Washington State Senate

Introduction and First Reading of
Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions
2017 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate JIM HONEYFORD, Vice President Pro Tem

March 9, 2017 - Thursday 60TH DAY

HB 1001 By Representatives Morris, Smith, Tarleton, Haler and Doglio

Concerning utility easements on state-owned aquatic lands.


EHB 1017 By Representatives McCaslin, Barkis, Blake, Holy, Pettigrew, Haler, Taylor, Shea, Harris, Chandler, Smith, Muri, Stokesbary, Nealey, Stambaugh, Griffey, Vick, Buys, Dye, Short, Pike, Wilcox, Van Werven, Hargrove, Young, Klippert, Kilduff and Sawyer

Addressing the siting of schools and school facilities.

Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION.

ESHB 1097 By House Committee on Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (originally sponsored by Representatives Sawyer, Hansen, Fitzgibbon, Stanford, Jinkins, Frame, Gregerson, Santos, Tarleton and Pollet)

Concerning tribal consultation regarding hunting rights and activities.

Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS.

ESHB 1105 By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Stanford, Orcutt, Clibborn, Stambaugh, Hayes, Stonier, Koster, Holy, Ryu, Ormsby, Fey, Wylie, Dolan, Sells, Muri, Haler, Goodman, Doglio, Hudgins, Gregerson, Barkis, Kilduff, Santos, Tarleton, Pollet, Farrell and Riccelli)

Concerning passenger-carrying vehicles for railroad employees.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

HB 1166 By Representatives Griffey and Springer

Concerning fire protection district tax levies.

Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

SHB 1183 By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives McBride, Chapman, Haler, Ryu, Robinson, McDonald, Stambaugh, Frame, Senn, Riccelli, Dolan and Hudgins)

Authorizing specified local governments, including municipalities and federally recognized Indian tribes, that typically have limited access to economic development resources, to designate a portion of their territory as a creative district subject to certification by the Washington state arts commission.


HB 1204 By Representatives Young, McCaslin, Shea, Taylor and Walsh, J.

Requiring the display of the national league of families' POW/MIA flag on certain days.

Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT.

ESHB 1289 By House Committee on Capital Budget (originally sponsored by Representatives Riccelli, DeBolt, Tharinger, Doglio, Pike, McBride, Sells, Van Werven, Ryu, Macri, MacEwen, Stonier and Ormsby)

Concerning plaques for certain state-funded capital budget projects.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

ESHB 1333 By House Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Stambaugh, Springer, Harris, Tarleton, Haler, Muri, Jinkins and Bergquist)

Requiring establishment of a systemwide policy for granting credit for AP exams.

Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION.

ESHB 1339 By House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Cody, Harris, Jinkins, Johnson, Kagi, Lovick, Ormsby and Slatter)

Concerning restrictions on prescriptions for opioid drugs.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

ESHB 1371 By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Farrell, Lovick, Haler, Harris, Clibborn, Orwall, Kagi, Robinson, Appleton, Ryu, Goodman, Tarleton, Gregerson, Sells, Ormsby and Cody)

Modifying the infraction of and penalties for distracted driving.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

SHB 1377 By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Ortiz-Self, Stonier, Santos, Lovick, Gregerson, Peterson, Ryu, Appleton, Fitzgibbon, Goodman, Bergquist and Doglio)

Improving students' mental health by enhancing nonacademic professional services.

Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION.

HB 1449 By Representatives Manweller and Dent

Concerning water recreation facilities.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

ESHB 1465 By House Committee on State Government, Elections & Information Technology (originally sponsored by Representatives Short, Lytton, Kretz, Koster, Schmick and Fitzgibbon)

Exempting from public disclosure certain information regarding reports on wolf depredations.

Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS.

SHB 1467 By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Stokesbary, Peterson, Griffey, Robinson, Muri, McBride, Rodne, Fitzgibbon and Tharinger)

Removing disincentives to the voluntary formation of regional fire protection service authorities by establishing parity, equalizing certain provisions with existing laws governing fire protection districts, and clarifying the formation process.

Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

EHB 1480 By Representatives Hayes, Riccelli, Irwin, Lovick, Holy and Santos

Requiring additional criteria to be met for the department of licensing to suspend a driver's license.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

ESHB 1481 By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Hayes and Bergquist)

Creating uniformity in driver training education provided by school districts and commercial driver training schools.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

E2SHB 1482 By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Sawyer, Kagi, Stambaugh, Caldier, Robinson, Springer, Hargrove, Tarleton, Ormsby, Doglio and Stanford)

Establishing the legislative-executive WorkFirst poverty reduction oversight task force.


ESHB 1504 By House Committee on Environment (originally sponsored by Representatives Pike, Blake, Wylie, Peterson, Harris, Vick, Manweller, Tarleton, Orcutt, Farrell, Haler, Dent, Fey, Sells, Kraft, Johnson, MacEwen, Chandler, Stambaugh, Van Werven, Dye, Doglio and Springer)

Concerning rail dependent uses for purposes of the growth management act and related development regulations.

Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

SHB 1532 By House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Lytton and Hayes)

Concerning the exemption of property taxes for nonprofit homeownership development.


ESHB 1538 By House Committee on Capital Budget (originally sponsored by Representatives Stambaugh, Doglio, Vick, Hayes, Sells and Pike)

Requiring prime contractors to bond the subcontractors portion of retainage upon request.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

E2SHB 1562 By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Gregerson, Stonier, Orwall, Senn, Slatter, Peterson, Lovick, Farrell, Santos, Ryu, McBride, Ortiz-Self, Hudgins, Pollet, Riccelli, Macri, Pike, Stanford, Doglio, Fitzgibbon, Bergquist, Tharinger, Sawyer, Ormsby, Dolan, Cody and Fey)

Continuing the work of the Washington food policy forum.


ESHB 1714 By House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Cody, Doglio, Ryu, Pollet, Peterson, McBride, Wylie, Stonier, Goodman, Sawyer, Bergquist, Gregerson, Sullivan, Lytton, Tharinger, Chapman, Lovick, Senn, Hansen, Sells, Frame, Fitzgibbon, Riccelli, Macri, Jinkins, Dolan, Stanford, Orwall, Ortiz-Self, Farrell, Slatter, Tarleton, Clibborn, Fey, Kilduff, Reeves, Pettigrew, Appleton, Robinson, Blake, Ormsby, Pellicciotti, Kloba, Hudgins and Santos)

Concerning nursing staffing practices at hospitals.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

HB 1715 By Representatives Riccelli, Gregerson, McBride, Stonier, Wylie, Pollet, Cody, Ryu, Goodman, Morris, Fitzgibbon, Sullivan, Lytton, Tharinger, Chapman, Peterson, Lovick, Senn, Hansen, Sells, Frame, Doglio, Bergquist, Sawyer, Macri, Jinkins, Dolan, Stanford, Orwall, Ortiz-Self, Farrell, Slatter, Tarleton, Springer, Fey, Kilduff, Reeves, Pettigrew, Appleton, Robinson, Blake, Kagi, Ormsby, Pellicciotti, Kloba, Hudgins and Santos

Addressing meal and rest breaks and mandatory overtime for certain health care employees.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

HB 1721 By Representatives Cody, Haler, Muri, Goodman and Jinkins; by request of Department of Health and Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission

Concerning obtaining required clinical experience for licensed practical nurses who complete a nontraditional registered nurse program.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

SHB 1763 By House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Robinson, Wylie, Jinkins, Ortiz-Self, Sells, Orcutt, Dolan, Pollet, Wilcox, Springer, Kretz, Kloba, Senn, Tharinger, Kilduff and Santos)

Modifying the property tax exemption for property used to provide housing for eligible persons with developmental disabilities.


