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Legislative Digest No.
2 |
| SIXTY-FIFTH LEGISLATURE | Wednesday, January 10, 2018 | | 3rd Day - 2018 Regular Session |
This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.
Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at
House Bills HB 2421by Representatives Jinkins, Haler, Kilduff, Valdez, Orwall, Muri, Gregerson, Kirby, Stanford, Kagi, Lytton, Clibborn, Appleton, Pollet, and Ormsby; by request of Attorney General
Creating a program for the consolidation of traffic-based financial obligations.
Requires the administrator for the courts to create a unified payment plan system to allow for the consolidation of multiple traffic-based financial obligations from courts of limited jurisdiction. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Judiciary (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2422by Representatives Peterson, Gregerson, Macri, Pellicciotti, Reeves, Ryu, Valdez, Kagi, Frame, Clibborn, Appleton, Tharinger, Senn, Kloba, Pollet, Chapman, Bergquist, Dolan, Doglio, and Stanford; by request of Attorney General
Concerning high capacity magazines.
Prohibits a person from manufacturing, possessing, distributing, importing, transferring, selling, or purchasing, a large capacity magazine. Defines "large capacity magazine" as an ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Judiciary (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2423by Representatives DeBolt, Tarleton, Orcutt, Blake, Doglio, Fey, Springer, Pollet, Maycumber, Nealey, Schmick, Wilcox, Dye, Smith, and Vick
Concerning the state universal communications services program.
Repeals the July 1, 2020, expiration date of the state universal communications services program. Addresses the provision, enhancement, and maintenance of broadband services, recognizing that the incumbent public network functions to provide all communications services including voice and broadband services; distribution formula for eligible communications providers; removal of an advisory board; and adoption of rules by the utilities and transportation commission. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Technology & Economic Development (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2424by Representatives Lytton and Nealey
Correcting the use tax exemption for self-produced fuel.
Makes corrections to an effective date section, from chapter 28, Laws of 2017 3rd sp. sess., regarding the use tax exemption for self-produced fuel. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Finance (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). | Jan 12 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Finance at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change) |
HB 2425by Representatives Doglio and McCabe; by request of Department of Labor & Industries
Extending the validity of temporary elevator licenses.
Changes the period of validity for a temporary elevator mechanic license from thirty days to one year. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2426by Representatives Cody, Macri, Tharinger, and Jinkins; by request of Department of Social and Health Services
Concerning the individual provider employment administrator program.
Authorizes the department of social and health services to establish and implement an individual provider employment administrator program to provide personal care, respite care, and similar services to individuals with functional impairments under programs authorized through the medicaid state plan or medicaid waiver authorities and similar state-funded in-home care programs. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2427by Representatives Klippert, Irwin, Haler, Goodman, and Young
Making residential burglary a crime against persons.
Revises the sentencing reform act to include residential burglary as a crime against persons. Revises the definition of "crime against children or other persons," for purposes of certain Washington state patrol statutes, by including "residential burglary." -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Public Safety (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2428by Representatives Hudgins and Bergquist
Reducing costs in election ballot production.
Reduces the burden of election costs on state and local taxpayers by improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of ballot production. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to State Government, Elections & Information Technology (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2429by Representatives Hudgins, Appleton, Kloba, Santos, and Tarleton
Concerning sales and use tax exemptions for durable medical equipment used in the home and prescribed mobility enhancing equipment.
Provides a sales and use tax exemption for: (1) Nebulizers, for other than home use; (2) Durable medical equipment and its components, for home use and prescribed by a properly licensed person; and (3) Mobility enhancing equipment and its components prescribed by a properly licensed person. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Finance (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2430by Representative Hudgins
Eliminating the joint legislative oversight committee on trade policy.
Repeals, effective July 1, 2018, the joint legislative oversight committee on trade policy. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Technology & Economic Development (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2431by Representative Hudgins
Eliminating the joint administrative rules review committee.
Repeals, effective July 1, 2018, the joint administrative rules review committee. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to State Government, Elections & Information Technology (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2432by Representatives Hudgins, Riccelli, Stanford, Stambaugh, Appleton, Tharinger, Bergquist, Ormsby, Valdez, and Tarleton
Requiring the secretary of state to conduct a study on the state providing prepaid return postage for election ballots.
Requires the secretary of state to: (1) Conduct a study to assess the costs and benefits of the state paying the postage costs for all ballots returned by mail; and (2) Consult with county auditors, the United States postal service, stakeholder and nonpartisan advocacy groups focused on promoting voter turnout, and state and national groups focused on election policy and research. Expires June 30, 2019. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to State Government, Elections & Information Technology (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2433by Representatives Bergquist, Kilduff, Macri, Riccelli, Kagi, Fitzgibbon, Frame, Stambaugh, Goodman, Pollet, Ormsby, Valdez, and Tarleton; by request of Secretary of State
Concerning automatic voter registration, including establishing the future voter program for certain persons sixteen and seventeen years of age.
