Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research | BILL ANALYSIS |
State Government, Elections & Information Technology Committee |
SSB 5746
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. |
Brief Description: Concerning the association of Washington generals.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections (originally sponsored by Senators Kuderer and Pearson; by request of Lieutenant Governor).
Brief Summary of Substitute Bill |
Hearing Date: 2/21/18
Staff: Desiree Omli (786-7105).
Association of Washington Generals.
The Association of Washington Generals (AWG) is organized as a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan corporation that formally recognizes individuals' outstanding service to the state. The AWG brings those individuals together to serve as ambassadors of trade, tourism, and international goodwill. Its activities may include operating a statewide essay competition, and training and promoting Washington Generals as ambassadors of the state. The AWG Board of Directors (Board) includes the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Secretary of State, as nonvoting members, and other designated officers and members. The Board reviews nominations for, and selects, the Washington Generals. The Lieutenant Governor makes appointments to the AWG.
Special License Plate Fees.
The Department of Licensing (DOL) issues special vehicle license plates that may be used in lieu of standard plates. A governmental body, organization, or professional sports franchise may sponsor a special plate if certain requirements are met.
A holder of a special license plate must pay the appropriate fee, depending on the specific special license plate requested. Remaining fees collected from special license plates, after deduction for administration expenses, are credited to the appropriate account for the corresponding special license plate. Each account has conditions for use of the funds deposited.
There are 29 types of special license plates approved by the DOL. These include the Seattle Seahawks and the Seattle Sounders FC special plates. Both types of special plates require a $40 fee for the original issuance of the plate, and a $30 renewal fee. Proceeds from the Seattle Seahawks special plates must be used by the nonprofit organization, InvestED, to encourage secondary students who have economic needs to stay in school, return to school, or get involved within their learning community. Up to 30 percent, not to exceed $40,000 annually, as adjusted for inflation, of the proceeds from the Seattle Sounders FC special plates are distributed to the AWG.
Summary of Bill:
Association of Washington Generals.
The purpose of the AWG is extended to include expanding educational and/or employment opportunities for youth, veterans, and people with disabilities in Washington State. The AWG's activities are modified to eliminate the operation of a statewide essay competition, and instead includes the operation of a study abroad and college readiness fellowship called the Washington World Fellows program.
The AWG board members may be compensated and reimbursed for their travel expenses under certain circumstances.
Special License Plate Fees.
The allocation of the Seattle Seahawks special license plate fees is adjusted. Up to 25 percent is distributed to the AWG to create equity-focused educational opportunities, including the Washington World Fellows Program. Seventy-five percent is retained by InvestED.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available. New fiscal note requested on February 20, 2018.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.