65th Legislature - 2017 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

February 17, 2017 - Friday 40th Day 2017 Regular Session
1st Supplemental
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
HB 1047 f Medication disposal system HCW DPS10 DNP5 w/oRec2 APP
HB 1153 f Vulnerable persons/crimes APP DPS(PS)30 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1270 f Firearm safety products JUDI DP12 FIN
HB 1272 f Motor vehicle regis. hiatus TR DPS25 RUL
HB 1299 f Cattle feedlots/odor & dust ENVI DPS9 RUL
HB 1332 Dangerous objects on roads TR DPS15 DNP9 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1341 f Prof. certification/teachers ED DPS18 APP
HB 1476 f On-site sewage systems ENVI DP6 DNP3 RUL
HB 1503 f On-site sewage sys. mandates ENVI DPS8 DNP1 RUL
HB 1511 f Learning assistance program ED DPS11 DNP5 w/oRec2 APP
HB 1515 f Special parking privileges TR DPS25 RUL
HB 1518 f Social emotional learning ED DPS13 DNP4 w/oRec1 APP
HB 1532 f Nonprofit homeownership dev. FIN DPS9 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1544 f Small farms/property tax FIN DPS10 DNP1 RUL
HB 1600 f Career and college readiness ED DP18 APP
HB 1611 f Oil transportation safety ENVI DPS5 DNP4 FIN
HB 1633 Housing/source of income JUDI DP7 DNP6 RUL
HB 1640 Advance directives JUDI DP13 RUL
HB 1676 f Service animals in training JUDI DP12 DNP1 RUL
HB 1716 f Construction inspect. acct LAWS DP4 DNP3 APP
HB 1723 Hanford/occupational disease LAWS DPS4 DNP2 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1728 Child sex exploit./subpoenas JUDI DP12 DNP1 RUL
HB 1736 f Premobilization assistance PS DPS11 APP
HB 1757 f Meth/transient accommodation ENVI DP9 RUL
HB 1763 f Housing/persons w/devel dis. FIN DPS10 DNP1 RUL
HB 1783 f Legal financial obligations JUDI DPS12 DNP1 APP
HB 1804 Motorcycle insurance reqs BFS DPS7 DNP2 w/oRec2 TR
HB 1809 f Alt. fuel comm. vehicles tax FIN DPS11 RUL
HB 1812 f Pine mushroom, state fungi SEIT DP9 RUL
HB 1813 f Addresses of record, updates TR DPS25 RUL
HB 1824 f Electronic product recycling ENVI DPS6 DNP3 RUL
HB 1827 Educator workforce supply ED DPS17 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 1832 f Comm sex exploited children PS DP11 RUL
HB 1840 f Washington promise program HE DPS5 DNP3 w/oRec1 APP
HB 1853 f Nonoperational facilities SEIT DP9 RUL
HB 1859 f Assault of utility worker PS DP11 RUL
HB 1886 OSPI & state board of ed. ED DPS11 w/oRec6 DNP1 RUL
HB 1889 Corrections ombuds, creating PS DPS7 DNP4 APP
HB 1893 f Spirits & wine/credit card COG DPS11 RUL
HB 1911 f Marijuana odor masking COG DPS11 APP
HB 1919 f Cigar lounges & tobacconists BFS DPS8 DNP2 w/oRec1 HCW
HB 1952 f Electrical laws enforcement LAWS DPS4 DNP3 RUL
HB 1953 f WISHA penalties LAWS DP4 DNP3 RUL
HB 1966 Retirement marketplace reqs. BFS DPS11 RUL
HB 1995 f Historic building rehab. CDHT DPS7 CB
HB 2025 Offender programs comp. plan PS DPS11 APP
HB 2060 f Marijuana tax distributions COG DP11 APP
HB 2064 Industrial hemp/UCSA COG DP11 RUL
HB 2097 Religious affiliation discl. JUDI DP13 RUL
HB 2099 Distillery licensing & fees COG DPS8 DNP2 w/oRec1 APP