroom on a regular basis as required by this chapter.
(c) To classify as a branch office or classroom the facility must be within a thirty-five mile radius of the established place of business. The department may waive or extend the thirty-five mile restriction for driver training schools located in counties below the median population density.
(d) Nothing in this subsection may be construed as limiting the authority of local governments to grant conditional use permits or variances from zoning ordinances.
(7) No driver training school or instructor shall conduct any type of instruction or training on a course used by the department of licensing for testing applicants for a Washington driver's license.
(8) Each driver training school shall maintain its student, instructor, vehicle, insurance, and operating records at its established place of business.
(a) Student records must include the student's name, address, and telephone number, date of enrollment and all dates of instruction, the student's instruction permit or driver's license number, the type of training given, the total number of hours of instruction, and the name and signature of the instructor or instructors.
(b) Vehicle records shall include the original insurance policies and copies of the vehicle registration for all instruction vehicles.
(c) Student and instructor records shall be maintained for three years following the completion of the instruction. Vehicle records shall be maintained for five years following their issuance. All records shall be made available for inspection upon the request of the department.
(d) Upon a transfer or sale of school ownership the school records shall be transferred to and become the property and responsibility of the new owner.
(9) Each driver training school shall, at its established place of business, display, in a place where it can be seen by all clients, a copy of the required ((minimum)) curriculum furnished by the department ((and a copy of the school's own curriculum)). Copies of the required ((minimum)) curriculum are to be provided to driver training schools and instructors by the director.
(10) Driver training schools and instructors shall submit to periodic inspections of their business practices, facilities, records, and insurance by authorized representatives of the director of the department of licensing.
Sec. 12. RCW 46.82.420 and 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 s 22 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department and the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall jointly develop and maintain a ((basic minimum)) required curriculum ((and)) as specified in section 4 of this act. The department shall furnish to each qualifying applicant for an instructor's license or a driver training school license a copy of such curriculum.
(2) In addition to information on the safe, lawful, and responsible operation of motor vehicles on the state's highways, the ((basic minimum)) required curriculum shall include information on:
(a) Intermediate driver's license issuance, passenger and driving restrictions and sanctions for violating the restrictions, and the effect of traffic violations and collisions on the driving privileges;
(b) The effects of alcohol and drug use on motor vehicle operators, including information on drug and alcohol related traffic injury and mortality rates in the state of Washington and the current penalties for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
(c) Motorcycle awareness, approved by the director, to ensure new operators of motor vehicles have been instructed in the importance of safely sharing the road with motorcyclists;
(d) Bicycle safety, to ensure that operators of motor vehicles have been instructed in the importance of safely sharing the road with bicyclists; and
(e) Pedestrian safety, to ensure that operators of motor vehicles have been instructed in the importance of safely sharing the road with pedestrians.
(3) Should the director be presented with acceptable proof that any licensed instructor or driver training school is not showing proper diligence in teaching ((such basic minimum)) the required curriculum ((as required)), the instructor or school shall be required to appear before the director and show cause why the license of the instructor or school should not be revoked for such negligence. If the director does not accept such reasons as may be offered, the director may revoke the license of the instructor or school, or both.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 13. The department of licensing and the office of the superintendent of public instruction must work together on the transfer and coordination of responsibilities to comply with this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:
RCW 28A.220.050 (Information on proper use of left-hand lane) and 1986 c 93 s 4;
RCW 28A.220.060 (Information on effects of alcohol and drug use) and 1991 c 217 s 2;
RCW 28A.220.080 (Information on motorcycle awareness) and 2007 c 97 s 4 & 2004 c 126 s 1; and
RCW 28A.220.085 (Information on driving safely among bicyclists and pedestrians) and 2008 c 125 s 4.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. Except for section 13 of this act, this act takes effect August 1, 2018."