States that it is the intent of the secretary of state and the legislature to: (1) Formalize a registration sign up process for those not yet eighteen years old through the establishment of the future voter program; (2) Authorize all persons sixteen and seventeen years old to sign up to register to vote; and (3) Engage the new voters and encourage their civic participation in an educational environment. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to State Government, Elections & Information Technology (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2434by Representatives Van Werven, Buys, Shea, Chapman, Pike, and Haler
Reducing the state property tax in calendar year 2018.
Decreases the 2018 state property tax. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Finance (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2435by Representatives Kilduff, Schmick, Cody, Muri, Kagi, Tharinger, Pollet, and Tarleton
Reducing training requirements for certain respite care providers who provide respite to unpaid caregivers and work three hundred hours or less in any calendar year.
Requires a person working as an individual provider who provides respite care services only for individuals who receive services under chapter 74.39A RCW (long-term care services) to complete fourteen hours of training within the first one hundred twenty days after becoming an individual provider. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2436by Representatives Robinson, Riccelli, Pollet, Ormsby, and Santos
Defining community health workers and their roles.
Provides a definition for "community health workers" and explains their roles as recommended by the report from the community health worker task force. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2437by Representatives Robinson, Tharinger, Macri, Ryu, Kagi, Pollet, Ormsby, Doglio, Santos, and Tarleton
Encouraging investments in affordable and supportive housing.
Allows a county legislative authority to authorize, fix, and impose a sales and use tax, however, if a county has not imposed the full tax rate by July 1, 2020, a city legislative authority in that county may authorize, fix, and impose the sales and use tax. Requires a county or a city that imposes the tax to report annually to the housing finance commission on the collection and use of the revenue. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Finance (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2438by Representative Cody; by request of Health Care Authority
Concerning the January 1, 2020, implementation of the school employees' benefits board program.
Addresses the implementation of the school employees' benefits board program, effective January 1, 2020. Addresses: Compensation and reimbursement related to school employees' benefits board member service; charter schools are employers and school employees' benefits board organizations under certain circumstances; school districts, educational service districts, and charter schools providing contributions to the state health care authority for insurance and health care plans for school employees and their dependents; and functions of the school employees' benefits board in designing and approving insurance benefit plans and establishing eligibility criteria. Revises the definition of "board," for purposes of chapter 41.05 RCW (state health care authority), to include the school employees' benefits board. Creates the school employees' insurance reserve fund, the school employees' benefits board program flexible spending administrative account, the school employees' benefits board salary reduction account, and the school employees' benefits board dental benefits administration account. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Appropriations (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2439by Representatives Kirby, Vick, Barkis, Stanford, Ryu, and Haler
Clarifying the relationship between manufacturers and new motor vehicle dealers by providing tools to resolve disparities including expanding compensation for recalled vehicles.
Provides tools to resolve disparities including expanding compensation for recalled vehicles, to clarify the relationship between manufacturers and new motor vehicle dealers. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Business & Financial Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2440by Representative Manweller
Concerning the plumbing industry.
Changes the composition of the state advisory board of plumbers. Increases the monetary penalty to five hundred dollars for an infraction of chapter 18.106 RCW (plumbers). Addresses the supervision of an enrollee in a medical gas piping installer training course while working on medical gas piping systems. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2441by Representatives Manweller, Shea, Young, and Steele
Preventing and addressing catastrophic wildfires.
Authorizes certain funds collected from the surcharge for local homeless housing and assistance to be used for a county located east of the crest of the Cascade mountain range, that has a population of one hundred thousand or fewer: (1) To educate homeowners about wildfire risk and prevention measures; and (2) For wildfire prevention and response activities. Allows expenditures from the home security fund account to be used for wildfire prevention and response activities. Requires the department of natural resources to provide funding or training for prescribed burning to local authorities in areas at risk for wildfires. Provides a business and occupation tax credit to harvesters to increase proactive thinning and clearing of lands for the purpose of preventing and mitigating wildfires. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2442by Representative Manweller
Creating a students protecting students program.
Creates the students protecting students program to provide students with a fast, secure, and anonymous method of reporting activities or the threat of activities that are inappropriate, unsafe, harmful, dangerous, unethical, or illegal. Requires a public school with any of grades seven through twelve to have a students protecting students program. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2443by Representatives Riccelli, Johnson, Cody, Schmick, Kloba, Vick, Ortiz-Self, Peterson, Stonier, Ryu, Tarleton, Haler, Graves, Harris, Stokesbary, Dent, Robinson, Muri, MacEwen, Clibborn, Maycumber, Appleton, Tharinger, Bergquist, Ormsby, and Doglio
Adding the Washington State University college of medicine to the family medicine residency network.
