Passed by the Senate April 28, 2019 Yeas 25 Nays 23
President of the Senate Passed by the House April 28, 2019 Yeas 53 Nays 45
Speaker of the House of Representatives | CERTIFICATE I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5313 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth.
Secretary Secretary |
Approved | FILED |
| Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 2019 Regular Session
State of Washington | 66th Legislature | 2019 Regular Session |
BySenate Early Learning & K-12 Education (originally sponsored by Senator Wellman; by request of Office of Financial Management)
Sec. 1. RCW
28A.500.015 and 2018 c 266 s 303 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Beginning in calendar year ((2019))2020 and each calendar year thereafter, the state must provide state local effort assistance funding to supplement school district enrichment levies as provided in this section.
(2)(a) For an eligible school district((,))with an actual enrichment levy rate that is less than one dollar and fifty cents per thousand dollars of assessed value in the school district, the annual local effort assistance funding is equal to the school district's maximum local effort assistance multiplied by a fraction equal to the school district's actual enrichment levy rate divided by one dollar and fifty cents per thousand dollars of assessed value in the school district(('s maximum allowable)).
(b) For an eligible school district with an actual enrichment levy rate that is equal to or greater than one dollar and fifty cents per thousand dollars of assessed value in the school district, the annual local effort assistance funding is equal to the school district's maximum local effort assistance.
(c) Beginning in calendar year 2022, for state-tribal education compact schools established under chapter 28A.715 RCW, the annual local effort assistance funding is equal to the actual enrichment levy per student as calculated by the superintendent of public instruction for the previous year for the school district in which the state-tribal education compact school is located, up to a maximum per student amount of one thousand five hundred fifty dollars as increased by inflation from the 2019 calendar year, multiplied by the student enrollment of the state-tribal education compact school in the prior school year. (d) For a school district that meets the criteria in this subsection and is located west of the Cascades in a county that borders another state, the annual local effort assistance funding is equal to the local effort assistance funding authorized under (b) of this subsection and additional local effort assistance funding equal to the following amounts:
(i) Two hundred forty-six dollars per pupil in the 2019-20 school year for a school district with more than twenty-five thousand annual full-time equivalent students; and
(ii) Two hundred eighty-six dollars per pupil in the 2019-20 school year for a school district with more than twenty thousand annual full-time equivalent enrolled students but fewer than twenty-five thousand annual full-time equivalent enrolled students.
(3) The state local effort assistance funding provided under this section is not part of the state's program of basic education deemed by the legislature to comply with the requirements of Article IX, section 1 of the state Constitution.
(4) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "Eligible school district" means a school district ((whose maximum allowable enrichment))where the amount generated by a levy of one dollar and fifty cents per thousand dollars of assessed value in the school district, divided by the school district's total student enrollment in the prior school year, is less than the state local effort assistance threshold.
(b) For the purpose of this section, "inflation" means, for any school year, the rate of the yearly increase of the previous calendar year's annual average consumer price index for all urban consumers, Seattle area, using the official current base compiled by the bureau of labor statistics, United States department of labor.
(c) ((
"Maximum allowable enrichment levy" means the maximum levy permitted by RCW 84.52.0531.(d))) "Maximum local effort assistance" means the difference between the following:
(i) The school district's actual prior school year enrollment multiplied by the state local effort assistance threshold; and
(ii) The amount generated by a levy of one dollar and fifty cents per thousand dollars of assessed value in the school district(('s maximum allowable enrichment levy)).
(((e)))(d) "Prior school year" means the most recent school year completed prior to the year in which the state local effort assistance funding is to be distributed.
(((f)))(e) "State local effort assistance threshold" means one thousand five hundred fifty dollars per student, increased for inflation beginning in calendar year 2020.
(((g)))(f) "Student enrollment" means the average annual full-time equivalent student enrollment.
(5) For districts in a high/nonhigh relationship, the enrollments of the nonhigh students attending the high school shall only be counted by the nonhigh school districts for purposes of funding under this section.
(6) For school districts participating in an innovation academy cooperative established under RCW
28A.340.080, enrollments of students attending the academy shall be adjusted so that each participant district receives its proportional share of student enrollments for purposes of funding under this section.
Sec. 2. RCW
84.52.0531 and 2018 c 266 s 307 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Beginning with taxes levied for collection in ((
2020, the maximum dollar amount which may be levied by or for any school district for enrichment levies under RCW
84.52.053 is equal to the lesser of ((
two dollar
s and fifty cents per thousand dollars of the assessed value of property in the school district or the maximum per-pupil limit.
This maximum dollar amount shall be reduced accordingly as provided under RCW 43.09.2856(2).(2) The definitions in this subsection apply to this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) For the purpose of this section, "inflation" means, for any school year, the rate of the yearly increase of the previous calendar year's annual average consumer price index for all urban consumers, Seattle area, using the official current base compiled by the bureau of labor statistics, United States department of labor.
(b) "Maximum per-pupil limit" means:
(i) Two thousand five hundred dollars, as increased by inflation beginning with property taxes levied for collection in 2020, multiplied by the number of average annual full-time equivalent students enrolled in the school district in the prior school year, for school districts with fewer than forty thousand annual full-time equivalent students enrolled in the school district in the prior school year; or
(ii) Three thousand dollars, as increased by inflation beginning with property taxes levied for collection in 2020, multiplied by the number of average annual full-time equivalent students enrolled in the school district in the prior school year, for school districts with forty thousand or more annual full-time equivalent students enrolled in the school district in the prior school year. ((Beginning with property taxes levied for collection in 2020, the maximum per-pupil limit shall be increased by inflation.))
(c) "Prior school year" means the most recent school year completed prior to the year in which the levies are to be collected.
(3) For districts in a high/nonhigh relationship, the enrollments of the nonhigh students attending the high school shall only be counted by the nonhigh school districts for purposes of funding under this section.
(4) For school districts participating in an innovation academy cooperative established under RCW
28A.340.080, enrollments of students attending the academy shall be adjusted so that each participant district receives its proportional share of student enrollments for purposes of funding under this section.
(5) Beginning with propositions for enrichment levies for collection in calendar year 2020 and thereafter, a district must receive approval of an enrichment levy expenditure plan under RCW
28A.505.240 before submission of the proposition to the voters.
(6) The superintendent of public instruction shall develop rules and regulations and inform school districts of the pertinent data necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
(7) Beginning with taxes levied for collection in 2018, enrichment levy revenues must be deposited in a separate subfund of the school district's general fund pursuant to RCW
28A.320.330, and for the 2018-19 school year are subject to the restrictions of RCW
28A.150.276 and the audit requirements of RCW
(8) Funds collected from levies for transportation vehicles, construction, modernization, or remodeling of school facilities as established in RCW
84.52.053 are not subject to the levy limitations in subsections (1) through (5) of this section.
Sec. 3. RCW
28A.320.330 and 2018 c 266 s 302 are each amended to read as follows:
School districts shall establish the following funds in addition to those provided elsewhere by law:
(1)(a) A general fund for the school district to account for all financial operations of the school district except those required to be accounted for in another fund.
(b) By the 2018-19 school year, a local revenue subfund of its general fund to account for the financial operations of a school district that are paid from local revenues. The local revenues that must be deposited in the local revenue subfund are enrichment levies and transportation vehicle levies collected under RCW
84.52.053, local effort assistance funding received under chapter
28A.500 RCW, and other school district local revenues including, but not limited to, grants, donations, and state and federal payments in lieu of taxes, but do not include other federal revenues, or local revenues that operate as an offset to the district's basic education allocation under RCW
28A.150.250. School districts must track expenditures from this subfund separately to account for the expenditure of each of these streams of revenue by source, and must provide ((
the supplemental expenditure schedule((
under (c) of this subsection, and any other supplemental expenditure schedules required by the superintendent of public instruction or state auditor
, for purposes of RCW
(c) Beginning in the 2019-20 school year, the superintendent of public instruction must require school districts to provide a supplemental expenditure schedule by revenue source that identifies the amount expended by object for each of the following supplementary enrichment activities beyond the state funded amount:
(i) Minimum instructional offerings under RCW 28A.150.220 or 28A.150.260 not otherwise included on other lines; (ii) Staffing ratios or program components under RCW 28A.150.260, including providing additional staff for class size reduction beyond class sizes allocated in the prototypical school model and additional staff beyond the staffing ratios allocated in the prototypical school formula; (iv) Program components to support students in the program of special education;
(v) Program components of professional learning, as defined by RCW 28A.415.430, beyond that allocated under RCW 28A.150.415; (vi) Extracurricular activities;
(vii) Extended school days or an extended school year;
(viii) Additional course offerings beyond the minimum instructional program established in the state's statutory program of basic education;
(ix) Activities associated with early learning programs;
(x) Activities associated with providing the student transportation program;
(xi) Any additional salary costs attributable to the provision or administration of the enrichment activities allowed under RCW 28A.150.276; (xii) Additional activities or enhancements that the office of the superintendent of public instruction determines to be a documented and demonstrated enrichment of the state's statutory program of basic education under RCW 28A.150.276; and (xiii) All other costs not otherwise identified in other line items.
(d) For any salary and related benefit costs identified in (c)(xi), (xii), and (xiii) of this subsection, the school district shall maintain a record describing how these expenditures are documented and demonstrated enrichment of the state's statutory program of basic education. School districts shall maintain these records until the state auditor has completed the audit under RCW 43.09.2856. (2) A capital projects fund shall be established for major capital purposes. All statutory references to a "building fund" shall mean the capital projects fund so established. Money to be deposited into the capital projects fund shall include, but not be limited to, bond proceeds, proceeds from excess levies authorized by RCW
84.52.053, state apportionment proceeds as authorized by RCW
28A.150.270, earnings from capital projects fund investments as authorized by RCW
28A.320.310 and
28A.320.320, and state forest revenues transferred pursuant to subsection (3) of this section.
