HB 1020
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. |
C 22 L 19
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Modifying the qualifications of members composing the county road administration board.
Sponsors: Representatives Eslick and Stanford.
House Committee on Transportation
Senate Committee on Transportation
The County Road Administration Board (CRAB) is composed of six county legislative authority members and three county engineer members.
Three of these members must be from counties with a population of 125,000 or more. Four must be from counties with a population from 20,000 to less than 125,000, and two must be from counties with a population of less than 20,000. No more than one member may be from any one county.
Three members of the CRAB must be from counties with a population of 150,000 or more. Four members must be from counties with a population from 30,000 to less than 150,000, and two members must be from counties with a population of less than 30,000.
Votes on Final Passage:
House | 96 | 0 | |
Senate | 47 | 0 |
Effective: | July 28, 2019 |