Washington State Senate 1st Order

2017 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate JIM HONEYFORD, Vice President Pro Tem

February 3, 2017 - Friday 26TH DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 5035 f Investigational med. product HLTH DPS10 w/oRec1 RULE
SB 5070 f Paraeducators EDU DP5 WM
SB 5084 Breast health information HLTH DPS10 w/oRec1 RULE
SB 5107 f Early learning opportunities EDU DPS5 WM
SB 5118 Personal needs allowance HLTH DP11 WM
SB 5129 f Charter schools/athletics EDU DP5 RULE
SB 5133 Boards of equalization LGOV DPS4 RULE
SB 5153 f Vehicle reg./financial resp. TRAN w/oRec12 FI
SB 5177 f Hearing loss training HLTH DP11 RULE
SB 5179 f Hearing instrument coverage HLTH DPS11 WM
SB 5187 County auditors LGOV DP4 RULE
SB 5234 f AP exam credit HIE DP4 w/oRec1 RULE
SB 5237 f Workforce invest. act refs. HIE DP5 RULE
SB 5285 f Workforce study/ag., etc. HIE DPS5 WM
SB 5314 County treasurers LGOV DPS4 RULE
SB 5332 f Electrolytic processing tax EET DP5 w/oRec3 WM
SB 5361 f Opportunity scholarship prog HIE DP5, On motion referred to WM WM
SCR 8401 2016 workforce training plan HIE DP5 RULE
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9193 ROGER MILLAR, Secretary, Department of Transportation - Agency Head TRAN BC12 RULE
SGA 9219 HEATHER L. MANSY, Member, Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees EDU w/oRec5 HIE