SB 5735 - DIGEST |
Authorizes a registered tow truck operator to transport an abandoned recreational vehicle to a solid waste disposal site without being licensed as a hulk hauler or scrap processor. |
Requires the department of licensing, before accepting an application for registration for a recreational vehicle, to require an applicant to pay an abandoned recreational vehicle deconstruction and disposal fee of four dollars. |
Authorizes the department of ecology to develop and administer a voluntary recreational vehicle turn-in program to allow the department to dismantle and dispose of recreational vehicles that pose a high risk of becoming an abandoned recreational vehicle, but that do not yet meet the definition of that term. |
Authorizes a local government, after taking custody of an abandoned recreational vehicle, to deconstruct and dispose of the abandoned recreational vehicle without further notice to an owner. |
Allows certain reconstructed recreational vehicles to be taken to an inert waste landfill. |
Creates the abandoned recreational vehicle deconstruction and disposal account. |