Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Transportation Committee

HJM 4016

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Requesting to commence proceedings in naming state route number 902 the Gold Star Memorial Highway.

Sponsors: Representatives Riccelli, Volz, Graham, Fey, Lovick, Valdez, Maycumber, Leavitt, Tarleton, Shea and Ormsby.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Naming State Route 902 the Gold Star Memorial Highway.

Hearing Date: 1/30/20

Staff: Megan McPhaden (786-7114)


The Washington State Transportation Commission (WSTC) is responsible for naming state transportation facilities, including highways and bridges. It is the WSTC's stated policy that a naming must commemorate a person or group of people who significantly contributed to the state or nation's well-being. A facility naming must be thoroughly and deliberately conducted and must be widely supported by people from the area.

There are two processes for initiating the naming of a state transportation facility:

  1. The Legislature may pass a Joint Memorial requesting the WSTC name or rename a facility. Following enactment of a Joint Memorial, the WSTC holds a public hearing as soon as possible to allow for public input prior to taking action.

  2. The Legislature, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), state and local government entities, citizen organizations, and any person may contact the WSTC establishing their interest in a naming. The requesting party must provide sufficient evidence indicating community support and acceptance of the proposal. This evidence may include a letter of support from the state or federal legislator representing the area encompassing the facility to be renamed. Other evidence that may provide proof of community support includes a resolution passed by other elected bodies in the impacted area, support by the WSDOT, and supportive action from a local organization such as a chamber of commerce.

After the WSTC takes final action, the WSDOT designs and installs the appropriate signs.

Summary of Bill:

The Senate and the House of Representatives request that the WSTC commence proceedings to name State Route 902 the Gold Star Memorial Highway.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Requested on January 24, 2020.