Passed by the Senate April 19, 2019 Yeas 49 Nays 0
President of the Senate Passed by the House April 9, 2019 Yeas 97 Nays 0
Speaker of the House of Representatives | CERTIFICATE I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5017 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. |
Approved | FILED |
| Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 2019 Regular Session
State of Washington | 66th Legislature | 2019 Regular Session |
BySenate Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators Salomon, Van De Wege, and Pedersen; by request of Uniform Law Commission)
AN ACT Relating to the uniform unsworn declarations act; amending RCW
81.84.020, and
88.02.540; reenacting and amending RCW
59.18.030; repealing RCW
9A.72.085; providing an effective date; and providing an expiration date.
Sec. 1. RCW
5.50.010 and 2011 c 22 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
In this chapter:
(1) (("Boundaries of the United States" means the geographic boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, and any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
(2))) "Law" includes ((the federal or a state Constitution,)) a ((federal or state)) statute, ((a)) judicial decision or order, ((a)) rule of court, ((an)) executive order, and ((an)) administrative rule, regulation, or order.
(((3)))(2) "Record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
(((4)))(3) "Sign" means, with present intent to authenticate or adopt a record:
(a) To execute or adopt a tangible symbol; ((or))
(b) To attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic symbol, sound, or process;
(c) To affix or place the declarant's signature as defined in RCW 9A.04.110 on the record; (d) To attach or logically associate the declarant's digital signature or electronic signature as defined in RCW 19.34.020 to the record; (e) To affix or logically associate the declarant's signature in the manner described in general rule 30 to the record if he or she is a licensed attorney; or
(f) To affix or logically associate the declarant's full name, department or agency, and badge or personnel number to any record that is electronically submitted to a court, a prosecutor, or a magistrate from an electronic device that is owned, issued, or maintained by a criminal justice agency if the declarant is a law enforcement officer.
(((5) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
(6)))(4) "Sworn declaration" means a declaration in a signed record given under oath. The term includes a sworn statement, verification, certificate, and affidavit.
(((7)))(5) "Unsworn declaration" means a declaration in a signed record ((that is)) not given under oath((,)) but ((is)) given under penalty of perjury. The term includes an unsworn statement, verification, and certificate.
Sec. 2. RCW
5.50.020 and 2011 c 22 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
This chapter applies to an unsworn declaration by a declarant who at the time of making the declaration is physically located within or outside the boundaries of the United States, whether or not the location is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. ((This chapter does not apply to a declaration by a declarant who is physically located on property that is within the boundaries of the United States and subject to the jurisdiction of another country or a federally recognized Indian tribe.))
Sec. 3. RCW
5.50.050 and 2011 c 22 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
An unsworn declaration under this chapter must be in substantially the following form:
I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct((, and that I am physically located outside the geographic boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, and any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States)).
((Executed))Signed on the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . . .,
(date) (month) (year)
at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .((, . . . . . . ..))
(city or other location, and state or country) (((country)))
. . . . . . . . .
(printed name)
. . . . . . . . .
Sec. 4. RCW
5.50.900 and 2011 c 22 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
This chapter may be cited as the uniform unsworn ((foreign)) declarations act.
Sec. 5. RCW
5.50.901 and 2011 c 22 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
In applying and construing this uniform act and chapter, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. RCW 9A.72.085 (Unsworn statements, certification—Standards for subscribing to an unsworn statement) and 2014 c 93 s 4 & 1981 c 187 s 3, as now existing or hereafter amended, are each repealed, effective July 1, 2021. Sec. 7. RCW
7.64.020 and 2004 c 74 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) At the time of filing the complaint or any time thereafter, the plaintiff may apply to the judge or court commissioner to issue an order directing the defendant to appear and show cause why an order putting the plaintiff in immediate possession of the personal property should not be issued.
(2) In support of the application, the plaintiff, or someone on the plaintiff's behalf, shall make an affidavit, or a declaration as permitted under ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW, showing:
(a) That the plaintiff is the owner of the property or is lawfully entitled to the possession of the property by virtue of a special property interest, including a security interest, specifically describing the property and interest;
(b) That the property is wrongfully detained by defendant;
(c) That the property has not been taken for a tax, assessment, or fine pursuant to a statute and has not been seized under an execution or attachment against the property of the plaintiff, or if so seized, that it is by law exempt from such seizure; and
(d) The approximate value of the property.
(3) The order to show cause shall state the date, time, and place of the hearing and contain a notice to the defendant that failure to promptly turn over possession of the property to the plaintiff or the sheriff, if an order awarding possession is issued under RCW
7.64.035(1), may subject the defendant to being held in contempt of court.
(4) A certified copy of the order to show cause, with a copy of the plaintiff's affidavit or declaration attached, shall be served upon the defendant no later than five days before the hearing date.
Sec. 8. RCW
7.70.065 and 2017 c 275 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Informed consent for health care for a patient who is not competent, as defined in RCW
11.88.010(1)(e), to consent may be obtained from a person authorized to consent on behalf of such patient.
(a) Persons authorized to provide informed consent to health care on behalf of a patient who is not competent to consent, based upon a reason other than incapacity as defined in RCW
11.88.010(1)(d), shall be a member of one of the following classes of persons in the following order of priority:
(i) The appointed guardian of the patient, if any;
(ii) The individual, if any, to whom the patient has given a durable power of attorney that encompasses the authority to make health care decisions;
(iii) The patient's spouse or state registered domestic partner;
(iv) Children of the patient who are at least eighteen years of age;
(v) Parents of the patient; and
(vi) Adult brothers and sisters of the patient.
(b) If the health care provider seeking informed consent for proposed health care of the patient who is not competent to consent under RCW
11.88.010(1)(e), other than a person determined to be incapacitated because he or she is under the age of majority and who is not otherwise authorized to provide informed consent, makes reasonable efforts to locate and secure authorization from a competent person in the first or succeeding class and finds no such person available, authorization may be given by any person in the next class in the order of descending priority. However, no person under this section may provide informed consent to health care:
(i) If a person of higher priority under this section has refused to give such authorization; or
(ii) If there are two or more individuals in the same class and the decision is not unanimous among all available members of that class.
(c) Before any person authorized to provide informed consent on behalf of a patient not competent to consent under RCW
11.88.010(1)(e), other than a person determined to be incapacitated because he or she is under the age of majority and who is not otherwise authorized to provide informed consent, exercises that authority, the person must first determine in good faith that that patient, if competent, would consent to the proposed health care. If such a determination cannot be made, the decision to consent to the proposed health care may be made only after determining that the proposed health care is in the patient's best interests.
(2) Informed consent for health care, including mental health care, for a patient who is not competent, as defined in RCW
11.88.010(1)(e), because he or she is under the age of majority and who is not otherwise authorized to provide informed consent, may be obtained from a person authorized to consent on behalf of such a patient.
(a) Persons authorized to provide informed consent to health care, including mental health care, on behalf of a patient who is incapacitated, as defined in RCW
11.88.010(1)(e), because he or she is under the age of majority and who is not otherwise authorized to provide informed consent, shall be a member of one of the following classes of persons in the following order of priority:
(i) The appointed guardian, or legal custodian authorized pursuant to Title
26 RCW, of the minor patient, if any;
(ii) A person authorized by the court to consent to medical care for a child in out-of-home placement pursuant to chapter
13.32A or
13.34 RCW, if any;
(iii) Parents of the minor patient;
(iv) The individual, if any, to whom the minor's parent has given a signed authorization to make health care decisions for the minor patient; and
(v) A competent adult representing himself or herself to be a relative responsible for the health care of such minor patient or a competent adult who has signed and dated a declaration under penalty of perjury pursuant to ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW stating that the adult person is a relative responsible for the health care of the minor patient. Such declaration shall be effective for up to six months from the date of the declaration.
(b)(i) Informed consent for health care on behalf of a patient who is incapacitated, as defined in RCW
11.88.010(1)(e), because he or she is under the age of majority and who is not otherwise authorized to provide informed consent may be obtained from a school nurse, school counselor, or homeless student liaison when:
(A) Consent is necessary for nonemergency, outpatient, primary care services, including physical examinations, vision examinations and eyeglasses, dental examinations, hearing examinations and hearing aids, immunizations, treatments for illnesses and conditions, and routine follow-up care customarily provided by a health care provider in an outpatient setting, excluding elective surgeries;
(B) The minor patient meets the definition of a "homeless child or youth" under the federal McKinney-Vento homeless education assistance improvements act of 2001, P.L. 107-110, January 8, 2002, 115 Stat. 2005; and
(C) The minor patient is not under the supervision or control of a parent, custodian, or legal guardian, and is not in the care and custody of the department of social and health services.
(ii) A person authorized to consent to care under this subsection (2)(b) and the person's employing school or school district are not subject to administrative sanctions or civil damages resulting from the consent or nonconsent for care, any care, or payment for any care, rendered pursuant to this section. Nothing in this section prevents a health care facility or a health care provider from seeking reimbursement from other sources for care provided to a minor patient under this subsection (2)(b).
(iii) Upon request by a health care facility or a health care provider, a person authorized to consent to care under this subsection (2)(b) must provide to the person rendering care a declaration signed and dated under penalty of perjury pursuant to ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW stating that the person is a school nurse, school counselor, or homeless student liaison and that the minor patient meets the elements under (b)(i) of this subsection. The declaration must also include written notice of the exemption from liability under (b)(ii) of this subsection.
(c) A health care provider may, but is not required to, rely on the representations or declaration of a person claiming to be a relative responsible for the care of the minor patient, under (a)(v) of this subsection, or a person claiming to be authorized to consent to the health care of the minor patient under (b) of this subsection, if the health care provider does not have actual notice of the falsity of any of the statements made by the person claiming to be a relative responsible for the health care of the minor patient, or person claiming to be authorized to consent to the health care of the minor patient.
(d) A health care facility or a health care provider may, in its discretion, require documentation of a person's claimed status as being a relative responsible for the health care of the minor patient, or a person claiming to be authorized to consent to the health care of the minor patient under (b) of this subsection. However, there is no obligation to require such documentation.
(e) The health care provider or health care facility where services are rendered shall be immune from suit in any action, civil or criminal, or from professional or other disciplinary action when such reliance is based on a declaration signed under penalty of perjury pursuant to ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW stating that the adult person is a relative responsible for the health care of the minor patient under (a)(v) of this subsection, or a person claiming to be authorized to consent to the health care of the minor patient under (b) of this subsection.
(3) For the purposes of this section, "health care," "health care provider," and "health care facility" shall be defined as established in RCW
Sec. 9. RCW
9A.04.030 and 1999 c 349 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The following persons are liable to punishment:
(1) A person who commits in the state any crime, in whole or in part.
(2) A person who commits out of the state any act which, if committed within it, would be theft and is afterward found in the state with any of the stolen property.
(3) A person who being out of the state, counsels, causes, procures, aids, or abets another to commit a crime in this state.
(4) A person who, being out of the state, abducts or kidnaps by force or fraud, any person, contrary to the laws of the place where the act is committed, and brings, sends, or conveys such person into this state.
(5) A person who commits an act without the state which affects persons or property within the state, which, if committed within the state, would be a crime.
(6) A person who, being out of the state, makes a statement, declaration, verification, or certificate under ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW which, if made within the state, would be perjury.
(7) A person who commits an act onboard a conveyance within the state of Washington, including the airspace over the state of Washington, that subsequently lands, docks, or stops within the state which, if committed within the state, would be a crime.
Sec. 10. RCW
9A.72.010 and 2001 c 171 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The following definitions are applicable in this chapter unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Materially false statement" means any false statement oral or written, regardless of its admissibility under the rules of evidence, which could have affected the course or outcome of the proceeding; ((whether a false statement is material shall be determined by the court as a matter of law;))
(2) "Oath" includes an affirmation and every other mode authorized by law of attesting to the truth of that which is stated; in this chapter, written statements shall be treated as if made under oath if:
(a) The statement was made on or pursuant to instructions on an official form bearing notice, authorized by law, to the effect that false statements made therein are punishable;
(b) The statement recites that it was made under oath, the declarant was aware of such recitation at the time he or she made the statement, intended that the statement should be represented as a sworn statement, and the statement was in fact so represented by its delivery or utterance with the signed jurat of an officer authorized to administer oaths appended thereto; or
(c) It is a statement, declaration, verification, or certificate, made within or outside the state of Washington, which is ((
certified or)) declared to be true under penalty of perjury as provided in ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW.
(3) An oath is "required or authorized by law" when the use of the oath is specifically provided for by statute or regulatory provision or when the oath is administered by a person authorized by state or federal law to administer oaths;
(4) "Official proceeding" means a proceeding heard before any legislative, judicial, administrative, or other government agency or official authorized to hear evidence under oath, including any referee, hearing examiner, commissioner, notary, or other person taking testimony or depositions;
(5) "Juror" means any person who is a member of any jury, including a grand jury, impaneled by any court of this state or by any public servant authorized by law to impanel a jury; the term juror also includes any person who has been drawn or summoned to attend as a prospective juror;
(6) "Testimony" includes oral or written statements, documents, or any other material that may be offered by a witness in an official proceeding.
Sec. 11. RCW
10.25.065 and 1981 c 187 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
Perjury committed outside of the state of Washington in a statement, declaration, verification, or certificate authorized by ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW is punishable in the county in this state in which occurs the act, transaction, matter, action, or proceeding, in relation to which the statement, declaration, verification, or certification was given or made.
Sec. 12. RCW
11.96A.250 and 2013 c 272 s 21 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Any party or the parent of a minor or unborn party may petition the court for the appointment of a special representative to represent a party: (i) Who is a minor; (ii) who is incapacitated without an appointed guardian of his or her estate; (iii) who is yet unborn or unascertained; or (iv) whose identity or address is unknown. The petition may be heard by the court without notice.
(b) In appointing the special representative the court shall give due consideration and deference to any nomination(s) made in the petition, the special skills required in the representation, and the need for a representative who will act independently and prudently. The nomination of a person as special representative by the petitioner and the person's willingness to serve as special representative are not grounds by themselves for finding a lack of independence, however, the court may consider any interests that the nominating party may have in the estate or trust in making the determination.
(c) The special representative may enter into a binding agreement on behalf of the person or beneficiary. The special representative may be appointed for more than one person or class of persons if the interests of such persons or class are not in conflict. The petition must be verified. The petition and order appointing the special representative may be in the following form:
| |
The undersigned petitioner petitions the court for the appointment of a special representative in accordance with RCW
11.96A.250 and shows the court as follows:
1. Petitioner. Petitioner . . . [is the qualified and presently acting (personal representative) (trustee) of the above (estate) (trust) having been named (personal representative) (trustee) under (describe will and reference probate order or describe trust instrument)] or [is the (describe relationship of the petitioner to the party to be represented or to the matter at issue)].
2. Matter. A question concerning . . . has arisen as to (describe issue, for example: Related to interpretation, construction, administration, distribution). The issue is a matter as defined in RCW
11.96A.030 and is appropriate for determination under RCW
11.96A.210 through
3. Party/Parties to be Represented. This matter involves (include description of asset(s) and related beneficiaries and/or interested parties). Resolution of this matter will require the involvement of . . . . . . (name of person or class of persons), who is/are (minors), (incapacitated and without an appointed guardian), (unborn or unascertained) (whose identity or address is unknown).
4. Special Representative. The nominated special representative . . . is a lawyer licensed to practice before the courts of this state or an individual with special skill or training in the administration of estates or trusts. The nominated special representative does not have an interest in the matter and is not related to any person interested in the matter. The nominated special representative is willing to serve. The petitioner has no reason to believe that the nominated special representative will not act in an independent and prudent manner and in the best interests of the represented parties. (It is recommended that the petitioner also include information specifying the particular skills of the nominated special representative that relate to the matter in issue.)
5. Resolution. Petitioner desires to achieve a resolution of the questions that have arisen in this matter. Petitioner believes that proceeding in accordance with the procedures permitted under RCW
11.96A.210 through
11.96A.250 would be in the best interests of the parties, including the party requiring a special representative.
6. Request of Court. Petitioner requests that . . . . . . an attorney licensed to practice in the State of Washington,
. . . . an individual with special skill or training in the administration of estates or trusts
be appointed special representative for . . . (describe party or parties being represented), who is/are (minors), (incapacitated and without an appointed guardian), (unborn or unascertained) (whose identity or address is unknown), as provided under RCW
DATED this . . . day of . . . . ., . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.
DATED . . . . . ., ((20..)). . . . (year), at . . . . . ., Washington.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Petitioner or other person
having knowledge)
| |
THIS MATTER having come on for hearing before this Court on Petition for Appointment of Special Representative filed herein, and it appearing that it would be in the best interests of the parties related to the matter described in the Petition to appoint a special representative to address the issues that have arisen in the matter and the Court finding that the facts stated in the Petition are true, now, therefore,
IT IS ORDERED that . . . is appointed under RCW
11.96A.250 as special representative (describe party or parties being represented) who is/are (minors), (incapacitated and without an appointed guardian), (unborn or unascertained) (whose identity or address is unknown), to represent their respective interests in the matter as provided in RCW
11.96A.250. The special representative shall be discharged of responsibility with respect to the matter as provided in RCW
11.96A.250. The special representative is discharged of responsibility with respect to the matter at such time as a written agreement is executed resolving the present issues, all as provided in that statute, or if an agreement is not reached within six months from entry of this Order, the special representative appointed under this Order is discharged of responsibility, subject to subsequent reappointment under RCW
DONE IN OPEN COURT this . . . day of . . . . ., . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(2) Upon appointment by the court, the special representative must file a certification made under penalty of perjury in accordance with ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW that he or she (a) is not interested in the matter; (b) is not related to any person interested in the matter; (c) is willing to serve; and (d) will act independently, prudently, and in the best interests of the represented parties.
(3) The special representative must be a lawyer licensed to practice before the courts of this state or an individual with special skill or training in the administration of estates or trusts. The special representative may not have an interest in the matter, and may not be related to a person interested in the matter. The special representative is entitled to reasonable compensation for services that must be paid from the principal of an asset involved in the matter.
(4) The special representative is discharged from any responsibility and will have no further duties with respect to the matter or with respect to any party, on the earlier of: (a) The expiration of six months from the date the special representative was appointed unless the order appointing the special representative provides otherwise, or (b) the execution of the written agreement by all parties or their virtual representatives. Any action against a special representative must be brought within the time limits provided by RCW
Sec. 13. RCW
18.104.093 and 1993 c 387 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:
The department may issue a water well construction operator's training license if the person:
(1) Has submitted a completed application to the department on forms provided by the department and has paid to the department the application fee required by rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;
(2) Has acquired field experience and educational training required by rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;
(3) Has passed a written examination as provided for in RCW
(4) Has passed an on-site examination by the department; and
(5) Presents a statement by a person licensed under this chapter, other than a trainee, signed under penalty of perjury as provided in ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW, verifying that the applicant has the field experience required by rules adopted pursuant to this chapter and assuming liability for any and all well construction activities of the person seeking the training license.
A person with a water well construction operator's training license may operate a drilling rig without the direct supervision of a licensed operator if a licensed operator is available by radio, telephone, or other means of communication.
Sec. 14. RCW
18.104.097 and 1993 c 387 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
The department may issue a resource protection well operator's training license if the person:
(1) Has submitted a completed application to the department on forms provided by the department and has paid to the department the application fee required by rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;
(2) Has acquired field experience and educational training required by rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;
(3) Has passed a written examination as provided for in RCW
(4) Has passed an on-site examination by the department; and
(5) Presents a statement by a person licensed under this chapter, other than a trainee, signed under penalty of perjury as provided in ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW, verifying that the applicant has the field experience required by rules adopted pursuant to this chapter and assuming liability for any and all well construction activities of the person seeking the training license.
A person with a resource protection well construction operator's training license may operate a drilling rig without direct supervision of a licensed operator if a licensed operator is accessible by radio, telephone, or other means of communication.
Sec. 15. RCW
39.04.350 and 2018 c 243 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Before award of a public works contract, a bidder must meet the following responsibility criteria to be considered a responsible bidder and qualified to be awarded a public works project. The bidder must:
(a) At the time of bid submittal, have a certificate of registration in compliance with chapter
18.27 RCW;
(b) Have a current state unified business identifier number;
(c) If applicable, have industrial insurance coverage for the bidder's employees working in Washington as required in Title
51 RCW; an employment security department number as required in Title
50 RCW; and a state excise tax registration number as required in Title
82 RCW;
(d) Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW
39.06.010 or
(e) If bidding on a public works project subject to the apprenticeship utilization requirements in RCW
39.04.320, not have been found out of compliance by the Washington state apprenticeship and training council for working apprentices out of ratio, without appropriate supervision, or outside their approved work processes as outlined in their standards of apprenticeship under chapter
49.04 RCW for the one-year period immediately preceding the date of the bid solicitation;
(f) Have received training on the requirements related to public works and prevailing wage under this chapter and chapter
39.12 RCW. The bidder must designate a person or persons to be trained on these requirements. The training must be provided by the department of labor and industries or by a training provider whose curriculum is approved by the department. The department, in consultation with the prevailing wage advisory committee, must determine the length of the training. Bidders that have completed three or more public works projects and have had a valid business license in Washington for three or more years are exempt from this subsection. The department of labor and industries must keep records of entities that have satisfied the training requirement or are exempt and make the records available on its web site. Responsible parties may rely on the records made available by the department regarding satisfaction of the training requirement or exemption; and
(g) Within the three-year period immediately preceding the date of the bid solicitation, not have been determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the department of labor and industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction to have willfully violated, as defined in RCW
49.48.082, any provision of chapter
49.46, 49.48, or
49.52 RCW.
(2) Before award of a public works contract, a bidder shall submit to the contracting agency a signed statement in accordance with ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW verifying under penalty of perjury that the bidder is in compliance with the responsible bidder criteria requirement of subsection (1)(g) of this section. A contracting agency may award a contract in reasonable reliance upon such a sworn statement.
(3) In addition to the bidder responsibility criteria in subsection (1) of this section, the state or municipality may adopt relevant supplemental criteria for determining bidder responsibility applicable to a particular project which the bidder must meet.
(a) Supplemental criteria for determining bidder responsibility, including the basis for evaluation and the deadline for appealing a determination that a bidder is not responsible, must be provided in the invitation to bid or bidding documents.
(b) In a timely manner before the bid submittal deadline, a potential bidder may request that the state or municipality modify the supplemental criteria. The state or municipality must evaluate the information submitted by the potential bidder and respond before the bid submittal deadline. If the evaluation results in a change of the criteria, the state or municipality must issue an addendum to the bidding documents identifying the new criteria.
(c) If the bidder fails to supply information requested concerning responsibility within the time and manner specified in the bid documents, the state or municipality may base its determination of responsibility upon any available information related to the supplemental criteria or may find the bidder not responsible.
(d) If the state or municipality determines a bidder to be not responsible, the state or municipality must provide, in writing, the reasons for the determination. The bidder may appeal the determination within the time period specified in the bidding documents by presenting additional information to the state or municipality. The state or municipality must consider the additional information before issuing its final determination. If the final determination affirms that the bidder is not responsible, the state or municipality may not execute a contract with any other bidder until two business days after the bidder determined to be not responsible has received the final determination.
(4) The capital projects advisory review board created in RCW
39.10.220 shall develop suggested guidelines to assist the state and municipalities in developing supplemental bidder responsibility criteria. The guidelines must be posted on the board's web site.
Sec. 16. RCW
39.26.160 and 2017 c 258 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) After bids that are submitted in response to a competitive solicitation process are reviewed by the awarding agency, the awarding agency may:
(i) Reject all bids and rebid or cancel the competitive solicitation;
(ii) Request best and final offers from responsive and responsible bidders; or
(iii) Award the purchase or contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
(b) The agency may award one or more contracts from a competitive solicitation.
(2) In determining whether the bidder is a responsible bidder, the agency must consider the following elements:
(a) The ability, capacity, and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required;
(b) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the bidder;
(c) Whether the bidder can perform the contract within the time specified;
(d) The quality of performance of previous contracts or services;
(e) The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws relating to the contract or services;
(f) Whether, within the three-year period immediately preceding the date of the bid solicitation, the bidder has been determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the department of labor and industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction to have willfully violated, as defined in RCW
49.48.082, any provision of chapter
49.46, 49.48, or
49.52 RCW; and
(g) Such other information as may be secured having a bearing on the decision to award the contract.
(3) In determining the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, an agency may consider best value criteria, including but not limited to:
(a) Whether the bid satisfies the needs of the state as specified in the solicitation documents;
(b) Whether the bid encourages diverse contractor participation;
(c) Whether the bid provides competitive pricing, economies, and efficiencies;
(d) Whether the bid considers human health and environmental impacts;
(e) Whether the bid appropriately weighs cost and noncost considerations; and
(f) Life-cycle cost.