Money derived from the sale of bonds, including interest earnings thereof, may only be used for those purposes described in RCW
28A.530.010, except that accrued interest paid for bonds shall be deposited in the debt service fund.
Money to be deposited into the capital projects fund shall include but not be limited to rental and lease proceeds as authorized by RCW
28A.335.060, and proceeds from the sale of real property as authorized by RCW
Money legally deposited into the capital projects fund from other sources may be used for the purposes described in RCW
28A.530.010, and for the purposes of:
(a) Major renovation and replacement of facilities and systems where periodical repairs are no longer economical or extend the useful life of the facility or system beyond its original planned useful life. Such renovation and replacement shall include, but shall not be limited to, major repairs, exterior painting of facilities, replacement and refurbishment of roofing, exterior walls, windows, heating and ventilating systems, floor covering in classrooms and public or common areas, and electrical and plumbing systems.
(b) Renovation and rehabilitation of playfields, athletic fields, and other district real property.
(c) The conduct of preliminary energy audits and energy audits of school district buildings. For the purpose of this section:
(i) "Preliminary energy audits" means a determination of the energy consumption characteristics of a building, including the size, type, rate of energy consumption, and major energy using systems of the building.
(ii) "Energy audit" means a survey of a building or complex which identifies the type, size, energy use level, and major energy using systems; which determines appropriate energy conservation maintenance or operating procedures and assesses any need for the acquisition and installation of energy conservation measures, including solar energy and renewable resource measures.
(iii) "Energy capital improvement" means the installation, or modification of the installation, of energy conservation measures in a building which measures are primarily intended to reduce energy consumption or allow the use of an alternative energy source.
(d) Those energy capital improvements which are identified as being cost-effective in the audits authorized by this section.
(e) Purchase or installation of additional major items of equipment and furniture: PROVIDED, That vehicles shall not be purchased with capital projects fund money.
(f)(i) Costs associated with implementing technology systems, facilities, and projects, including acquiring hardware, licensing software, and online applications and training related to the installation of the foregoing. However, the software or applications must be an integral part of the district's technology systems, facilities, or projects.
(ii) Costs associated with the application and modernization of technology systems for operations and instruction including, but not limited to, the ongoing fees for online applications, subscriptions, or software licenses, including upgrades and incidental services, and ongoing training related to the installation and integration of these products and services. However, to the extent the funds are used for the purpose under this subsection (2)(f)(ii), the school district shall transfer to the district's general fund the portion of the capital projects fund used for this purpose. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall develop accounting guidelines for these transfers in accordance with internal revenue service regulations.
(g) Major equipment repair, painting of facilities, and other major preventative maintenance purposes. However, to the extent the funds are used for the purpose under this subsection (2)(g), the school district shall transfer to the district's general fund the portion of the capital projects fund used for this purpose. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall develop accounting guidelines for these transfers in accordance with internal revenue service regulations. Based on the district's most recent two-year history of general fund maintenance expenditures, funds used for this purpose may not replace routine annual preventive maintenance expenditures made from the district's general fund.
(3) A debt service fund to provide for tax proceeds, other revenues, and disbursements as authorized in chapter
39.44 RCW. State forestland revenues that are deposited in a school district's debt service fund pursuant to RCW
79.64.110 and to the extent not necessary for payment of debt service on school district bonds may be transferred by the school district into the district's capital projects fund.
(4) An associated student body fund as authorized by RCW
(5) Advance refunding bond funds and refunded bond funds to provide for the proceeds and disbursements as authorized in chapter
39.53 RCW.
Sec. 4. RCW
43.09.2856 and 2018 c 266 s 406 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Beginning with the 2019-20 school year, to ensure that school district local revenues are used solely for purposes of enriching the state's statutory program of basic education, the state auditor's regular financial audits of school districts must include a review of the expenditure of school district local revenues for compliance with RCW
28A.150.276, including the spending plan approved by the superintendent of public instruction under RCW
28A.505.240 and its implementation, and any supplemental contracts entered into under RCW
The audit must also include a review of the expenditure schedule and supporting documentation required by RCW 28A.320.330(1)(c).(2) If an audit under subsection (1) of this section results in findings that a school district has failed to comply with these requirements, then within ninety days of completing the audit the auditor must report the findings to the superintendent of public instruction, the office of financial management, and the education and operating budget committees of the legislature.
If the superintendent of public instruction receives a report of findings from the state auditor that an expenditure of a school district is out of compliance with the requirements of RCW 28A.150.276, and the finding is not resolved in the subsequent audit, the maximum taxes levied for collection by the school district under RCW 84.52.0531 in the following calendar year shall be reduced by the expenditure amount identified by the state auditor.(3) The use of the state allocation provided for professional learning under RCW
28A.150.415 must be audited as part of the regular financial audits of school districts by the state auditor's office to ensure compliance with the limitations and conditions of RCW
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