State of Washington | 66th Legislature | 2019 Regular Session |
ByHouse Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Jinkins, Schmick, and Cody)
Sec. 1. RCW
74.60.005 and 2017 c 228 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The purpose of this chapter is to provide for a safety net assessment on certain Washington hospitals, which will be used solely to augment funding from all other sources and thereby support additional payments to hospitals for medicaid services as specified in this chapter.
(2) The legislature finds that federal health care reform will result in an expansion of medicaid enrollment in this state and an increase in federal financial participation.
(3) In adopting this chapter, it is the intent of the legislature:
(a) To impose a hospital safety net assessment to be used solely for the purposes specified in this chapter;
(b) To generate approximately one billion dollars per state fiscal biennium in new state and federal funds by disbursing all of that amount to pay for medicaid hospital services and grants to certified public expenditure and critical access hospitals, except costs of administration as specified in this chapter, in the form of additional payments to hospitals and managed care plans, which may not be a substitute for payments from other sources, but which include quality improvement incentive payments under RCW
(c) To generate two hundred ninety-two million dollars per biennium during the ((2017-2019))2019-2021 and ((2019-2021))2021-2023 biennia in new funds to be used in lieu of state general fund payments for medicaid hospital services;
(d) That the total amount assessed not exceed the amount needed, in combination with all other available funds, to support the payments authorized by this chapter;
(e) To condition the assessment on receiving federal approval for receipt of additional federal financial participation and on continuation of other funding sufficient to maintain aggregate payment levels to hospitals for inpatient and outpatient services covered by medicaid, including fee-for-service and managed care, at least at the rates the state paid for those services on July 1, 2015, as adjusted for current enrollment and utilization; ((and))
(f) For each of the two biennia starting with fiscal year ((2018))2020 to generate:
(i) Four million dollars for new integrated evidence-based psychiatry residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016 at the integrated psychiatry residency program at the University of Washington; and
(ii) Eight million two hundred thousand dollars for ((new)) family medicine residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016, as directed through the family medicine residency network at the University of Washington, for slots where residents are employed by hospitals;
(g) For the 2019-2021 biennium, to generate four million four hundred thousand dollars for the Washington rural health access preservation pilot established in RCW 74.09.5225(2)(b); and (h) For the 2019-2021 biennium, to generate two million seven hundred eighty-six thousand dollars plus any available federal match for additional payments to hospitals meeting the criteria in section 9(1) (a) through (e) of this act.
Sec. 2. RCW
74.60.010 and 2017 c 228 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Authority" means the health care authority.
(2) "Base year" for medicaid payments for state fiscal year 2017 is state fiscal year 2014. For each following year's calculations, the base year must be updated to the next following year.
(3) "Bordering city hospital" means a hospital as defined in WAC 182-550-1050 and bordering cities as described in WAC 182-501-0175, or successor rules.
(4) "Certified public expenditure hospital" means a hospital participating in ((
or that at any point from June 30, 2013, to July 1, 2019, has participated in)) the authority's certified public expenditure payment program as described in WAC 182-550-4650 or successor rule. ((
For purposes of this chapter any such hospital shall continue to be treated as a certified public expenditure hospital for assessment and payment purposes through the date specified in RCW 74.60.901.)) The eligibility of such hospitals to receive grants under RCW
74.60.090 solely from funds generated under this chapter
must remain in effect through the date specified in RCW 74.60.901 and must not be affected by any modification or termination of the federal certified public expenditure program, or reduced by the amount of any federal funds no longer available for that purpose.
(5) "Critical access hospital" means a hospital as described in RCW
(6) "Director" means the director of the health care authority.
(7) "Eligible new prospective payment hospital" means a prospective payment hospital opened after January 1, 2009, for which a full year of cost report data as described in RCW
74.60.030(2) and a full year of medicaid base year data required for the calculations in RCW
74.60.120(3) are available.
(8) "Fund" means the hospital safety net assessment fund established under RCW
(9) "Hospital" means a facility licensed under chapter
70.41 RCW.
(10) "Long-term acute care hospital" means a hospital which has an average inpatient length of stay of greater than twenty-five days as determined by the department of health.
(11) "Managed care organization" means an organization having a certificate of authority or certificate of registration from the office of the insurance commissioner that contracts with the authority under a comprehensive risk contract to provide prepaid health care services to eligible clients under the authority's medicaid managed care programs, including the healthy options program.
