2158-S2 AMH SANT TANG 111
2SHB 2158 - H AMD 832
By Representative Santos
NOT ADOPTED 04/26/2019
On page 54, line 17, after "for" strike "endorsing"
On page 54, line 21 after "considered" strike "endorsed"
On page 56, at the beginning of line 5, strike "endorsed"
On page 56, line 26, after "learning," insert "jointly"
On page 56, line 27, after "management" insert "and the office of the superintendent of public instruction"
On page 56, line 28, after "Develop" insert "common"
On page 57, line 1, after "learning" insert "and work-integrated learning"
On page 57, line 2, after "the" strike "career connect Washington"
On page 57, line 8, after "learning" insert "and work-integrated learning"
On page 57, line 9, after "learning" insert "and work-integrated learning"
On page 57, line 19, after "learning" insert "and work-integrated learning"
On page 57, line 27, after "office" insert ", the office of the superintendent of public instruction,"
On page 59, beginning on line 21, strike all of subsection (d)
| EFFECT: Removes the provisions requiring the cross agency work group to endorse career launch programs.
Requires the grant program administrator to consult with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), as well as the Governor's office and the work group, when developing a formal request for proposals for regional networks and program intermediaries.
Requires that the data enclave for career connected learning (CCL) be jointly led by the Education Research and Data Center (ERDC) and the OSPI (rather than led just by the ERDC). Requires that, for purposes of the data enclave and tracking CCL programs, "common" program codes must be developed.
Adds language referencing work-integrated learning in various provisions dealing with the grant program.
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