2003.E AMS TRAN S2553.1
EHB 2003 - S COMM AMD 
By Committee on Transportation
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1.  RCW 46.19.020 and 2015 c 228 s 37 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The following organizations may apply for special parking privileges:
(a) Public transportation authorities;
(b) Nursing homes licensed under chapter 18.51 RCW;
(c) Assisted living facilities licensed under chapter 18.20 RCW;
(d) Senior citizen centers;
(e) Accessible van rental companies registered with the department;
(f) Private nonprofit corporations, as defined in RCW 24.03.005; ((and))
(g) Cabulance companies that regularly transport persons with disabilities who have been determined eligible for special parking privileges under this section and who are registered with the department under chapter 46.72 RCW; and
(h) Companies that dispatch taxicab vehicles under chapter 81.72 RCW or vehicles for hire under chapter 46.72 RCW, for such vehicles that are equipped with wheelchair accessible lifts or ramps for the transport of persons with disabilities and that are regularly dispatched and used in the transport of such persons. However, qualifying vehicles under this subsection (1)(h) may utilize special parking privileges only while in service.
(2) An organization that qualifies for special parking privileges may receive, upon application, special license plates or parking placards, or both, for persons with disabilities as defined by the department.
(3) ((Public transportation authorities, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, senior citizen centers, accessible van rental companies, private nonprofit corporations, and cabulance services are)) An organization that qualifies for special parking privileges under subsection (1) of this section and receives parking placards or special license plates under subsection (2) of this section is responsible for ensuring that the parking placards and special license plates are not used improperly and ((are)) is responsible for all fines and penalties for improper use.
(4) The department shall adopt rules to determine organization eligibility."
EHB 2003 - S COMM AMD 
By Committee on Transportation
On page 1, line 3 of the title, after "disabilities;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 46.19.020."
EFFECT: Prohibits wheelchair accessible taxicabs and for hire vehicles from using special parking privileges while not in service.
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