Adds the Washington State University college of medicine to the family medicine residency network. Changes the composition of the family medicine education advisory board by including one member appointed by the dean of the college of medicine at Washington State University. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2444by Representatives Slatter, Robinson, McBride, Clibborn, Appleton, Tharinger, Kloba, Doglio, and Tarleton
Providing a real estate excise tax exemption for certain transfers of low-income housing.
Exempts the following from the definition of "sale," for purposes of chapter 82.45 RCW (real estate excise taxes): A transfer of a qualified low-income housing development or controlling interest in a qualified low-income housing development. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Finance (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2445by Representatives Macri, Graves, Robinson, and Riccelli
Concerning online access to health care resources via HEALWA.
Requires up to an additional twenty-five dollar license fee for a veterinarian license or a veterinary technician license which will be transferred by the department of health to the University of Washington for the purpose of online access to health care resources. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2446by Representatives Graves, Jinkins, Cody, Macri, Robinson, Riccelli, and Kloba
Concerning physical therapist supervision of assistive personnel.
Requires supervision by a physical therapist for the reevaluation of a patient, as follows, if patient care is given by a physical therapist assistant or other assistive personnel: The later of every fifth visit or every thirty days if a physical therapist has not treated the patient for any of the five visits or within the thirty days. Authorizes a physical therapist, at any one time, to: (1) Supervise up to a total of three assistive personnel; or (2) Two assistive personnel if he or she is working in a nursing home or in the public schools. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2447by Representatives McCabe, Cody, Caldier, Orwall, Dye, Macri, Muri, Smith, Barkis, Harmsworth, Haler, Senn, Pollet, and Doglio
Concerning practitioner education of opiate risks and pain management alternatives.
Establishes Jeremy's law. Requires a practitioner who is authorized to prescribe opiates, who writes a prescription for an opiate for the first time during the course of treatment to a patient, to have an in-person discussion with the patient. Requires the department of health to: (1) Create a brief statement warning individuals about the risks of opiate use and abuse; and (2) Provide the warning on its web site. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2448by Representatives Senn, Tharinger, Chapman, Kilduff, Macri, Robinson, Appleton, Kloba, Pollet, Santos, and Tarleton
Increasing the availability of housing for developmentally disabled persons.
Exempts the following from the definition of "sale" with regard to real estate excise taxes: A qualified transfer or residential property by a legal representative of a person with developmental disabilities to a nonprofit organization that provides residential supported living for persons with developmental disabilities subject to certain conditions. Requires the Washington state developmental disabilities council to develop and make available model transfer agreements that legally transfer a residential property from a parent or guardian of a developmentally disabled person to a nonprofit or foundation that provides residential supported living services to persons with developmental disabilities. Includes the following as an activity that is eligible for assistance from the housing trust fund and other legislative appropriations: Remodeling and improvements as required to meet building code, licensing requirements, or functionality to residential properties owned and operated by a nonprofit or foundation that was transferred by the parent of a child with developmental disabilities. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Finance (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). | Jan 12 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Finance at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change) |
HB 2449by Representatives Senn, Kagi, Kilduff, Dent, and Goodman
Extending the timeline for completing a family assessment response.
Changes the time, from ninety days to one hundred twenty days, for the family assessment response period. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & Human Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). | Jan 12 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 10:00 AM. (Subject to change) |
HB 2450by Representatives Senn, Hargrove, Chapman, Kilduff, Muri, Kagi, Appleton, Tharinger, and Doglio
Supporting the business of child care.
Requires the department of children, youth, and families to: (1) Develop, in consultation with the statewide child care resource and referral network and the community and technical college system, a community-based training module for child care providers, which will be offered to providers as a pilot program in at least four communities; and (2) Collaborate with the state board for community and technical colleges to align all or parts of the training module. Requires the state board for community and technical colleges to work with community and technical college early childhood education programs to incorporate outcomes related to managing and sustaining a child care business into its early childhood education curriculum. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & Human Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2451by Representatives Slatter, Senn, Kagi, Appleton, Tharinger, and Doglio
Expanding the activities of the children's mental health services consultation program.
Requires the state health care authority, in collaboration with the evidence-based practice institute, to implement a program to: (1) Support certain health care professionals who provide care to pregnant women and new mothers through same-day telephone consultations in the assessment and provision of appropriate diagnosis and treatment of depression; (2) Facilitate referrals to children's mental health services and other resources for parents and guardians with concerns related to the mental health of the parent or guardian's child; and (3) Collaborate with existing databases and resources to identify in-network mental health professionals. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & Human Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2452by Representatives Dolan, Johnson, Appleton, Haler, Kagi, Slatter, Macri, Stanford, Ryu, Sells, Frame, Fitzgibbon, Young, Stonier, Kloba, Valdez, Pollet, Holy, Steele, and Doglio
Addressing retiree benefits for participants in the public employees' retirement system, the teachers' retirement system, and the public employees' benefits board.
Requires beneficiaries who are receiving a monthly benefit from the teachers' retirement system plan 1 or the public employees' retirement system plan 1, to receive an increase to their monthly benefit of three percent multiplied by his or her monthly benefit, not to exceed sixty-two dollars and fifty cents. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Appropriations (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2453by Representatives Peterson, Kretz, Fitzgibbon, Blake, Kagi, Tharinger, Haler, Young, and Tarleton; by request of Department of Ecology
Concerning the reauthorization of the underground storage tank program.
Extends, by ten years, the termination and repeal, under the sunset act, of the underground storage tank program. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Environment (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2454by Representatives Blake, Muri, and Barkis
Modifying vehicular assault provisions.
Establishes the Leprechaun Cain act. Declares a person guilty of vehicular assault if he or she operates or drives a vehicle and causes substantial bodily harm to a vulnerable user of a public way. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Public Safety (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2455by Representatives Pellicciotti, Kilduff, Macri, Riccelli, Valdez, Kagi, Frame, Orwall, Kirby, Fitzgibbon, Hudgins, Wylie, Pollet, Ryu, and Tarleton
Increasing transparency of contributions by creating the Washington state DISCLOSE act of 2018.
Establishes the democracy is strengthened by casting light on spending in elections act of 2018 (the Washington state DISCLOSE act of 2018). Closes campaign finance disclosure loopholes and requires the disclosure of contributions and expenditures by nonprofit organizations that participate significantly in state elections. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to State Government, Elections & Information Technology (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). | Jan 12 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on State Government and Elections & Information Technology at 10:00 AM. (Subject to change) |
HB 2456by Representatives Kilduff, McCabe, Orwall, Reeves, Kraft, Senn, Gregerson, Muri, Riccelli, Stanford, Tharinger, and Young
Increasing employment opportunities for spouses of military members.
Requires the department of commerce, the employment security department, and the department of labor and industries to consult local chambers of commerce, associate development organizations, and businesses to initiate a demonstration campaign to increase employment for spouses of military members on active duty. Directs the commissioner of the employment security department to: (1) Conduct a study of the unemployment insurance program to determine what barriers to eligibility military spouses face while on deployment overseas; and (2) Confer with the United States department of labor on what regulatory and other actions can be taken to provide greater opportunities for those persons to participate in the unemployment insurance program. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2457by Representatives Goodman and Klippert
Concerning timelines in criminal cases involving domestic violence.
Finds that there is a discrepancy in which sentences for nonfelony domestic violence offenses can be suspended for up to five years in district and municipal courts, but only for up to two years in superior courts in most cases. Creates a consistent standard for the maximum duration of domestic violence no-contact orders in nonfelony cases across all courts. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Public Safety (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2458by Representatives Hayes and Goodman
Requiring the department of health to adopt rules establishing an abbreviated death certificate.
Requires the department of health to adopt rules that establish an abbreviated death certificate that may be requested from a state or local registrar that includes identifying information and information related to the fact of death, but does not include: (1) Information related to the cause of the person's death; (2) Social security numbers; or (3) Names of the decedent's parents. Allows the use of an abbreviated death certificate when a death certificate must be filed with or provided to a government agency and the cause of death is not material to the filing. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2459by Representatives Reeves, Robinson, Macri, Riccelli, Hudgins, and Pollet
Modifying gender references pertaining to major political party committees.
Modifies certain gender references. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to State Government, Elections & Information Technology (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2460by Representatives Griffey and Haler
Concerning incidents requiring a municipal fire department or fire district response.
Places liability on a person who causes an incident that requires a municipal fire department or fire district response. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Judiciary (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2461by Representatives Kagi, Goodman, Ormsby, and Santos
Concerning the drug offense sentencing grid.
Revises the drug offense sentencing grid, where the seriousness level is one and the offender score is three to five, changes from six plus through eighteen months to six plus through twelve months. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Public Safety (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2462by Representatives Maycumber, Chapman, Jenkin, Nealey, McCabe, Schmick, Vick, Eslick, Appleton, Kretz, Manweller, Dent, Haler, and Senn
Increasing access to the main street program.
Revises main street program provisions regarding increasing access to the program. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2463by Representative Sells
Modifying the adoption provisions on the state comprehensive plan for workforce training and education.
Allows, rather than requires, the legislature to approve or recommend changes to the state comprehensive plan and the updates. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Higher Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2464by Representatives Reeves, Kilduff, Muri, Shea, Riccelli, and Stanford
Concerning veteran and national guard tuition waivers.
Revises the definition of "eligible veteran or national guard member," to include the receipt of a general discharge under honorable conditions, for purposes of eligibility for tuition waivers. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Higher Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2465by Representatives Orwall, McCabe, Griffey, Harmsworth, and Haler
Modifying the offense of rape in the third degree.
Revises the crime of rape in the third degree. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Public Safety (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2466by Representatives Orwall, Klippert, McCabe, Griffey, Muri, Stanford, Van Werven, Haler, and Doglio
Authorizing law enforcement to arrest persons in violation of certain no-contact orders involving victims of trafficking and promoting prostitution offenses.
Requires a police officer to arrest a person without a warrant and take him or her into custody without a warrant when the officer has probable cause to believe that an order has been issued of which the person has knowledge under: (1) Chapter 9A.40 RCW (kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, custodial interference, luring, trafficking, and coercion of involuntary servitude); or (2) Chapter 9A.88 RCW (indecent exposure--prostitution). -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Public Safety (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
HB 2467by Representatives Kirby, Jinkins, and Santos
Addressing joint self-insurance programs for property and liability risks.
Enables qualifying state agencies that are unable to obtain a sufficient amount of property and liability insurance coverage through the private market, or through the state agency self-insurance liability program, to participate in a local government joint self-insurance program covering property and liability risks. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Business & Financial Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
Senate Bills SB 6100by Senators Ranker, Billig, Palumbo, Wellman, Darneille, Keiser, Liias, Frockt, Conway, Saldaña, Kuderer, and Hasegawa
Concerning the working connections childcare subsidy.
Prohibits the department of children, youth, and families from requiring an applicant or consumer participating in a higher education program to work as a condition of receiving working connections child care program benefits. Authorizes the department to allow applicants and consumers participating in a higher education program to pursue a degree offered by: (1) A public or private technical college, school, or four-year college or university; or (2) A tribal or community college. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 6101by Senators Ranker, Frockt, Palumbo, Dhingra, Kuderer, McCoy, Cleveland, Saldaña, Billig, Van De Wege, Hunt, and Hasegawa
Establishing the evergreen investment scholarship program.
Creates the evergreen investment scholarship program to help make four years of college affordable and accessible to the citizens of the state by offering a tuition waiver for eligible students. Requires the office of student financial assistance to administer the program for resident students seeking a bachelor's degree, an associate degree, or certificate from an institution of higher education under certain terms and conditions. Requires the student achievement council to develop a plan to provide program students, who are enrolled at an institution of higher education, with a quarter-long student success course, that teaches essential skills for college success. Requires the state institute for public policy to conduct a study on the effectiveness of the program. Requires the caseload forecast council to estimate the anticipated caseload of the program. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Higher Education & Workforce Development. | Jan 11 | Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Higher Education & Workforce Development at 8:10 AM. (Subject to change) |
SB 6102by Senators Ranker, Cleveland, Saldaña, Darneille, Palumbo, Nelson, Wellman, Dhingra, Keiser, Billig, Kuderer, Rolfes, Frockt, Takko, McCoy, Carlyle, Hasegawa, Mullet, Pedersen, Conway, Chase, Liias, Van De Wege, and Hunt
Enacting the employee reproductive choice act.
Establishes the employee reproductive choice act. Modifies the state civil rights act by including the right of an employee whose employer provides health insurance coverage as part of an employee benefit package to receive contraceptive coverage from that employer's health plan free of restrictions, exclusions, or reductions in coverage or benefits. Prohibits a health plan, issued on or after January 1, 2019, that includes coverage for contraceptive coverage, from imposing a deductible, coinsurance, copayment, or other cost-sharing requirement on the contraceptive coverage provided. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Health & Long Term Care. |
SB 6103by Senators Ranker, Palumbo, Carlyle, Wellman, McCoy, Nelson, Billig, Van De Wege, Rolfes, Kuderer, and Hasegawa
Concerning conveyances of federal public lands in the state of Washington.
States that it is the policy of the state to discourage conveyances that transfer ownership of federal public lands in the state from the federal government. Requires the board of natural resources, the fish and wildlife commission, the parks and recreation commission, the director of the department of archaeology and historic preservation, and the recreation and conservation funding board to undertake efforts to protect against a future unauthorized conveyance or repeal of a federal public land designation including a change in use, classification, or legal status of lands designated as federal monuments under the federal antiquities act. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 6104by Senators Ranker, Carlyle, Wellman, Palumbo, Keiser, Nelson, Rolfes, McCoy, Kuderer, and Hasegawa
Defending scientific information and research.
Requires the director of the department of ecology to ensure that scientific information and other data relating to environmental quality and climate change, that is otherwise in the public domain, is protected against censorship or destruction by the federal government. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Energy, Environment & Technology. |
SB 6105by Senators Ranker, Cleveland, Darneille, Keiser, Nelson, Wellman, Dhingra, McCoy, Liias, Carlyle, Frockt, Hunt, Palumbo, Kuderer, Hasegawa, and Mullet
Enacting the reproductive health access for all act.