(12) "Medicaid" means the medical assistance program as established in Title XIX of the social security act and as administered in the state of Washington by the authority.
(13) "Medicare cost report" means the medicare cost report, form 2552, or successor document.
(14) "Nonmedicare hospital inpatient day" means total hospital inpatient days less medicare inpatient days, including medicare days reported for medicare managed care plans, as reported on the medicare cost report, form 2552, or successor forms, excluding all skilled and nonskilled nursing facility days, skilled and nonskilled swing bed days, nursery days, observation bed days, hospice days, home health agency days, and other days not typically associated with an acute care inpatient hospital stay.
(15) "Outpatient" means services provided classified as ambulatory payment classification services or successor payment methodologies as defined in WAC 182-550-7050 or successor rule and applies to fee-for-service payments and managed care encounter data.
(16) "Prospective payment system hospital" means a hospital reimbursed for inpatient and outpatient services provided to medicaid beneficiaries under the inpatient prospective payment system and the outpatient prospective payment system as defined in WAC 182-550-1050 or successor rule. For purposes of this chapter, prospective payment system hospital does not include a hospital participating in the certified public expenditure program or a bordering city hospital located outside of the state of Washington and in one of the bordering cities listed in WAC 182-501-0175 or successor rule.
(17) "Psychiatric hospital" means a hospital facility licensed as a psychiatric hospital under chapter
71.12 RCW.
(18) "Rehabilitation hospital" means a medicare-certified freestanding inpatient rehabilitation facility.
(19) "Small rural disproportionate share hospital payment" means a payment made in accordance with WAC 182-550-5200 or successor rule.
(20) "Upper payment limit" means the aggregate federal upper payment limit on the amount of the medicaid payment for which federal financial participation is available for a class of service and a class of health care providers, as specified in 42 C.F.R. Part 47, as separately determined for inpatient and outpatient hospital services.
Sec. 3. RCW
74.60.020 and 2017 c 228 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A dedicated fund is hereby established within the state treasury to be known as the hospital safety net assessment fund. The purpose and use of the fund shall be to receive and disburse funds, together with accrued interest, in accordance with this chapter. Moneys in the fund, including interest earned, shall not be used or disbursed for any purposes other than those specified in this chapter. Any amounts expended from the fund that are later recouped by the authority on audit or otherwise shall be returned to the fund.
(a) Any unexpended balance in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall carry over into the following fiscal year or that fiscal year and the following fiscal year and shall be applied to reduce the amount of the assessment under RCW
(b) Any amounts remaining in the fund after July 1, ((2021))2023, shall be refunded to hospitals, pro rata according to the amount paid by the hospital since July 1, 2013, subject to the limitations of federal law.
(2) All assessments, interest, and penalties collected by the authority under RCW
74.60.030 and
74.60.050 shall be deposited into the fund.
(3) Disbursements from the fund are conditioned upon appropriation and the continued availability of other funds sufficient to maintain aggregate payment levels to hospitals for inpatient and outpatient services covered by medicaid, including fee-for-service and managed care, at least at the levels the state paid for those services on July 1, 2015, as adjusted for current enrollment and utilization.
