Passed by the House April 23, 2019 Yeas 54 Nays 42
Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 13, 2019 Yeas 25 Nays 20
President of the Senate | CERTIFICATE I, Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1786 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
Approved | FILED |
| Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 2019 Regular Session
State of Washington | 66th Legislature | 2019 Regular Session |
ByHouse Civil Rights & Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Jinkins, Wylie, Goodman, Macri, Bergquist, Cody, Ormsby, Valdez, Frame, Peterson, Tarleton, Davis, Robinson, Fey, Appleton, Santos, Kilduff, Lovick, Walen, Senn, and Pellicciotti)
AN ACT Relating to improving procedures and strengthening laws relating to protection orders, no-contact orders, and restraining orders; amending RCW
26.09.060, and
26.10.115; and adding a new section to chapter
9.41 RCW.
Sec. 1. RCW
9.41.800 and 2014 c 111 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any court when entering an order authorized under chapter
7.92 RCW, RCW
26.10.115, ((
26.50.070, or
26.26.590 shall, upon a showing by clear and convincing evidence, that a party has: Used, displayed, or threatened to use a firearm or other dangerous weapon in a felony, or ((
previously committed any offense that makes him or her))
is ineligible to possess a firearm under the provisions of RCW
(a) Require that the party ((to))immediately surrender ((any))all firearms((or))and other dangerous weapons;
(b) Require
that the party ((
immediately surrender any concealed pistol license issued under RCW
(c) Prohibit the party from accessing, obtaining, or possessing ((a))any firearms or other dangerous weapons;
(d) Prohibit the party from obtaining or possessing a concealed pistol license.
(2) Any court when entering an order authorized under chapter
7.92 RCW, RCW
26.10.115, ((
26.50.070, or
26.26.590 may, upon a showing by a preponderance of the evidence but not by clear and convincing evidence, that a party has: Used, displayed, or threatened to use a firearm or other dangerous weapon in a felony, or ((
previously committed any offense that makes him or her))
is ineligible to possess a firearm under the provisions of RCW
(a) Require that the party ((to))immediately surrender ((any))all firearms((or))and other dangerous weapons;
(b) Require
that the party ((
immediately surrender a concealed pistol license issued under RCW
(c) Prohibit the party from accessing, obtaining, or possessing ((a))any firearms or other dangerous weapons;
(d) Prohibit the party from obtaining or possessing a concealed pistol license.
(3) During any period of time that the person is subject to a court order issued under chapter
7.90, 7.92, 9A.46, 10.14, 10.99, 26.09, 26.10, ((
26.26B, or
26.50 RCW that:
(a) Was issued after a hearing of which the person received actual notice, and at which the person had an opportunity to participate;
(b) Restrains the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner of the person or child of the intimate partner or person, or engaging in other conduct that would place an intimate partner in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the partner or child; and
(c)(i) Includes a finding that the person represents a credible threat to the physical safety of the intimate partner or child; and
(ii) By its terms, explicitly prohibits the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against the intimate partner or child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury, the court shall:
(A) Require that the party ((to))immediately surrender ((any))all firearms((or))and other dangerous weapons;
(B) Require
that the party ((
immediately surrender a concealed pistol license issued under RCW
(C) Prohibit the party from accessing, obtaining, or possessing ((a))any firearms or other dangerous weapons; and
(D) Prohibit the party from obtaining or possessing a concealed pistol license.
(4) The court may order temporary surrender of ((a))all firearms((or))and other dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license, without notice to the other party if it finds, on the basis of the moving affidavit or other evidence, that irreparable injury could result if an order is not issued until the time for response has elapsed.
(5) In addition to the provisions of subsections (1), (2), and (4) of this section, the court may enter an order requiring a party to comply with the provisions in subsection (1) of this section if it finds that the possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon by any party presents a serious and imminent threat to public health or safety, or to the health or safety of any individual.
(6) The requirements of subsections (1), (2), and (5) of this section may be for a period of time less than the duration of the order.
(7) The court may require the party to surrender ((
all firearm
and other dangerous weapon
s in his or her immediate possession or control or subject to his or her immediate possession or control
, and any concealed pistol license issued under RCW 9.41.070, to the ((
sheriff of the county having jurisdiction of the proceeding, the chief of police of the municipality having jurisdiction, or to the restrained or enjoined party's counsel or to any person designated by the court))
local law enforcement agency. Law enforcement officers shall use law enforcement databases to assist in locating the respondent in situations where the protected person does not know where the respondent lives or where there is evidence that the respondent is trying to evade service.(8) If the court enters a protection order, restraining order, or no-contact order that includes an order to surrender firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license under this section, the order must be served by a law enforcement officer.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
9.41 RCW to read as follows:
(1) Because of the heightened risk of lethality to petitioners when respondents to protection orders become aware of court involvement and continue to have access to firearms, and the frequency of noncompliance with court orders prohibiting possession of firearms, law enforcement and judicial processes must emphasize swift and certain compliance with court orders prohibiting access, possession, and ownership of firearms.
(2) A law enforcement officer serving a protection order, no-contact order, or restraining order that includes an order to surrender all firearms, dangerous weapons, and a concealed pistol license under RCW
9.41.800 shall inform the respondent that the order is effective upon service and the respondent must immediately surrender all firearms and dangerous weapons in his or her custody, control, or possession and any concealed pistol license issued under RCW
9.41.070, and conduct any search permitted by law for such firearms, dangerous weapons, and concealed pistol license. The law enforcement officer shall take possession of all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license belonging to the respondent that are surrendered, in plain sight, or discovered pursuant to a lawful search. Alternatively, if personal service is not required because the respondent was present at the hearing at which the order was entered, the respondent must immediately surrender all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license in a safe manner to the control of the local law enforcement agency on the day of the hearing at which the respondent was present.
(3) At the time of surrender, a law enforcement officer taking possession of firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license shall issue a receipt identifying all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license that have been surrendered and provide a copy of the receipt to the respondent. The law enforcement agency shall file the original receipt with the court within twenty-four hours after service of the order and retain a copy of the receipt, electronically whenever electronic filing is available.
(4) Upon the sworn statement or testimony of the petitioner or of any law enforcement officer alleging that the respondent has failed to comply with the surrender of firearms or dangerous weapons as required by an order issued under RCW
9.41.800, the court shall determine whether probable cause exists to believe that the respondent has failed to surrender all firearms and dangerous weapons in their possession, custody, or control. If probable cause exists, the court shall issue a warrant describing the firearms or dangerous weapons and authorizing a search of the locations where the firearms and dangerous weapons are reasonably believed to be and the seizure of all firearms and dangerous weapons discovered pursuant to such search.
(5) If a person other than the respondent claims title to any firearms or dangerous weapons surrendered pursuant to this section, and the person is determined by the law enforcement agency to be the lawful owner of the firearm or dangerous weapon, the firearm or dangerous weapon shall be returned to the lawful owner, provided that:
(a) The firearm or dangerous weapon is removed from the respondent's access, custody, control, or possession and the lawful owner agrees by written document signed under penalty of perjury to store the firearm or dangerous weapon in a manner such that the respondent does not have access to or control of the firearm or dangerous weapon;
(b) The firearm or dangerous weapon is not otherwise unlawfully possessed by the owner; and
(c) The requirements of RCW
9.41.345 are met.
