This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change. Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at HB 3002-S by House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representative Ormsby) Making expenditures from the budget stabilization account for declared catastrophic events. Makes appropriations to the following for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018: (1) The department of natural resources for fire suppression costs incurred by the department during the 2017 fire season; and(2) The Washington state patrol for Washington state fire service resource mobilization costs incurred in response to an emergency or disaster.
HB 3011 by Representative Morris Expanding the scope and resources for public records access. Expands the scope and resources for public records access.Defines "state agency" as follows, for purposes of public records created after the effective date of this act: Every state office, department, division, bureau, board, commission, or other body within the judicial, legislative, or executive branches of the state.Prohibits an exemption, established under the public records act, from applying to public records prepared, owned, used, or retained by a state agency that were created after the effective date of this act.Requires the chief clerk of the house of representatives and the secretary of the senate to ensure sufficient resources and staff are provided to fully comply with the requirements of the legislative branch under chapter 42.56 RCW, the public records act, in maintaining public records and responding to public records requests.
SB 6593-S by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senator Ranker) Establishing the evergreen promise program and expanding eligibility for the state need grant. Establishes the evergreen promise program.Addresses the state need grant program and states that the program is otherwise known as the evergreen promise program.Revises certain requirements of the office of student financial assistance when rewarding need grants and selecting recipients.Includes the following in the definition of "caseload," for purposes of the caseload forecast council: The number of students who are eligible for the state need grant and expected to attend an institution participating in the state need grant program.Assesses a fee of one dollar and fifty cents to students at institutions participating in the state need grant program for the purposes of administering the program.Requires the fee to be collected by the institutions participating in the program and remitted to the state treasurer for deposit into the general fund.
SB 6620-S by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Frockt, Ranker, Kuderer, Dhingra, Carlyle, Darneille, McCoy, Keiser, Billig, Hunt, SaldaƱa, and Pedersen) Improving security in schools and the safety of students. Requires the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs to: (1) Develop and implement emergency response systems to expedite the response and arrival of law enforcement in the event of a threat or emergency at a school;(2) Establish and implement a grant program to fund school resource officers; and(3) Establish a grant program to provide financial assistance to local law enforcement agencies conducting background checks for the purchase and sale of pistols and semiautomatic rifles.Requires a first responder agency, when notifying a school of a situation that may necessitate an evacuation or lockdown, to determine if schools in the vicinity are similarly threatened and, if so, notify those schools.Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to: (1) Contract with a vendor to make an incident alert and reporting system available to public schools. The system is named the students protecting students program;(2) Contract for updates to the program as new technology is available;(3) Select two educational service districts, in coordination with the nine educational service districts, to establish regional school safety centers as part of a statewide network;(4) Review safe schools plans for school districts and educational service districts, and assess and document school district and regional school safety assets and needs;(5) Provide grants to educational service districts and school districts to develop or expand regional safety programs; and(6) During the annual school safety summit, take into account the discrete challenges of nonrural and rural schools.Requires summit participants to review Sandy Hook promise programs and make recommendations for the prevention of mass shootings.Requires school districts to implement the students protecting students program in middle or junior high schools and high schools. However, if unable, submit a students protecting students implementation plan to the office of the superintendent of public instruction.Requires the same background check process to purchase semiautomatic rifles and shotguns with tactical features as is currently required for pistols.
SB 6629 by Senators Ericksen and Baumgartner Reducing pollution by investing in clean air, clean energy, clean water, healthy forests, and healthy communities by imposing a fee on large emitters based on their pollution. Creates the public oversight board within the executive office of the governor.Imposes a pollution fee that must be collected from large emitters based on carbon content of: (1) Fossil fuels sold or used in the state; and(2) Electricity generated within or imported for consumption in the state.Authorizes the departments and agencies named in this act to adopt rules, develop guidance, and create forms and other documents necessary to effectuate the provisions and purposes of this act.Creates the following panels to provide detailed recommendations of the board and state agencies regarding implementation of this act, including the development of proposed rules, criteria, procedures, and other program elements: (1) The clean air and clean energy panel;(2) The clean water and healthy forests panel; and(3) The environmental and economic justice panel.Creates the clean up pollution fund, the clean air and clean energy account, the clean water and healthy forests account, and the healthy communities account.