By Senators Fain, O'Ban, Short, Fortunato, King, Brown, Rivers, Braun, Miloscia, Wagoner, Zeiger, Bailey, Honeyford, and Padden
WHEREAS, One hundred years ago a small nation of one million people achieved freedom in the aftermath of World War I, establishing the Republic of Estonia; and
WHEREAS, Estonia's founders stepped forward on February 24, 1918, to assert their country's independence and commitment to a government based on justice, democracy, and the rights of the individual; and
WHEREAS, This newly established Republic fought a War of Independence for the next two years against the forces of the Soviet Union; and
WHEREAS, Twenty-two years later Soviet tyranny again imposed itself on Estonia and denied the Estonian people their just right of national self-determination; and
WHEREAS, In the intervening years, the United States refused to recognize the forcible incorporation of Estonia into the Soviet Union; and
WHEREAS, Tens of thousands of Estonians fled their homeland and the resulting communist regime and immigrated to Washington where they have been for decades and contribute to the rich history and culture of our state; and
WHEREAS, An enduring belief in freedom for all people unites Americans everywhere in celebrating this centennial anniversary; and
WHEREAS, We mark this anniversary of Estonian independence with a renewed hope that the blessings of liberty will continue to flourish in a free and prosperous Estonia;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate recognize February 24, 2018, as Estonian Independence Day.