5646 AMS HONE BUCK 816
SB 5646 - S AMD 294
By Senator Honeyford
ADOPTED 06/27/2017
On page 2, beginning on line
1, after "shall" strike all material through "persons."
on line 3 and insert "continue to operate as a residential habilitation
center until such time that the census of permanent residents has reached ((sixteen))
eight persons."
On page 2, beginning on line 6, after "funds))."
Strike all material through "purpose." on line 10 and insert
"Upon such time as the facility closes to full residential care, the
facility must thereafter operate crisis stabilization beds and only so many
respite service beds as the needs of the department-identified catchment area
or as emergency placement needs require, subject to the availability of amounts
appropriated for this specific purpose."
EFFECT: (1) Provides that the Yakima Valley School shall operate as a residential habilitation center until the census of permanent residents has reached 8 persons; current law requires the school to close when the population reaches 16. (2) Provides that, upon closing, the school must operate crisis stabilization beds and respite service beds based on DSHS-identified need, subject to funding.
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