Establishes the reproductive health access for all act. Requires the state health care authority to administer a program to reimburse the cost of medically appropriate services, drugs, devices, products, and procedures for individuals who can become pregnant and who would be eligible for medical assistance if not for 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1611 or 1612. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Health & Long Term Care. |
SB 6106by Senator Hobbs; by request of Office of Financial Management
Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2017-2019 fiscal biennium.
Makes supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2017-2019 fiscal biennium. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
SB 6107by Senators Rolfes and Mullet
Reducing the electric motorcycle registration renewal fee.
Requires the department of licensing, county auditors or other agents, and subagents, before accepting an application for an annual vehicle registration renewal for certain electric motorcycles, to require the applicant to pay a thirty-dollar fee in addition to any other required fees and taxes. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
SB 6108by Senators Conway, O'Ban, Miloscia, and Zeiger
Concerning regional funding priority for major military installations.
Requires major military installations, and jurisdictions adjacent to or including a major military installation, to be granted priority for regional funding that is equivalent to the largest municipality within the county in which the installation is located. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
SB 6109by Senators Van De Wege and Rolfes
Concerning the International Wildland Urban Interface Code.
Includes the international wildland urban interface code in the state building code. Prohibits an amendment to the international wildland urban interface code as adopted by the state building code council from resulting in a code that is more than the minimum performance standards and requirements contained in the published model code. Requires the department of natural resources to establish a program of technical assistance to counties, cities, and towns for the development of findings of fact and maps establishing the wildland urban interface areas of jurisdictions in accordance with the requirements of the international wildland urban interface code. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections. |
SB 6110by Senators Saldaña, Walsh, Darneille, Frockt, Zeiger, Van De Wege, Keiser, Hunt, Kuderer, Pedersen, Hasegawa, and Billig
Prohibiting employers from asking about arrests or convictions before an applicant is determined otherwise qualified for a position.
Establishes the Washington fair chance act. Prohibits an employer from including any question on an application for employment, from inquiring either orally or in writing, from receiving information through a criminal history background check, or from otherwise obtaining information about an applicant's criminal record until after the employer initially determines that the applicant is otherwise qualified for the position. Requires the state attorney general's office to enforce this act. Provides that this act is null and void if appropriations are not approved. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. | Jan 10 | Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor & Commerce at 1:30 PM. (Subject to change) |
SB 6111by Senators Wilson, Pedersen, Rivers, Keiser, Conway, Dhingra, and Kuderer; by request of Department of Social and Health Services
Defining "willful" in the chapter regarding abuse of vulnerable adults.
Provides a definition for "willful" as that term is used in chapter 74.34 RCW (abuse of vulnerable adults). -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Human Services & Corrections. |
SB 6112by Senators Bailey, Keiser, Darneille, Rivers, Van De Wege, and Kuderer; by request of Department of Social and Health Services
Concerning evacuation of adult family homes.
Modifies adult family home provisions with regard to: (1) Safe evacuations from the home in case of an emergency; and (2) Removing the language that prohibited keeping a nonambulatory patient above the first floor of the home. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Health & Long Term Care. |
SB 6113by Senators Bailey, Keiser, Darneille, and Rivers; by request of Department of Social and Health Services
Concerning priority processing for adult family home license applications.
Requires the department of social and health services, in order to prevent disruption to current residents, to give priority processing to an application for a change of ownership: (1) At the request of the currently licensed provider; or (2) When the department has issued a provisional license. Allows a provisional license to be issued under exceptional circumstances, such as the sudden and unexpected death of the sole provider of an adult family home. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Health & Long Term Care. |
SB 6114by Senators Darneille, Kuderer, Wellman, Dhingra, Keiser, Billig, Nelson, Palumbo, McCoy, Takko, Liias, Chase, Saldaña, Hasegawa, Conway, Ranker, Cleveland, Carlyle, Mullet, Pedersen, Van De Wege, and Hunt; by request of Department of Social and Health Services
Concerning the issuance of identicards to individuals released from certain juvenile rehabilitation facilities.
Requires the department of licensing to issue an identicard to the following for a fee that is the actual cost of production of the identicard: (1) An individual who is scheduled to be released from an institution, a community facility, or other juvenile rehabilitation facility operated by the department of social and health services or the department of children, youth, and families; or (2) An individual who has been released from the institution or facility within thirty calendar days before the date of the application for the identicard. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Human Services & Corrections. | Jan 9 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. | Jan 10 | Scheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. (Subject to change) |
SB 6115by Senators McCoy, Darneille, Keiser, Palumbo, Nelson, Liias, Van De Wege, Hunt, Chase, Saldaña, Kuderer, and Hasegawa; by request of Department of Social and Health Services
Concerning residential custody services for tribal youth.