(6) Courts shall develop procedures to verify timely and complete compliance with orders to surrender weapons under RCW
9.41.800, including compliance review hearings to be held as soon as possible upon receipt from law enforcement of proof of service. A compliance review hearing is not required if the court can otherwise enter findings on the record or enter written findings that the proof of surrender or declaration of nonsurrender attested to by the person subject to the order, along with verification from law enforcement and any other relevant evidence, makes a sufficient showing that the person has timely and completely surrendered all firearms and dangerous weapons in their custody, control, or possession, and any concealed pistol license issued under RCW
9.41.070, to a law enforcement agency. If the court does not have a sufficient record before it on which to make such a finding, the court must set a review hearing to occur as soon as possible at which the respondent must be present and provide testimony to the court under oath verifying compliance with the court's order.
(7) All law enforcement agencies must have policies and procedures to provide for the acceptance, storage, and return of firearms, dangerous weapons, and concealed pistol licenses that a court requires must be surrendered under RCW
9.41.800. A law enforcement agency holding any firearm or concealed pistol license that has been surrendered under RCW
9.41.800 shall comply with the provisions of RCW
9.41.340 and
9.41.345 before the return of the firearm or concealed pistol license to the owner or individual from whom it was obtained.
(8) The administrative office of the courts shall create a statewide pattern form to assist the courts in ensuring timely and complete compliance in a consistent manner with orders issued under this chapter. The administrative office of the courts shall report annually on the number of orders issued under this chapter by each court, the degree of compliance, and the number of firearms obtained, and may make recommendations regarding additional procedures to enhance compliance and victim safety.
Sec. 3. RCW
9.41.040 and 2018 c 234 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) A person, whether an adult or juvenile, is guilty of the crime of unlawful possession of a firearm in the first degree, if the person owns, has in his or her possession, or has in his or her control any firearm after having previously been convicted or found not guilty by reason of insanity in this state or elsewhere of any serious offense as defined in this chapter.
(b) Unlawful possession of a firearm in the first degree is a class B felony punishable according to chapter
9A.20 RCW.
(2)(a) A person, whether an adult or juvenile, is guilty of the crime of unlawful possession of a firearm in the second degree, if the person does not qualify under subsection (1) of this section for the crime of unlawful possession of a firearm in the first degree and the person owns, has in his or her possession, or has in his or her control any firearm:
(i) After having previously been convicted or found not guilty by reason of insanity in this state or elsewhere of any felony not specifically listed as prohibiting firearm possession under subsection (1) of this section, or any of the following crimes when committed by one family or household member against another, committed on or after July 1, 1993: Assault in the fourth degree, coercion, stalking, reckless endangerment, criminal trespass in the first degree, or violation of the provisions of a protection order or no-contact order restraining the person or excluding the person from a residence (RCW
26.50.130, or
(ii) After having previously been convicted or found not guilty by reason of insanity in this state or elsewhere of harassment when committed by one family or household member against another, committed on or after June 7, 2018;
(iii) During any period of time that the person is subject to a court order issued under chapter
7.90, 7.92, 9A.46, 10.14, 10.99, 26.09, 26.10, ((
26.26B, or
26.50 RCW that:
(A) Was issued after a hearing of which the person received actual notice, and at which the person had an opportunity to participate;
(B) Restrains the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening ((an intimate partner of)) the person protected under the order or child of the ((intimate partner))person or protected person, or engaging in other conduct that would place ((an intimate partner))the protected person in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the ((partner))protected person or child; and
(C)(I) Includes a finding that the person represents a credible threat to the physical safety of the ((intimate partner))protected person or child((;)) and (((II)))by its terms((,)) explicitly prohibits the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against the ((intimate partner))protected person or child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury; or
(II) Includes an order under RCW 9.41.800 requiring the person to surrender all firearms and prohibiting the person from accessing, obtaining, or possessing firearms; (iv) After having previously been involuntarily committed for mental health treatment under RCW
71.34.750, chapter
10.77 RCW, or equivalent statutes of another jurisdiction, unless his or her right to possess a firearm has been restored as provided in RCW
(v) If the person is under eighteen years of age, except as provided in RCW
9.41.042; and/or
(vi) If the person is free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal, or sentencing for a serious offense as defined in RCW
(b) (a)(iii) of this subsection does not apply to a sexual assault protection order under chapter
7.90 RCW if the order has been modified pursuant to RCW
7.90.170 to remove any restrictions on firearm purchase, transfer, or possession.
(c) Unlawful possession of a firearm in the second degree is a class C felony punishable according to chapter
9A.20 RCW.
(3) Notwithstanding RCW
9.41.047 or any other provisions of law, as used in this chapter, a person has been "convicted", whether in an adult court or adjudicated in a juvenile court, at such time as a plea of guilty has been accepted, or a verdict of guilty has been filed, notwithstanding the pendency of any future proceedings including but not limited to sentencing or disposition, post-trial or post-fact-finding motions, and appeals. Conviction includes a dismissal entered after a period of probation, suspension or deferral of sentence, and also includes equivalent dispositions by courts in jurisdictions other than Washington state. A person shall not be precluded from possession of a firearm if the conviction has been the subject of a pardon, annulment, certificate of rehabilitation, or other equivalent procedure based on a finding of the rehabilitation of the person convicted or the conviction or disposition has been the subject of a pardon, annulment, or other equivalent procedure based on a finding of innocence. Where no record of the court's disposition of the charges can be found, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the person was not convicted of the charge.
(4)(a) Notwithstanding subsection (1) or (2) of this section, a person convicted or found not guilty by reason of insanity of an offense prohibiting the possession of a firearm under this section other than murder, manslaughter, robbery, rape, indecent liberties, arson, assault, kidnapping, extortion, burglary, or violations with respect to controlled substances under RCW
69.50.401 and
69.50.410, who received a probationary sentence under RCW
9.95.200, and who received a dismissal of the charge under RCW
9.95.240, shall not be precluded from possession of a firearm as a result of the conviction or finding of not guilty by reason of insanity. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, if a person is prohibited from possession of a firearm under subsection (1) or (2) of this section and has not previously been convicted or found not guilty by reason of insanity of a sex offense prohibiting firearm ownership under subsection (1) or (2) of this section and/or any felony defined under any law as a class A felony or with a maximum sentence of at least twenty years, or both, the individual may petition a court of record to have his or her right to possess a firearm restored:
(ii)(A) If the conviction or finding of not guilty by reason of insanity was for a felony offense, after five or more consecutive years in the community without being convicted or found not guilty by reason of insanity or currently charged with any felony, gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor crimes, if the individual has no prior felony convictions that prohibit the possession of a firearm counted as part of the offender score under RCW
9.94A.525; or
(B) If the conviction or finding of not guilty by reason of insanity was for a nonfelony offense, after three or more consecutive years in the community without being convicted or found not guilty by reason of insanity or currently charged with any felony, gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor crimes, if the individual has no prior felony convictions that prohibit the possession of a firearm counted as part of the offender score under RCW
9.94A.525 and the individual has completed all conditions of the sentence.
(b) An individual may petition a court of record to have his or her right to possess a firearm restored under (a) of this subsection (4) only at:
(i) The court of record that ordered the petitioner's prohibition on possession of a firearm; or
(ii) The superior court in the county in which the petitioner resides.
