On page 6, after line 4, insert the following:
"(18)(a) There is a special permit to be designated as a banquet permit to be issued to a nonprofit organization, which has annual gross income of less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars, to provide free of charge, spirits, beer, and wine by the individual serving for on-premises consumption at a specified date and place.
(b) The banquet permit is available for an unlimited number of the nonprofit organization's business or social events that are held solely for the organization's members and guests. The events may not be open to the general public.
(c) Liquor served at the event may be:
(i) Provided by individuals attending the event for their own consumption or with the intent to share, at no cost, with other attendees;
(ii) Included in the total price for an event when participants receive an equal share by distribution of exchangeable tickets as part of the package; or
(iii) Purchased by the event organizers at an authorized retail source.
(d) The nonprofit organization may accept cash donations at an event so long as there is no expectation or implied obligation to give a donation in exchange for a beverage containing liquor.
(e) The fee for the banquet permit is ten dollars per day.
(f) For events occurring under this subsection, the board must provide for an online permit to be issued on the day the event occurs.
(g) For the purposes of this subsection (18), "nonprofit organization" means an entity incorporated as a nonprofit organization under Washington state law."
EFFECT: Allows nonprofit organizations to obtain a banquet permit, on the day of the event, for a fee of $10 per day. Limits the provision to those organizations that have an annual gross income of less than $250,000. Specifies conditions under which liquor may be served at the event.