(4) Disbursements from the fund may be made only:
(a) To make payments to hospitals and managed care plans as specified in this chapter;
(b) To refund erroneous or excessive payments made by hospitals pursuant to this chapter;
(c) For one million dollars per biennium for payment of administrative expenses incurred by the authority in performing the activities authorized by this chapter;
(d) For two hundred ninety-two million dollars per biennium, to be used in lieu of state general fund payments for medicaid hospital services, provided that if the full amount of the payments required under RCW
74.60.120 and
74.60.130 cannot be distributed in a given fiscal year, this amount must be reduced proportionately;
(e) To repay the federal government for any excess payments made to hospitals from the fund if the assessments or payment increases set forth in this chapter are deemed out of compliance with federal statutes and regulations in a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction with all appeals exhausted. In such a case, the authority may require hospitals receiving excess payments to refund the payments in question to the fund. The state in turn shall return funds to the federal government in the same proportion as the original financing. If a hospital is unable to refund payments, the state shall develop either a payment plan, or deduct moneys from future medicaid payments, or both;
(f) To pay an amount sufficient, when combined with the maximum available amount of federal funds necessary to provide a one percent increase in medicaid hospital inpatient rates to hospitals eligible for quality improvement incentives under RCW
74.09.611. By May 16, 2018((
, and by each May 16 thereafter, the authority, in cooperation with the department of health, must verify that each hospital eligible to receive quality improvement incentives under the terms of this chapter is in substantial compliance with the reporting requirements in RCW
43.70.052 and
70.01.040 for the prior period. For the purposes of this subsection, "substantial compliance" means, in the prior period, the hospital has submitted at least nine of the twelve monthly reports by the due date. The authority must distribute quality improvement incentives to hospitals that have met these requirements beginning July 1 of 2018 and each July 1 thereafter; ((
(g) For each state fiscal year ((2018))2020 through ((2021))2023 to generate:
(i) Two million dollars for ((new)) integrated evidence-based psychiatry residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016 at the integrated psychiatry residency program at the University of Washington; and
(ii) Four million one hundred thousand dollars for ((new)) family medicine residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016, as directed through the family medicine residency network at the University of Washington, for slots where residents are employed by hospitals;
(h) For each state fiscal year 2019 through 2020, to generate two million two hundred thousand dollars for the Washington rural health access preservation pilot established in RCW 74.09.5225(2)(b); and (i) For each state fiscal year 2019 through 2020, to generate one million three hundred ninety-three thousand dollars plus any available federal match for additional payments to hospitals meeting the criteria in section 9(1) (a) through (e) of this act.
Sec. 4. RCW
74.60.030 and 2017 c 228 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Upon satisfaction of the conditions in RCW
74.60.150(1), and so long as the conditions in RCW
74.60.150(2) have not occurred, an assessment is imposed as set forth in this subsection. Assessment notices must be sent on or about thirty days prior to the end of each quarter and payment is due thirty days thereafter.
(b) Effective July 1, 2015, and except as provided in RCW
(i) Each prospective payment system hospital, except psychiatric and rehabilitation hospitals, shall pay a quarterly assessment. Each quarterly assessment shall be no more than one quarter of three hundred eighty dollars for each annual nonmedicare hospital inpatient day, up to a maximum of fifty-four thousand days per year. For each nonmedicare hospital inpatient day in excess of fifty-four thousand days, each prospective payment system hospital shall pay a quarterly assessment of one quarter of seven dollars for each such day, unless such assessment amount or threshold needs to be modified to comply with applicable federal regulations;
(ii) Each critical access hospital shall pay a quarterly assessment of one quarter of ten dollars for each annual nonmedicare hospital inpatient day;
(iii) Each psychiatric hospital shall pay a quarterly assessment of no more than one quarter of seventy-four dollars for each annual nonmedicare hospital inpatient day; and
(iv) Each rehabilitation hospital shall pay a quarterly assessment of no more than one quarter of seventy-four dollars for each annual nonmedicare hospital inpatient day.
(2) The authority shall determine each hospital's annual nonmedicare hospital inpatient days by summing the total reported nonmedicare hospital inpatient days for each hospital that is not exempt from the assessment under RCW
74.60.040. The authority shall obtain inpatient data from the hospital's 2552 cost report data file or successor data file available through the centers for medicare and medicaid services, as of a date to be determined by the authority. For state fiscal year ((
2021, the authority shall use cost report data for hospitals' fiscal years ending in ((
2017. For subsequent years, the hospitals' next succeeding fiscal year cost report data must be used.
(a) With the exception of a prospective payment system hospital commencing operations after January 1, 2009, for any hospital without a cost report for the relevant fiscal year, the authority shall work with the affected hospital to identify appropriate supplemental information that may be used to determine annual nonmedicare hospital inpatient days.
(b) A prospective payment system hospital commencing operations after January 1, 2009, must be assessed in accordance with this section after becoming an eligible new prospective payment system hospital as defined in RCW
Sec. 5. RCW
74.60.050 and 2017 c 228 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The authority, in cooperation with the office of financial management, shall develop rules for determining the amount to be assessed to individual hospitals, notifying individual hospitals of the assessed amount, and collecting the amounts due. Such rule making shall specifically include provision for:
(a) Transmittal of notices of assessment by the authority to each hospital informing the hospital of its nonmedicare hospital inpatient days and the assessment amount due and payable;
(b) Interest on delinquent assessments at the rate specified in RCW
82.32.050; and
(c) Adjustment of the assessment amounts in accordance with subsection (((2)))(3) of this section.