(4) The solicitation document must clearly set forth the requirements and criteria that the agency will apply in evaluating bid submissions. Before award of a contract, a bidder shall submit to the contracting agency a signed statement in accordance with ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW verifying under penalty of perjury that the bidder is in compliance with the responsible bidder criteria requirement of subsection (2)(f) of this section. A contracting agency may award a contract in reasonable reliance upon such a sworn statement.
(5) The awarding agency may at its discretion reject the bid of any contractor who has failed to perform satisfactorily on a previous contract with the state.
(6) After reviewing all bid submissions, an agency may enter into negotiations with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in order to determine if the bid may be improved. An agency may not use this negotiation opportunity to permit a bidder to change a nonresponsive bid into a responsive bid.
(7) The procuring agency must enter into the state's enterprise vendor registration and bid notification system the name of each bidder and an indication as to the successful bidder.
Sec. 17. RCW
46.09.320 and 2016 c 84 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The application for a certificate of title of an off-road vehicle must be made by the owner or owner's representative to the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director on a form furnished or approved by the department and must contain:
(a) A description of the off-road vehicle, including make, model, vehicle identification number or engine serial number if no vehicle identification number exists, type of body, and model year of the vehicle;
(b) The name and address of the person who is the registered owner of the off-road vehicle and, if the off-road vehicle is subject to a security interest, the name and address of the secured party; and
(c) Other information the department may require.
(2) The application for a certificate of title must be signed by the person applying to be the registered owner and be sworn to by that person in the manner described under ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW.
(3) The owner must pay the fee established under RCW
(4) Issuance of the certificate of title does not qualify the off-road vehicle for registration under chapter
46.16A RCW.
Sec. 18. RCW
46.12.530 and 2017 c 147 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The application for a certificate of title of a vehicle must be made by the owner or owner's representative to the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director on a form furnished or approved by the department and must contain:
(a) A description of the vehicle, including make, model, vehicle identification number, type of body, and the odometer reading at the time of delivery of the vehicle;
(b) The name and address of the person who is to be the registered owner of the vehicle and, if the vehicle is subject to a security interest, the name and address of the secured party; and
(c) Other information the department may require.
(2) The department may require additional information and a physical examination of the vehicle or of any class of vehicles, or either.
(3) The application for a certificate of title must be signed by the person applying to be the registered owner and be sworn to by that person in the manner described under ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW. The department shall keep the application in the original, computer, or photostatic form.
(4) The application for an original certificate of title must be accompanied by:
(a) A draft, money order, certified bank check, or cash for all fees and taxes due for the application for certificate of title; and
(b) The most recent certificate of title or other satisfactory evidence of ownership.
(5) Once issued, a certificate of title is not subject to renewal.
(6) Whenever any person, after applying for or receiving a certificate of title, moves from the address named in the application or in the certificate of title issued to him or her, or changes his or her name of record, the person shall, within ten days thereafter, notify the department of the name or address change as provided in RCW
Sec. 19. RCW
46.12.555 and 2014 c 12 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The application for a quick title of a vehicle must be submitted by the owner or the owner's representative to the department, participating county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director on a form furnished or approved by the department and must contain:
(a) A description of the vehicle, including make, model, vehicle identification number, type of body, and the odometer reading at the time of delivery of the vehicle, when required;
(b) The name and address of the person who is to be the registered owner of the vehicle and, if the vehicle is subject to a security interest, the name and address of the secured party; and
(c) Other information as may be required by the department.
(2) The application for a quick title must be signed by the person applying to be the registered owner and be sworn to by that person in the manner described under ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW. The department must keep a copy of the application.
(3) The application for a quick title must be accompanied by:
(a) All fees and taxes due for an application for a certificate of title, including a quick title service fee under RCW
46.17.160; and
(b) The most recent certificate of title or other satisfactory evidence of ownership.
(4) All applications for quick title must meet the requirements established by the department.
(5) For the purposes of this section, "quick title" means a certificate of title printed at the time of application.
(6) The quick title process authorized under this section may not be used to obtain the first title issued to a vehicle previously designated as a salvage vehicle as defined in RCW
(7) A subagent may process a quick title under this section in accordance with rules adopted by the department.
Sec. 20. RCW
46.16A.435 and 2011 c 121 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department shall establish a declaration subject to the requirements of ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW, which must be submitted by an off-road motorcycle owner when applying for on-road registration of the off-road motorcycle. In order to be registered for on-road use, an off-road motorcycle must travel on two wheels with a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and with handlebar-type steering control.
(2) Registration for on-road use of an off-road motorcycle is prohibited for dune buggies, snowmobiles, trimobiles, mopeds, pocket bikes, motor vehicles registered by the department, side-by-sides, utility vehicles, grey-market vehicles, off-road three-wheeled vehicles, and, as determined by the department, any other vehicles that were not originally certified by the manufacturer for use on public roads.
(3) The declaration must include the following:
(a) Documentation of a safety inspection to be completed by a licensed motorcycle dealer or repair shop in the state of Washington that must outline the vehicle information and certify that all off-road to on-road motorcycle equipment as required under RCW
46.61.705 meets the requirements outlined in state and federal law;
(b) Documentation that the licensed motorcycle dealer or repair shop did not charge more than one hundred dollars per safety inspection and that the entire safety inspection fee is paid directly and only to the licensed motorcycle dealer or repair shop;
(c) A statement that the licensed motorcycle dealer or repair shop is entitled to the full amount charged for the motorcycle safety inspection;
(d) A vehicle identification number verification that must be completed by a licensed motorcycle dealer or repair shop in the state of Washington; and
(e) A release signed by the owner of the off-road motorcycle and verified by the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director that releases the state from any liability and outlines that the owner understands that the original off-road motorcycle was not manufactured for on-road use and that it has been modified for use on public roads.
(4) The department must track off-road motorcycles in a separate registration category for reporting purposes.
Sec. 21. RCW
46.20.308 and 2016 c 203 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any person who operates a motor vehicle within this state is deemed to have given consent, subject to the provisions of RCW
46.61.506, to a test or tests of his or her breath for the purpose of determining the alcohol concentration in his or her breath if arrested for any offense where, at the time of the arrest, the arresting officer has reasonable grounds to believe the person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug or was in violation of RCW
(2) The test or tests of breath shall be administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer having reasonable grounds to believe the person to have been driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle within this state while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug or the person to have been driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while having alcohol in a concentration in violation of RCW
46.61.503 in his or her system and being under the age of twenty-one. Prior to administering a breath test pursuant to this section, the officer shall inform the person of his or her right under this section to refuse the breath test, and of his or her right to have additional tests administered by any qualified person of his or her choosing as provided in RCW
46.61.506. The officer shall warn the driver, in substantially the following language, that:
(a) If the driver refuses to take the test, the driver's license, permit, or privilege to drive will be revoked or denied for at least one year; and
(b) If the driver refuses to take the test, the driver's refusal to take the test may be used in a criminal trial; and
(c) If the driver submits to the test and the test is administered, the driver's license, permit, or privilege to drive will be suspended, revoked, or denied for at least ninety days if:
(i) The driver is age twenty-one or over and the test indicates either that the alcohol concentration of the driver's breath is 0.08 or more; or
(ii) The driver is under age twenty-one and the test indicates either that the alcohol concentration of the driver's breath is 0.02 or more; or
(iii) The driver is under age twenty-one and the driver is in violation of RCW
46.61.502 or
46.61.504; and
(d) If the driver's license, permit, or privilege to drive is suspended, revoked, or denied the driver may be eligible to immediately apply for an ignition interlock driver's license.
(3) If, following his or her arrest and receipt of warnings under subsection (2) of this section, the person arrested exercises the right, granted herein, by refusing upon the request of a law enforcement officer to submit to a test or tests of his or her breath, no test shall be given except as otherwise authorized by law.