(5) In addition to any other penalty provided for by law, if a person under the age of eighteen years is found by a court to have possessed a firearm in a vehicle in violation of subsection (1) or (2) of this section or to have committed an offense while armed with a firearm during which offense a motor vehicle served an integral function, the court shall notify the department of licensing within twenty-four hours and the person's privilege to drive shall be revoked under RCW
46.20.265, unless the offense is the juvenile's first offense in violation of this section and has not committed an offense while armed with a firearm, an unlawful possession of a firearm offense, or an offense in violation of chapter
66.44, 69.52, 69.41, or
69.50 RCW.
(6) Nothing in chapter 129, Laws of 1995 shall ever be construed or interpreted as preventing an offender from being charged and subsequently convicted for the separate felony crimes of theft of a firearm or possession of a stolen firearm, or both, in addition to being charged and subsequently convicted under this section for unlawful possession of a firearm in the first or second degree. Notwithstanding any other law, if the offender is convicted under this section for unlawful possession of a firearm in the first or second degree and for the felony crimes of theft of a firearm or possession of a stolen firearm, or both, then the offender shall serve consecutive sentences for each of the felony crimes of conviction listed in this subsection.
(7) Each firearm unlawfully possessed under this section shall be a separate offense.
(((8) For purposes of this section, "intimate partner" includes: A spouse, a domestic partner, a former spouse, a former domestic partner, a person with whom the restrained person has a child in common, or a person with whom the restrained person has cohabitated or is cohabitating as part of a dating relationship.))
Sec. 4. RCW
7.90.090 and 2006 c 138 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) If the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the petitioner has been a victim of nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration by the respondent, the court shall issue a sexual assault protection order; provided that the petitioner must also satisfy the requirements of RCW
7.90.110 for ex parte temporary orders or RCW
7.90.120 for final orders.
(b) The petitioner shall not be denied a sexual assault protection order because the petitioner or the respondent is a minor or because the petitioner did not report the assault to law enforcement. The court, when determining whether or not to issue a sexual assault protection order, may not require proof of physical injury on the person of the victim or proof that the petitioner has reported the sexual assault to law enforcement. Modification and extension of prior sexual assault protection orders shall be in accordance with this chapter.
(2) The court may provide relief as follows:
(a) Restrain the respondent from having any contact, including nonphysical contact, with the petitioner directly, indirectly, or through third parties regardless of whether those third parties know of the order;
(b) Exclude the respondent from the petitioner's residence, workplace, or school, or from the day care or school of a child, if the victim is a child;
(c) Prohibit the respondent from knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining within, a specified distance from a specified location; and
(d) Order any other injunctive relief as necessary or appropriate for the protection of the petitioner.
In issuing the order, the court shall consider the provisions of RCW 9.41.800, and shall order the respondent to surrender, and prohibit the respondent from possessing, all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license as required in RCW 9.41.800.(4) In cases where the petitioner and the respondent are under the age of eighteen and attend the same public or private elementary, middle, or high school, the court, when issuing a protection order and providing relief, shall consider, among the other facts of the case, the severity of the act, any continuing physical danger or emotional distress to the petitioner, and the expense difficulty, and educational disruption that would be caused by a transfer of the respondent to another school. The court may order that the person restrained in the order not attend the public or approved private elementary, middle, or high school attended by the person under the age of eighteen protected by the order. In the event the court orders a transfer of the restrained person to another school, the parents or legal guardians of the person restrained in the order are responsible for transportation and other costs associated with the change of school by the person restrained in the order. The court shall send notice of the restriction on attending the same school as the person protected by the order to the public or approved private school the person restrained by the order will attend and to the school the person protected by the order attends.
(((4)))(5) Denial of a remedy may not be based, in whole or in part, on evidence that:
(a) The respondent was voluntarily intoxicated;
(b) The petitioner was voluntarily intoxicated; or
(c) The petitioner engaged in limited consensual sexual touching.
(((5)))(6) Monetary damages are not recoverable as a remedy.
(7) A knowing violation of a court order issued under this section is punishable under RCW
Sec. 5. RCW
7.90.110 and 2007 c 212 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) An ex parte temporary sexual assault protection order shall issue if the petitioner satisfies the requirements of this subsection by a preponderance of the evidence. The petitioner shall establish that:
(a) The petitioner has been a victim of nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration by the respondent; and
(b) There is good cause to grant the remedy, regardless of the lack of prior service of process or of notice upon the respondent, because the harm which that remedy is intended to prevent would be likely to occur if the respondent were given any prior notice, or greater notice than was actually given, of the petitioner's efforts to obtain judicial relief.
In issuing the order, the court shall consider the provisions of RCW 9.41.800, and shall order the respondent to surrender, and prohibit the respondent from possessing, all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license as required in RCW 9.41.800.(3) If the respondent appears in court for this hearing for an ex parte temporary order, he or she may elect to file a general appearance and testify under oath. Any resulting order may be an ex parte temporary order, governed by this section.
(((3)))(4) If the court declines to issue an ex parte temporary sexual assault protection order, the court shall state the particular reasons for the court's denial. The court's denial of a motion for an ex parte temporary order shall be filed with the court.
(5) A knowing violation of a court order issued under this section is punishable under RCW
Sec. 6. RCW
7.90.140 and 2013 c 74 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) An order issued under this chapter shall be personally served upon the respondent, except as provided in subsection (6) of this section.
(2) The sheriff of the county or the peace officers of the municipality in which the respondent resides shall serve the respondent personally unless the petitioner elects to have the respondent served by a private party.
If the order includes a requirement under RCW 9.41.800 for the immediate surrender of all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license, the order must be served by a law enforcement officer.(3) If service by a sheriff or municipal peace officer is to be used, the clerk of the court shall have a copy of any order issued under this chapter electronically forwarded on or before the next judicial day to the appropriate law enforcement agency specified in the order for service upon the respondent. Service of an order issued under this chapter shall take precedence over the service of other documents unless they are of a similar emergency nature.
(4) If the sheriff or municipal peace officer cannot complete service upon the respondent within ten days, the sheriff or municipal peace officer shall notify the petitioner. The petitioner shall provide information sufficient to permit notification.
(5) Returns of service under this chapter shall be made in accordance with the applicable court rules.
(6) If an order entered by the court recites that the respondent appeared in person before the court, the necessity for further service is waived and proof of service of that order is not necessary.
(7) If the court previously entered an order allowing service of the notice of hearing and temporary order of protection by publication under RCW
7.90.052 or service by mail under RCW
7.90.053, the court may permit service by publication or service by mail of the order of protection issued under this chapter. Service by publication must comply with the requirements of RCW
7.90.052 and service by mail must comply with the requirements of RCW
7.90.053. The court order must state whether the court permitted service by publication or service by mail.
Sec. 7. RCW
7.92.100 and 2013 c 84 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) If the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the petitioner has been a victim of stalking conduct by the respondent, the court shall issue a stalking protection order.
(b) The petitioner shall not be denied a stalking protection order because the petitioner or the respondent is a minor or because the petitioner did not report the stalking conduct to law enforcement. The court, when determining whether or not to issue a stalking protection order, may not require proof of the respondent's intentions regarding the acts alleged by the petitioner. Modification and extension of prior stalking protection orders shall be in accordance with this chapter.
