SB 6364 - DIGEST |
Finds and declares that: (1) Homelessness is a crisis in this state and of particular concern is the alarming number of runaway and unaccompanied homeless children; |
(2) There must be no runaway and unaccompanied homeless children in our state by July 1, 2019; and |
(3) To achieve this goal and address this crisis, a runaway and unaccompanied homeless child is to be considered neglected and every effort must be made to reunify the child with his or her family or guardian. |
Makes appropriations from: (1) The general fund to the department of commerce to be distributed to five housing authorities and five community action agencies to implement a quality management system and prepare and submit an application to the Washington quality awards program; and |
(2) The performance audits of government account to the state auditor's office for an audit to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of state homeless programs. |