BILLS IN SENATE RULES - March 22, 2017 - Wednesday
4:00 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5248 f Rx monitoring prog. data Rivers,Cleveland,etc. WM DPS20
SB 5254 f Buildable lands & zoning Fain,Palumbo,etc. WM DP2S17 DNP3 w/oRec2
SB 5303 f Aquatic invasive species Honeyford,Rolfes,etc.,DFW WM DPS(NRP)14 DNP4 w/oRec2
SB 5347 f WorkFirst, "work activity" Walsh,Darneille,etc. WM DP2S19 w/oRec1
SB 5594 f People w/devel. disabilities Keiser,Rivers,etc. WM DP2S13 DNP5 w/oRec4
SB 5646 f Resident'l habilitation ctrs Honeyford,King,etc. WM DP15 w/oRec4 DNP1
SB 5711 f Telecommunications services Ericksen,Hobbs,etc. EET DP6 DNP2
SB 5715 f Nursing home payments Rivers,Keiser,etc. WM DP22 DNP1
SB 5815 f Hospital safety net assess. Rivers,Cleveland,etc. WM DPS23
SB 5836 Equal pay act enforcement Fain,Cleveland,etc. CLS DP9
SB 5838 Parks maintenance backlog Rossi,Kuderer,etc. WM DPS13 w/oRec4 DNP3
SB 5864 $f Ending homelessness Miloscia WM DPS13 DNP10
SB 5867 Personal care by family Braun WM DP12 DNP9
SB 5890 Foster care and adoption O'Ban,Braun,etc. WM DPS13 w/oRec9
HB 1018 f Airport grants/max. amount Dent,Gregerson,etc. TRAN DP11
SHB 1027 f Surplus line broker licenses Barkis,etc. FI DP5
SHB 1038 f Winery tasting rooms Condotta,etc. CLS DPA6
HB 1064 f Utility damage prevention Morris,Smith,etc.,UTC EET DP9
HB 1071 Pawnbroker fees and interest Kirby,Vick FI DP5
EHB 1081 f Insurance/funeral benefits Kirby,Vick FI DP5
SHB 1121 Puget Sound action agenda Muri,etc. EET DP9
HB 1132 f Seed buyer & dealer disputes Buys,Blake AWTE DP10
HB 1150 f Chehalis board appointments DeBolt,Blake,ECY EET DPA9
HB 1167 Fire commissioner comp. Griffey,Springer LGOV DP5
SHB 1189 Massage therapy exemptions Short,etc. HLTH DP10
HB 1195 f Surrender/surety's bond Kilduff,Rodne,etc. LAW DP7
HB 1198 f Podiatric/substance abuse Harris,Cody,etc. HLTH DP11
SHB 1199 Transit infract./youth court Irwin,etc. HSMH DP7
SHB 1234 f Contraceptive coverage Robinson,etc. HLTH DP9 w/oRec2
SHB 1235 Physical edu. assessments Riccelli,etc. EDU DP6
EHB 1248 f Class I correct. industries Griffey,Appleton,etc.,DOC LAW DP7
HB 1274 f Gambling/org. membership Sawyer,Vick,etc.,GMB CLS DP6
HB 1278 f Physical therapy compact Macri,DeBolt,etc. HLTH DP11
HB 1283 f Anticipated tax, assessments Chapman,Orcutt,etc. LGOV DP5
HB 1285 f Legal interpreters/oaths Graves,Jinkins,etc.,BJA LAW DP7
SHB 1321 f Public facilities/recreation Jenkin,etc. LGOV DP5
HB 1329 f Mobile home infractions McCabe,Sells,etc.,LI CLS DP6
HB 1337 f Medical licensure compact Riccelli,Harris,etc.,WSMD HLTH DP10
SHB 1346 f Nurse in school setting Springer,etc. EDU DP6
SHB 1347 f Countywide port district Riccelli,etc. LGOV DP5
HB 1352 f Small business owners Barkis,Chapman,etc. CLS DP6
SHB 1411 Dental licensure/residency Cody,etc. HLTH DP11
SHB 1420 f Theatrical wrestling Hudgins,etc. CLS DP6
ESHB 1431 Osteopath med & surgery brd Slatter,etc. HLTH DP10