(2) The court may provide relief as follows:
(a) Restrain the respondent from having any contact, including nonphysical contact, with the petitioner directly, indirectly, or through third parties regardless of whether those third parties know of the order;
(b) Exclude the respondent from the petitioner's residence, workplace, or school, or from the day care, workplace, or school of the petitioner's minor children;
(c) Prohibit the respondent from knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining within, a specified distance from a specified location;
(d) Prohibit the respondent from keeping the petitioner and/or the petitioner's minor children under surveillance, to include electronic surveillance;
(e) Order any other injunctive relief as necessary or appropriate for the protection of the petitioner, to include a mental health and/or chemical dependency evaluation; and
(f) Require the respondent to pay the administrative court costs and service fees, as established by the county or municipality incurring the expense and to reimburse the petitioner for costs incurred in bringing the action, including reasonable attorneys' fees.
In issuing the order, the court shall consider the provisions of RCW 9.41.800, and shall order the respondent to surrender, and prohibit the respondent from possessing, all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license as required in RCW 9.41.800.(4) Unless otherwise stated in the order, when a person is petitioning on behalf of a minor child or vulnerable adult, the relief authorized in this section shall apply only for the protection of the victim, and not the petitioner.
(((4)))(5) In cases where the petitioner and the respondent attend the same public or private elementary, middle, or high school, the court, when issuing a protection order and providing relief, shall consider, among the other facts of the case, the severity of the act, any continuing physical danger or emotional distress to the petitioner, and the expense difficulty, and educational disruption that would be caused by a transfer of the respondent to another school. The court may order that the person restrained in the order not attend the public or approved private elementary, middle, or high school attended by the person protected by the order. In the event the court orders a transfer of the restrained person to another school, the parents or legal guardians of the person restrained in the order are responsible for transportation and other costs associated with the change of school by the person restrained in the order. The court shall send notice of the restriction on attending the same school as the person protected by the order to the public or approved private school the person restrained by the order will attend and to the school the person protected by the order attends.
Sec. 8. RCW
7.92.120 and 2013 c 84 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Where it appears from the petition and any additional evidence that the respondent has engaged in stalking conduct and that irreparable injury could result if an order is not issued immediately without prior notice, the court may grant an ex parte temporary order for protection, pending a full hearing and grant such injunctive relief as it deems proper, including the relief as specified under RCW
7.92.100 (2)(a) through (d) and (4).
(2) Irreparable injury under this section includes, but is not limited to, situations in which the respondent has recently threatened the petitioner with bodily injury or has engaged in acts of stalking conduct against the petitioner.
In issuing the order, the court shall consider the provisions of RCW 9.41.800, and shall order the respondent to surrender, and prohibit the respondent from possessing, all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license as required in RCW 9.41.800.(4) The court shall hold an ex parte hearing in person or by telephone on the day the petition is filed or on the following judicial day.
(((4)))(5) An ex parte temporary stalking protection order shall be effective for a fixed period not to exceed fourteen days or twenty-four days if the court has permitted service by publication or mail. The ex parte order may be reissued. A full hearing, as provided in this chapter, shall be set for not later than fourteen days from the issuance of the temporary order or not later than twenty-four days if service by publication or by mail is permitted. Unless the court has permitted service by publication or mail, the respondent shall be personally served with a copy of the ex parte order along with a copy of the petition and notice of the date set for the hearing.
(((5)))(6) Any order issued under this section shall contain the date and time of issuance and the expiration date and shall be entered into a statewide judicial information system by the clerk of the court within one judicial day after issuance.
(((6)))(7) If the court declines to issue an ex parte temporary stalking protection order, the court shall state the particular reasons for the court's denial. The court's denial of a motion for an ex parte temporary order shall be filed with the court.
(8) A knowing violation of a court order issued under this section is punishable under RCW
Sec. 9. RCW
7.92.150 and 2013 c 84 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) An order issued under this chapter shall be personally served upon the respondent, except as provided in subsection (6), (7), or (8) of this section. If the respondent is a minor, the respondent's parent or legal custodian shall also be personally served.
(2) The sheriff of the county or the peace officers of the municipality in which the respondent resides shall serve the respondent personally unless the petitioner elects to have the respondent served by a private party.
If the order includes a requirement under RCW 9.41.800 for the immediate surrender of all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license, the order must be served by a law enforcement officer.(3) If service by a sheriff or municipal peace officer is to be used, the clerk of the court shall have a copy of any order issued under this chapter electronically forwarded on or before the next judicial day to the appropriate law enforcement agency specified in the order for service upon the respondent. Service of an order issued under this chapter shall take precedence over the service of other documents unless they are of a similar emergency nature.
(4) If the sheriff or municipal peace officer cannot complete service upon the respondent within ten days, the sheriff or municipal peace officer shall notify the petitioner. The petitioner shall provide information sufficient to permit notification.
(5) Returns of service under this chapter shall be made in accordance with the applicable court rules.
(6) If an order entered by the court recites that the respondent appeared in person before the court, the necessity for further service is waived and proof of service of that order is not necessary.
(7) If the respondent was not personally served with the petition, notice of hearing, and ex parte order before the hearing, the court shall reset the hearing for twenty-four days from the date of entry of the order and may order service by publication instead of personal service under the following circumstances:
(a) The sheriff or municipal officer or private process server files an affidavit stating that the officer or private process server was unable to complete personal service upon the respondent. The affidavit must describe the number and types of attempts the officer or private process server made to complete service;
(b) The petitioner files an affidavit stating that the petitioner believes that the respondent is hiding from the server to avoid service. The petitioner's affidavit must state the reasons for the belief that the respondent is avoiding service;
(c) The server has deposited a copy of the petition, notice of hearing, and the ex parte order of protection in the post office, directed to the respondent at the respondent's last known address, unless the server states that the server does not know the respondent's address;
(d) The court finds reasonable grounds exist to believe that the respondent is concealing himself or herself to avoid service, and that further attempts to personally serve the respondent would be futile or unduly burdensome;
(e) The court shall reissue the temporary order of protection not to exceed another twenty-four days from the date of reissuing the ex parte protection order and order to provide service by publication; and
(f) The publication shall be made in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the petition was brought and in the county of the last known address of the respondent once a week for three consecutive weeks. The newspaper selected must be one of the three most widely circulated papers in the county. The publication of summons shall not be made until the court orders service by publication under this section. Service of the summons shall be considered complete when the publication has been made for three consecutive weeks. The summons must be signed by the petitioner. The summons shall contain the date of the first publication, and shall require the respondent upon whom service by publication is desired, to appear and answer the petition on the date set for the hearing. The summons shall also contain a brief statement of the reason for the petition and a summary of the provisions under the ex parte order. The summons shall be essentially in the following form:
In the . . . . . . . . . court of the state of Washington for the county of . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . . ., | Petitioner |
vs. | No. . . . . . . |
. . . ., | Respondent |
The state of Washington to . . . . . . . . . . . (respondent): |
You are hereby summoned to appear on the . . . . day of . . . . . ., 20 . . ., at . . . . a.m./p.m., and respond to the petition. If you fail to respond, an order of protection will be issued against you pursuant to the provisions of the stalking protection order act, chapter 7.92 RCW, for a minimum of one year from the date you are required to appear. A temporary order of protection has been issued against you, restraining you from the following: (Insert a brief statement of the provisions of the ex parte order.) A copy of the petition, notice of hearing, and ex parte order has been filed with the clerk of this court. |
| . . . . |
| Petitioner . . . . |
(8) In circumstances justifying service by publication under subsection (7) of this section, if the serving party files an affidavit stating facts from which the court determines that service by mail is just as likely to give actual notice as service by publication and that the serving party is unable to afford the cost of service by publication, the court may order that service be made by mail. Such service shall be made by any person over eighteen years of age, who is competent to be a witness, other than a party, by mailing copies of the order and other process to the party to be served at his or her last known address or any other address determined by the court to be appropriate. Two copies shall be mailed, postage prepaid, one by ordinary first-class mail and the other by a form of mail requiring a signed receipt showing when and to whom it was delivered. The envelopes must bear the return address of the sender.