(2) For any hospital failing to make an assessment payment within ninety days of its due date, the authority may offset an amount from payments scheduled to be made by the authority to the hospital, reflecting the assessment payments owed by the hospital plus any interest. The authority shall deposit these offset funds into the dedicated hospital safety net assessment fund.
(3) For each state fiscal year, the assessment amounts established under RCW
74.60.030 must be adjusted as follows:
(a) If sufficient other funds, including federal funds, are available to make the payments required under this chapter and fund the state portion of the quality incentive payments under RCW
74.09.611 and
74.60.020(4)(f) without utilizing the full assessment under RCW
74.60.030, the authority shall reduce the amount of the assessment to the minimum levels necessary to support those payments;
(b) If the total amount of inpatient and outpatient supplemental payments under RCW
74.60.120 is in excess of the upper payment limits and the entire excess amount cannot be disbursed by additional payments to managed care organizations under RCW
74.60.130, the authority shall proportionately reduce future assessments on prospective payment hospitals to the level necessary to generate additional payments to hospitals that are consistent with the upper payment limit plus the maximum permissible amount of additional payments to managed care organizations under RCW
(c) If the amount of payments to managed care organizations under RCW
74.60.130 cannot be distributed because of failure to meet federal actuarial soundness or utilization requirements or other federal requirements, the authority shall apply the amount that cannot be distributed to reduce future assessments to the level necessary to generate additional payments to managed care organizations that are consistent with federal actuarial soundness or utilization requirements or other federal requirements;
(d) If required in order to obtain federal matching funds, the maximum number of nonmedicare inpatient days at the higher rate provided under RCW
74.60.030(1)(b)(i) may be adjusted in order to comply with federal requirements;
(e) If the number of nonmedicare inpatient days applied to the rates provided in RCW
74.60.030 will not produce sufficient funds to support the payments required under this chapter and the state portion of the quality incentive payments under RCW
74.09.611 and
74.60.020(4)(f), the assessment rates provided in RCW
74.60.030 may be increased proportionately by category of hospital to amounts no greater than necessary in order to produce the required level of funds needed to make the payments specified in this chapter and the state portion of the quality incentive payments under RCW
74.09.611 and
74.60.020(4)(f); and
(f) Any actual or estimated surplus remaining in the fund at the end of the fiscal year must be applied to reduce the assessment amount for the subsequent fiscal year or that fiscal year and the following fiscal years prior to and including fiscal year ((2021))2023.
(((3)))(4)(a) Any adjustment to the assessment amounts pursuant to this section, and the data supporting such adjustment, including, but not limited to, relevant data listed in (b) of this subsection, must be submitted to the Washington state hospital association for review and comment at least sixty calendar days prior to implementation of such adjusted assessment amounts. Any review and comment provided by the Washington state hospital association does not limit the ability of the Washington state hospital association or its members to challenge an adjustment or other action by the authority that is not made in accordance with this chapter.
(b) The authority shall provide the following data to the Washington state hospital association sixty days before implementing any revised assessment levels, detailed by fiscal year, beginning with fiscal year 2011 and extending to the most recent fiscal year, except in connection with the initial assessment under this chapter:
(i) The fund balance;
(ii) The amount of assessment paid by each hospital;
(iii) The state share, federal share, and total annual medicaid fee-for-service payments for inpatient hospital services made to each hospital under RCW
74.60.120, and the data used to calculate the payments to individual hospitals under that section;
(iv) The state share, federal share, and total annual medicaid fee-for-service payments for outpatient hospital services made to each hospital under RCW
74.60.120, and the data used to calculate annual payments to individual hospitals under that section;
(v) The annual state share, federal share, and total payments made to each hospital under each of the following programs: Grants to certified public expenditure hospitals under RCW
74.60.090, for critical access hospital payments under RCW
74.60.100; and disproportionate share programs under RCW
(vi) The data used to calculate annual payments to individual hospitals under (b)(v) of this subsection; and
(vii) The amount of payments made to managed care plans under RCW
74.60.130, including the amount representing additional premium tax, and the data used to calculate those payments.
(c) On a monthly basis, the authority shall provide the Washington state hospital association the amount of payments made to managed care plans under RCW
74.60.130, including the amount representing additional premium tax, and the data used to calculate those payments.