(4) Nothing in subsection (1), (2), or (3) of this section precludes a law enforcement officer from obtaining a person's blood to test for alcohol, marijuana, or any drug, pursuant to a search warrant, a valid waiver of the warrant requirement, when exigent circumstances exist, or under any other authority of law. Any blood drawn for the purpose of determining the person's alcohol, marijuana levels, or any drug, is drawn pursuant to this section when the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person is in physical control or driving a vehicle under the influence or in violation of RCW
(5) If, after arrest and after any other applicable conditions and requirements of this section have been satisfied, a test or tests of the person's blood or breath is administered and the test results indicate that the alcohol concentration of the person's breath or blood is 0.08 or more, or the THC concentration of the person's blood is 5.00 or more, if the person is age twenty-one or over, or that the alcohol concentration of the person's breath or blood is 0.02 or more, or the THC concentration of the person's blood is above 0.00, if the person is under the age of twenty-one, or the person refuses to submit to a test, the arresting officer or other law enforcement officer at whose direction any test has been given, or the department, where applicable, if the arrest results in a test of the person's blood, shall:
(a) Serve notice in writing on the person on behalf of the department of its intention to suspend, revoke, or deny the person's license, permit, or privilege to drive as required by subsection (6) of this section;
(b) Serve notice in writing on the person on behalf of the department of his or her right to a hearing, specifying the steps he or she must take to obtain a hearing as provided by subsection (7) of this section;
(c) Serve notice in writing that the license or permit, if any, is a temporary license that is valid for thirty days from the date of arrest or from the date notice has been given in the event notice is given by the department following a blood test, or until the suspension, revocation, or denial of the person's license, permit, or privilege to drive is sustained at a hearing pursuant to subsection (7) of this section, whichever occurs first. No temporary license is valid to any greater degree than the license or permit that it replaces; and
(d) Immediately notify the department of the arrest and transmit to the department within seventy-two hours, except as delayed as the result of a blood test, a sworn report or report under a declaration authorized by ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW that states:
(i) That the officer had reasonable grounds to believe the arrested person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle within this state while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, or both, or was under the age of twenty-one years and had been driving or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while having an alcohol or THC concentration in violation of RCW
(ii) That after receipt of any applicable warnings required by subsection (2) of this section the person refused to submit to a test of his or her breath, or a test was administered and the results indicated that the alcohol concentration of the person's breath or blood was 0.08 or more, or the THC concentration of the person's blood was 5.00 or more, if the person is age twenty-one or over, or that the alcohol concentration of the person's breath or blood was 0.02 or more, or the THC concentration of the person's blood was above 0.00, if the person is under the age of twenty-one; and
(iii) Any other information that the director may require by rule.
(6) The department of licensing, upon the receipt of a sworn report or report under a declaration authorized by ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW under subsection (5)(d) of this section, shall suspend, revoke, or deny the person's license, permit, or privilege to drive or any nonresident operating privilege, as provided in RCW
46.20.3101, such suspension, revocation, or denial to be effective beginning thirty days from the date of arrest or from the date notice has been given in the event notice is given by the department following a blood test, or when sustained at a hearing pursuant to subsection (7) of this section, whichever occurs first.
(7) A person receiving notification under subsection (5)(b) of this section may, within seven days after the notice has been given, request in writing a formal hearing before the department. The person shall pay a fee of three hundred seventy-five dollars as part of the request. If the request is mailed, it must be postmarked within seven days after receipt of the notification. Upon timely receipt of such a request for a formal hearing, including receipt of the required three hundred seventy-five dollar fee, the department shall afford the person an opportunity for a hearing. The department may waive the required three hundred seventy-five dollar fee if the person is an indigent as defined in RCW
10.101.010. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the hearing is subject to and shall be scheduled and conducted in accordance with RCW
46.20.329 and
46.20.332. The hearing shall be conducted in the county of the arrest, except that all or part of the hearing may, at the discretion of the department, be conducted by telephone or other electronic means. The hearing shall be held within thirty days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, following the date of timely receipt of such request for a formal hearing before the department or thirty days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays following the date notice has been given in the event notice is given by the department following a blood test, unless otherwise agreed to by the department and the person, in which case the action by the department shall be stayed, and any valid temporary license under subsection (5) of this section extended, if the person is otherwise eligible for licensing. Unless otherwise agreed to by the department and the person, the department must give five days notice of the hearing to the person. For the purposes of this section, the scope of the hearing shall cover the issues of whether a law enforcement officer had reasonable grounds to believe the person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle within this state while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug or had been driving or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle within this state while having alcohol in his or her system in a concentration of 0.02 or more, or THC in his or her system in a concentration above 0.00, if the person was under the age of twenty-one, whether the person was placed under arrest, and (a) whether the person refused to submit to the test or tests upon request of the officer after having been informed that such refusal would result in the revocation of the person's license, permit, or privilege to drive, or (b) if a test or tests were administered, whether the applicable requirements of this section were satisfied before the administration of the test or tests, whether the person submitted to the test or tests, or whether a test was administered pursuant to a search warrant, a valid waiver of the warrant requirement, when exigent circumstances exist, or under any other authority of law as permitted under this section, and whether the test or tests indicated that the alcohol concentration of the person's breath or blood was 0.08 or more, or the THC concentration of the person's blood was 5.00 or more, if the person was age twenty-one or over at the time of the arrest, or that the alcohol concentration of the person's breath or blood was 0.02 or more, or the THC concentration of the person's blood was above 0.00, if the person was under the age of twenty-one at the time of the arrest. Where a person is found to be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug or was under the age of twenty-one at the time of the arrest and was in physical control of a motor vehicle while having alcohol in his or her system in a concentration of 0.02 or THC concentration above 0.00, the person may petition the hearing officer to apply the affirmative defense found in RCW
46.61.504(3) and
46.61.503(2). The driver has the burden to prove the affirmative defense by a preponderance of the evidence. The sworn report or report under a declaration authorized by ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW submitted by a law enforcement officer is prima facie evidence that the officer had reasonable grounds to believe the person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle within this state while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, or both, or the person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle within this state while having alcohol in his or her system in a concentration of 0.02 or more, or THC in his or her system in a concentration above 0.00, and was under the age of twenty-one and that the officer complied with the requirements of this section.
A hearing officer shall conduct the hearing, may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents, and shall administer oaths to witnesses. The hearing officer shall not issue a subpoena for the attendance of a witness at the request of the person unless the request is accompanied by the fee required by RCW
5.56.010 for a witness in district court. The sworn report or report under a declaration authorized by ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW of the law enforcement officer and any other evidence accompanying the report shall be admissible without further evidentiary foundation and the certifications authorized by the criminal rules for courts of limited jurisdiction shall be admissible without further evidentiary foundation. The person may be represented by counsel, may question witnesses, may present evidence, and may testify. The department shall order that the suspension, revocation, or denial either be rescinded or sustained.
(8) If the suspension, revocation, or denial is sustained after such a hearing, the person whose license, privilege, or permit is suspended, revoked, or denied has the right to file a petition in the superior court of the county of arrest to review the final order of revocation by the department in the same manner as an appeal from a decision of a court of limited jurisdiction. Notice of appeal must be filed within thirty days after the date the final order is served or the right to appeal is waived. Notwithstanding RCW
46.20.334, RALJ 1.1, or other statutes or rules referencing de novo review, the appeal shall be limited to a review of the record of the administrative hearing. The appellant must pay the costs associated with obtaining the record of the hearing before the hearing officer. The filing of the appeal does not stay the effective date of the suspension, revocation, or denial. A petition filed under this subsection must include the petitioner's grounds for requesting review. Upon granting petitioner's request for review, the court shall review the department's final order of suspension, revocation, or denial as expeditiously as possible. The review must be limited to a determination of whether the department has committed any errors of law. The superior court shall accept those factual determinations supported by substantial evidence in the record: (a) That were expressly made by the department; or (b) that may reasonably be inferred from the final order of the department. The superior court may reverse, affirm, or modify the decision of the department or remand the case back to the department for further proceedings. The decision of the superior court must be in writing and filed in the clerk's office with the other papers in the case. The court shall state the reasons for the decision. If judicial relief is sought for a stay or other temporary remedy from the department's action, the court shall not grant such relief unless the court finds that the appellant is likely to prevail in the appeal and that without a stay the appellant will suffer irreparable injury. If the court stays the suspension, revocation, or denial it may impose conditions on such stay.
(9)(a) If a person whose driver's license, permit, or privilege to drive has been or will be suspended, revoked, or denied under subsection (6) of this section, other than as a result of a breath test refusal, and who has not committed an offense for which he or she was granted a deferred prosecution under chapter
10.05 RCW, petitions a court for a deferred prosecution on criminal charges arising out of the arrest for which action has been or will be taken under subsection (6) of this section, or notifies the department of licensing of the intent to seek such a deferred prosecution, then the license suspension or revocation shall be stayed pending entry of the deferred prosecution. The stay shall not be longer than one hundred fifty days after the date charges are filed, or two years after the date of the arrest, whichever time period is shorter. If the court stays the suspension, revocation, or denial, it may impose conditions on such stay. If the person is otherwise eligible for licensing, the department shall issue a temporary license, or extend any valid temporary license under subsection (5) of this section, for the period of the stay. If a deferred prosecution treatment plan is not recommended in the report made under RCW
10.05.050, or if treatment is rejected by the court, or if the person declines to accept an offered treatment plan, or if the person violates any condition imposed by the court, then the court shall immediately direct the department to cancel the stay and any temporary license or extension of a temporary license issued under this subsection.