EHB 1450 f Title insurance rating orgs. Nealey,Kirby,etc. FI DP5
SHB 1462 f Marijuana edibles/sanitary Kloba,etc. AWTE DP8 w/oRec2
HB 1475 f Gambling commission officers Irwin,Goodman,etc.,GMB CLS DP5 w/oRec1
SHB 1490 f Preservation rating info. Fey,etc. TRAN DP11
ESHB 1538 Subcontractor bonding Stambaugh,etc. CLS DPA6
ESHB 1548 f Long-term care curricula Schmick,etc. HLTH DP11
HB 1593 f Small securities offerings Vick,Kirby FI DP5
HB 1615 f Relocation assistance Kloba,Clibborn,etc.,DOT TRAN DP11
HB 1629 f L&I appeals timeline Sells,Manweller,LI CLS DP6
EHB 1648 County treasurers Stonier,Frame,etc. LGOV DPA5
EHB 1654 f Teacher certification McCaslin,Bergquist,etc.,PESB EDU DP6
SHB 1671 Daily living assistance Cody,etc. HLTH DP11
SHB 1683 Sewer service/growth areas Appleton,etc. LGOV DP5
HB 1718 f Wine auctions/special permit Jenkin,Kirby,etc. CLS DPA6
HB 1722 f Wholesale vehicle dealers Kirby,Vick TRAN DP11
HB 1732 f Educator professional growth Springer,Bergquist,PESB EDU DP6
HB 1734 f Substitute teachers/PESB Lovick,Hargrove,etc.,PESB EDU DP6
SHB 1738 Brake friction material Doglio,etc. EET DP6 w/oRec3
ESHB 1751 Fire district annexations Farrell,etc. LGOV DP5
SHB 1755 Workers' comp./settlements Manweller CLS DP6
SHB 1813 Addresses of record, updates Kloba,etc. TRAN DP11
ESHB 1814 DSHS notification reqs. Goodman,etc. HSMH DPA7
SHB 1845 Insurance notices/electronic Vick,etc. FI DPA5
SHB 1893 Spirits & wine/credit card Vick,etc. CLS DPA6
SHB 1905 Vessel pilotage act exempt. Orcutt,etc. TRAN DP11
HB 1931 f Mandated reporter posting Hayes,Macri,etc. HSMH DP6 w/oRec1
HB 1959 Covenants/local gov. removal Harmsworth,Pollet,etc. LGOV DP5
SHB 2016 Incarcerated women/midwifery DeBolt,etc. HLTH DP11
ESHB 2057 f Residential real property Orwall FI DP5
EHB 2073 f Beef commission Dent,Buys AWTE DP11
SHJM 4008 Eastern intertie rate design Morris EET DP9
SGA 9010 RUSSELL E. OLSEN, Director, Pollution Liability Insurance Program EET BC9
SGA 9059 JANIS AVERY, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC6
SGA 9105 NANCY J. SINKOVITZ, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC6
SGA 9138 HAROLD W. WITHROW, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HIE BC3
SGA 9139 ALLIE M. JOINER, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC6
SGA 9144 MARIBEL VILCHEZ, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC6
SGA 9188 ARIELE P. BELO, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC6
SGA 9189 MICHELLE FARRELL, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC6
SGA 9196 CHARLOTTE A. PARSLEY, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC6
SGA 9229 MONA H. BAILEY, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC6
SGA 9236 RICARDO E. SANCHEZ, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC6
SGA 9250 JAY M. BALASBAS, Member, Utilities and Transportation Commission EET BC9

Total Count: 87