On page 5, after line 4, insert the following:
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. "(1) Within existing appropriations, the department of natural resources must prepare an evaluation of use authorizations and leases of state-owned aquatic lands for industrial and commercial uses in existence on January 1, 2018, except for use authorizations and leases for purposes of marinas and moorage. The evaluation must include:
(a) A summary of each lease and use authorization, including lease term, rental rate, and use conditions;
(b) A listing of annual revenues obtained from each lease and use authorization;
(c) The methods or formula used to value and establish payment for each lease and use authorization;
(d) A summary of actual inspections conducted and monitoring reports submitted over the previous ten years relating to compliance with the terms of the lease or use authorization as well as compliance with all applicable water quality and other local, state, or federal environmental, public health, and safety standards;
(e) A description of the applicable requirements for inspection and monitoring under the terms of the leases and use authorizations as well as other applicable local, state, and federal regulatory requirements;
(f) A summary of any lease and use authorization compliance activities performed by the department to ensure the protection of the state's aquatic resources, consistent with RCW
79.105.010, is maintained.
(2) The department of natural resources must submit the evaluation, including any recommendations for legislative or administrative actions, to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the senate and house of representatives by December 1, 2018."
EFFECT: Requires DNR to evaluate certain industrial and commercial leases and use authorizations on state-owned aquatic lands relating to matters including terms, revenue, and inspections and compliance.