Sec. 6. RCW
74.60.090 and 2017 c 228 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In each fiscal year commencing upon satisfaction of the applicable conditions in RCW
74.60.150(1), funds must be disbursed from the fund and the authority shall make grants to certified public expenditure hospitals, which shall not be considered payments for hospital services, as follows:
(a) University of Washington medical center: Ten million five hundred fifty-five thousand dollars in ((
each)) state fiscal year ((
2020 and up to twelve million fifty-five thousand dollars in state fiscal year 2021 through ((
2023 paid as follows, except if the full amount of the payments required under RCW
74.60.120(1) and
74.60.130 cannot be distributed in a given fiscal year, the amounts in this subsection must be reduced proportionately:
(i) Four million four hundred fifty-five thousand dollars in state fiscal years 2020 through 2023, except that from state fiscal year 2021 through 2023, if northwest hospital is ineligible to participate in this chapter as a prospective payment hospital, the amount per state fiscal year must be five million nine hundred fifty-five thousand dollars;
(ii) Two million dollars to ((new)) integrated, evidence-based psychiatry residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016, at the integrated psychiatry residency program at the University of Washington; and
(iii) Four million one hundred thousand dollars to ((new)) family medicine residency program slots that did not receive state funding prior to 2016, as directed through the family medicine residency network at the University of Washington, for slots where residents are employed by hospitals;
(b) Harborview medical center: ((
Seventeen million two hundred sixty thousand dollars in each state fiscal year ((
2020 through ((
2023, except if the full amount of the payments required under RCW
74.60.120(1) and
74.60.130 cannot be distributed in a given fiscal year, the amounts in this subsection must be reduced proportionately;
(c) All other certified public expenditure hospitals: ((
Six million three hundred forty-five))
Five million six hundred fifteen thousand dollars in each state fiscal year ((
2020 through ((
2023, except if the full amount of the payments required under RCW
74.60.120(1) and
74.60.130 cannot be distributed in a given fiscal year, the amounts in this subsection must be reduced proportionately. The amount of payments to individual hospitals under this subsection must be determined using a methodology that provides each hospital with a proportional allocation of the group's total amount of medicaid and state children's health insurance program payments determined from claims and encounter data using the same general methodology set forth in RCW
74.60.120 (3) and (4).
(2) Payments must be made quarterly, before the end of each quarter, taking the total disbursement amount and dividing by four to calculate the quarterly amount. The authority shall provide a quarterly report of such payments to the Washington state hospital association.
Sec. 7. RCW
74.60.120 and 2017 c 228 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In each state fiscal year, commencing upon satisfaction of the applicable conditions in RCW
74.60.150(1), the authority shall make supplemental payments directly to Washington hospitals, separately for inpatient and outpatient fee-for-service medicaid services, as follows unless there are federal restrictions on doing so. If there are federal restrictions, to the extent allowed, funds that cannot be paid under (a) of this subsection, should be paid under (b) of this subsection, and funds that cannot be paid under (b) of this subsection, shall be paid under (a) of this subsection:
(a) For inpatient fee-for-service payments for prospective payment hospitals other than psychiatric or rehabilitation hospitals, twenty-nine million(( one hundred sixty-two))eight hundred ninety-two thousand five hundred dollars per state fiscal year plus federal matching funds;
(b) For outpatient fee-for-service payments for prospective payment hospitals other than psychiatric or rehabilitation hospitals, thirty million dollars per state fiscal year plus federal matching funds;
(c) For inpatient fee-for-service payments for psychiatric hospitals, eight hundred seventy-five thousand dollars per state fiscal year plus federal matching funds;
(d) For inpatient fee-for-service payments for rehabilitation hospitals, two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars per state fiscal year plus federal matching funds;
(e) For inpatient fee-for-service payments for border hospitals, two hundred fifty thousand dollars per state fiscal year plus federal matching funds; and
(f) For outpatient fee-for-service payments for border hospitals, two hundred fifty thousand dollars per state fiscal year plus federal matching funds.
(2) If the amount of inpatient or outpatient payments under subsection (1) of this section, when combined with federal matching funds, exceeds the upper payment limit, payments to each category of hospital
in subsection (1)(a) through (f) of this section must be reduced proportionately to a level where the total payment amount is consistent with the upper payment limit. ((
Funds under this chapter unable to be paid to hospitals under this section because of the upper payment limit must be paid to managed care organizations under RCW 74.60.130, subject to the limitations in this chapter.))