SHB 1765 By House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Irwin, Koster, Volz, Kraft, Stokesbary and Kloba)

Concerning donations to the prescription drug donation program.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

ESHB 1831 By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Pettigrew, Macri, Santos, Ortiz-Self, Frame, Kagi, Fitzgibbon, Stanford, Ormsby and Pollet)

Revising resource limitations for public assistance.


HB 1833 By Representatives Dolan, Doglio, Jinkins and Ortiz-Self; by request of Public Disclosure Commission

Concerning financial reporting by elected and appointed officials, candidates, and appointees.

Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT.

HB 1855 By Representatives Blake, Stambaugh and Gregerson

Concerning vehicle identification of electrical contractors.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SHB 1902 By House Committee on Commerce & Gaming (originally sponsored by Representatives Kirby, Vick and Doglio)

Modifying tavern license provisions.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

HB 1907 By Representatives Orcutt, Blake, DeBolt, McDonald and Van Werven

Concerning abandoned cemeteries.

Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT.

EHB 1913 By Representatives Dolan, Van Werven and Haler; by request of State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Creating a leasehold excise tax exemption for certain leasehold interests in facilities owned or used by schools, colleges, or universities.

Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION.

SHB 1930 By House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Frame, Rodne and Jinkins)

Concerning child custody.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

HB 1953 By Representatives Dolan, Gregerson, Sells, Doglio, Ormsby and Kilduff; by request of Department of Labor & Industries

Addressing maximum penalties under the Washington industrial safety and health act.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

2SHB 1980 By House Committee on Capital Budget (originally sponsored by Representatives Blake, Chapman, Macri, Robinson, Van Werven, Morris, Smith, Haler, Walsh, J., Ryu, Johnson, Stanford, Sells, Ormsby, Frame, Kretz, Dye, Santos, Doglio, Pollet, Tarleton and Jinkins)

Creating a low-income home rehabilitation revolving loan program.


HB 1991 By Representatives Volz, Stonier, McCaslin, Taylor, Shea, Koster and Holy

Clarifying the county treasurer's administration of payments and costs related to delinquent properties.

Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

EHB 2003 By Representatives Kloba, Kagi, Ortiz-Self, Tarleton, McBride, Ormsby and Fey

Allowing special parking privileges for certain organizations that dispatch taxicab vehicles or vehicles for hire that transport persons with disabilities.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

SHB 2006 By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Koster, Lytton, Springer, Volz, Senn, Tharinger, Fey, Stokesbary, Appleton, Nealey, Chapman and Ormsby)

Providing cities and counties flexibility with existing resources.

Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

SHB 2021 By House Committee on Commerce & Gaming (originally sponsored by Representatives Farrell and Macri)

Authorizing the sale of marijuana plants and seeds to qualifying patients and designated providers.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

ESHB 2023 By House Committee on Environment (originally sponsored by Representative Fitzgibbon)

Addressing the effective date of certain actions taken under the growth management act.

Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

ESHB 2029 By House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Ortiz-Self, Ryu, Santos, Tarleton, Fey, Farrell, McBride, Wylie, Peterson, Kloba, Gregerson, Clibborn, Jinkins, Kagi, Bergquist, Ormsby, Hudgins, Stanford, Tharinger and Macri)

Providing a referral resource for those seeking information and assistance for immigration and citizenship related matters.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

SHB 2037 By House Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Frame, Haler, Ryu, Pollet, Stambaugh, Kagi, Kilduff, Tarleton, Fitzgibbon, Jinkins, Bergquist and McDonald)

Reauthorizing the work group concerned with removing obstacles for higher education students with disabilities.

Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION.

SHB 2058 By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representative Harmsworth)

Creating procedures for the redemption of certain vehicles that are towed from accident scenes by registered tow truck companies when the vehicle owner is admitted as a patient in a hospital due to the accident.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

HJM 4010 By Representatives Morris and Lytton

Requesting that the Blanchard State Forest be renamed the "Harriet A. Spanel-Blanchard State Forest."

Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS.