By Senator Liias
WHEREAS, The Senate adopted permanent rules for the 2017-2019 biennium under Senate Resolution 8602, as amended by Senate Resolution 8651; and
WHEREAS, The notice requirements set forth in Senate Rule 35 have been satisfied;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Rule 1 is amended as follows:
"Rule 1. 1. The president shall take the chair and call the senate to order precisely at the hour appointed for meeting, and, if a quorum be present, shall cause the journal of the preceding day to be read. (See also Art. 3, Sec. 16, State Constitution.)
2. The president shall preserve order and decorum, and in case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct within the chamber, legislative area, legislative offices or buildings, and legislative hearing and meeting rooms, shall order the sergeant at arms to suppress the same, and may order the arrest of any person creating any disturbance within the senate chamber. ((The use of cellular or digital telephones is prohibited within the senate chamber during floor session and within a hearing room during a committee hearing, and this prohibition shall be enforced in the same manner as any other breach of order and decorum.)) Cellular phone use within the senate chamber during floor session and within a hearing room during a committee hearing must be respectful to the members and the public and the phone must be kept in silent mode within the senate chamber during floor session and within a hearing room during a committee hearing.
3. The president shall have charge of and see that all officers and employees perform their respective duties, and shall have general control of the senate chamber and wings. (See also Art. 2, Sec. 10, State Constitution.)
4. The president may speak to points of order in preference to members, arising from the president's seat for that purpose, and shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the senate by any member, on which appeal no member shall speak more than once without leave of the senate.
5. The president shall, in open session, sign all acts, addresses and joint resolutions. The president shall sign all writs, warrants and subpoenas issued by order of the senate, all of which shall be attested by the secretary. (See also Art. 2, Sec. 32, State Constitution.)
6. The president shall appoint all conference, special, joint and hereinafter named standing committees on the part of the senate. The appointment of the conference, special, joint and standing committees shall be confirmed by the senate. In the event the senate refuses to confirm any conference, special, joint or standing committee or committees, such committee or committees shall be elected by the senate.
7. The president shall, on each day, announce to the senate the business in order, and no business shall be taken up or considered until the order to which it belongs shall be declared.
8. The president shall decide and announce the result of any vote taken.
9. When a vote of the senate is equally divided, the lieutenant governor, when presiding, shall have the deciding vote on questions other than the final passage of a bill. (See also Art. 2, Sec. 10 and 22, State Constitution.)"
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 3 is amended as follows:
"Rule 3. 1. The senate shall elect a secretary, who shall appoint a deputy secretary, both of whom shall be officers of the senate and shall perform the usual duties pertaining to their offices, and they shall hold office until their successors have been elected or appointed.
2. The secretary is the Personnel Officer of the senate and shall appoint, subject to the approval of the senate, all other senate employees and the hours of duty and assignments of all senate employees shall be under the secretary's directions and instructions and they may be dismissed at the secretary's discretion.
3. The secretary of the senate, prior to the convening of the next regular session, shall prepare ((his)) the office to receive bills which the holdover members and members-elect may desire to prefile commencing with the first Monday in December preceding any regular session or twenty days prior to any special session of the legislature."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 7 is amended as follows:
"Rule 7. 1. Indecorous conduct, boisterous or unbecoming language will not be permitted in the senate at any time. Food and drink are prohibited within the senate chamber during floor session, except that members may drink water at their floor desks. ((The use of cellular or digital telephones is prohibited within the senate chamber during floor session and within a hearing room during a committee hearing.)) Cellular phone use within the senate chamber during floor session and within a hearing room during a committee hearing must be respectful to the members and the public and the phone must be kept in silent mode within the senate chamber during floor session and within a hearing room during a committee hearing.
2. In cases of breach of decorum or propriety, any senator, officer or other person shall be liable to such censure or punishment as the senate may deem proper, and if any senator be called to order for offensive or indecorous language or conduct, the person calling the senator to order shall report the language excepted to which shall be taken down or noted at the secretary's desk. No member shall be held to answer for any language used upon the floor of the senate if business has intervened before exception to the language was thus taken and noted.
3. If any senator in speaking, or otherwise, transgresses the rules of the senate, the president shall, or any senator may, call that senator to order, and a senator so called to order shall resume the senator's seat and not proceed without leave of the senate, which leave, if granted, shall be upon motion "that the senator be allowed to proceed in order," when, if carried, the senator shall speak to the question under consideration.
4. No senator shall be absent from the senate without leave, except in case of accident or sickness, and if any senator or officer shall be absent the senator's per diem shall not be allowed or paid, and no senator or officer shall obtain leave of absence or be excused from attendance without the consent of a majority of the members present.
