SB 5388
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. |
As Reported by Senate Committee On:
State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections, February 20, 2019
Title: An act relating to establishing a training course for campaign treasurers.
Brief Description: Establishing a training course for campaign treasurers.
Sponsors: Senators Becker, Bailey, Cleveland, Hunt, Short, O'Ban, King, Keiser, Walsh, Wilson, L., Darneille, Warnick, Honeyford, Brown, Billig, Hasegawa, Van De Wege, Wagoner and Kuderer.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections: 2/15/19, 2/20/19 [DP-WM].
Brief Summary of Bill |
Majority Report: Do pass and be referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
Signed by Senators Hunt, Chair; Kuderer, Vice Chair; Zeiger, Ranking Member; Bailey, Hasegawa, Hawkins and Takko.
Staff: Samuel Brown (786-7470)
Background: The Public Disclosure Commission. The Public Disclosure Commission (PDC), created by the passage of Initiative 276 in 1972, is empowered to provide timely public access to information about the financing of political campaigns, lobbyist expenditures, and the financial affairs of public officials and candidates, and to ensure compliance with contribution limits and other campaign finance restrictions.
Campaign Treasurers. Each candidate and political committee must file the name and address of the candidate or committee's campaign treasurer with the PDC. The campaign may name as many deputy treasurers as deemed necessary.
The treasurer must file contribution and expenditure reports with the PDC 21 and 7 days before the election, as well as on the tenth day of the first month after the election. The treasurer must file contribution and expenditure reports on the tenth of each month where the campaign receives a contribution or makes an expenditure and has received contributions or made expenditures of more than $200 since the last report.
Treasurers must maintain books of account and are responsible for depositing all contributions received by the candidate or committee in the depository designated at the time of initial filing with the PDC.
Summary of Bill: Campaign Treasurer Training Course. The PDC must provide a training course for campaign treasurers or deputy treasurers by September 1, 2019. The training course must cover:
responsibilities of treasurers and deputy treasurers;
reporting requirements, deadlines, and contribution limits and restrictions;
how to use the electronic filing system;
penalties for violation of campaign finance laws; and
any other subjects the PDC considers necessary for compliance.
The training course must be provided in person and remotely. The PDC determines the requirements for completion of the course and must develop a system for tracking completion of the course.
Prohibition. By May 1, 2020, no person, other than the candidate themselves or an actively licensed certified public accountant, may serve as a campaign treasurer or deputy treasurer for a campaign receiving contributions or making expenditures of more than $5,000 for more than nominal compensation without certification of successful completion of the training course within the past five years.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: No.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony: PRO: Due to a lack of training, many legislators have received campaign finance complaints—this bill gives us the opportunity to make correct filings the first time. Since the training can be offered online, costs can be kept down.
Persons Testifying: PRO: Senator Randi Becker, Prime Sponsor.
Persons Signed In To Testify But Not Testifying: No one.