(a) Proof of service under this section shall be consistent with court rules for civil proceedings.
(b) Service under this section may be used in the same manner and shall have the same jurisdictional effect as service by publication for purposes of this chapter. Service shall be deemed complete upon the mailing of two copies as prescribed in this section.
Sec. 10. RCW
7.92.190 and 2013 c 84 s 19 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Upon application with notice to all parties and after a hearing, the court may modify the terms of an existing stalking protection order.
(2) A respondent's motion to modify or terminate an existing stalking protection order must include a declaration setting forth facts supporting the requested order for termination or modification. The nonmoving parties to the proceeding may file opposing declarations. The court shall deny the motion unless it finds that adequate cause for hearing the motion is established by the declarations. If the court finds that the respondent established adequate cause, the court shall set a date for hearing the respondent's motion.
(3) The court may not terminate or modify an existing stalking protection order unless the respondent proves by a preponderance of the evidence that there has been a substantial change in circumstances such that the respondent will not resume acts of stalking conduct against the petitioner or those persons protected by the protection order if the order is terminated or modified. The petitioner bears no burden of proving that he or she has a current reasonable fear of harm by the respondent.
(4) A respondent may file a motion to terminate or modify an order no more than once in every twelve-month period that the order is in effect, starting from the date of the order and continuing through any renewal.
(5) A court may require the respondent to pay the petitioner for costs incurred in responding to a motion to terminate or modify a stalking protection order, including reasonable attorneys' fees.
(((5)))(6) In any situation where an order is terminated or modified before its expiration date, the clerk of the court shall forward on or before the next judicial day a true copy of the modified order or the termination order to the appropriate law enforcement agency specified in the modified or termination order. Upon receipt of the order, the law enforcement agency shall promptly enter it in the computer-based criminal intelligence information system, or if the order is terminated, remove the order from the computer-based criminal intelligence information system.
Sec. 11. RCW
10.14.080 and 2011 c 307 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Upon filing a petition for a civil antiharassment protection order under this chapter, the petitioner may obtain an ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order. An ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order may be granted with or without notice upon the filing of an affidavit which, to the satisfaction of the court, shows reasonable proof of unlawful harassment of the petitioner by the respondent and that great or irreparable harm will result to the petitioner if the temporary antiharassment protection order is not granted. If the court declines to issue an ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order, the court shall state the particular reasons for the court's denial. The court's denial of a motion for an ex parte temporary order shall be filed with the court.
(2) An ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order shall be effective for a fixed period not to exceed fourteen days or twenty-four days if the court has permitted service by publication under RCW
10.14.085. The ex parte order may be reissued. A full hearing, as provided in this chapter, shall be set for not later than fourteen days from the issuance of the temporary order or not later than twenty-four days if service by publication is permitted. Except as provided in RCW
10.14.070 and
10.14.085, the respondent shall be personally served with a copy of the ex parte order along with a copy of the petition and notice of the date set for the hearing. The ex parte order and notice of hearing shall include at a minimum the date and time of the hearing set by the court to determine if the temporary order should be made effective for one year or more, and notice that if the respondent should fail to appear or otherwise not respond, an order for protection will be issued against the respondent pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, for a minimum of one year from the date of the hearing. The notice shall also include a brief statement of the provisions of the ex parte order and notify the respondent that a copy of the ex parte order and notice of hearing has been filed with the clerk of the court.
(3) At the hearing, if the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that unlawful harassment exists, a civil antiharassment protection order shall issue prohibiting such unlawful harassment.
(4) An order issued under this chapter shall be effective for not more than one year unless the court finds that the respondent is likely to resume unlawful harassment of the petitioner when the order expires. If so, the court may enter an order for a fixed time exceeding one year or may enter a permanent antiharassment protection order. The court shall not enter an order that is effective for more than one year if the order restrains the respondent from contacting the respondent's minor children. This limitation is not applicable to civil antiharassment protection orders issued under chapter
26.09, 26.10, or ((
26.26B RCW. If the petitioner seeks relief for a period longer than one year on behalf of the respondent's minor children, the court shall advise the petitioner that the petitioner may apply for renewal of the order as provided in this chapter or if appropriate may seek relief pursuant to chapter
26.09 or
26.10 RCW.
(5) At any time within the three months before the expiration of the order, the petitioner may apply for a renewal of the order by filing a petition for renewal. The petition for renewal shall state the reasons why the petitioner seeks to renew the protection order. Upon receipt of the petition for renewal, the court shall order a hearing which shall be not later than fourteen days from the date of the order. Except as provided in RCW
10.14.085, personal service shall be made upon the respondent not less than five days before the hearing. If timely service cannot be made the court shall set a new hearing date and shall either require additional attempts at obtaining personal service or permit service by publication as provided by RCW
10.14.085. If the court permits service by publication, the court shall set the new hearing date not later than twenty-four days from the date of the order. If the order expires because timely service cannot be made the court shall grant an ex parte order of protection as provided in this section. The court shall grant the petition for renewal unless the respondent proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the respondent will not resume harassment of the petitioner when the order expires. The court may renew the protection order for another fixed time period or may enter a permanent order as provided in subsection (4) of this section.
(6) The court, in granting an ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order or a civil antiharassment protection order, shall have broad discretion to grant such relief as the court deems proper, including an order:
(a) Restraining the respondent from making any attempts to contact the petitioner;
(b) Restraining the respondent from making any attempts to keep the petitioner under surveillance; and
(c) Requiring the respondent to stay a stated distance from the petitioner's residence and workplace((; and
(d) Considering the provisions of RCW 9.41.800)).
In issuing the order, the court shall consider the provisions of RCW 9.41.800, and shall order the respondent to surrender, and prohibit the respondent from possessing, all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license as required in RCW 9.41.800.(8) The court in granting an ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order or a civil antiharassment protection order((,)) shall not prohibit the respondent from exercising constitutionally protected free speech. Nothing in this section prohibits the petitioner from utilizing other civil or criminal remedies to restrain conduct or communications not otherwise constitutionally protected.
(9) The court in granting an ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order or a civil antiharassment protection order((
,)) shall not prohibit the respondent from the use or enjoyment of real property to which the respondent has a cognizable claim unless that order is issued under chapter
26.09 RCW or under a separate action commenced with a summons and complaint to determine title or possession of real property.
