SB 6097
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. |
As Reported by Senate Committee On:
Higher Education & Workforce Development, January 18, 2018
Ways & Means, January 30, 2018
Title: An act relating to creating a task force on addressing talent pipeline gaps in the outdoor recreation industry.
Brief Description: Creating a task force on the outdoor recreation industry.
Sponsors: Senators Ranker, Van De Wege and Rolfes.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Higher Education & Workforce Development: 1/16/18, 1/18/18 [DPS].
Ways & Means: 1/30/18 [w/oRec, DNP].
Brief Summary of First Substitute Bill |
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6097 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators Ranker, Chair; Palumbo, Vice Chair; Hawkins, Ranking Member; Carlyle, Ericksen, Liias, Miloscia, Nelson and Short.
Staff: Alicia Kinne-Clawson (786-7407)
Majority Report: That it be referred without recommendation.
Signed by Senators Frockt, Vice Chair; Braun, Ranking Member; Honeyford, Assistant Ranking Member; Bailey, Becker, Billig, Brown, Carlyle, Conway, Darneille, Fain, Hasegawa, Hunt, Keiser, Mullet, Palumbo, Pedersen, Ranker, Van De Wege, Wagoner and Warnick.
Minority Report: Do not pass.
Signed by Senator Schoesler.
Staff: Daniel Masterson (786-7454)
Background: There are 7.6 million people employed in outdoor recreation related jobs in the United States. The outdoor recreation industry generates over $887 billion in annual consumer spending each year. Nearly half of all American's over the age of six participated in outdoor recreation in 2016. Outdoor recreation related jobs include gear and product sales and development; recreation guides, educators, and instructors; and, local, state, and national park service roles.
To meet the needs of the outdoor recreation industry, Wenatchee Valley College offers an associates degree in outdoor recreation management, while Central Washington University offers a degree in recreation and tourism. Similarly, Western Washington University has a bachelor's degree program in recreation and Eastern Washington University offers a bachelor's degree in outdoor recreation.
Summary of Bill (First Substitute): A taskforce on outdoor recreation talent pipeline gaps is established to identify recommendations for degrees and certificates to meet the needs of the outdoor recreation industry in the state. The task force consists of:
one representative from the state board for community and technical colleges;
one representative who has expertise in curriculum development, from each of the public baccalaureate institutions;
one representative from the council of presidents;
one representative from the student achievement council; and
four representatives from the public who have expertise in different sectors of the outdoor recreation industry within the state.
The task force must report to the Legislature and the institutions of higher education on its goals and recommendations by December 17, 2018.
Adds the state board for community and technical colleges to the list of groups charged with carrying out the goals of the task force.
Establishes the council of presidents and state board for community and technical colleges as staff support for the task force.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: No.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony on Original Bill (Higher Education & Workforce Development): The committee recommended a different version of the bill than what was heard. PRO: The contribution to the Washington State economy from outdoor recreation is over $21 billion and 199,000 jobs. We should begin to elevate outdoor recreation as an important industry. The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges has many workforce programs—many that support the needs of the outdoor recreation industry. It is challenging to identify the skills necessary to support the outdoor recreation industry.
Persons Testifying (Higher Education & Workforce Development): PRO: Senator Kevin Ranker, Prime Sponsor; Katherine Mahoney, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges; Paul Francis, Council of Presidents.
Persons Signed In To Testify But Not Testifying (Higher Education & Workforce Development): No one.