Washington State Senate 1st Order

2018 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate KAREN KEISER, President Pro Tem
BRAD HENDRICKSON, Secretary of the Senate STEVE CONWAY, Vice President Pro Tem

February 20, 2018 - Tuesday 44TH DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 5627 f Mobile home communities WM DPS(FI)23 RULE
SB 6536 f Vehicle assist./sales tax WM DP23 RULE
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SHB 1060 f Medical marijuana/students EDU DPA7 w/oRec1 RULE
ESHB 1239 Social security/medical recs HLTC DPA7 w/oRec2 RULE
ESHB 1434 f Shared leave/pregnancy SGTE DP5 RULE
2SHB 1513 f Youth voter reg. info. SGTE DP4 DNP1 TRAN
SHB 1524 Therapeutic courts LAW DPA7 WM
2SHB 1532 Nonprofit homeownership dev. HSC w/oRec6 WM
SHB 1559 Uniformed personnel arbitrat LBRC DP7 WM
EHB 1571 f Veterans/care & support srv. SGTE DP5 WM
ESHB 1618 f Engagement coordinators EDU DP9 RULE
E2SHB 1673 f Responsible bidder criteria LBRC DP5 DNP2 RULE
SHB 1763 Housing/persons w/devel dis. HSC w/oRec6 WM
SHB 2101 Sex. assault nurse examiners HLTC DP9 RULE
HB 2257 Maintenance of certification HLTC DP9 RULE
HB 2266 f Driver training curriculum EDU DPA9 RULE
EHB 2332 f Gambling addiction LBRC DPA7 RULE
HB 2358 f Marijuana definitions LBRC w/oRec7 WM
ESHB 2362 Business entities/crime LAW DPA7 RULE
SHB 2367 Child care collab task force EDU w/oRec9 LBRC
SHB 2398 Jury selection LAW DP7 RULE
SHB 2448 Dev. disability housing/tax HSC w/oRec6 WM
ESHB 2472 Marijuana purchase terms LBRC DP7 RULE
HB 2474 Marijuana product labeling LBRC DP7 RULE
ESHB 2489 f Opioid use disorder HLTC DPA9 WM
SHB 2514 f Discriminatory covenants LAW DP7 RULE
SHB 2530 Foster youth health care HLTC DP9 WM
HB 2642 f DCYF/written determination EDU DP9 RULE
2SHB 2671 Ag industry behavioral hlth HLTC DP9 WM
SHB 2685 High sch. preapprenticeships EDU DP8 RULE
HB 2699 Food storage/alcohol manuf. LBRC DP6 w/oRec1 RULE
HB 2751 f Deduction of union dues LBRC DPA5 DNP2 RULE
HB 2821 f L&I/inspection duty delegat. LBRC DP7 RULE
HB 2892 f Mental health field response HSC w/oRec6 LAW
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9305 KIMBERLY N. GORDON, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7 RULE
SGA 9338 GREG SZABO, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC9 RULE
SGA 9347 GREGORY C. LINK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7 RULE