(10) The court in granting an ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order or a civil antiharassment protection order((
,)) shall not limit the respondent's right to care, control, or custody of the respondent's minor child, unless that order is issued under chapter
13.32A, 26.09, 26.10, or ((
26.26B RCW.
(((10)))(11) A petitioner may not obtain an ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order against a respondent if the petitioner has previously obtained two such ex parte orders against the same respondent but has failed to obtain the issuance of a civil antiharassment protection order unless good cause for such failure can be shown.
(((11)))(12) The court order shall specify the date an order issued pursuant to subsections (4) and (5) of this section expires if any. The court order shall also state whether the court issued the protection order following personal service or service by publication and whether the court has approved service by publication of an order issued under this section.
Sec. 12. RCW
10.14.100 and 2002 c 117 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) An order issued under this chapter shall be personally served upon the respondent, except as provided in subsections (5) and (7) of this section.
(2) The sheriff of the county or the peace officers of the municipality in which the respondent resides shall serve the respondent personally unless the petitioner elects to have the respondent served by a private party.
If the order includes a requirement under RCW 9.41.800 for the immediate surrender of all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license, the order must be served by a law enforcement officer.(3) If the sheriff or municipal peace officer cannot complete service upon the respondent within ten days, the sheriff or municipal peace officer shall notify the petitioner.
(4) Returns of service under this chapter shall be made in accordance with the applicable court rules.
(5) If an order entered by the court recites that the respondent appeared in person before the court, the necessity for further service is waived and proof of service of that order is not necessary. The court's order, entered after a hearing, need not be served on a respondent who fails to appear before the court, if material terms of the order have not changed from those contained in the temporary order, and it is shown to the court's satisfaction that the respondent has previously been personally served with the temporary order.
(6) Except in cases where the petitioner has fees waived under RCW
10.14.055 or is granted leave to proceed in forma pauperis, municipal police departments serving documents as required under this chapter may collect the same fees for service and mileage authorized by RCW
36.18.040 to be collected by sheriffs.
(7) If the court previously entered an order allowing service by publication of the notice of hearing and temporary order of protection pursuant to RCW
10.14.085, the court may permit service by publication of the order of protection issued under RCW
10.14.080. Service by publication must comply with the requirements of RCW
Sec. 13. RCW
10.14.180 and 1987 c 280 s 18 are each amended to read as follows:
Upon application with notice to all parties and after a hearing, the court may modify the terms of an existing order under this chapter. A respondent may file a motion to terminate or modify an order no more than once in every twelve-month period that the order is in effect, starting from the date of the order and continuing through any renewal. In any situation where an order is terminated or modified before its expiration date, the clerk of the court shall forward on or before the next judicial day a true copy of the modified order or the termination order to the appropriate law enforcement agency specified in the modified order or termination order. Upon receipt of the order, the law enforcement agency shall promptly enter it in the law enforcement information system.
Sec. 14. RCW
26.50.070 and 2018 c 22 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Where an application under this section alleges that irreparable injury could result from domestic violence if an order is not issued immediately without prior notice to the respondent, the court may grant an ex parte temporary order for protection, pending a full hearing, and grant relief as the court deems proper, including an order:
(a) Restraining any party from committing acts of domestic violence;
(b) Restraining any party from going onto the grounds of or entering the dwelling that the parties share, from the residence, workplace, or school of the other, or from the day care or school of a child until further order of the court;
(c) Prohibiting any party from knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining within, a specified distance from a specified location;
(d) Restraining any party from interfering with the other's custody of the minor children or from removing the children from the jurisdiction of the court;
(e) Restraining any party from having any contact with the victim of domestic violence or the victim's children or members of the victim's household; and
(f) ((
Considering the provisions of RCW 9.41.800; and(g))) Restraining the respondent from harassing, following, keeping under physical or electronic surveillance, cyberstalking as defined in RCW
9.61.260, and using telephonic, audiovisual, or other electronic means to monitor the actions, location, or communication of a victim of domestic violence, the victim's children, or members of the victim's household. For the purposes of this subsection, "communication" includes both "wire communication" and "electronic communication" as defined in RCW
In issuing the order, the court shall consider the provisions of RCW 9.41.800, and shall order the respondent to surrender, and prohibit the respondent from possessing, all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license as required in RCW 9.41.800.(3) Irreparable injury under this section includes but is not limited to situations in which the respondent has recently threatened petitioner with bodily injury or has engaged in acts of domestic violence against the petitioner.
(((3)))(4) The court shall hold an ex parte hearing in person or by telephone on the day the petition is filed or on the following judicial day.
(5) An ex parte temporary order for protection shall be effective for a fixed period not to exceed fourteen days or twenty-four days if the court has permitted service by publication under RCW
26.50.085 or by mail under RCW
26.50.123. The ex parte temporary order may be reissued. A full hearing, as provided in this chapter, shall be set for not later than fourteen days from the issuance of the ex parte temporary order or not later than twenty-four days if service by publication or by mail is permitted. Except as provided in RCW
26.50.085, and
26.50.123, the respondent shall be personally served with a copy of the ex parte temporary order along with a copy of the petition and notice of the date set for the hearing.
(((5)))(6) Any order issued under this section shall contain the date and time of issuance and the expiration date and shall be entered into a statewide judicial information system by the clerk of the court within one judicial day after issuance.
(((6)))(7) If the court declines to issue an ex parte temporary order for protection the court shall state the particular reasons for the court's denial. The court's denial of a motion for an ex parte temporary order ((of))for protection shall be filed with the court.
Sec. 15. RCW
26.50.090 and 1995 c 246 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) An order issued under this chapter shall be personally served upon the respondent, except as provided in subsections (6) and (8) of this section.
(2) The sheriff of the county or the peace officers of the municipality in which the respondent resides shall serve the respondent personally unless the petitioner elects to have the respondent served by a private party.
If the order includes a requirement under RCW 9.41.800 for the immediate surrender of all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license, the order must be served by a law enforcement officer.(3) If service by a sheriff or municipal peace officer is to be used, the clerk of the court shall have a copy of any order issued under this chapter electronically forwarded on or before the next judicial day to the appropriate law enforcement agency specified in the order for service upon the respondent. Service of an order issued under this chapter shall take precedence over the service of other documents unless they are of a similar emergency nature.
(4) If the sheriff or municipal peace officer cannot complete service upon the respondent within ten days, the sheriff or municipal peace officer shall notify the petitioner. The petitioner shall provide information sufficient to permit notification.
(5) Returns of service under this chapter shall be made in accordance with the applicable court rules.
(6) If an order entered by the court recites that the respondent appeared in person before the court, the necessity for further service is waived and proof of service of that order is not necessary.
(7) Municipal police departments serving documents as required under this chapter may collect from respondents ordered to pay fees under RCW
26.50.060 the same fees for service and mileage authorized by RCW
36.18.040 to be collected by sheriffs.
(8) If the court previously entered an order allowing service of the notice of hearing and temporary order of protection by publication pursuant to RCW
26.50.085 or by mail pursuant to RCW
26.50.123, the court may permit service by publication or by mail of the order of protection issued under RCW
26.50.060. Service by publication must comply with the requirements of RCW
26.50.085 and service by mail must comply with the requirements of RCW
26.50.123. The court order must state whether the court permitted service by publication or by mail.
Sec. 16. RCW
26.50.130 and 2011 c 137 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Upon a motion with notice to all parties and after a hearing, the court may modify the terms of an existing order for protection or may terminate an existing order for protection.
