Washington State Senate 1st Order

2017 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate JIM HONEYFORD, Vice President Pro Tem

March 29, 2017 - Wednesday 80TH DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 5188 f Natural disaster/tax classif WM DPS21 w/oRec1 RULE
SB 5557 f Clay targets sales tax exemp WM DP13 DNP6 w/oRec1 RULE
SB 5863 Treatment provider evals. HSMH DP4 DNP3 WM
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SHB 1010 f Dept. of ecology agreements EET DP9 RULE
ESHB 1017 f School siting EDU DPA5 DNP1 w/oRec1 RULE
SHB 1036 Tow truck electronic records TRAN DP13 RULE
SHB 1037 Tow truck notices TRAN DP13 RULE
HB 1042 f School district/ESD reports EDU DP6 w/oRec1 WM
SHB 1043 Personal health information HLTH DPA11 w/oRec1 RULE
SHB 1055 Military members/pro bono LAW DPA7 WM
HB 1056 f Military/consumer protection LAW DP7 RULE
HB 1058 f Court-ordered restitution LAW DPA6 w/oRec1 RULE
SHB 1060 f Medical marijuana/students EDU DP7 WM
SHB 1070 f Dispute resolution fees LAW DPA4 DNP3 RULE
SHB 1079 No-contact order/trafficking LAW DPA7 RULE
SHB 1086 Impact statements/two years EET DPA9 RULE
HB 1095 Antifreeze products CLS DP5 DNP2 RULE
ESHB 1097 Hunting/tribal consultation NRP DPA5 RULE
HB 1107 Renaming branch campuses HIE DP4 RULE
ESHB 1109 f Victims of sexual assault LAW DPA7 WM
ESHB 1115 f Paraeducators EDU DPA7 WM
2SHB 1120 f Regulatory fairness act SGOV DP5 WM
SHB 1130 f Customized training program HIE DP4 WM
ESHB 1136 Oil spill planning/nonfuel EET DPA9 RULE
HB 1148 Timber purchase reporting NRP DP5 RULE
SHB 1149 Maximum vehicle length limit TRAN DP11 RULE
ESHB 1153 Vulnerable persons/crimes LAW DP7 WM
E2SHB 1163 Domestic violence LAW DPA7 WM
2SHB 1169 f Student loan assistance HIE DPA4 WM
2SHB 1170 f Truancy reduction efforts HSMH DP6 w/oRec1 WM
SHB 1184 Patronizing a prostitute LAW DPA7 RULE
EHB 1188 f Child passenger restraint TRAN DP9 DNP2 w/oRec2 RULE
SHB 1200 Voyeurism/second degree LAW DPA7 RULE
HB 1204 POW/MIA flag display SGOV DP5 RULE
SHB 1218 Towing fees termination TRAN DP13 RULE
SHB 1258 f First responders/disability LAW DP7 RULE
HB 1262 f Accessible parking spaces TRAN DP11 RULE
2SHB 1280 Referred and diverted youth HSMH DPA6 DNP1 WM
SHB 1314 f Health care auth. auditing HLTH DPA12, On motion referred to WM WM
ESHB 1333 f AP exam credit HIE DP4 RULE
ESHB 1340 Sub use disorder prof pract HLTH DPA9 DNP1 w/oRec1 RULE
2SHB 1341 f Prof. certification/teachers EDU DPA7 RULE
SHB 1353 f Elk management pilot project NRP DPA5 WM
SHB 1369 Veteran definition SGOV DP5 RULE
E2SHB 1375 f CTC course material costs HIE DP4 WM
SHB 1377 Student mental health EDU DPA7 WM
SHB 1388 Behavioral health authority HLTH DPA8 w/oRec4 WM
SHB 1417 OPMA/IT security matters SGOV DP5 RULE
SHB 1421 Sensitive data/st. networks SGOV DP5 WM
ESHB 1427 Opioid treatment programs HLTH DP7 w/oRec2 DNP1, On motion referred to WM WM
ESHB 1432 f Foundat. public health servs HLTH DPA10 w/oRec2 WM
SHB 1433 f Tuition/activities fees HIE DP4 WM
SHB 1434 Shared leave/pregnancy SGOV DP5 WM
E2SHB 1439 f Higher ed student protection HIE DPA4 WM
SHB 1464 Rec. access/private lands NRP DPA5 RULE
ESHB 1465 f Wolf depredation/public recs NRP DPA5 RULE
SHB 1467 f Fire protection service auth LGOV DPA5 RULE
HB 1470 f Declaration of candidacy SGOV DP5 RULE
ESHB 1493 Biometric identifiers LAW DP4 DNP2 w/oRec1 RULE
E2SHB 1495 f Commercial office space LGOV DPA5 WM
HB 1499 f Student loan disbursement HIE DP4 WM
SHB 1501 f Attempts to obtain firearms LAW DPA7 WM
ESHB 1503 f On-site sewage sys. mandates LGOV DP5 RULE
ESHB 1504 GMA/rail dependent uses LGOV DPA5 RULE
EHB 1506 f Workplaces/gender pay equity CLS DPA7 RULE
EHB 1507 f Election reconcil. reports SGOV DP5 RULE
ESHB 1513 f Youth voter reg. info. SGOV DPA4 DNP1 WM
SHB 1521 f Vacation leave/state empl. SGOV DP4 w/oRec1 WM
HB 1530 f Vacation/ferry employees TRAN DP13 RULE
2SHB 1540 f Language of public notices LGOV DPA5 WM
SHB 1543 Sex. assault/parental rights LAW DPA7 RULE
ESHB 1547 Cert. of need/psychiat. beds HLTH DPA7 w/oRec5 RULE
E2SHB 1561 f Open educational resources HIE DPA4 WM
E2SHB 1562 f WA food policy forum AWTE DPA9 w/oRec1 WM
HB 1571 f Veterans/care & support srv. SGOV DP5 WM
HB 1578 Irrigation district auth. EET DP9 RULE
ESHB 1594 f Public records admin. SGOV DPA5 WM
EHB 1595 f Public records request costs SGOV DPA5 RULE
HB 1603 f Child support economic table LAW DPA4 w/oRec3 WM
SHB 1605 f Vessel impoundment LAW DPA7 RULE
E2SHB 1614 f Impaired driving LAW DPA7 TRAN
EHB 1620 f Background checks/local gov. LGOV DPA5 RULE
HB 1630 f Minors/homeless info. system HSMH DPA4 DNP3 RULE
SHB 1641 Homeless youth/health care HLTH DPA11 DNP1 RULE
E2SHB 1661 f Child, youth, families/dept HSMH DPA6 DNP1 WM
HB 1676 f Service animals in training LAW DP7 RULE
SHB 1680 Sentencing elements wrksheet LAW DPA7 RULE
E2SHB 1711 f Forest health treatments NRP DP5 WM
SHB 1717 Biometric identifiers SGOV DP5 RULE
EHB 1728 Child sex exploit./subpoenas LAW DP7 RULE
ESHB 1739 f Crime victims' compensation LAW DP7 WM
HB 1754 f Sex offender trtmnt priority LAW DP7 RULE
HB 1757 f Meth/transient accommodation EET DP9 RULE
E2SHB 1783 Legal financial obligations LAW DPA7 WM
2SHB 1789 Sentencing laws & practices LAW DPA7 WM
HB 1794 f Death investigations account LAW DP7 WM
E2SHB 1802 f Veterans/shared leave access SGOV DP5 WM
SHB 1815 Dependency/alleged parent HSMH DP6 w/oRec1 RULE
ESHB 1824 f Electronic product recycling EET DPA6 DNP2 RULE
HB 1829 f Disclosure/computer networks EET DP9 RULE
HB 1833 f Financial reporting SGOV DPA5 RULE
SHB 1838 All-terrain vehicle crossing TRAN DP11 w/oRec2 RULE
HB 1853 f Nonoperational facilities SGOV DP5 RULE
HB 1859 f Assault of utility worker LAW DP7 RULE
SHB 1877 Tow truck op. driving record TRAN DP12 RULE
ESHB 1886 f OSPI & state board of ed. EDU DPA7 RULE
HB 1907 f Abandoned cemeteries SGOV DP5 RULE
EHB 1913 f Schools/leasehold excise tax HIE DP4 WM
2SHB 1929 f IT system security testing SGOV DP5 WM
HB 1939 Cesar Chavez day SGOV DP5 RULE
EHB 1967 Noncompetition agreements CLS DP5 w/oRec4 RULE
HB 1983 Juv. corrections/counties HSMH DPA7 RULE
SHB 1988 f Vulnerable youth guardians WM DPA(HSMH)21 w/oRec1 RULE
SHB 2006 f Existing resources/local gov LGOV DPA4 DNP1 RULE
HB 2007 f Women's suffrage centennial SGOV DPA5 WM
2SHB 2009 f Gold star families/higher ed HIE DP4 WM
ESHB 2010 f Homelessness/wildfire areas NRP DPA5, On motion referred to wM WM
ESHB 2023 f GMA actions effective date LGOV DPA5, On motion referred to WM WM
SHB 2037 f Higher ed. disability wk grp HIE DP4 RULE
HB 2052 Alt contracting methods cert SGOV DP5 RULE
ESHB 2114 f Out-of-network health srvs HLTH DP9 w/oRec3 WM
ESHB 2126 Wolves/livestock depredation NRP DPA5 WM
HJM 4011 Petty Officer Schlimme SGOV DP5 RULE
HCR 4400 f Helen Sommers Building SGOV DPA5 RULE
HCR 4402 f 2016 workforce training plan HIE DP4 RULE
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9021 LORETTA S. DEKAY, Member, Columbia River Gorge Commission NRP BC5 RULE
SGA 9061 PATRICK DOWD, Director, Office of the Family and Children Ombudsman - Agency Head HSMH BC7 RULE
SGA 9080 NANCY BIERY, Member, Salmon Recovery Funding Board NRP BC5 RULE
SGA 9088 LORRAINE LEE, Director, Office of Administrative Hearings LAW BC7 RULE
SGA 9097 BRIAN BLAKE, Member, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission NRP BC5 RULE
SGA 9167 JANET WAINWRIGHT, Member, Columbia River Gorge Commission NRP BC5 RULE