5. In the event of a motion or resolution to censure or punish, or any procedural motion thereto involving a senator, that senator shall not vote thereon. The senator shall be allowed to answer to such motion or resolution. An election or vote by the senate on a motion to censure or punish a senator shall require the vote of a majority of all senators elected or appointed to the senate. A vote to expel a member shall require a two-thirds concurrence of all members elected or appointed to the senate. All votes shall be taken by yeas and nays and the votes shall be entered upon the journal. (See also Art. 2, Sec. 9, State Constitution.)"
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 8 is amended as follows:
"Rule 8. 1. After the ((reorganization caucuses of the senate)) election of new caucus leadership at the beginning of the first regular session during a legislative biennium or anytime during the legislative biennium that a different caucus becomes the majority caucus, the majority caucus shall designate four members and the minority caucus shall designate three members to serve on the facilities and operations committee. The chair of the majority caucus shall be the chair of the facilities and operations committee. If a different caucus becomes the majority caucus anytime during the legislative biennium, the operation of the senate shall transfer to the newly designated members after the ((reorganization caucuses of the senate or at any time after the reorganization caucuses if a different caucus becomes the majority caucus)) leadership of the new majority caucus is determined.
2. All necessary expenses of the senate incurred during the session shall be signed for by the secretary and approved by a majority of the committee on facilities and operations. The committee on facilities and operations shall carefully consider all items of expenditure ordered or contracted on the part of the senate, and report upon the same prior to the voucher being signed by the secretary of the senate authorizing the payment thereof. The committee on facilities and operations shall issue postage only as follows:
(a) To elected or appointed members of the senate in an amount sufficient to allow performance of their legislative duties.
(b) To the secretary of the senate in an amount sufficient to carry out the business of the senate."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 13 is amended as follows:
"Rule 13. All persons who engage in lobbying of any kind as defined in chapter 42.17 RCW shall be subject to the rules and respectful workplace policies of the senate and legislature when lobbying before the senate. Any person who fails to conform to the senate or joint rules may have their privilege to lobby and all other privileges revoked upon a majority vote of the committee on rules for such time as is deemed appropriate by the committee.
Any person registered as a lobbyist pursuant to chapter 42.17 RCW who intervenes in or attempts to influence any personnel decision of the senate regarding any employee may suffer an immediate revocation of all privileges before the senate or such other privileges and for such time as may be deemed appropriate by the senate committee on rules. This restriction shall not prohibit a registered lobbyist from making written recommendations for staff positions."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 20 is amended as follows:
"Rule 20. 1. No motion shall be entertained or debated until announced by the president and every motion shall be deemed to have been seconded. It shall be reduced to writing and read by the secretary, if desired by the president or any senator, before it shall be debated, and by the consent of the senate may be withdrawn before amendment or action.
2. The senate shall consider no more than one floor resolution per day in session: Provided, That this rule shall not apply to floor resolutions essential to the operation of the senate; and further provided, that there shall be no limit on the number of floor resolutions considered on senate pro forma session days. Senate floor resolutions shall be acted upon in the same manner as motions. All senate floor resolutions shall be on the secretary's desk at least twenty-four hours prior to consideration. Members' names shall ((only)) be added to the resolution only if the member signs the resolution, except by unanimous consent of the senate. Members shall have until thirty minutes after the senate is convened the following day the senate is in a regular or pro forma session to add or remove their names to the floor resolution. A motion may be made to close the period for signatures at an earlier time."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 33 is amended as follows:
"Rule 33. Any senator may rise to a question of privilege and explain a personal matter by leave of the president, but shall not discuss any pending question ((or discuss the subject of any vote taken by the body or any legislative matter that may have been introduced or considered during the legislative session)) in such explanations, nor shall any question of personal privilege permit any senator to introduce any person or persons in the galleries. The president upon notice received may acknowledge the presence of any distinguished person or persons.
A question of privilege shall involve only subject matter which affects the particular senator personally and in a manner unique and peculiar to that senator."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 35 is amended as follows:
"Rule 35. 1. The permanent senate rules adopted at the first regular session during a legislative biennium shall govern any session subsequently convened during the same legislative biennium. Adoption of permanent rules may be by majority of the senate without notice and a majority of the senate may change a permanent rule without notice at the beginning of any session, as determined pursuant to Article 2, Section 12 of the State Constitution. No permanent rule or order of the senate shall be rescinded or changed without a majority vote of the members of the senate, and one day's notice of the motion.
2. A permanent rule or order may be temporarily suspended for a special purpose by a vote of two-thirds of the members present unless otherwise specified herein. When the suspension of a rule is called, and after due notice from the president no objection is offered, the president may announce the rule suspended, and the senate may proceed accordingly. Motion for suspension of the rules shall not be debatable, except, the mover of the motion may briefly explain the purpose of the motion and at the discretion of the president a rebuttal may be allowed.