If funds in excess of the upper payment limit cannot be paid under RCW 74.60.130 and if the payment amount in excess of the upper payment limit exceeds fifteen million dollars, the authority shall increase the prospective payment system hospital outpatient hospital payment rate, for hospitals using the safety net funding and federal matching funds that would otherwise have been used to fund the payments under subsection (1) of this section that exceed the upper payment limit. By January 1st of each year, the authority shall provide to the Washington state hospital association an upper payment limit analysis using the latest available claims data for the historic periods in the calculation. If the analysis shows the payments are projected to exceed the upper payment limit by at least fifteen million dollars, the authority shall initiate an outpatient rate increase effective July 1st of that year.(3) The amount of such fee-for-service inpatient payments to individual hospitals within each of the categories identified in subsection (1)(a), (c), (d), and (e) of this section must be determined by:
(a) Totaling the inpatient fee-for-service claims payments and inpatient managed care encounter rate payments for each hospital during the base year;
(b) Totaling the inpatient fee-for-service claims payments and inpatient managed care encounter rate payments for all hospitals during the base year; and
(c) Using the amounts calculated under (a) and (b) of this subsection to determine an individual hospital's percentage of the total amount to be distributed to each category of hospital.
(4) The amount of such fee-for-service outpatient payments to individual hospitals within each of the categories identified in subsection (1)(b) and (f) of this section must be determined by:
(a) Totaling the outpatient fee-for-service claims payments and outpatient managed care encounter rate payments for each hospital during the base year;
(b) Totaling the outpatient fee-for-service claims payments and outpatient managed care encounter rate payments for all hospitals during the base year; and
(c) Using the amounts calculated under (a) and (b) of this subsection to determine an individual hospital's percentage of the total amount to be distributed to each category of hospital.
(5) Sixty days before the first payment in each subsequent fiscal year, the authority shall provide each hospital and the Washington state hospital association with an explanation of how the amounts due to each hospital under this section were calculated.
(6) Payments must be made in quarterly installments on or about the last day of every quarter.
(7) A prospective payment system hospital commencing operations after January 1, 2009, is eligible to receive payments in accordance with this section after becoming an eligible new prospective payment system hospital as defined in RCW
(8) Payments under this section are supplemental to all other payments and do not reduce any other payments to hospitals.
Sec. 8. RCW
74.60.901 and 2017 c 228 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
This chapter expires July 1, ((2021))2023.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. (1) For each state fiscal year 2019 through 2020, commencing upon satisfaction of the applicable conditions in RCW 74.60.150(1), the health care authority shall make supplemental payments to hospitals that meet the criteria in (a) through (e) of this subsection. One million three hundred ninety-three thousand dollars must be distributed from the fund and, with available federal matching funds, used to increase payments for medical assistance program services provided by the hospital, regardless of the beneficiary's managed care enrollment status, to one hundred fifty percent of the hospital's fee-for-service rates. Hospitals qualifying for this rate increase must: (a) Be certified by the centers for medicare and medicaid services as sole community hospitals as of January 1, 2013;
(b) Have had less than one hundred fifty acute care licensed beds in fiscal year 2011;
(c) Have a level III adult trauma service designation from the department of health as of January 1, 2014;
(d) Be owned and operated by the state or a political subdivision; and
(e) Be willing and able to provide timely and appropriate mental health treatment services under a single bed certification under RCW
71.05.745 to individuals with mental disorders for whom an evaluation and treatment bed is not available.
(2) This section expires June 30, 2021.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. (1) For each state fiscal year 2019 through 2020, commencing upon satisfaction of the applicable conditions in RCW 74.60.150(1), the health care authority shall make supplemental payments to hospitals participating in the Washington rural health preservation pilot established in 74.09.5225(2)(b). Two million two hundred thousand dollars must be distributed from the account for this purpose. The amount of payments to individual hospitals under this section must be determined in consultation with the Washington state hospital association. These payments shall be in addition to any other amount payable with respect to services provided by Washington rural health access preservation pilot hospitals and shall not reduce any other payments to these hospitals. The authority shall provide a report of such payments to the Washington state hospital association within thirty days after payments are made. (2) This section expires June 30, 2021.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 2019.
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