Authorizes the department of social and health services to provide residential custody services in a state juvenile rehabilitation facility to youth adjudicated and sentenced by a court of a federally recognized Indian tribe located in the state, pursuant to a contract between the department and the tribe that is entered into in compliance with chapter 39.34 RCW (the interlocal cooperation act). -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Human Services & Corrections. | Jan 9 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. | Jan 10 | Scheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. (Subject to change) |
SB 6116by Senators Darneille, Keiser, and Chase
Modifying eligibility and benefits under certain economic services programs.
Modifies certain economic services program provisions with regard to eligibility and benefits. Requires the department of social and health services, in consultation with the office of financial management, to conduct a study to determine the appropriate financial grant amount for persons found eligible to receive services under the aged, blind, or disabled assistance program and the essential needs and housing support program to help achieve or improve their financial stability and housing stability. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Human Services & Corrections. |
SB 6117by Senators Darneille and Kuderer
Revising conditions under which juvenile court records may be sealed.
Modifies juvenile court record provisions regarding the conditions under which they may be sealed. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Human Services & Corrections. | | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. |
SB 6118by Senator Wilson
Concerning the membership of the Interstate 5 Columbia river bridge project joint legislative action committee.
Addresses the Interstate 5 Columbia river bridge project. Requires the membership of the joint Oregon-Washington legislative action committee, until the eight members from Oregon are appointed by the Oregon state legislature, to be comprised of the eight members appointed by the Washington state legislature, a majority of which shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of transacting committee business. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
SB 6119by Senators Wilson, Palumbo, Takko, Van De Wege, Angel, and O'Ban
Authorizing community and technical colleges to establish a police force on their campuses.
Authorizes the community and technical colleges to hire and maintain an armed commissioned police force on their campuses. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Higher Education & Workforce Development. |
SB 6120by Senators Takko and Short
Concerning Washington's property assessment appeal procedures.
Changes timelines for certain property assessment appeal procedures. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
SB 6121by Senator Honeyford
Siting of institutions of higher education and accompanying facilities.
States that the growth management act does not prohibit certain counties from authorizing the extension of public facilities and utilities to serve a privately operated institution of higher education that serves fewer than two thousand students sited within five miles of an urban growth area if certain requirements are met. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
SB 6122by Senators Honeyford and Mullet
Regarding beer, wine, cider, and mead at farmers markets.
Addresses the sale of beer, wine, cider, and mead, in bottles and growlers, at farmers markets. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. |
SB 6123by Senators Honeyford and Keiser
Prohibiting the use of state bond proceeds for state employee compensation.
Prohibits the proceeds from the sale of state bonds, appropriated in the omnibus capital appropriations act, from being expended for salary, benefits, or other compensation of employees of the state, however, this does not apply to the proceeds from the sale of state bonds appropriated in the omnibus transportation appropriations act. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 6124by Senators Dhingra, Palumbo, Mullet, Frockt, Takko, Darneille, Rolfes, Billig, Cleveland, Kuderer, Wellman, Carlyle, Ranker, Hasegawa, Saldaña, Nelson, Keiser, McCoy, Van De Wege, Chase, and O'Ban
Clarifying that court hearings under the involuntary commitment act may be conducted by video.
Authorizes, in any proceeding conducted in open court, a petitioner, respondent, witnesses, or presiding judicial officer to be present and participate in person or by video. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 5 | Prefiled for introduction. | Jan 8 | First reading, referred to Human Services & Corrections. |
SB 6125by Senator Honeyford
Extending the expiration date of the department of ecology's authority to enter into voluntary regional agreements.
Delays, until June 30, 2024, the expiration of the department of ecology's authority to enter into voluntary regional agreements. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 6126by Senators Saldaña, Hasegawa, Chase, Conway, Zeiger, and Keiser
Requiring completion of an apprenticeship program to receive a journey level electrician certificate of competency.
Requires the completion of an apprenticeship program to receive a journey level electrician certificate of competency. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. | Jan 11 | Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor & Commerce at 1:30 PM. (Subject to change) |
SB 6127by Senator Van De Wege
Improving the management of the state's halibut fishery.
States that a catch record card for halibut is five dollars. Requires the funds that are received from the sale of halibut catch record cards to be used for monitoring and management of recreational halibut fisheries. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 6128by Senator Van De Wege
Concerning the initial implementation of recommendations from the collaborative process carried out to implement the state parks operating budget proviso on recreational access fee systems.
Modifies provisions regarding the discover pass, day-use permit, vehicle access pass, lifetime veteran's disability access pass, senior citizen's pass, foster home pass, state park pass, and access pass. Requires the director of the state parks and recreation commission, in consultation with the director of the department of fish and wildlife and the commissioner of public lands, to designate up to twelve days per calendar year where entry to state recreation lands is free. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 6129by Senators Cleveland and Chase
Concerning an ambulance transport quality assurance fee.
Provides for a safety net fee for certain ambulance transports to be used to augment funding from other sources, thereby supporting additional payments to ambulance transport providers for medicaid services. Imposes a quality assurance fee for each ambulance transport provided by each ambulance transport provider subject to the fee. Requires the state health care authority to establish the manner and format for ambulance transport providers to report required data. Creates the ambulance transport fund. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Health & Long Term Care. |
SB 6130by Senators McCoy, Rolfes, Palumbo, Carlyle, Liias, Dhingra, Kuderer, Ranker, Cleveland, Frockt, Mullet, Pedersen, Chase, Conway, Saldaña, Van De Wege, Wellman, and Hasegawa
Concerning community solar gardens.
Establishes a framework for community solar gardens to be created and exist outside of tax-related subsidy programs. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Energy, Environment & Technology. |
SB 6131by Senators McCoy, Hunt, Kuderer, Saldaña, Chase, and Hasegawa
Providing a tuition waiver for state residents who are members of a federally recognized Indian tribe.
Requires the governing boards of the state universities, the regional universities, The Evergreen State College, and the community and technical colleges to waive fifty percent of the tuition and services and activities fees for a student who is a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe and is domiciled within the state for a minimum of one year. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Higher Education & Workforce Development. |
SB 6132by Senators Wellman, Zeiger, Chase, and Hasegawa; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Modifying provisions on second grade reading assessments.
Addresses second grade reading assessments. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 6133by Senators Zeiger, Wellman, Keiser, and Hasegawa; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Expanding statewide career and technical education course equivalency options.
Expands equivalency options for statewide career and technical education courses. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 6134by Senators Wellman, Zeiger, and Hasegawa; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Modifying definitions for alternative learning experience courses.
Revises the definitions of "remote course" and "site-based course" for purposes of written student learning plans and alternative learning experience courses. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 6135by Senators Wellman, Zeiger, and Hasegawa; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Updating application requirements for the academic acceleration incentive program.
Addresses eligibility for advanced courses in mathematics, science, or computer science and equitable access to dual credit opportunities. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 6136by Senators Rolfes, Zeiger, Wellman, and Hasegawa; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Removing concurrent enrollment requirement of algebra II for AP computer science courses to be counted as equivalent to high school mathematics.
Removes concurrent enrollment requirement of algebra II for AP computer science courses to be counted as equivalent to high school mathematics. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 6137by Senators Conway, King, Keiser, Hasegawa, and Wilson
Clarifying the relationship between manufacturers and new motor vehicle dealers by providing tools to resolve disparities including expanding compensation for recalled vehicles.
Provides tools to resolve disparities including expanding compensation for recalled vehicles, to clarify the relationship between manufacturers and new motor vehicle dealers. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. |
SB 6138by Senator Brown
Extending the statute of limitations for food stamp fraud.
Extends the statute of limitations for food stamp fraud. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Law & Justice. |
SB 6139by Senator Miloscia
Concerning public access to the records of the legislature and judiciary.
Requires the clerk of the supreme court to advise each division of the courts of the necessity to keep public records. Requires the state archivist to work with the clerk to provide information and instructions on the best method for keeping judicial records. Requires the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of representatives to be the appointed public records officers for requests made to the senate or house, including each state legislative office in each house. Requires the clerk of the supreme court to appoint public records officers for each division of the courts for requests made to the judiciary. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections. |
SB 6140by Senators King, Van De Wege, and Sheldon; by request of Department of Natural Resources
Promoting the efficient and effective management of state-managed lands.
Modifies state-managed lands provisions with regard to the efficient and effective management of those lands. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 6141by Senators McCoy, Wellman, Van De Wege, Keiser, and Hasegawa; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Strengthening school district plans for recognition, screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students.
Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to develop and make available an online one-hour training module for school staff on recognition, screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students. States that the online suicide prevention training module for school staff does not replace the training requirement for school counselors, psychologists, social workers, and nurses to complete an approved three-hour suicide prevention training. Authorizes school staff to complete the three-hour suicide prevention training in lieu of the one-hour online suicide prevention training. Requires each educational service district to identify a regional mental health coordinator. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 9 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions SCR 8407by Senators Liias and Fain
Establishing cutoff dates for the consideration of legislation during the 2018 regular session of the sixty-fifth legislature.
Establishes cutoff dates for the consideration of legislation during the 2018 regular session of the sixty-fifth legislature. -- 2018 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 8 | Read first time, rules suspended, and placed on second reading calendar. | | Third reading, adopted. |