State of Washington | 66th Legislature | 2020 Regular Session |
BySenators Wilson, L., Becker, Braun, Takko, and Warnick
Read first time 01/21/20.Referred to Committee on Health & Long Term Care.
AN ACT Relating to the collection of survey data pursuant to nurse licensure; and amending RCW
Sec. 1. RCW
18.79.160 and 2004 c 262 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) An applicant for a license to practice as a registered nurse shall submit to the commission:
(a) An attested written application on a department form;
(b) An official transcript demonstrating graduation and successful completion of an approved program of nursing; and
(c) Any other official records specified by the commission.
(2) An applicant for a license to practice as an advanced registered nurse practitioner shall submit to the commission:
(a) An attested written application on a department form;
(b) An official transcript demonstrating graduation and successful completion of an advanced registered nurse practitioner program meeting criteria established by the commission; and
(c) Any other official records specified by the commission.
(3) An applicant for a license to practice as a licensed practical nurse shall submit to the commission:
(a) An attested written application on a department form;
(b) Written official evidence that the applicant is over the age of eighteen;
(c) An official transcript demonstrating graduation and successful completion of an approved practical nursing program, or its equivalent; and
(d) Any other official records specified by the commission.
(4) At the time of submission of the application, the applicant for a license to practice as a registered nurse, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or licensed practical nurse must not be in violation of chapter
18.130 RCW or this chapter.
(5) The commission shall establish by rule the criteria for evaluating the education of all applicants.
(6) The commission shall not condition licensure or license renewal on the submission of demographic or other survey data not directly connected to the practice of nursing.
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