Passed by the Senate April 28, 2019 Yeas 36 Nays 11
President of the Senate Passed by the House April 27, 2019 Yeas 93 Nays 4
Speaker of the House of Representatives | CERTIFICATE I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5183 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. |
Approved | FILED |
| Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 2019 Regular Session
State of Washington | 66th Legislature | 2019 Regular Session |
BySenate Housing Stability & Affordability (originally sponsored by Senators Kuderer, Pedersen, Wellman, SaldaƱa, Liias, and Wilson, C.)
AN ACT Relating to manufactured/mobile homes; amending RCW
59.20.060, and 59.20.---; reenacting and amending RCW
59.21.010 and
82.45.010; adding a new section to chapter
59.21 RCW; creating new sections; providing a contingent effective date; and providing an expiration date.
Sec. 1. RCW
59.21.005 and 1995 c 122 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The legislature recognizes that it is quite costly ((to move a mobile home))for tenants who own homes in manufactured/mobile home parks to relocate when the park in which they reside is closed or converted to another use. Many ((mobile home))such tenants need financial assistance in order to ((move their mobile homes from a))relocate from a manufactured/mobile home park. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a mechanism for assisting manufactured/mobile home tenants to relocate their manufactured/mobile homes to suitable alternative sites ((when the mobile home park in which they reside is closed or converted to another use))or demolish and dispose of their homes and secure housing.
Sec. 2. RCW
59.21.010 and 2009 c 565 s 47 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Assignee" means an individual or entity who has agreed to advance allowable relocation assistance expenses in exchange for the assignment and transfer of a right to reimbursement from the fund.
(2) "Department" means the department of commerce.
(((2)))(3) "Director" means the director of the department of commerce.
(4) "Fund" means the
manufactured/mobile home park relocation fund established under RCW
(((4)))(5) "Landlord" or "park-owner" means the owner of the manufactured/mobile home park that is being closed at the time relocation assistance is provided.
(((5)))(6) "Low-income household" means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living together whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for the county where the manufactured/mobile home is located.
(7) "Manufactured/mobile home park" or "park" means real property that is rented or held out for rent to others for the placement of two or more manufactured/mobile homes for the primary purpose of production of income, except where the real property is rented or held out for rent for seasonal recreational purpose only and is not intended for year-round occupancy.
(((6)))(8) "Relocate" means to do one of the following:
(a) Remove ((the))a manufactured/mobile home from ((the))amanufactured/mobile home park being closed and ((to either)) reinstall it in another location ((or to)); or
(b) Remove a manufactured/mobile home from a manufactured/mobile home park being closed and demolish and dispose of it ((and purchase another mobile/manufactured home constructed to the standards set by the department of housing and urban development))and secure other housing.
(((7)))(9) "Relocation assistance" means the monetary assistance provided under this chapter, including reimbursement for the costs of relocation as well as cash assistance provided to allow the tenant to secure new housing.
(10) "Tenant" means a person that owns a manufactured/mobile home located on a rented lot in a manufactured/mobile home park.
Sec. 3. RCW
59.21.021 and 2005 c 399 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) If a manufactured/mobile home park is closed or converted to another use ((after December 31, 1995)), eligible tenants shall be entitled to relocation assistance on a first-come, first-serve basis. The department shall give priority for distribution of relocation assistance to eligible tenants residing in parks that are closed as a result of park-owner fraud or as a result of health and safety concerns as determined by the local board of health. Payments shall be made upon the department's verification of eligibility, subject to the availability of remaining funds.
(2) Eligibility for relocation assistance funds is limited to low-income households. ((As used in this section, "low-income household" means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living together whose adjusted income is less than eighty percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for the county where the mobile or manufactured home is located.
(2) Assistance for closures occurring after December 31, 1995, is limited to persons who maintain ownership of and relocate their mobile home or who dispose of a home not relocatable to a new site.))
(3) ((Persons))(a) Eligible tenants who ((removed and disposed of their mobile home or maintained ownership of and relocated their mobile homes))relocate are entitled to ((reimbursement of actual relocation expenses))financial assistance from the fund, up to a maximum of twelve thousand dollars for a ((double-wide))multisection home and up to a maximum of seven thousand five hundred dollars for a single-((wide))section home. The department shall distribute relocation assistance for each eligible tenant as follows:
(i) Up to forty percent of the total assistance may be disbursed in the form of cash assistance to help the tenant secure new housing; and
(ii) The remainder of the total assistance shall be disbursed as reimbursement for costs associated with relocation.
(b) To receive financial assistance as provided in (a)(i) of this subsection, documentation must be provided to the department that demonstrates the tenant:
(i) Has relocated the home;
(ii) Has established a process to secure the relocation of the home by having assigned the right to reimbursement of the relocation costs and liability for such removal or demolition and disposal to another entity; or
(iii) Has contracted to incur expenses associated with relocating the home.
(c) If the tenant is requesting financial assistance under (b)(ii) or (iii) of this subsection, the tenant, or the assignee on the tenant's behalf, must submit as part of the application described in RCW 59.21.050(2): (i) Proof of the assignation; and
(ii) Evidence that the assignee is capable of fulfilling the obligation itself or a contract or invoice for relocation of the home executed with a vendor by the tenant or the assignee.
(4) Any individual or organization may apply to receive funds from the ((mobile home park relocation)) fund, for use in combination with funds from public or private sources, toward relocation of tenants eligible under this section, with agreement from the tenant. ((Funds received from the mobile home park relocation fund shall only be used for relocation assistance expenses or other mobile/manufactured home ownership expenses, that include down payment assistance, if the owners are not planning to relocate their mobile home as long as their original home is removed from the park.))
