Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research | BILL ANALYSIS |
Human Services & Early Learning Committee |
HB 2607
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. |
Brief Description: Assisting homeless individuals in obtaining Washington state identicards.
Sponsors: Representatives Callan, Corry, Caldier, Eslick, Orwall, Entenman, Davis, Shewmake, Lekanoff, Thai, Chapman, Steele, Fey, Chopp, Robinson, Bergquist, Senn, Cody, Doglio, Goodman, Leavitt, Ramel, Santos, Ormsby, Pollet, Kloba and Macri.
Brief Summary of Bill |
Hearing Date: 1/24/20
Staff: Luke Wickham (786-7146).
The Department of Licensing (DOL) issues identification cards known as identicards. Identicards expire on the sixth anniversary of the applicant's birthdate after issuance, at which time they may be renewed. The DOL must issue an identicard to any applicant who:
does not hold a valid Washington driver's license;
proves his or her identity; and
pays a $54 fee.
The cost for an identicard may be reduced to the cost of production if the applicant:
receives public assistance grants;
is under the age of 18 and does not have a permanent residence address; or
is scheduled to be released from a juvenile rehabilitation institution, a community juvenile facility, or other juvenile rehabilitation facility, or has been released from such an institution or facility within 30 calendar days before the date of the application.
Proof of Identity.
Generally, to meet the proof of identity requirement when applying for an identicard, an applicant must display or provide the DOL with at least one of the following pieces of valid identifying documentation that contains the signature and photograph of the applicant:
a valid or recently expired driver's license or instruction permit;
a Washington state identicard or an identification card issued by another state;
an identification card issued by the United States, a state, or an agency of either the United States or a state;
a military identification card;
a United States passport; or
an Immigration and Naturalization Service form.
A minor applicant may prove his or her identity by providing an affidavit of the applicant's parent or guardian where the parent or guardian displays or provides at least one piece of identifying documentation along with additional documentation establishing the relationship between the parent or guardian and the applicant.
The DOL may request supplemental identifying documentation, or may undertake an investigation to verify the validity of any documentation presented, in order to ascertain identity.
An applicant who is unable to present the identifying documentation listed above may request that other identifying documentation be considered by the DOL in order to ascertain identity. The DOL may waive the requirement for a piece of valid identifying documentation listed above if the applicant presents sufficient valid supporting documents found by the DOL to clearly establish the identity of the applicant.
The DOL has found the following pieces of alternative documentation to be sufficient to clearly establish identity:
a foreign country's passport, containing the signature and a photograph of the individual, that has with it a valid United States Immigration and Naturalization entry form;
an enrollment card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe, containing the signature and a photograph of the individual, with one other supporting document;
an identification card issued by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs, containing the signature and a photograph of the individual, with one other supporting document;
a written identification verification document completed by the Washington Department of Corrections; and
a Washington city or county police employee identification card, containing the signature and a photograph of the individual, with one other supporting document.
If a licensing services representative assisting the applicant is unable to ascertain identity from the documents presented, the applicant must be referred to an in-office document reviewer for further assistance. The in-office document reviewer will evaluate the applicant's documentation in order to determine whether identity can be clearly established. If the in-office document review cannot clearly establish an applicant's identity, and if requested by an applicant, a senior technician for the region in which the applicant is making application will evaluate the applicant's documentation in order to determine whether identity can be clearly established. If requested by the applicant, the senior technician shall refer the applicant to DOL headquarters staff for final determination whether identity can be clearly established.
To establish proof of identity and residency for foster youth seeking an identicard, the DCYF may submit to the DOL:
a written signed statement prepared on DCYF letterhead, verifying certain personal information about the youth including a statement that the youth is subject to a dependency court order; and
a photograph of the youth.
Summary of Bill:
Individuals without a permanent residence address up to age 25, instead of age 18, qualify for an identicard at the cost of production instead of $54.
The DCYF must assist youth under age 25 who do not have a permanent residence address and qualify for actual cost identicards.
The DCYF must accept Washington state identicard application materials for individuals qualifying for an identicard from:
individuals or entities licensed by the DCYF;
individuals or entities contracted to provide services to youth by the DCYF;
individual schools or school districts;
HOPE centers;
crisis residential centers;
street outreach services; and
the independent youth housing program.
The DCYF must compile information received from the entities listed above and submit this information to the DOL.
The DCYF must develop, in consultation with the DOL, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the Office of Homeless Youth Prevention and Protection Programs, other forms of identification that may be common for individuals qualifying for an identicard under the age of 25 that meet the alternative documentation requirements of the DOL.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 20, 2020.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.