SSB 6257

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 156 L 20

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Concerning the underground storage tank reinsurance program.

Sponsors: Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology (originally sponsored by Senators Wellman and Short; by request of Pollution Liability Insurance Agency).

Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology

House Committee on Environment & Energy

Background: In 1989, the Legislature created the Pollution Liability Insurance Agency (PLIA). PLIA was initially established to meet United States Environmental Protection Agency requirements for owners and operators of underground storage tanks (USTs) and to demonstrate financial responsibility for the clean-up of contamination from spills or releases of petroleum.


PLIA provides reinsurance to insurance companies covering owners and operators of USTs and heating oil tanks. PLIA offers insurance coverage for clean-up of contamination from active heating oil tanks registered in the program prior to a contamination event. The objective of PLIA is to improve the availability and affordability of pollution liability insurance for owners and operators of USTs by selling reinsurance at a price significantly below the private market price for similar insurance. The discount is passed to owners and operators of USTs through reduced insurance premiums and increased availability of insurance.

The PLIA director is authorized to design and revise reinsurance contracts providing coverage to insurers. When designing the contract, common insurance industry reinsurance contract provisions must be considered. The contract must be designed following guidelines which include:


The director is authorized to:


PLIA and its programs are funded through:

PPT is suspended when the balance reaches $15 million and reinstated when the unrestricted account balance is less than $7,500,000.

Summary: The director, in consultation with the Office of Financial Management, may design and approve an emergency program to assist owners and operators of USTs in meeting their federal financial responsibility requirements. The director is authorized to:

Costs for implementing the emergency program must be collected from UST owners and operators using the program. All collected funds must be deposited into the Pollution Liability Insurance Program Trust Account.


The director must provide a report to the Legislature that includes options available to assist owners and operators of USTs; a discussion of a state run insurance program; alternatives; and an evaluation of finances required to develop and implement a new financial responsibility model. The report must also include recommendations for legislation to implement actions necessary to meet federal financial responsibility requirements.

Votes on Final Passage:








June 11, 2020