THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017, 7:04 PM 88TH DAY
SHB 1060 f Medical marijuana/students
ESHB 1105 f Railroad employees/vehicles
E2SHB 1358 f Comm. assist. referral progs
SHB 1434 Shared leave/pregnancy
HB 1475 f Gambling commission officers
SHB 1490 f Preservation rating info.
SHB 1501 f Attempts to obtain firearms
ESHB 1504 GMA/rail dependent uses
EHB 1507 f Election reconcil. reports
SHB 1520 f Hospital payment methodology
HB 1578 Irrigation district auth.
ESHB 1594 f Public records admin.
HB 1623 Automated secondhand kiosks
HB 1627 f Nonprofit corp. financing
HB 1709 f PERS to PSERS transfers
E2SHB 1711 f Forest health treatments
ESHB 1714 f Nursing staffing/hospitals
SHB 1717 Biometric identifiers
SHB 1741 f Educator prep. data/PESB
SHB 1747 Withdrawal of land
HB 1757 f Meth/transient accommodation
HB 1790 f Dependency petitions
ESHB 1796 f Pregnancy accommodations
ESHB 1809 f Alt. fuel comm. vehicles tax
ESHB 1814 DSHS notification reqs.
SHB 1867 Ext. foster care transitions
HB 1931 f Mandated reporter posting
EHB 1924 f Small forest landowners
HB 1991 Delinquent properties/admin.
EHB 2107 Mental health placements
ESHB 2121 f TANF/nonparent caregivers
SB 5741 Fuel taxes/tribal areas
SB 5768 f Leasehold excise tax credit
SB 5915 State gov. central services
SB 5916 Semiconductor tax prefs