HR 4628
ByRepresentatives Jinkins and Fey
WHEREAS, The House of Representatives, on behalf of the people, recognize and honor the life and work of Helen Engle, a woman who dedicated her life to advocating for and preserving Washington state's ecosystems, habitats, and wild places; and
WHEREAS, Helen was born February 18, 1926, in Tacoma, Washington and grew up on her family's homestead in Grays Harbor county. She married her husband, Stan Engle with whom she had seven children and who was by her side through many of her life's adventures until his death in 2009; and
WHEREAS, Helen studied to be a nurse at the University of Puget Sound during World War II before eventually leaving the profession to raise her children and then found her true passion in environmental activism; and
WHEREAS, Helen and Stan were avid hikers and skiers, were members of the Mountaineers, and Helen was also known to many as an artist, a knitter, and a voracious reader; and
WHEREAS, Helen helped save Point Defiance Park, a Tacoma landmark visited by more than three million people every year. Other lands she helped save or preserve include Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, Snake lake, Swan creek, China Lake Park, Chambers creek canyon and many others; and
WHEREAS, Helen co-founded many environmental organizations, including the Tahoma Audubon Society, People for Puget Sound, the Washington Environmental Council, and Citizens for a Healthy Bay. She served on numerous commissions, task forces and councils that fought to save the diverse habitats and natural resources of our state; and
WHEREAS, Helen was never afraid to speak her mind or stand up for what she believed was right, and was also known for her skills in coalition building, networking, and negotiation, which helped her achieve many successes on behalf of the causes she took up; and
WHEREAS, In the words of her daughter Gretchen, "A mighty oak has fallen," with the passing of Helen, and she leaves behind an incredible legacy of activism, conservationism, and deep love for Washington's natural environment and the outdoor spaces we all share;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives, on behalf of the people of the State of Washington, recognize and honor the life and work of Helen Engle.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4628 adopted by the House of Representatives
April 9, 2019
Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk