On page 305, line 9, increase the General Fund—State Appropriation (FY 2019) by $50,000
On page 309, after line 28, insert the following:
"(27) $50,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2019 is provided solely for the state board to identify at least two high school equivalency tests that are at least as rigorous as the 2013 general educational test in that sixty percent of high school seniors can pass the test. At least one of the two test options must not require computer proficiency and at least one of the test options must be low cost to the student. At least one of the test options must be fairly normed to the actual academic ability of current high school seniors such that at least sixty percent of high school seniors can pass the high school equivalency test. The state board must identify at least one test option that is appropriate for students who have been in the workforce, need a high school diploma for employment reasons, have been incarcerated, or were in the military. The state board must communicate the availability of the two test options to public and private test administrators. The state board must report to the legislature and the public the number of students who have received a high school equivalency certificate during the prior month of each year by posting this information on a public page on its web site. The board must also post on a public page on its web site a norming study for every high school equivalency test confirming that the test is within the actual academic ability of recent high school seniors. The norming study must be similar in scope and methods to the norming studies of the 2002 and 2007 GED tests."
EFFECT: Directs the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges to identify at least two high school equivalency tests that meet specific criteria. Requires that the state board select a test that is normed such that at least 60 percent of high school seniors can pass the test. Requires SBCTC to publicize the availability of the test options as well as test pass rates.