(5) The legislature intends the cash assistance provided under
subsection (3)(a)(i) of this section to be considered a one-time
direct grant payment that shall be excluded from household income
calculations for purposes of determining the eligibility of the
recipient for benefits or assistance under any state program financed
in whole or in part with state funds.
Sec. 4. RCW
59.21.025 and 1998 c 124 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(((1))) If financial assistance for relocation is obtained from sources other than the ((mobile home park relocation)) fund ((established under this chapter)), then the relocation assistance provided to any person ((under this chapter))from the fund shall be reduced as necessary to ensure that no person receives financial assistance for relocation from all sources combined ((more than: (a) That person's actual cost of relocation; or (b) seven thousand dollars for a double-wide mobile home and three thousand five hundred dollars for a single-wide mobile home.
(2) When a person receives financial assistance for relocation from a source other than the mobile home park relocation assistance fund, then the assistance received from the fund will be the difference between the maximum amount to which a person is entitled under RCW 59.21.021(3) and the amount of assistance received from the outside source. (3) If the amount of assistance received from an outside source exceeds the maximum amounts of assistance to which a person is entitled under RCW 59.21.021(3), then that person will not receive any assistance from the mobile home park relocation assistance fund))
in excess of that person's actual relocation expenses.
Sec. 5. RCW
59.21.050 and 2011 c 158 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) The existence of the manufactured/mobile home park relocation fund in the custody of the state treasurer is affirmed.
(b) Expenditures from the fund may only be used as follows:
(i) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, all moneys received from the fee as specified in RCW 46.17.155 must be used only for relocation assistance awarded under this chapter.
(ii) All moneys received from the fee as specified in RCW 59.30.050 must be used only for the relocation coordination program created in section 8 of this act. (c) Only the director or the director's designee may authorize expenditures from the fund. All relocation payments to tenants shall be made from the fund. The fund is subject to allotment procedures under chapter
43.88 RCW, but no appropriation is required for expenditures.
(2) A ((
park)) tenant is eligible for
relocation assistance under this chapter only after an application is submitted by that tenant or an organization acting on the tenant's account under RCW
59.21.021(4) on a form approved by the director ((
. The application shall include: (a) ((
For those persons who maintained ownership of and relocated their homes or removed their homes from the park: (i))) A copy of the notice from the park-owner, or other adequate proof, that the tenancy is terminated due to closure of the park or its conversion to another use; ((
(b) a copy of the rental agreement then in force, or other proof that the applicant was a tenant at the time of notice of closure; ((
(iii) a copy of the contract for relocating the home which includes the date of relocation, or other proof of actual))
(c) a statement of relocation expenses
expected to be incurred ((
on a date certain)); ((
and (iv)))
(d) proof of ownership of the home at the time of notice of closure; and (e) a statement of any other available assistance((
received.(((b) For those persons who sold their homes and incurred no relocation expenses: (i) A copy of the notice from the park-owner, or other adequate proof, that the tenancy is terminated due to closure of the park or its conversion to another use; (ii) a copy of the rental agreement then in force, or other proof that the applicant was a tenant at the time of notice of closure; and (iii) a copy of the record of title transfer issued by the department of licensing when the tenant sold the home rather than relocate it due to park closure or conversion.))
(3) The department may deduct a percentage amount of the fee collected under RCW
46.17.155 for administration expenses incurred by the department.
Sec. 6. RCW
46.17.155 and 2010 c 161 s 511 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Before accepting an application for a certificate of title for an original or transfer manufactured home transaction as required in this title or chapter
65.20 RCW, the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director shall require the applicant to pay a ((
one hundred dollar)) fee
, in accordance with subsection (4) of this section, in addition to any other fees and taxes required by law if the manufactured home:
(a) Is located in a mobile home park;
(b) Is one year old or older; and
(c) Is new or ownership changes, excluding changes that involve adding or deleting spouse or domestic partner coregistered owners or legal owners((; and
(d) Sales price is five thousand dollars or more)).
(2) The ((
one hundred dollar)) fee
amount established in subsection (4) of this section must be forwarded to the state treasurer, who shall deposit the fee in the
manufactured/mobile home park relocation fund created in RCW
(3) The department and the state treasurer may adopt rules necessary to carry out this section.
(4) The amount of the fee that the department must collect must be 0.25 percent of the sale price of the manufactured home, but in no case may the fee be less than one hundred dollars or greater than five hundred dollars.
Sec. 7. RCW
59.30.050 and 2013 c 144 s 42 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department must register all manufactured/mobile home communities, which registration must be renewed annually. Each community must be registered separately. The department must mail registration notifications to all known manufactured/mobile home community landlords. Registration information packets must include:
(a) Registration forms; and
(b) Registration assessment information, including registration due dates and late fees, and the collections procedures, liens, and charging costs to tenants.
(2) To apply for registration or registration renewal, the landlord of a manufactured/mobile home community must file with the department an application for registration or registration renewal on a form provided by the department and must pay a registration fee as described in subsection (3) of this section. The department may require the submission of information necessary to assist in identifying and locating a manufactured/mobile home community and other information that may be useful to the state, which must include, at a minimum:
(a) The names and addresses of the owners of the manufactured/mobile home community;
(b) The name and address of the manufactured/mobile home community;
(c) The name and address of the landlord and manager of the manufactured/mobile home community;
(d) The number of lots within the manufactured/mobile home community that are subject to chapter
59.20 RCW; and
(e) The addresses of each manufactured/mobile home lot within the manufactured/mobile home community that is subject to chapter
59.20 RCW.
(3) Each manufactured/mobile home community landlord must pay to the department:
(a) A one-time business license application fee for the first year of registration and, in subsequent years, an annual renewal application fee, as provided in RCW
19.02.075; and
(b) An annual registration assessment of ((
fifteen dollars for each manufactured/mobile home that is subject to chapter
59.20 RCW within a manufactured/mobile home community. Manufactured/mobile home community landlords may charge a maximum of five dollars of this assessment to tenants. Nine dollars of the registration assessment for each manufactured/mobile home must be deposited into the manufactured/mobile home dispute resolution program account created in RCW
59.30.070 to fund the costs associated with the manufactured/mobile home dispute resolution program. ((
The remaining))
One dollar
of the registration assessment must be deposited into the business license account created in RCW
The remaining five dollars of the registration assessment must be deposited into the manufactured/mobile home park relocation fund created in RCW 59.21.050. The annual registration assessment must be reviewed once each biennium by the department and the attorney general and may be adjusted to reasonably relate to the cost of administering this chapter. The registration assessment may not exceed ((
fifteen dollars, but if the assessment is reduced, the portion allocated to the manufactured/mobile home dispute resolution program account ((
, the business license account
, and the manufactured/mobile home park relocation fund must be adjusted proportionately.
(4) Initial registrations of manufactured/mobile home communities must be filed before November 1, 2007, or within three months of the availability of mobile home lots for rent within the community. The manufactured/mobile home community is subject to a delinquency fee of two hundred fifty dollars for late initial registrations. The delinquency fee must be deposited in the business license account. Renewal registrations that are not renewed by the expiration date as assigned by the department are subject to delinquency fees under RCW
(5) Thirty days after sending late fee notices to a noncomplying landlord, the department may issue a warrant under RCW
59.30.090 for the unpaid registration assessment and delinquency fee. If a warrant is issued by the department under RCW
59.30.090, the department must add a penalty of ten percent of the amount of the unpaid registration assessment and delinquency fee, but not less than ten dollars. The warrant penalty must be deposited into the business license account created in RCW
19.02.210. Chapter
82.32 RCW applies to the collection of warrants issued under RCW
(6) Registration is effective on the date determined by the department, and the department must issue a registration number to each registered manufactured/mobile home community. The department must provide an expiration date, assigned by the department, to each manufactured/mobile home community who registers.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. A new section is added to chapter
59.21 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A relocation coordination program is created within the department for the purpose of assisting tenants of a mobile home park scheduled for closure or conversion to another use with the process of relocation.
(2) The relocation coordination program assistance may include, but is not limited to, performing casework on behalf of individual tenants, maintaining and distributing informational resources for tenants regarding the process for relocating and disposal of manufactured/mobile homes, researching and distributing current information regarding available locations for manufactured/mobile homes and other forms of available housing, and researching and distributing information regarding other sources of financial assistance that may be available to secure new housing.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. This section is the tax preference performance statement for the tax preference contained in section 10, chapter . . ., Laws of 2019 (section 10 of this act). This performance statement is only intended to be used for subsequent evaluation of the tax preference. It is not intended to create a private right of action by any party or be used to determine eligibility for preferential tax treatment.
(1) The legislature categorizes this tax preference as one intended to induce certain designated behaviors by taxpayers, as indicated in RCW
(2) It is the legislature's specific public policy objective to preserve the affordable housing opportunities provided by existing manufactured/mobile home communities. It is the legislature's intent to encourage owners to sell existing communities to tenants and eligible organizations by providing a real estate excise tax exemption.
(3) To measure the effectiveness of this tax preference in achieving the specific public policy objective described in subsection (2) of this section, the joint legislative audit and review committee must, at minimum, review the number of units of housing that are preserved as a result of qualified sales of manufactured/mobile home communities and the total amount of exemptions claimed, as reported to the department of revenue.
(4) The joint legislative audit and review committee may use any other data it deems necessary in performing the evaluation under this section.
Sec. 10. RCW
82.45.010 and 2018 c 223 s 3 and 2018 c 221 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) As used in this chapter, the term "sale" has its ordinary meaning and includes any conveyance, grant, assignment, quitclaim, or transfer of the ownership of or title to real property, including standing timber, or any estate or interest therein for a valuable consideration, and any contract for such conveyance, grant, assignment, quitclaim, or transfer, and any lease with an option to purchase real property, including standing timber, or any estate or interest therein or other contract under which possession of the property is given to the purchaser, or any other person at the purchaser's direction, and title to the property is retained by the vendor as security for the payment of the purchase price. The term also includes the grant, assignment, quitclaim, sale, or transfer of improvements constructed upon leased land.
(2)(a) The term "sale" also includes the transfer or acquisition within any twelve-month period of a controlling interest in any entity with an interest in real property located in this state for a valuable consideration.
(b) For the sole purpose of determining whether, pursuant to the exercise of an option, a controlling interest was transferred or acquired within a twelve-month period, the date that the option agreement was executed is the date on which the transfer or acquisition of the controlling interest is deemed to occur. For all other purposes under this chapter, the date upon which the option is exercised is the date of the transfer or acquisition of the controlling interest.
(c) For purposes of this subsection, all acquisitions of persons acting in concert must be aggregated for purposes of determining whether a transfer or acquisition of a controlling interest has taken place. The department must adopt standards by rule to determine when persons are acting in concert. In adopting a rule for this purpose, the department must consider the following:
(i) Persons must be treated as acting in concert when they have a relationship with each other such that one person influences or controls the actions of another through common ownership; and
(ii) When persons are not commonly owned or controlled, they must be treated as acting in concert only when the unity with which the purchasers have negotiated and will consummate the transfer of ownership interests supports a finding that they are acting as a single entity. If the acquisitions are completely independent, with each purchaser buying without regard to the identity of the other purchasers, then the acquisitions are considered separate acquisitions.
(3) The term "sale" does not include:
(a) A transfer by gift, devise, or inheritance.
(b) A transfer by transfer on death deed, to the extent that it is not in satisfaction of a contractual obligation of the decedent owed to the recipient of the property.