3. For the purposes of this rule, one day's notice means written notice is provided to all members of the Senate by 5:00 p.m. the day prior to the amendment to the permanent rules being offered and the notice must include, at a minimum, a description of the change to be offered."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 41 is amended as follows:
"Rule 41. The president shall appoint all conference, special, joint and standing committees on the part of the senate. The appointment of the conference, special, joint and standing committees shall be confirmed by the senate.
In the event the senate shall refuse to confirm any conference, special, joint or standing committee or committees, such committee or committees shall be elected by the senate.
The following standing committees shall constitute the standing committees of the senate:
Standing Committee     Total Membership
1. Agriculture, Water, ((Trade & Economic Development)) Natural Resources & Parks. . . .((11)) 5
2. ((Commerce, Labor & Sports)) Economic Development & International Trade. . . .((9)) 5
3. Early Learning & K-12 Education. . . .((7)) 10
4. Energy, Environment & ((Telecommunications)) Technology. . . .((9)) 10
5. Financial Institutions & Insurance. . . .7
6. Health & Long-Term Care. . . .((13)) 10
7. Higher Education & Workforce Development. . . .((5)) 9
8. Human Services((, Mental Health & Housing)) & Corrections. . . .7
9. Labor & Commerce. . . .9
10. Law & Justice. . . .7
((10.)) 11. Local Government. . . .5
((11. Natural Resources & Parks. . . .5))
12. Rules. . . .((20)) 16 (plus the Lieutenant Governor)
13. State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections. . . .5
14. Transportation. . . .15
15. Ways & Means. . . .((23)) 24"
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 53 is amended as follows:
"Rule 53. ((No amendment to the operating budget or supplemental budget, not incorporated in the bill as reported by the ways and means committee, shall be adopted except by the affirmative vote of sixty percent of the senators elected or appointed.)) No biennial or supplemental omnibus operating budget, omnibus capital budget, or omnibus transportation budget bill may be acted upon in second reading until twenty-four hours after the bill has been placed on the second reading calendar by the rules committee. This rule does not apply to conference committee reports of biennial or supplemental omnibus budget bills, which are governed by joint rules. This rule may be suspended with a majority vote of those present within three days of sine die. The rules committee shall establish by separate motion the time at which a bill has been placed on the second reading calendar for purposes of this rule."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 62 is amended as follows:
"Rule 62. Every bill shall be read on three separate days unless the senate deems it expedient to suspend this rule. ((Except for bills that raise taxes as provided in Rule 64,)) On and after the tenth day preceding adjournment sine die of any session, or three days prior to any cut-off date for consideration of bills, as determined pursuant to Article 2, Section 12 of the Constitution or concurrent resolution, or during any special session of the legislature, this rule may be suspended by a majority vote. (See also Rule 59 and Rule 64)."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 64 is amended as follows:
"Rule 64. Upon second reading, the bill shall be read section by section, in full, and be subject to amendment.
Any member may, if sustained by three members, remove a bill from the consent calendar as constituted by the committee on rules. A bill removed from the consent calendar shall take its place as the last bill in the order of consideration of bills on the second reading calendar.
No amendment shall be considered by the senate until it shall have been sent to the secretary's desk in writing and read by the secretary.
All amendments adopted on the second reading shall then be securely fastened to the original bill.
All amendments rejected by the senate shall be spread upon the journal, and the journal shall show the disposition of all amendments.
When no further amendments shall be offered, the president shall declare the bill has passed its second reading, and shall be referred to the committee on rules for third reading((: Provided, That any bill that raises taxes requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the senators elected or appointed to advance to third reading, unless the bill contains a referendum clause.
"Raises taxes" means increasing state tax revenue deposited in any fund, budget, or account))."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 67 is amended as follows:
"Rule 67. When there is a disagreement between the senate and house on a measure before the senate, the senate may act upon the measure with the following motions which have priority in the following order:
To concur
To non-concur
To recede
To insist
To adhere
These motions are in order as to any single amendment or to a series of amendments. (See Reed's Rules 247 through 254.)
A senate bill, passed by the house with amendment or amendments which shall change the scope and object of the bill, upon being received in the senate, shall be referred to an appropriate committee and shall take the same course as for original bills, unless a motion to ask the house to recede, to insist or to adhere is made prior to the measure being referred to committee.
((A motion to concur with an amendment or amendments that raise taxes requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the senators elected or appointed unless the bill contains a referendum clause.
"Raises taxes" means increasing state tax revenue deposited in any fund, budget, or account.))"
I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8678,
adopted by the Senate
January 8, 2018
Secretary of the Senate