Washington State Senate 1st Order

2018 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate KAREN KEISER, President Pro Tem
BRAD HENDRICKSON, Secretary of the Senate STEVE CONWAY, Vice President Pro Tem

January 19, 2018 - Friday 12TH DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 5074 f College bound scholarship HEWD DPS7 DNP2 RULE
SB 5251 f Tourism marketing EDIT DP3S5 WM
SB 5598 f Relatives/child visitation LAW DP6 DNP1 RULE
SB 5624 f Electrical customer billing EENT DPS10 RULE
SB 5627 f Mobile home communities FI DPS6 w/oRec1 WM
SB 5643 f Lead-based paint fees EENT DP8 DNP2 RULE
SB 5928 Marijuana/financial services FI DPS6 DNP1 RULE
SB 5989 f Small claims court LAW DPS7 RULE
SB 6017 f Military/consumer protection LAW DP7 RULE
SB 6025 f Therapeutic courts LAW DPS7, On motion referred to WM WM
SB 6029 f Student loan bill of rights HEWD DPS7 DNP1 w/oRec1 WM
SB 6035 f Insurers/risk mitigation FI DPS6 w/oRec1 RULE
SB 6039 f Uniform unsworn declarations LAW DP7 RULE
SB 6040 Business corp. act meetings LAW DP7 RULE
SB 6041 f Civil legal aid LAW DPS6 w/oRec1 RULE
SB 6073 f Hardwood processors levy AWNP DP5 RULE
SB 6078 Inmate apprenticeship prog. HEWD DP9 WM
SB 6085 f Linked deposit program FI DP6 w/oRec1 RULE
SB 6097 Outdoor recreation task forc HEWD DPS9, On motion referred to WM WM
SB 6101 f Scholarship program HEWD DPS6 DNP3 WM
SB 6125 Ecology/regional agreements AWNP DP5 RULE
SB 6140 f State land management AWNP DP5 RULE
SB 6159 f Ugrd storage tank prg reauth EENT DP10 RULE
SB 6179 f UTC reporting requirements EENT DP8 w/oRec2 RULE
SB 6211 f Federal lands revolving acct AWNP DP5 RULE
SB 6368 f Fairs, youth shows, & expos EDIT DP5 RULE
SB 6384 Wanapum Indians/fish permits AWNP DP5 RULE
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9020 FRANK E. FENNERTY, JR., Member, Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals LBRC BC8 RULE
SGA 9047 JULIA L. PATTERSON, Member, Gambling Commission LBRC BC8 RULE
SGA 9070 BUD SIZEMORE, Member, Gambling Commission LBRC BC8 RULE
SGA 9110 CATHERINE SHAFFER, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7 RULE
SGA 9159 VALORIA A. LOVELAND, Member, Lottery Commission LBRC BC8 RULE
SGA 9195 FREDERICK W. FINN, Member, Lottery Commission LBRC BC8 RULE
SGA 9222 RUSSELL D. HAUGE, Chair, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC6 w/oRec1 RULE
SGA 9235 LINDA WILLIAMS, Chair, Industrial Insurance Appeals Board LBRC BC8 RULE
SGA 9242 BARBARA BAKER, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission AWNP BC5 RULE
SGA 9244 KIM M. THORBURN, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission AWNP BC4 NBC1 RULE
SGA 9246 OLLIE A. GARRETT, Member, Liquor and Cannabis Board LBRC BC8 RULE
SGA 9255 DAVID W. GRAYBILL, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission AWNP BC5 RULE
SGA 9301 LARRY M. CARPENTER, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission AWNP BC5 RULE
SGA 9302 DONALD O. MCISAAC, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission AWNP BC5 RULE
SGA 9311 JON J. TUNHEIM, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7 RULE