HB 2926 - DIGEST |
Requires every executive state officer and agency, except for institutions of higher education, to report to the public disclosure commission the following information for employees or contractors employed or contracted with the executive state officer or agency whose position is funded, in whole or in part, by private sources: (1) The name of the employee or contractor; |
(2) The scope of the work performed; |
(3) The annual gross salary; |
(4) The name of any private sources from which funding for the salary is received and the amount of the funding; and |
(5) If the private source is a nonprofit organization, a list of the organization's top fifty donors and donors that have contributed more than fifty thousand dollars to the organization, based on a certain amount of time. |
Requires the public disclosure commission to make that information available for public use or inspection and allow direct access to the information on its web site. |