Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Housing, Community Development & Veterans Committee

HB 2587

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Establishing a program for the designation of state scenic bikeways.

Sponsors: Representatives Ramel, Shewmake, Duerr, Stonier, Dufault, Doglio, Mead, Thai, Lekanoff, Fitzgibbon, Pollet, Leavitt and Davis.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Requires the Parks and Recreation Commission to establish a scenic bikeways program for the designation and promotion of bicycle routes of notable scenic, recreational, cultural, or historic value.

Hearing Date: 1/29/20

Staff: Cassie Jones (786-7303).


The Parks and Recreation Commission has authorization to care, control, and supervise all parks and parkways in Washington. The Commission consists of seven members, all appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Senate.

Summary of Bill:

The Parks and Recreation Commission (Commission) is required to establish a scenic bikeways program for the designation and promotion of bicycle routes of notable scenic, recreational, cultural, or historic value. Scenic bikeways may be comprised of bicycle paths, multiple use trails, highways, or trail facilities managed by the Commission.

Proposing a Route.

Any person may propose the designation of a scenic bikeway route. Prior to designation of a route by the Commission, the Commission must provide an opportunity for public comment. Proponents of routes are encouraged to consider the criteria by which the Commission will review and approve routes and consider locating routes in ways that encourages local economic development in proximity to the route. The Commission must give priority to the designation and implementation of scenic bikeways that will add variety to the geographic location, topography, route length and difficulty, and cultural, historic, scenic, and recreational value of the scenic bikeway system or that will complete existing bicycling networks.

Criteria for Approving a Route.

The Commission must review proposed scenic bikeways in consultation with the Department of Transportation and confirm that the proposed route:

Signage and Promotion.

The Commission must consult with the Department of Transportation to develop signage to be placed along scenic bikeway routes. The Commission must promote the use of scenic bikeways on its website and may develop promotional materials that describe the bikeways and promote economic development in proximity to the bikeways.

Recreational Passes.

Recreational access passes, such as Discover Passes or day use permits, are not required in order to use a designated scenic bikeway. However, recreational access pass requirements do apply to motor vehicles used to park or operate on any portion of a scenic bikeway located on a recreational site or lands.


The Commission may enter into sponsorship agreements with nonprofit entities or private businesses or entities for sponsorship signs to be displayed on designated scenic bikeways or portions of designated scenic bikeways. The commission may establish the cost for entering into a sponsor agreement. Signage erected pursuant to a sponsorship agreement must be consistent with criteria established by the commission relating to size, materials, colors, wording, and location. The nonprofit entity or private business or entity must pay all costs of a display, including development, construction, installation, operation, maintenance, and removal costs. Proceeds from the sponsorship agreements must be used to fund commission activities related to the scenic bikeways program.


The commission may adopt rules to administer the scenic bikeways program.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Requested on January 21, 2020.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.