(c) A transfer of any leasehold interest other than of the type mentioned above.
(d) A cancellation or forfeiture of a vendee's interest in a contract for the sale of real property, whether or not such contract contains a forfeiture clause, or deed in lieu of foreclosure of a mortgage.
(e) The partition of property by tenants in common by agreement or as the result of a court decree.
(f) The assignment of property or interest in property from one spouse or one domestic partner to the other spouse or other domestic partner in accordance with the terms of a decree of dissolution of marriage or state registered domestic partnership or in fulfillment of a property settlement agreement.
(g) The assignment or other transfer of a vendor's interest in a contract for the sale of real property, even though accompanied by a conveyance of the vendor's interest in the real property involved.
(h) Transfers by appropriation or decree in condemnation proceedings brought by the United States, the state or any political subdivision thereof, or a municipal corporation.
(i) A mortgage or other transfer of an interest in real property merely to secure a debt, or the assignment thereof.
(j) Any transfer or conveyance made pursuant to a deed of trust or an order of sale by the court in any mortgage, deed of trust, or lien foreclosure proceeding or upon execution of a judgment, or deed in lieu of foreclosure to satisfy a mortgage or deed of trust.
(k) A conveyance to the federal housing administration or veterans administration by an authorized mortgagee made pursuant to a contract of insurance or guaranty with the federal housing administration or veterans administration.
(l) A transfer in compliance with the terms of any lease or contract upon which the tax as imposed by this chapter has been paid or where the lease or contract was entered into prior to the date this tax was first imposed.
(m) The sale of any grave or lot in an established cemetery.
(n) A sale by the United States, this state or any political subdivision thereof, or a municipal corporation of this state.
(o) A sale to a regional transit authority or public corporation under RCW
81.112.320 under a sale/leaseback agreement under RCW
(p) A transfer of real property, however effected, if it consists of a mere change in identity or form of ownership of an entity where there is no change in the beneficial ownership. These include transfers to a corporation or partnership which is wholly owned by the transferor and/or the transferor's spouse or domestic partner or children of the transferor or the transferor's spouse or domestic partner. However, if thereafter such transferee corporation or partnership voluntarily transfers such real property, or such transferor, spouse or domestic partner, or children of the transferor or the transferor's spouse or domestic partner voluntarily transfer stock in the transferee corporation or interest in the transferee partnership capital, as the case may be, to other than (i) the transferor and/or the transferor's spouse or domestic partner or children of the transferor or the transferor's spouse or domestic partner, (ii) a trust having the transferor and/or the transferor's spouse or domestic partner or children of the transferor or the transferor's spouse or domestic partner as the only beneficiaries at the time of the transfer to the trust, or (iii) a corporation or partnership wholly owned by the original transferor and/or the transferor's spouse or domestic partner or children of the transferor or the transferor's spouse or domestic partner, within three years of the original transfer to which this exemption applies, and the tax on the subsequent transfer has not been paid within sixty days of becoming due, excise taxes become due and payable on the original transfer as otherwise provided by law.
(q)(i) A transfer that for federal income tax purposes does not involve the recognition of gain or loss for entity formation, liquidation or dissolution, and reorganization, including but not limited to nonrecognition of gain or loss because of application of 26 U.S.C. Sec. 332, 337, 351, 368(a)(1), 721, or 731 of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended.
(ii) However, the transfer described in (q)(i) of this subsection cannot be preceded or followed within a twelve-month period by another transfer or series of transfers, that, when combined with the otherwise exempt transfer or transfers described in (q)(i) of this subsection, results in the transfer of a controlling interest in the entity for valuable consideration, and in which one or more persons previously holding a controlling interest in the entity receive cash or property in exchange for any interest the person or persons acting in concert hold in the entity. This subsection (3)(q)(ii) does not apply to that part of the transfer involving property received that is the real property interest that the person or persons originally contributed to the entity or when one or more persons who did not contribute real property or belong to the entity at a time when real property was purchased receive cash or personal property in exchange for that person or persons' interest in the entity. The real estate excise tax under this subsection (3)(q)(ii) is imposed upon the person or persons who previously held a controlling interest in the entity.
(r) A qualified sale of a manufactured/mobile home community, as defined in RCW
, that takes place on or after June 12, 2008, but before December 31, 2018)).
(s)(i) A transfer of a qualified low-income housing development or controlling interest in a qualified low-income housing development, unless, due to noncompliance with federal statutory requirements, the seller is subject to recapture, in whole or in part, of its allocated federal low-income housing tax credits within the four years prior to the date of transfer.
(ii) For purposes of this subsection (3)(s), "qualified low-income housing development" means real property and improvements in respect to which the seller or, in the case of a transfer of a controlling interest, the owner or beneficial owner, was allocated federal low-income housing tax credits authorized under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 42 or successor statute, by the Washington state housing finance commission or successor state-authorized tax credit allocating agency.
(iii) This subsection (3)(s) does not apply to transfers of a qualified low-income housing development or controlling interest in a qualified low-income housing development occurring on or after July 1, 2035.
(iv) The Washington state housing finance commission, in consultation with the department, must gather data on: (A) The fiscal savings, if any, accruing to transferees as a result of the exemption provided in this subsection (3)(s); (B) the extent to which transferors of qualified low-income housing developments receive consideration, including any assumption of debt, as part of a transfer subject to the exemption provided in this subsection (3)(s); and (C) the continued use of the property for low-income housing. The Washington state housing finance commission must provide this information to the joint legislative audit and review committee. The committee must conduct a review of the tax preference created under this subsection (3)(s) in calendar year 2033, as required under chapter
43.136 RCW.
(t)(i) A qualified transfer of residential property by a legal representative of a person with developmental disabilities to a qualified entity subject to the following conditions:
(A) The adult child with developmental disabilities of the transferor of the residential property must be allowed to reside in the residence or successor property so long as the placement is safe and appropriate as determined by the department of social and health services;
(B) The title to the residential property is conveyed without the receipt of consideration by the legal representative of a person with developmental disabilities to a qualified entity;
(C) The residential property must have no more than four living units located on it; and
(D) The residential property transferred must remain in continued use for fifty years by the qualified entity as supported living for persons with developmental disabilities by the qualified entity or successor entity. If the qualified entity sells or otherwise conveys ownership of the residential property the proceeds of the sale or conveyance must be used to acquire similar residential property and such similar residential property must be considered the successor for continued use. The property will not be considered in continued use if the department of social and health services finds that the property has failed, after a reasonable time to remedy, to meet any health and safety statutory or regulatory requirements. If the department of social and health services determines that the property fails to meet the requirements for continued use, the department of social and health services must notify the department and the real estate excise tax based on the value of the property at the time of the transfer into use as residential property for persons with developmental disabilities becomes immediately due and payable by the qualified entity. The tax due is not subject to penalties, fees, or interest under this title.
(ii) For the purposes of this subsection (3)(t) the definitions in RCW
71A.10.020 apply.
(iii) A "qualified entity" is:
(A) A nonprofit organization under Title 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code of 1986, as amended, as of June 7, 2018, or a subsidiary under the same taxpayer identification number that provides residential supported living for persons with developmental disabilities; or
(B) A nonprofit adult family home, as defined in RCW
70.128.010, that exclusively serves persons with developmental disabilities.
(iv) In order to receive an exemption under this subsection (3)(t) an affidavit must be submitted by the transferor of the residential property and must include a copy of the transfer agreement and any other documentation as required by the department.
Sec. 11. RCW
84.36.560 and 2007 c 301 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The real and personal property owned or used by a nonprofit entity in providing rental housing for very low-income households or used to provide space for the placement of a mobile home for a very low-income household within a mobile home park is exempt from taxation if:
(a) The benefit of the exemption inures to the nonprofit entity;
(b) At least seventy-five percent of the occupied dwelling units in the rental housing or lots in a mobile home park are occupied by a very low-income household; and
(c) The rental housing or lots in a mobile home park were insured, financed, or assisted in whole or in part through one or more of the following sources:
(i) A federal or state housing program administered by the department of ((community, trade, and economic development))commerce;
(ii) A federal housing program administered by a city or county government;
(iii) An affordable housing levy authorized under RCW
84.52.105; ((
(iv) The surcharges authorized by RCW
36.22.178 and
36.22.179 and any of the surcharges authorized in chapter
43.185C RCW
; or(v) The Washington state housing finance commission, provided that the financing is for a mobile home park cooperative or a manufactured housing cooperative, as defined in RCW 59.20.030.
(2) If less than seventy-five percent of the occupied dwelling units within the rental housing or lots in the mobile home park are occupied by very low-income households, the rental housing or mobile home park is eligible for a partial exemption on the real property and a total exemption of the housing's or park's personal property as follows:
(a) A partial exemption ((shall be))is allowed for each dwelling unit in the rental housing or for each lot in a mobile home park occupied by a very low-income household.
(b) The amount of exemption ((shall))must be calculated by multiplying the assessed value of the property reasonably necessary to provide the rental housing or to operate the mobile home park by a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is the number of dwelling units or lots occupied by very low-income households as of December 31st of the first assessment year in which the rental housing or mobile home park becomes operational or on January 1st of each subsequent assessment year for which the exemption is claimed. The denominator of the fraction is the total number of dwelling units or lots occupied as of December 31st of the first assessment year the rental housing or mobile home park becomes operational and January 1st of each subsequent assessment year for which exemption is claimed.
(3) If a currently exempt rental housing unit in a facility with ten units or fewer or mobile home lot in a mobile home park with ten lots or fewer was occupied by a very low-income household at the time the exemption was granted and the income of the household subsequently rises above fifty percent of the median income but remains at or below eighty percent of the median income, the exemption will continue as long as the housing continues to meet the certification requirements of a very low-income housing program listed in subsection (1) of this section. For purposes of this section, median income, as most recently determined by the federal department of housing and urban development for the county in which the rental housing or mobile home park is located, shall be adjusted for family size. However, if a dwelling unit or a lot becomes vacant and is subsequently rerented, the income of the new household must be at or below fifty percent of the median income adjusted for family size as most recently determined by the federal department of housing and urban development for the county in which the rental housing or mobile home park is located to remain exempt from property tax.
(4) If at the time of initial application the property is unoccupied, or subsequent to the initial application the property is unoccupied because of renovations, and the property is not currently being used for the exempt purpose authorized by this section but will be used for the exempt purpose within two assessment years, the property shall be eligible for a property tax exemption for the assessment year in which the claim for exemption is submitted under the following conditions:
(a) A commitment for financing to acquire, construct, renovate, or otherwise convert the property to provide housing for very low-income households has been obtained, in whole or in part, by the nonprofit entity claiming the exemption from one or more of the sources listed in subsection (1)(c) of this section;
(b) The nonprofit entity has manifested its intent in writing to construct, remodel, or otherwise convert the property to housing for very low-income households; and
(c) Only the portion of property that will be used to provide housing or lots for very low-income households shall be exempt under this section.
(5) To be exempt under this section, the property must be used exclusively for the purposes for which the exemption is granted, except as provided in RCW
(6) The nonprofit entity qualifying for a property tax exemption under this section may agree to make payments to the city, county, or other political subdivision for improvements, services, and facilities furnished by the city, county, or political subdivision for the benefit of the rental housing. However, these payments shall not exceed the amount last levied as the annual tax of the city, county, or political subdivision upon the property prior to exemption.
(7) ((As used in this section:))The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "Group home" means a single-family dwelling financed, in whole or in part, by one or more of the sources listed in subsection (1)(c) of this section. The residents of a group home shall not be considered to jointly constitute a household, but each resident shall be considered to be a separate household occupying a separate dwelling unit. The individual incomes of the residents shall not be aggregated for purposes of this exemption;
(b) "Mobile home lot" or "mobile home park" means the same as these terms are defined in RCW
(c) "Occupied dwelling unit" means a living unit that is occupied by an individual or household as of December 31st of the first assessment year the rental housing becomes operational or is occupied by an individual or household on January 1st of each subsequent assessment year in which the claim for exemption is submitted. If the housing facility is comprised of three or fewer dwelling units and there are any unoccupied units on January 1st, the department shall base the amount of the exemption upon the number of occupied dwelling units as of December 31st of the first assessment year the rental housing becomes operational and on May 1st of each subsequent assessment year in which the claim for exemption is submitted;
(d) "Rental housing" means a residential housing facility or group home that is occupied but not owned by very low-income households;
(e) "Very low-income household" means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living together whose income is at or below fifty percent of the median income adjusted for family size as most recently determined by the federal department of housing and urban development for the county in which the rental housing is located and in effect as of January 1st of the year the application for exemption is submitted; and
(f) "Nonprofit entity" means a:
(i) Nonprofit as defined in RCW
84.36.800 that is exempt from income tax under section 501(c) of the federal internal revenue code;
(ii) Limited partnership where a nonprofit as defined in RCW
84.36.800 that is exempt from income tax under section 501(c) of the federal internal revenue code, a public corporation established under RCW
35.21.670, or
35.21.730, a housing authority created under RCW
35.82.030 or
35.82.300, or a housing authority meeting the definition in RCW
35.82.210(2)(a) is a general partner; ((
(iii) Limited liability company where a nonprofit as defined in RCW
84.36.800 that is exempt from income tax under section 501(c) of the federal internal revenue code, a public corporation established under RCW
35.21.670, or
35.21.730, a housing authority established under RCW
35.82.030 or
35.82.300, or a housing authority meeting the definition in RCW
35.82.210(2)(a) is a managing member
; or(iv) Mobile home park cooperative or a manufactured housing cooperative, as defined in RCW 59.20.030.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 12. The provisions of RCW 82.32.805 and 82.32.808 do not apply to section 11 of this act. NEW SECTION. Sec. 13. The legislature finds that manufactured housing communities provide significant opportunity for affordable housing, but at the same time, vacancy rates in established communities are very low. Siting a replacement manufactured home on a manufactured housing community lot is basic to a landlord's right to continue in business and to provide opportunity for housing that is needed. Imposing undue burdens and new restrictions for the siting of replacement manufactured homes may deem lots unusable as home sites thus, exacerbating the low vacancy rates and reducing affordable housing opportunities. The legislature intends to provide protection for manufactured housing communities by not prohibiting the siting of a manufactured/mobile home on an existing lot based solely on lack of compliance with the existing separation and setback requirements that regulate distance between such homes.
Sec. 14. RCW
35.21.684 and 2009 c 79 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A city or town may not adopt an ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating against consumers' choices in the placement or use of a home in such a manner that is not equally applicable to all homes. Homes built to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401-5403 standards (as amended in 2000) must be regulated for the purposes of siting in the same manner as site built homes, factory built homes, or homes built to any other state construction or local design standard. However, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, any city or town may require that:
(a) A manufactured home be a new manufactured home;
(b) The manufactured home be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and that the space from the bottom of the home to the ground be enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product which can be either load bearing or decorative;
(c) The manufactured home comply with all local design standards applicable to all other homes within the neighborhood in which the manufactured home is to be located;
(d) The home is thermally equivalent to the state energy code; and
(e) The manufactured home otherwise meets all other requirements for a designated manufactured home as defined in RCW
A city with a population of one hundred thirty-five thousand or more may choose to designate its building official as the person responsible for issuing all permits, including department of labor and industries permits issued under chapter
43.22 RCW in accordance with an interlocal agreement under chapter
39.34 RCW, for alterations, remodeling, or expansion of manufactured housing located within the city limits under this section.
(2)(a) A city or town may not adopt an ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of restricting the location of manufactured/mobile homes in manufactured/mobile home communities that were legally in existence before June 12, 2008, based exclusively on the age or dimensions of the manufactured/mobile home. ((This does not preclude))
(b) A city or town may not prohibit the siting of a manufactured/mobile home on an existing lot based solely on lack of compliance with existing separation and setback requirements that regulate the distance between homes.
(c) A city or town is not precluded by (a) or (b) of this subsection from restricting the location of a manufactured/mobile home in manufactured/mobile home communities for any other reason including, but not limited to, failure to comply with fire, safety, or other local ordinances or state laws related to manufactured/mobile homes.
(3) Except as provided under subsection (4) of this section, a city or town may not adopt an ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of preventing the entry or requiring the removal of a recreational vehicle used as a primary residence in manufactured/mobile home communities.
(4) Subsection (3) of this section does not apply to any local ordinance or state law that:
(a) Imposes fire, safety, or other regulations related to recreational vehicles;
(b) Requires utility hookups in manufactured/mobile home communities to meet state or federal building code standards for manufactured/mobile home communities; or
(c) Includes both of the following provisions:
(i) A recreational vehicle must contain at least one internal toilet and at least one internal shower; and
(ii) If the requirement in (c)(i) of this subsection is not met, a manufactured/mobile home community must provide toilets and showers.
(5) For the purposes of this section, "manufactured/mobile home community" has the same meaning as in RCW
(6) This section does not override any legally recorded covenants or deed restrictions of record.
(7) This section does not affect the authority granted under chapter
43.22 RCW.
Sec. 15. RCW
35A.21.312 and 2009 c 79 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A code city may not adopt an ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating against consumers' choices in the placement or use of a home in such a manner that is not equally applicable to all homes. Homes built to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401-5403 standards (as amended in 2000) must be regulated for the purposes of siting in the same manner as site built homes, factory built homes, or homes built to any other state construction or local design standard. However, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, any code city may require that:
(a) A manufactured home be a new manufactured home;
(b) The manufactured home be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and that the space from the bottom of the home to the ground be enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product which can be either load bearing or decorative;
(c) The manufactured home comply with all local design standards applicable to all other homes within the neighborhood in which the manufactured home is to be located;
(d) The home is thermally equivalent to the state energy code; and
(e) The manufactured home otherwise meets all other requirements for a designated manufactured home as defined in RCW
A code city with a population of one hundred thirty-five thousand or more may choose to designate its building official as the person responsible for issuing all permits, including department of labor and industries permits issued under chapter
43.22 RCW in accordance with an interlocal agreement under chapter
39.34 RCW, for alterations, remodeling, or expansion of manufactured housing located within the city limits under this section.
(2)(a) A code city may not adopt an ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of restricting the location of manufactured/mobile homes in manufactured/mobile home communities that were legally in existence before June 12, 2008, based exclusively on the age or dimensions of the manufactured/mobile home. ((This does not preclude))
(b) A code city may not prohibit the siting of a manufactured/mobile home on an existing lot based solely on lack of compliance with existing separation and setback requirements that regulate the distance between homes.
(c) A code city is not precluded by (a) or (b) of this subsection from restricting the location of a manufactured/mobile home in manufactured/mobile home communities for any other reason including, but not limited to, failure to comply with fire, safety, or other local ordinances or state laws related to manufactured/mobile homes.
(3) Except as provided under subsection (4) of this section, a code city may not adopt an ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of preventing the entry or requiring the removal of a recreational vehicle used as a primary residence in manufactured/mobile home communities.
(4) Subsection (3) of this section does not apply to any local ordinance or state law that:
(a) Imposes fire, safety, or other regulations related to recreational vehicles;
(b) Requires utility hookups in manufactured/mobile home communities to meet state or federal building code standards for manufactured/mobile home communities or recreational vehicle parks; or
(c) Includes both of the following provisions:
(i) A recreational vehicle must contain at least one internal toilet and at least one internal shower; and
(ii) If the requirement in (c)(i) of this subsection is not met, a manufactured/mobile home community must provide toilets and showers.
(5) For the purposes of this section, "manufactured/mobile home community" has the same meaning as in RCW
(6) This section does not override any legally recorded covenants or deed restrictions of record.
(7) This section does not affect the authority granted under chapter
43.22 RCW.
Sec. 16. RCW
36.01.225 and 2009 c 79 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A county may not adopt an ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of discriminating against consumers' choices in the placement or use of a home in such a manner that is not equally applicable to all homes. Homes built to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401-5403 standards (as amended in 2000) must be regulated for the purposes of siting in the same manner as site built homes, factory built homes, or homes built to any other state construction or local design standard. However, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, any county may require that:
(a) A manufactured home be a new manufactured home;
(b) The manufactured home be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified by the manufacturer, and that the space from the bottom of the home to the ground be enclosed by concrete or an approved concrete product which can be either load bearing or decorative;
(c) The manufactured home comply with all local design standards applicable to all other homes within the neighborhood in which the manufactured home is to be located;
(d) The home is thermally equivalent to the state energy code; and
(e) The manufactured home otherwise meets all other requirements for a designated manufactured home as defined in RCW
(a) A county may not adopt an ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of restricting the location of manufactured/mobile homes in manufactured/mobile home communities, as defined in RCW
59.20.030, which were legally in existence before June 12, 2008, based exclusively on the age or dimensions of the manufactured/mobile home. ((
This does not preclude))
(b) A county may not prohibit the siting of a manufactured/mobile home on an existing lot based solely on lack of compliance with existing separation and setback requirements that regulate the distance between homes.
(c) A county is not precluded by (a) or (b) of this subsection from restricting the location of a manufactured/mobile home in manufactured/mobile home communities for any other reason including, but not limited to, failure to comply with fire, safety, or other local ordinances or state laws related to manufactured/mobile homes.
(3) A county may not adopt an ordinance that has the effect, directly or indirectly, of preventing the entry or requiring the removal of a recreational vehicle used as a primary residence in manufactured/mobile home communities, as defined in RCW
59.20.030, unless the recreational vehicle fails to comply with the fire, safety, or other local ordinances or state laws related to recreational vehicles.
(4) This section does not override any legally recorded covenants or deed restrictions of record.
(5) This section does not affect the authority granted under chapter
43.22 RCW.
Sec. 17. RCW
59.20.060 and 2019 c ... (ESHB 1582) s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any mobile home space tenancy regardless of the term, shall be based upon a written rental agreement, signed by the parties, which shall contain:
(a) The terms for the payment of rent, including time and place, and any additional charges to be paid by the tenant. Additional charges that occur less frequently than monthly shall be itemized in a billing to the tenant;
(b) Reasonable rules for guest parking which shall be clearly stated;
(c) The rules and regulations of the park;
(d) The name and address of the person who is the landlord, and if such person does not reside in the state there shall also be designated by name and address a person who resides in the county where the mobile home park is located who is authorized to act as agent for the purposes of service of notices and process. If no designation is made of a person to act as agent, then the person to whom rental payments are to be made shall be considered the agent;
(e) The name and address of any party who has a secured interest in the mobile home, manufactured home, or park model;
(f) A forwarding address of the tenant or the name and address of a person who would likely know the whereabouts of the tenant in the event of an emergency or an abandonment of the mobile home, manufactured home, or park model;
(g)(i) A covenant by the landlord that, except for acts or events beyond the control of the landlord, the mobile home park will not be converted to a land use that will prevent the space that is the subject of the lease from continuing to be used for its intended use for a period of three years after the beginning of the term of the rental agreement;
(ii) A rental agreement may, in the alternative, contain a statement that: "The park may be sold or otherwise transferred at any time with the result that subsequent owners may close the mobile home park, or that the landlord may close the park at any time after the required closure notice as provided in RCW
59.20.080." The covenant or statement required by this subsection must: (A) Appear in print that is in bold face and is larger than the other text of the rental agreement; (B) be set off by means of a box, blank space, or comparable visual device; and (C) be located directly above the tenant's signature on the rental agreement;
(h) A copy of a closure notice, as required in RCW
59.20.080, if such notice is in effect;
(i) The terms and conditions under which any deposit or portion thereof may be withheld by the landlord upon termination of the rental agreement if any moneys are paid to the landlord by the tenant as a deposit or as security for performance of the tenant's obligations in a rental agreement;
(j) A listing of the utilities, services, and facilities which will be available to the tenant during the tenancy and the nature of the fees, if any, to be charged together with a statement that, in the event any utilities are changed to be charged independent of the rent during the term of the rental agreement, the landlord agrees to decrease the amount of the rent charged proportionately;
(k) A written description, picture, plan, or map of the boundaries of a mobile home space sufficient to inform the tenant of the exact location of the tenant's space in relation to other tenants' spaces;
(l) A written description, picture, plan, or map of the location of the tenant's responsibility for utility hook-ups, consistent with RCW
(m) A statement of the current zoning of the land on which the mobile home park is located;
(n) A statement of the expiration date of any conditional use, temporary use, or other land use permit subject to a fixed expiration date that is necessary for the continued use of the land as a mobile home park; and
(o) A written statement containing accurate historical information regarding the past five years' rental amount charged for the lot or space.
(2) Any rental agreement executed between the landlord and tenant shall not contain any provision:
(a) Which allows the landlord to charge a fee for guest parking unless a violation of the rules for guest parking occurs: PROVIDED, That a fee may be charged for guest parking which covers an extended period of time as defined in the rental agreement;
(b) Which authorizes the towing or impounding of a vehicle except upon notice to the owner thereof or the tenant whose guest is the owner of the vehicle;
(c) Which allows the landlord to alter the due date for rent payment or increase the rent: (i) During the term of the rental agreement if the term is less than two years, or (ii) more frequently than annually if the initial term is for two years or more: PROVIDED, That a rental agreement may include an escalation clause for a pro rata share of any increase in the mobile home park's real property taxes or utility assessments or charges, over the base taxes or utility assessments or charges of the year in which the rental agreement took effect, if the clause also provides for a pro rata reduction in rent or other charges in the event of a reduction in real property taxes or utility assessments or charges, below the base year: PROVIDED FURTHER, That a rental agreement for a term exceeding two years may provide for annual increases in rent in specified amounts or by a formula specified in such agreement. Any rent increase authorized under this subsection (2)(c) that occurs within the closure notice period pursuant to RCW
59.20.080(1)(e) may not be more than one percentage point above the United States consumer price index for all urban consumers, housing component, published by the United States bureau of labor statistics in the periodical "Monthly Labor Review and Handbook of Labor Statistics" as established annually by the department of commerce;
(d) By which the tenant agrees to waive or forego rights or remedies under this chapter;
(e) Allowing the landlord to charge an "entrance fee" or an "exit fee." However, an entrance fee may be charged as part of a continuing care contract as defined in RCW
(f) Which allows the landlord to charge a fee for guests: PROVIDED, That a landlord may establish rules charging for guests who remain on the premises for more than fifteen days in any sixty-day period;
(g) By which the tenant agrees to waive or forego homestead rights provided by chapter
6.13 RCW. This subsection shall not prohibit such waiver after a default in rent so long as such waiver is in writing signed by the husband and wife or by an unmarried claimant and in consideration of the landlord's agreement not to terminate the tenancy for a period of time specified in the waiver if the landlord would be otherwise entitled to terminate the tenancy under this chapter; or
(h) By which, at the time the rental agreement is entered into, the landlord and tenant agree to the selection of a particular arbitrator.
(3) Any provision prohibited under this section that is included in a rental agreement is unenforceable.
Sec. 18. RCW 59.20.--- and 2019 c ... (ESHB 1582) s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A court may order an unlawful detainer action to be of limited dissemination for one or more persons if: (a) The court finds that the plaintiff's case was sufficiently without basis in fact or law; (b) the tenancy was reinstated by the court; or (c) other good cause exists for limiting dissemination of the unlawful detainer action ((in accordance with court rule GR 15)).
(2) An order to limit dissemination of an unlawful detainer action must be in writing.
(3) When an order for limited dissemination of an unlawful detainer action has been entered with respect to a person, a tenant screening service provider must not: (a) Disclose the existence of that unlawful detainer action in a tenant screening report pertaining to the person for whom dissemination has been limited, or (b) use the unlawful detainer action as a factor in determining any score or recommendation to be included in a tenant screening report pertaining to the person for whom dissemination has been limited.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 19. Sections 17 and 18 of this act take effect only if chapter ... (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1582), Laws of 2019 is enacted by August 1, 2019.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 20. If specific funding for the purposes of section 11 of this act, referencing section 11 of this act by bill or chapter number and section number, is not provided by June 30, 2019, in the omnibus appropriations act, section 11 of this act is null and void.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 21. Section 10 of this act expires January 1, 2030.
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