(b) A suspension, revocation, or denial imposed under this section, other than as a result of a breath test refusal, shall be stayed if the person is accepted for deferred prosecution as provided in chapter
10.05 RCW for the incident upon which the suspension, revocation, or denial is based. If the deferred prosecution is terminated, the stay shall be lifted and the suspension, revocation, or denial reinstated. If the deferred prosecution is completed, the stay shall be lifted and the suspension, revocation, or denial canceled.
(c) The provisions of (b) of this subsection relating to a stay of a suspension, revocation, or denial and the cancellation of any suspension, revocation, or denial do not apply to the suspension, revocation, denial, or disqualification of a person's commercial driver's license or privilege to operate a commercial motor vehicle.
(10) When it has been finally determined under the procedures of this section that a nonresident's privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this state has been suspended, revoked, or denied, the department shall give information in writing of the action taken to the motor vehicle administrator of the state of the person's residence and of any state in which he or she has a license.
Sec. 22. RCW
46.20.720 and 2017 c 336 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Ignition interlock restriction. The department shall require that a person may drive only a motor vehicle equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device:
Pretrial release. Upon receipt of notice from a court that an ignition interlock device restriction has been imposed under RCW
Ignition interlock driver's license. As required for issuance of an ignition interlock driver's license under RCW
Deferred prosecution. Upon receipt of notice from a court that the person is participating in a deferred prosecution program under RCW
10.05.020 for a violation of:
(ii) RCW
46.61.5249 or
46.61.500 or an equivalent local ordinance if the person would be required under RCW
46.61.5249(4) or
46.61.500(3) (a) or (b) to install an ignition interlock device on all vehicles operated by the person in the event of a conviction;
(d) Post conviction. After any applicable period of suspension, revocation, or denial of driving privileges:
(i) Due to a conviction of a violation of RCW
46.61.502 or
46.61.504 or an equivalent local or out-of-state statute or ordinance; or
(ii) Due to a conviction of a violation of RCW
46.61.5249 or
46.61.500 or an equivalent local ordinance if the person is required under RCW
46.61.5249(4) or
46.61.500(3) (a) or (b) to install an ignition interlock device on all vehicles operated by the person; or
(e) Court order. Upon receipt of an order by a court having jurisdiction that a person charged or convicted of any offense involving the use, consumption, or possession of alcohol while operating a motor vehicle may drive only a motor vehicle equipped with a functioning ignition interlock. The court shall establish a specific calibration setting at which the ignition interlock will prevent the vehicle from being started. The court shall also establish the period of time for which ignition interlock use will be required.
(2) Calibration. Unless otherwise specified by the court for a restriction imposed under subsection (1)(e) of this section, the ignition interlock device shall be calibrated to prevent the motor vehicle from being started when the breath sample provided has an alcohol concentration of 0.025 or more.
(3) Duration of restriction. A restriction imposed under:
(a) Subsection (1)(a) of this section shall remain in effect until:
(i) The court has authorized the removal of the device under RCW
10.21.055; or
(ii) The department has imposed a restriction under subsection (1)(b), (c), or (d) of this section arising out of the same incident.
(b) Subsection (1)(b) of this section remains in effect during the validity of any ignition interlock driver's license that has been issued to the person.
(c) Subsection (1)(c)(i) or (d)(i) of this section shall be for no less than:
(i) For a person who has not previously been restricted under this subsection, a period of one year;
(ii) For a person who has previously been restricted under (c)(i) of this subsection, a period of five years;
(iii) For a person who has previously been restricted under (c)(ii) of this subsection, a period of ten years.
The restriction of a person who is convicted of a violation of RCW
46.61.502 or
46.61.504 or an equivalent local ordinance and who committed the offense while a passenger under the age of sixteen was in the vehicle shall be extended for an additional six-month period as required by RCW
(d) Subsection (1)(c)(ii) or (d)(ii) of this section shall be for a period of no less than six months.
(e) Subsection (1)(e) of this section shall remain in effect for the period of time specified by the court.
The period of restriction under (c) and (d) of this subsection based on incidents occurring on or after June 9, 2016, must be tolled for any period in which the person does not have an ignition interlock device installed on a vehicle owned or operated by the person unless the person receives a determination from the department that the person is unable to operate an ignition interlock device due to a physical disability. The department's determination that a person is unable to operate an ignition interlock device must be reasonable and be based upon good and substantial evidence. This determination is subject to review by a court of competent jurisdiction. The department may charge a person seeking a medical exemption under this subsection a reasonable fee for the assessment.
(4) Requirements for removal. A restriction imposed under subsection (1)(c) or (d) of this section shall remain in effect until the department receives a declaration from the person's ignition interlock device vendor, in a form provided or approved by the department, certifying that there have been none of the following incidents in the one hundred eighty consecutive days prior to the date of release:
(a) Any attempt to start the vehicle with a breath alcohol concentration of 0.04 or more unless a subsequent test performed within ten minutes registers a breath alcohol concentration lower than 0.04 and the digital image confirms the same person provided both samples;
(b) Failure to take any random test unless a review of the digital image confirms that the vehicle was not occupied by the driver at the time of the missed test;
(c) Failure to pass any random retest with a breath alcohol concentration of 0.025 or lower unless a subsequent test performed within ten minutes registers a breath alcohol concentration lower than 0.025, and the digital image confirms the same person provided both samples; or
(d) Failure of the person to appear at the ignition interlock device vendor when required for maintenance, repair, calibration, monitoring, inspection, or replacement of the device.
(5) Day-for-day credit. (a) The time period during which a person has an ignition interlock device installed in order to meet the requirements of subsection (1)(b) of this section shall apply on a day-for-day basis toward satisfying the period of time the ignition interlock device restriction is imposed under subsection (1)(c) or (d) of this section arising out of the same incident.
(b) The department must also give the person a day-for-day credit for any time period, beginning from the date of the incident, during which the person kept an ignition interlock device installed on all vehicles the person operates, other than those subject to the employer exemption under subsection (6) of this section.
(c) If the day-for-day credit granted under this subsection equals or exceeds the period of time the ignition interlock device restriction is imposed under subsection (1)(c) or (d) of this section arising out of the same incident, and the person has already met the requirements for removal of the device under subsection (4) of this section, the department may waive the requirement that a device be installed or that the person again meet the requirements for removal.
Employer exemption. (a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, the installation of an ignition interlock device is not necessary on vehicles owned, leased, or rented by a person's employer and on those vehicles whose care and/or maintenance is the temporary responsibility of the employer, and driven at the direction of a person's employer as a requirement of employment during working hours. The person must provide the department with a declaration pursuant to ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW from his or her employer stating that the person's employment requires the person to operate a vehicle owned by the employer or other persons during working hours.
(b) The employer exemption does not apply when the employer's vehicle is assigned exclusively to the restricted driver and used solely for commuting to and from employment.
Ignition interlock device revolving account. In addition to any other costs associated with the use of an ignition interlock device imposed on the person restricted under this section, the person shall pay an additional fee of twenty dollars per month. Payments must be made directly to the ignition interlock company. The company shall remit the additional fee to the department to be deposited into the ignition interlock device revolving account, except that the company may retain twenty-five cents per month of the additional fee to cover the expenses associated with administering the fee. The department may waive the monthly fee if the person is indigent under RCW
(8) Foreign jurisdiction. For a person restricted under this section who is residing outside of the state of Washington, the department may accept verification of installation of an ignition interlock device by an ignition interlock company authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the person resides, provided the device meets any applicable requirements of that jurisdiction. The department may waive the monthly fee required by subsection (7) of this section if collection of the fee would be impractical in the case of a person residing in another jurisdiction.
Sec. 23. RCW
47.68.250 and 2017 3rd sp.s. c 25 s 44 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Every aircraft must be registered with the department for each calendar year in which the aircraft is operated or is based within this state. A fee of fifteen dollars is charged for each such registration and each annual renewal thereof.
(2) Possession of the appropriate effective federal certificate, permit, rating, or license relating to ownership and airworthiness of the aircraft, and payment of the excise tax imposed by Title
82 RCW for the privilege of using the aircraft within this state during the year for which the registration is sought, and payment of the registration fee required by this section are the only requisites for registration of an aircraft under this section.
(3) The registration fee imposed by this section is payable to and collected by the secretary. The fee for any calendar year must be paid during the month of January, and must be collected by the secretary at the time of the collection by him or her of the excise tax. If the secretary is satisfied that the requirements for registration of the aircraft have been met, he or she must issue to the owner of the aircraft a certificate of registration therefor. The secretary must pay to the state treasurer the registration fees collected under this section, which registration fees must be credited to the aeronautics account.
(4) It is not necessary for the registrant to provide the secretary with originals or copies of federal certificates, permits, ratings, or licenses. The secretary must issue certificates of registration, or such other evidences of registration or payment of fees as he or she may deem proper; and in connection therewith may prescribe requirements for the possession and exhibition of such certificates or other evidences.
(5) The provisions of this section do not apply to:
(a) An aircraft owned by and used exclusively in the service of any government or any political subdivision thereof, including the government of the United States, any state, territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, which is not engaged in carrying persons or property for commercial purposes;
(b) An aircraft registered under the laws of a foreign country;
(c) An aircraft that is owned by a nonresident if:
(i) The aircraft remains in this state or is based in this state, or both, for a period less than ninety days; or
(ii) The aircraft is a large private airplane as defined in RCW
82.08.215 and remains in this state for a period of ninety days or longer, but only when:
(A) The airplane is in this state exclusively for the purpose of repairs, alterations, or reconstruction, including any flight testing related to the repairs, alterations, or reconstruction, or for the purpose of continual storage of not less than one full calendar year;
(B) An employee of the facility providing these services is on board the airplane during any flight testing; and
(C) Within ninety days of the date the airplane first arrived in this state during the calendar year, the nonresident files a written statement with the department indicating that the airplane is exempt from registration under this subsection (5)(c)(ii). The written statement must be filed in a form and manner prescribed by the department and must include such information as the department requires. The department may require additional periodic verification that the airplane remains exempt from registration under this subsection (5)(c)(ii) and that written statements conform with the provisions of ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW;
(d) An aircraft engaged principally in commercial flying constituting an act of interstate or foreign commerce;
(e) An aircraft owned by the commercial manufacturer thereof while being operated for test or experimental purposes, or for the purpose of training crews for purchasers of the aircraft;
(f) An aircraft being held for sale, exchange, delivery, test, or demonstration purposes solely as stock in trade of an aircraft dealer licensed under Title
14 RCW; and
(g) An aircraft based within the state that is in an unairworthy condition, is not operated within the registration period, and has obtained a written exemption issued by the secretary.
(6) The secretary must be notified within thirty days of any change in ownership of a registered aircraft. The notification must contain the N, NC, NR, NL, or NX number of the aircraft, the full name and address of the former owner, and the full name and address of the new owner. For failure to so notify the secretary, the registration of that aircraft may be canceled by the secretary, subject to reinstatement upon application and payment of a reinstatement fee of ten dollars by the new owner.
(7) A municipality or port district that owns, operates, or leases an airport, as defined in RCW
47.68.020, with the intent to operate, must require from an aircraft owner proof of aircraft registration as a condition of leasing or selling tiedown or hangar space for an aircraft. It is the responsibility of the lessee or purchaser to register the aircraft. Proof of registration must be provided according to the following schedule:
(a) For the purchase of tiedown or hangar space, the municipality or port district must allow the purchaser thirty days from the date of the application for purchase to produce proof of aircraft registration.
(b) For the lease of tiedown or hangar space that extends thirty days or more, the municipality or port district must allow the lessee thirty days to produce proof of aircraft registration from the date of the application for lease of tiedown or hangar space.
(c) For the lease of tiedown or hangar space that extends less than thirty days, the municipality or port district must allow the lessee to produce proof of aircraft registration at any point prior to the final day of the lease.
(8) The airport must work with the aviation division to assist in its efforts to register aircraft by providing information about based aircraft on an annual basis as requested by the division.
Sec. 24. RCW
59.18.030 and 2016 c 66 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
As used in this chapter:
(1) "Certificate of inspection" means an unsworn statement, declaration, verification, or certificate made in accordance with the requirements of ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW by a qualified inspector that states that the landlord has not failed to fulfill any substantial obligation imposed under RCW
59.18.060 that endangers or impairs the health or safety of a tenant, including (a) structural members that are of insufficient size or strength to carry imposed loads with safety, (b) exposure of the occupants to the weather, (c) plumbing and sanitation defects that directly expose the occupants to the risk of illness or injury, (d) not providing facilities adequate to supply heat and water and hot water as reasonably required by the tenant, (e) providing heating or ventilation systems that are not functional or are hazardous, (f) defective, hazardous, or missing electrical wiring or electrical service, (g) defective or hazardous exits that increase the risk of injury to occupants, and (h) conditions that increase the risk of fire.
(2) "Commercially reasonable manner," with respect to a sale of a deceased tenant's personal property, means a sale where every aspect of the sale, including the method, manner, time, place, and other terms, must be commercially reasonable. If commercially reasonable, a landlord may sell the tenant's property by public or private proceedings, by one or more contracts, as a unit or in parcels, and at any time and place and on any terms.
(3) "Comprehensive reusable tenant screening report" means a tenant screening report prepared by a consumer reporting agency at the direction of and paid for by the prospective tenant and made available directly to a prospective landlord at no charge, which contains all of the following: (a) A consumer credit report prepared by a consumer reporting agency within the past thirty days; (b) the prospective tenant's criminal history; (c) the prospective tenant's eviction history; (d) an employment verification; and (e) the prospective tenant's address and rental history.
(4) "Criminal history" means a report containing or summarizing (a) the prospective tenant's criminal convictions and pending cases, the final disposition of which antedates the report by no more than seven years, and (b) the results of a sex offender registry and United States department of the treasury's office of foreign assets control search, all based on at least seven years of address history and alias information provided by the prospective tenant or available in the consumer credit report.
(5) "Designated person" means a person designated by the tenant under RCW
(6) "Distressed home" has the same meaning as in RCW
(7) "Distressed home conveyance" has the same meaning as in RCW
(8) "Distressed home purchaser" has the same meaning as in RCW
(9) "Dwelling unit" is a structure or that part of a structure which is used as a home, residence, or sleeping place by one person or by two or more persons maintaining a common household, including but not limited to single-family residences and units of multiplexes, apartment buildings, and mobile homes.
(10) "Eviction history" means a report containing or summarizing the contents of any records of unlawful detainer actions concerning the prospective tenant that are reportable in accordance with state law, are lawful for landlords to consider, and are obtained after a search based on at least seven years of address history and alias information provided by the prospective tenant or available in the consumer credit report.
(11) "Gang" means a group that: (a) Consists of three or more persons; (b) has identifiable leadership or an identifiable name, sign, or symbol; and (c) on an ongoing basis, regularly conspires and acts in concert mainly for criminal purposes.
(12) "Gang-related activity" means any activity that occurs within the gang or advances a gang purpose.
(13) "In danger of foreclosure" means any of the following:
(a) The homeowner has defaulted on the mortgage and, under the terms of the mortgage, the mortgagee has the right to accelerate full payment of the mortgage and repossess, sell, or cause to be sold the property;
(b) The homeowner is at least thirty days delinquent on any loan that is secured by the property; or
(c) The homeowner has a good faith belief that he or she is likely to default on the mortgage within the upcoming four months due to a lack of funds, and the homeowner has reported this belief to:
(i) The mortgagee;
(ii) A person licensed or required to be licensed under chapter
19.134 RCW;
(iii) A person licensed or required to be licensed under chapter
19.146 RCW;
(iv) A person licensed or required to be licensed under chapter
18.85 RCW;
(v) An attorney-at-law;
(vi) A mortgage counselor or other credit counselor licensed or certified by any federal, state, or local agency; or
(vii) Any other party to a distressed property conveyance.
(14) "Landlord" means the owner, lessor, or sublessor of the dwelling unit or the property of which it is a part, and in addition means any person designated as representative of the owner, lessor, or sublessor including, but not limited to, an agent, a resident manager, or a designated property manager.
(15) "Mortgage" is used in the general sense and includes all instruments, including deeds of trust, that are used to secure an obligation by an interest in real property.
(16) "Owner" means one or more persons, jointly or severally, in whom is vested:
(a) All or any part of the legal title to property; or
(b) All or part of the beneficial ownership, and a right to present use and enjoyment of the property.
(17) "Person" means an individual, group of individuals, corporation, government, or governmental agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, or association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(18) "Premises" means a dwelling unit, appurtenances thereto, grounds, and facilities held out for the use of tenants generally and any other area or facility which is held out for use by the tenant.
(19) "Property" or "rental property" means all dwelling units on a contiguous quantity of land managed by the same landlord as a single, rental complex.
(20) "Prospective landlord" means a landlord or a person who advertises, solicits, offers, or otherwise holds a dwelling unit out as available for rent.
(21) "Prospective tenant" means a tenant or a person who has applied for residential housing that is governed under this chapter.
(22) "Qualified inspector" means a United States department of housing and urban development certified inspector; a Washington state licensed home inspector; an American society of home inspectors certified inspector; a private inspector certified by the national association of housing and redevelopment officials, the American association of code enforcement, or other comparable professional association as approved by the local municipality; a municipal code enforcement officer; a Washington licensed structural engineer; or a Washington licensed architect.
(23) "Reasonable attorneys' fees," where authorized in this chapter, means an amount to be determined including the following factors: The time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, the skill requisite to perform the legal service properly, the fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services, the amount involved and the results obtained, and the experience, reputation and ability of the lawyer or lawyers performing the services.
(24) "Reasonable manner," with respect to disposing of a deceased tenant's personal property, means to dispose of the property by donation to a not-for-profit charitable organization, by removal of the property by a trash hauler or recycler, or by any other method that is reasonable under the circumstances.
(25) "Rental agreement" means all agreements which establish or modify the terms, conditions, rules, regulations, or any other provisions concerning the use and occupancy of a dwelling unit.
(26) A "single-family residence" is a structure maintained and used as a single dwelling unit. Notwithstanding that a dwelling unit shares one or more walls with another dwelling unit, it shall be deemed a single-family residence if it has direct access to a street and shares neither heating facilities nor hot water equipment, nor any other essential facility or service, with any other dwelling unit.
(27) A "tenant" is any person who is entitled to occupy a dwelling unit primarily for living or dwelling purposes under a rental agreement.
(28) "Tenant representative" means:
(a) A personal representative of a deceased tenant's estate if known to the landlord;
(b) If the landlord has no knowledge that a personal representative has been appointed for the deceased tenant's estate, a person claiming to be a successor of the deceased tenant who has provided the landlord with proof of death and an affidavit made by the person that meets the requirements of RCW
(c) In the absence of a personal representative under (a) of this subsection or a person claiming to be a successor under (b) of this subsection, a designated person; or
(d) In the absence of a personal representative under (a) of this subsection, a person claiming to be a successor under (b) of this subsection, or a designated person under (c) of this subsection, any person who provides the landlord with reasonable evidence that he or she is a successor of the deceased tenant as defined in RCW
11.62.005. The landlord has no obligation to identify all of the deceased tenant's successors.
(29) "Tenant screening" means using a consumer report or other information about a prospective tenant in deciding whether to make or accept an offer for residential rental property to or from a prospective tenant.
(30) "Tenant screening report" means a consumer report as defined in RCW
19.182.010 and any other information collected by a tenant screening service.
Sec. 25. RCW
71.09.070 and 2015 c 278 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Each person committed under this chapter shall have a current examination of his or her mental condition made by the department at least once every year.
(2) The evaluator must prepare a report that includes consideration of whether:
(a) The committed person currently meets the definition of a sexually violent predator;
(b) Conditional release to a less restrictive alternative is in the best interest of the person; and
(c) Conditions can be imposed that would adequately protect the community.
(3) The department, on request of the committed person, shall allow a record of the annual review interview to be preserved by audio recording and made available to the committed person.
(4) The evaluator must indicate in the report whether the committed person participated in the interview and examination.
(5) The department shall file the report with the court that committed the person under this chapter. The report shall be in the form of a declaration or certification in compliance with the requirements of ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW and shall be prepared by a professionally qualified person as defined by rules adopted by the secretary. A copy of the report shall be served on the prosecuting agency involved in the initial commitment and upon the committed person and his or her counsel.
(6)(a) The committed person may retain, or if he or she is indigent and so requests, the court may appoint a qualified expert or a professional person to examine him or her, and such expert or professional person shall have access to all records concerning the person.
(b) Any report prepared by the expert or professional person and any expert testimony on the committed person's behalf is not admissible in a proceeding pursuant to RCW
71.09.090, unless the committed person participated in the most recent interview and evaluation completed by the department.
(7) If an unconditional release trial is ordered pursuant to RCW
71.09.090, this section is suspended until the completion of that trial. If the individual is found either by jury or the court to continue to meet the definition of a sexually violent predator, the department must conduct an examination pursuant to this section no later than one year after the date of the order finding that the individual continues to be a sexually violent predator. The examination must comply with the requirements of this section.
(8) During any period of confinement pursuant to a criminal conviction, or for any period of detention awaiting trial on criminal charges, this section is suspended. Upon the return of the person committed under this chapter to the custody of the department, the department shall initiate an examination of the person's mental condition. The examination must comply with the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
Sec. 26. RCW
81.84.020 and 2007 c 234 s 93 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Upon the filing of an application, the commission shall give reasonable notice to the department, affected cities, counties, and public transportation benefit areas and any common carrier which might be adversely affected, of the time and place for hearing on such application. The commission may, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, issue the certificate as prayed for, or refuse to issue it, or issue it for the partial exercise only of the privilege sought, and may attach to the exercise of the rights granted by the certificate any terms and conditions as in its judgment the public convenience and necessity may require; but the commission may not grant a certificate to operate between districts or into any territory prohibited by RCW
47.60.120 or already served by an existing certificate holder, unless the existing certificate holder has failed or refused to furnish reasonable and adequate service, has failed to provide the service described in its certificate or tariffs after the time allowed to initiate service has elapsed, or has not objected to the issuance of the certificate as prayed for.
(2) Before issuing a certificate, the commission shall determine that the applicant has the financial resources to operate the proposed service for at least twelve months, based upon the submission by the applicant of a pro forma financial statement of operations. Issuance of a certificate must be determined upon, but not limited to, the following factors: Ridership and revenue forecasts; the cost of service for the proposed operation; an estimate of the cost of the assets to be used in providing the service; a statement of the total assets on hand of the applicant that will be expended on the proposed operation; and a statement of prior experience, if any, in such field by the applicant. The documentation required of the applicant under this section must comply with the provisions of ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW.
(3) In granting a certificate for passenger-only ferries and determining what conditions to place on the certificate, the commission shall consider and give substantial weight to the effect of its decisions on public agencies operating, or eligible to operate, passenger-only ferry service.
(4) Until July 1, 2007, the commission shall not accept or consider an application for passenger-only ferry service serving any county in the Puget Sound area with a population of over one million people. Applications for passenger-only ferry service serving any county in the Puget Sound area with a population of over one million pending before the commission as of May 9, 2005, must be held in abeyance and not be considered before July 1, 2007.
Sec. 27. RCW
88.02.540 and 2011 c 326 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The application for a quick title of a vessel must be made by the owner or the owner's representative to the department, participating county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director on a form furnished or approved by the department and must contain:
(a) A description of the vessel, including make, model, hull identification number, series, and body;
(b) The name and address of the person who is to be the registered owner of the vessel and, if the vessel is subject to a security interest, the name and address of the secured party; and
(c) Other information as may be required by the department.
(2) The application for a quick title must be signed by the person applying to be the registered owner and be sworn to by that person in the manner described under ((
RCW 9A.72.085))
chapter 5.50 RCW. The department must keep a copy of the application.
(3) The application for a quick title must be accompanied by:
(a) All fees and taxes due for an application for a certificate of title, including a quick title service fee under RCW
88.02.640(1); and
(b) The most recent certificate of title or other satisfactory evidence of ownership.
(4) All applications for quick title must meet the requirements established by the department.
(5) For the purposes of this section, "quick title" means a certificate of title printed at the time of application.
(6) A subagent may process a quick title under this section only after (a) the department has instituted a process in which blank certificates of title can be inventoried; (b) the county auditor of the county in which the subagent is located has processed quick titles for a minimum of six months; and (c) the county auditor approves a request from a subagent in its county to process quick titles.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 28. Section 23 of this act expires July 1, 2021.
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