5307-S AMS DARN S5104.1
SSB 5307 - S AMD 504
By Senator Darneille
On page 15, beginning on line 20, strike all material through "(e)" on line 31 and insert the following:
"(b) The ((offender has no prior or current conviction for a felony that is)) offender's current offense is either:
(i) A nonviolent offense; or
(ii) A sex offense or a violent offense, and the offender is assessed at a low or moderate risk to reoffend;
(c) ((The offender has not been found by the United States attorney general to be subject to a deportation detainer or order and does not become subject to a deportation order during the period of the sentence;
(d))) The offender signs any release of information waivers required to allow information regarding current or prior child welfare cases to be shared with the department and the court; and
(((e))) (d)"
Correct any internal references accordingly.
EFFECT: Clarifies that to satisfy the offense criteria for participation in the parenting sentencing alternative, the offender's current offense must be a nonviolent offense or, if the current offense is a sex or violent offense, the offender must be assessed at a low or moderate risk to reoffend.
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