State of Washington | 66th Legislature | 2019 Regular Session |
BySenate Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senator Rolfes)
Sec. 1. RCW
36.22.178 and 2018 c 66 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
The surcharge provided for in this section shall be named the affordable housing for all surcharge.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, a surcharge of thirteen dollars per instrument shall be charged by the county auditor for each document recorded, which will be in addition to any other charge authorized by law. The county may retain up to five percent of these funds collected solely for the collection, administration, and local distribution of these funds. Of the remaining funds, forty percent of the revenue generated through this surcharge will be transmitted monthly to the state treasurer who will deposit: (a) The portion of the funds attributable to ten dollars of the surcharge into the affordable housing for all account created in RCW
43.185C.190. The department of commerce must use these funds to provide housing and shelter for extremely low-income households, including but not limited to housing for victims of human trafficking and their families and grants for building operation and maintenance costs of housing projects or units within housing projects that are affordable to extremely low-income households with incomes at or below thirty percent of the area median income, and that require a supplement to rent income to cover ongoing operating expenses; and (b) the portion of the funds attributable to three dollars of the surcharge into the landlord mitigation program account created in RCW
(2) All of the remaining funds generated by this surcharge will be retained by the county and be deposited into a fund that must be used by the county and its cities and towns for eligible housing activities as described in this subsection that serve very low-income households with incomes at or below fifty percent of the area median income. The portion of the surcharge retained by a county shall be allocated to eligible housing activities that serve extremely low and very low-income households in the county and the cities within a county according to an interlocal agreement between the county and the cities within the county consistent with countywide and local housing needs and policies. A priority must be given to eligible housing activities that serve extremely low-income households with incomes at or below thirty percent of the area median income. Eligible housing activities to be funded by these county funds are limited to:
(a) Acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of housing projects or units within housing projects that are affordable to very low-income households with incomes at or below fifty percent of the area median income, including units for homeownership, rental units, seasonal and permanent farmworker housing units, units reserved for victims of human trafficking and their families, and single room occupancy units;
(b) Supporting building operation and maintenance costs of housing projects or units within housing projects eligible to receive housing trust funds, that are affordable to very low-income households with incomes at or below fifty percent of the area median income, and that require a supplement to rent income to cover ongoing operating expenses;
(c) Rental assistance vouchers for housing units that are affordable to very low-income households with incomes at or below fifty percent of the area median income, including rental housing vouchers for victims of human trafficking and their families, to be administered by a local public housing authority or other local organization that has an existing rental assistance voucher program, consistent with or similar to the United States department of housing and urban development's section 8 rental assistance voucher program standards; and
(d) Operating costs for emergency shelters and licensed overnight youth shelters.
(3) The surcharge imposed in this section does not apply to assignments or substitutions of previously recorded deeds of trust or to documents recording a federal lien or satisfaction of lien.
Sec. 2. RCW
36.22.179 and 2018 c 85 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In addition to the surcharge authorized in RCW
36.22.178, and except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, an additional surcharge of sixty-two dollars shall be charged by the county auditor for each document recorded, which will be in addition to any other charge allowed by law. Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, the funds collected pursuant to this section are to be distributed and used as follows:
(a) The auditor shall retain two percent for collection of the fee, and of the remainder shall remit sixty percent to the county to be deposited into a fund that must be used by the county and its cities and towns to accomplish the purposes of chapter 484, Laws of 2005, six percent of which may be used by the county for the collection and local distribution of these funds and administrative costs related to its homeless housing plan, and the remainder for programs which directly accomplish the goals of the county's local homeless housing plan, except that for each city in the county which elects as authorized in RCW
43.185C.080 to operate its own local homeless housing program, a percentage of the surcharge assessed under this section equal to the percentage of the city's local portion of the real estate excise tax collected by the county shall be transmitted at least quarterly to the city treasurer, without any deduction for county administrative costs, for use by the city for program costs which directly contribute to the goals of the city's local homeless housing plan; of the funds received by the city, it may use six percent for administrative costs for its homeless housing program.
(b) The auditor shall remit the remaining funds to the state treasurer for deposit in the home security fund account to be used as follows:
(i) The department may use twelve and one-half percent of this amount for administration of the program established in RCW
43.185C.020, including the costs of creating the statewide homeless housing strategic plan, measuring performance, providing technical assistance to local governments, and managing the homeless housing grant program.
(ii) The remaining eighty-seven and one-half percent of this amount must be used as follows:
(A) At least forty-five percent must be set aside for the use of private rental housing payments; and
(B) All remaining funds are to be used by the department to:
(I) Provide housing and shelter for homeless people including, but not limited to: Grants to operate, repair, and staff shelters; grants to operate transitional housing; partial payments for rental assistance; consolidated emergency assistance; overnight youth shelters; grants and vouchers designated for victims of human trafficking and their families; and emergency shelter assistance; and
(II) Fund the homeless housing grant program.
(2) A county issuing general obligation bonds pursuant to RCW
36.67.010, to carry out the purposes of subsection (1)(a) of this section, may provide that such bonds be made payable from any surcharge provided for in subsection (1)(a) of this section and may pledge such surcharges to the repayment of the bonds.
(3) The surcharge imposed in this section does not apply to (a) assignments or substitutions of previously recorded deeds of trust, (b) documents recording a birth, marriage, divorce, or death, (c) any recorded documents otherwise exempted from a recording fee or additional surcharges under state law, (d) marriage licenses issued by the county auditor, or (e) documents recording a federal, state, county, or city lien or satisfaction of lien.
(4) Ten dollars of the surcharge imposed under subsection (1) of this section must be distributed to the counties to carry out the purposes of subsection (1)(a) of this section.
(5) For purposes of this section, "private rental housing" means housing owned by a private landlord and includes housing owned by a nonprofit housing entity.
Sec. 3. RCW
36.22.1791 and 2011 c 110 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In addition to the surcharges authorized in RCW
36.22.178 and
36.22.179, and except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the county auditor shall charge an additional surcharge of eight dollars for each document recorded, which is in addition to any other charge allowed by law. The funds collected under this section are to be distributed and used as follows:
(a) The auditor shall remit ninety percent to the county to be deposited into a fund six percent of which may be used by the county for administrative costs related to its homeless housing plan, and the remainder for programs that directly accomplish the goals of the county's local homeless housing plan, except that for each city in the county that elects, as authorized in RCW
43.185C.080, to operate its own local homeless housing program, a percentage of the surcharge assessed under this section equal to the percentage of the city's local portion of the real estate excise tax collected by the county must be transmitted at least quarterly to the city treasurer for use by the city for program costs that directly contribute to the goals of the city's local homeless housing plan.
(b) The auditor shall remit the remaining funds to the state treasurer for deposit in the home security fund account. The department may use the funds for administering the program established in RCW
43.185C.020, including the costs of creating and updating the statewide homeless housing strategic plan, measuring performance, providing technical assistance to local governments, and managing the homeless housing grant program. Remaining funds may also be used to:
(i) Provide housing and shelter for homeless people including, but not limited to: Grants to operate, repair, and staff shelters; grants to operate transitional housing; partial payments for rental assistance; consolidated emergency assistance; overnight youth shelters; grants and vouchers designated for victims of human trafficking and their families; and emergency shelter assistance; and
(ii) Fund the homeless housing grant program.
(2) The surcharge imposed in this section does not apply to assignments or substitutions of previously recorded deeds of trust or to documents recording a federal lien or satisfaction of lien.
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