(2) A respondent's motion to modify or terminate an order for protection that is permanent or issued for a fixed period exceeding two years must include a declaration setting forth facts supporting the requested order for termination or modification. The motion and declaration must be served according to subsection (((7)))(8) of this section. The nonmoving parties to the proceeding may file opposing declarations. The court shall deny the motion unless it finds that adequate cause for hearing the motion is established by the declarations. If the court finds that the respondent established adequate cause, the court shall set a date for hearing the respondent's motion.
(3)(a) The court may not terminate an order for protection that is permanent or issued for a fixed period exceeding two years upon a motion of the respondent unless the respondent proves by a preponderance of the evidence that there has been a substantial change in circumstances such that the respondent is not likely to resume acts of domestic violence against the petitioner or those persons protected by the protection order if the order is terminated. In a motion by the respondent for termination of an order for protection that is permanent or issued for a fixed period exceeding two years, the petitioner bears no burden of proving that he or she has a current reasonable fear of imminent harm by the respondent.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection, a court shall determine whether there has been a "substantial change in circumstances" by considering only factors which address whether the respondent is likely to commit future acts of domestic violence against the petitioner or those persons protected by the protection order.
(c) In determining whether there has been a substantial change in circumstances the court may consider the following unweighted factors, and no inference is to be drawn from the order in which the factors are listed:
(i) Whether the respondent has committed or threatened domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other violent acts since the protection order was entered;
(ii) Whether the respondent has violated the terms of the protection order, and the time that has passed since the entry of the order;
(iii) Whether the respondent has exhibited suicidal ideation or attempts since the protection order was entered;
(iv) Whether the respondent has been convicted of criminal activity since the protection order was entered;
(v) Whether the respondent has either acknowledged responsibility for the acts of domestic violence that resulted in entry of the protection order or successfully completed domestic violence perpetrator treatment or counseling since the protection order was entered;
(vi) Whether the respondent has a continuing involvement with drug or alcohol abuse, if such abuse was a factor in the protection order;
(vii) Whether the petitioner consents to terminating the protection order, provided that consent is given voluntarily and knowingly;
(viii) Whether the respondent or petitioner has relocated to an area more distant from the other party, giving due consideration to the fact that acts of domestic violence may be committed from any distance;
(ix) Other factors relating to a substantial change in circumstances.
(d) In determining whether there has been a substantial change in circumstances, the court may not base its determination solely on: (i) The fact that time has passed without a violation of the order; or (ii) the fact that the respondent or petitioner has relocated to an area more distant from the other party.
(e) Regardless of whether there is a substantial change in circumstances, the court may decline to terminate a protection order if it finds that the acts of domestic violence that resulted in the issuance of the protection order were of such severity that the order should not be terminated.
(4) The court may not modify an order for protection that is permanent or issued for a fixed period exceeding two years upon a motion of the respondent unless the respondent proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the requested modification is warranted. If the requested modification would reduce the duration of the protection order or would eliminate provisions in the protection order restraining the respondent from harassing, stalking, threatening, or committing other acts of domestic violence against the petitioner or the petitioner's children or family or household members or other persons protected by the order, the court shall consider the factors in subsection (3)(c) of this section in determining whether the protection order should be modified. Upon a motion by the respondent for modification of an order for protection that is permanent or issued for a fixed period exceeding two years, the petitioner bears no burden of proving that he or she has a current reasonable fear of imminent harm by the respondent.
(5) A respondent may file a motion to terminate or modify an order no more than once in every twelve-month period that the order is in effect, starting from the date of the order and continuing through any renewal.
(6) Upon a motion by a petitioner, the court may modify or terminate an existing order for protection. The court shall hear the motion without an adequate cause hearing.
(((6)))(7) A court may require the respondent to pay court costs and service fees, as established by the county or municipality incurring the expense and to pay the petitioner for costs incurred in responding to a motion to terminate or modify a protection order, including reasonable attorneys' fees.
(8) Except as provided in RCW
26.50.085 and
26.50.123, a motion to modify or terminate an order for protection must be personally served on the nonmoving party not less than five court days prior to the hearing.
(a) If a moving party seeks to modify or terminate an order for protection that is permanent or issued for a fixed period exceeding two years, the sheriff of the county or the peace officers of the municipality in which the nonmoving party resides or a licensed process server shall serve the nonmoving party personally except when a petitioner is the moving party and elects to have the nonmoving party served by a private party.
If the order includes a requirement under RCW 9.41.800 for the immediate surrender of all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license, the order must be served by a law enforcement officer.(b) If the sheriff, municipal peace officer, or licensed process server cannot complete service upon the nonmoving party within ten days, the sheriff, municipal peace officer, or licensed process server shall notify the moving party. The moving party shall provide information sufficient to permit notification by the sheriff, municipal peace officer, or licensed process server.
(c) If timely personal service cannot be made, the court shall set a new hearing date and shall either require an additional attempt at obtaining personal service or permit service by publication as provided in RCW
26.50.085 or service by mail as provided in RCW
(d) The court shall not require more than two attempts at obtaining personal service and shall permit service by publication or by mail unless the moving party requests additional time to attempt personal service.
(e) If the court permits service by publication or by mail, the court shall set the hearing date not later than twenty-four days from the date of the order permitting service by publication or by mail.
(9) Municipal police departments serving documents as required under this chapter may recover from a respondent ordered to pay fees under subsection ((
(7) of this section the same fees for service and mileage authorized by RCW
36.18.040 to be collected by sheriffs.
(10) (([(9)])) In any situation where an order is terminated or modified before its expiration date, the clerk of the court shall forward on or before the next judicial day a true copy of the modified order or the termination order to the appropriate law enforcement agency specified in the modified or termination order. Upon receipt of the order, the law enforcement agency shall promptly enter it in the law enforcement information system.
Sec. 17. RCW
26.09.060 and 2008 c 6 s 1009 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In a proceeding for:
(a) Dissolution of marriage or domestic partnership, legal separation, or a declaration of invalidity; or
(b) Disposition of property or liabilities, maintenance, or support following dissolution of the marriage or the domestic partnership by a court which lacked personal jurisdiction over the absent spouse or absent domestic partner; either party may move for temporary maintenance or for temporary support of children entitled to support. The motion shall be accompanied by an affidavit setting forth the factual basis for the motion and the amounts requested.
(2) As a part of a motion for temporary maintenance or support or by independent motion accompanied by affidavit, either party may request the court to issue a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction, providing relief proper in the circumstances, and restraining or enjoining any person from:
(a) Transferring, removing, encumbering, concealing, or in any way disposing of any property except in the usual course of business or for the necessities of life, and, if so restrained or enjoined, requiring him or her to notify the moving party of any proposed extraordinary expenditures made after the order is issued;
(b) Molesting or disturbing the peace of the other party or of any child;
(c) Going onto the grounds of or entering the home, workplace, or school of the other party or the day care or school of any child upon a showing of the necessity therefor;
(d) Knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining within, a specified distance from a specified location; and
(e) Removing a child from the jurisdiction of the court.
(3) Either party may request a domestic violence protection order under chapter
26.50 RCW or an antiharassment protection order under chapter
10.14 RCW on a temporary basis. The court may grant any of the relief provided in RCW
26.50.060 except relief pertaining to residential provisions for the children which provisions shall be provided for under this chapter, and any of the relief provided in RCW
10.14.080. Ex parte orders issued under this subsection shall be effective for a fixed period not to exceed fourteen days, or upon court order, not to exceed twenty-four days if necessary to ensure that all temporary motions in the case can be heard at the same time.
(4) In issuing the order, the court shall consider the provisions of RCW
9.41.800, and shall order the respondent to surrender, and prohibit the respondent from possessing, all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license as required in RCW 9.41.800.
(5) The court may issue a temporary restraining order without requiring notice to the other party only if it finds on the basis of the moving affidavit or other evidence that irreparable injury could result if an order is not issued until the time for responding has elapsed.
(6) The court may issue a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction and an order for temporary maintenance or support in such amounts and on such terms as are just and proper in the circumstances. The court may in its discretion waive the filing of the bond or the posting of security.
(7) Restraining orders issued under this section restraining the person from molesting or disturbing another party, or from going onto the grounds of or entering the home, workplace, or school of the other party or the day care or school of any child, or prohibiting the person from knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining within, a specified distance of a location, shall prominently bear on the front page of the order the legend: VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER WITH ACTUAL NOTICE OF ITS TERMS IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE UNDER CHAPTER
(8) The court shall order that any temporary restraining order bearing a criminal offense legend, any domestic violence protection order, or any antiharassment protection order granted under this section be forwarded by the clerk of the court on or before the next judicial day to the appropriate law enforcement agency specified in the order. Upon receipt of the order, the law enforcement agency shall enter the order into any computer-based criminal intelligence information system available in this state used by law enforcement agencies to list outstanding warrants. Entry into the computer-based criminal intelligence information system constitutes notice to all law enforcement agencies of the existence of the order. The order is fully enforceable in any county in the state.
(9) If a restraining order issued pursuant to this section is modified or terminated, the clerk of the court shall notify the law enforcement agency specified in the order on or before the next judicial day. Upon receipt of notice that an order has been terminated, the law enforcement agency shall remove the order from any computer-based criminal intelligence system.
(10) A temporary order, temporary restraining order, or preliminary injunction:
(a) Does not prejudice the rights of a party or any child which are to be adjudicated at subsequent hearings in the proceeding;
(b) May be revoked or modified;
(c) Terminates when the final decree is entered, except as provided under subsection (11) of this section, or when the petition for dissolution, legal separation, or declaration of invalidity is dismissed;
(d) May be entered in a proceeding for the modification of an existing decree.
(11) Delinquent support payments accrued under an order for temporary support remain collectible and are not extinguished when a final decree is entered unless the decree contains specific language to the contrary. A support debt under a temporary order owed to the state for public assistance expenditures shall not be extinguished by the final decree if:
(a) The obligor was given notice of the state's interest under chapter
74.20A RCW; or
(b) The temporary order directs the obligor to make support payments to the office of support enforcement or the Washington state support registry.
Sec. 18. RCW
26.10.115 and 2000 c 119 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In a proceeding under this chapter either party may file a motion for temporary support of children entitled to support. The motion shall be accompanied by an affidavit setting forth the factual basis for the motion and the amount requested.
(2) In a proceeding under this chapter either party may file a motion for a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction, providing relief proper in the circumstances, and restraining or enjoining any person from:
(a) Molesting or disturbing the peace of the other party or of any child;
(b) Entering the family home or the home of the other party upon a showing of the necessity therefor;
(c) Knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining within, a specified distance from a specified location; and
(d) Removing a child from the jurisdiction of the court.
(3) Either party may request a domestic violence protection order under chapter
26.50 RCW or an antiharassment protection order under chapter
10.14 RCW on a temporary basis. The court may grant any of the relief provided in RCW
26.50.060 except relief pertaining to residential provisions for the children which provisions shall be provided for under this chapter, and any of the relief provided in RCW
10.14.080. Ex parte orders issued under this subsection shall be effective for a fixed period not to exceed fourteen days, or upon court order, not to exceed twenty-four days if necessary to ensure that all temporary motions in the case can be heard at the same time.
(4) In issuing the order, the court shall consider the provisions of RCW
9.41.800, and shall order the respondent to surrender, and prohibit the respondent from possessing, all firearms, dangerous weapons, and any concealed pistol license as required in RCW 9.41.800.
(5) The court may issue a temporary restraining order without requiring notice to the other party only if it finds on the basis of the moving affidavit or other evidence that irreparable injury could result if an order is not issued until the time for responding has elapsed.
(6) The court may issue a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction and an order for temporary support in such amounts and on such terms as are just and proper in the circumstances.
(7) Restraining orders issued under this section restraining or enjoining the person from molesting or disturbing another party, or from going onto the grounds of or entering the home, workplace, or school of the other party or the day care or school of any child, or prohibiting the person from knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining within, a specified distance of a location, shall prominently bear on the front page of the order the legend: VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER WITH ACTUAL NOTICE OF ITS TERMS IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE UNDER CHAPTER
(8) The court shall order that any temporary restraining order bearing a criminal offense legend, any domestic violence protection order, or any antiharassment protection order granted under this section be forwarded by the clerk of the court on or before the next judicial day to the appropriate law enforcement agency specified in the order. Upon receipt of the order, the law enforcement agency shall enter the order into any computer-based criminal intelligence information system available in this state used by law enforcement agencies to list outstanding warrants. Entry into the computer-based criminal intelligence information system constitutes notice to all law enforcement agencies of the existence of the order. The order is fully enforceable in any county in the state.
(9) If a restraining order issued pursuant to this section is modified or terminated, the clerk of the court shall notify the law enforcement agency specified in the order on or before the next judicial day. Upon receipt of notice that an order has been terminated, the law enforcement agency shall remove the order from any computer-based criminal intelligence system.
(10) A temporary order, temporary restraining order, or preliminary injunction:
(a) Does not prejudice the rights of a party or any child which are to be adjudicated at subsequent hearings in the proceeding;
(b) May be revoked or modified;
(c) Terminates when the final order is entered or when the motion is dismissed;
(d) May be entered in a proceeding for the modification of an existing order.
(11) A support debt owed to the state for public assistance expenditures which has been charged against a party pursuant to RCW
74.20A.040 and/or
74.20A.055 shall not be merged in, or otherwise extinguished by, the final decree or order, unless the office of support enforcement has been given notice of the final proceeding and an opportunity to present its claim for the support debt to the court and has failed to file an affidavit as provided in this subsection. Notice of the proceeding shall be served upon the office of support enforcement personally, or by certified mail, and shall be given no fewer than thirty days prior to the date of the final proceeding. An original copy of the notice shall be filed with the court either before service or within a reasonable time thereafter. The office of support enforcement may present its claim, and thereby preserve the support debt, by filing an affidavit setting forth the amount of the debt with the court, and by mailing a copy of the affidavit to the parties or their attorney prior to the date of the final proceeding.
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