BySenators Zeiger, Wellman, Hunt, Nguyen, Randall, Das, Kuderer, Liias, Hawkins, Muzzall, Wagoner, Warnick, Rivers, and Saldaña
WHEREAS, The Washington State Senate recognize February 21, 2020, as Civic Education Day; and
WHEREAS, Civic Education Day fortifies collaboration between educators, legislators, and students statewide; and
WHEREAS, Civic education is provided statewide in schools by instructors through curriculum that includes government, history, law, and democracy; and
WHEREAS, Robust educational programs promote civility and encourage pivotal participation in our legislative processes and democratic institutions; and
WHEREAS, Organizations including TVW, the Secretary of State, the Legislative Youth Advisory Council, the Washington World Fellows, 4-H Know Your Government, the Department of Children, Youth, and Families, We The People, the League of Women Voters, YMCA Youth & Government, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction's History Day, the State Treasurer, iCivics, the Model United Nations, Boys State, Girls State, the Youth Ambassadors, the Association of Washington Student Leaders, the Junior State of America, and AmeriCorps are keen on making civic education a priority for Washington State and its citizens; and
WHEREAS, The Senate exhibit dedication to civic education through the Washington State Legislative Internship Program; and
WHEREAS, The 2020 Legislative Internship Program includes students from seventeen of Washington's public and private institutions, representing colleges and universities across the State of Washington; and
WHEREAS, Participants in the Legislative Internship Program and other highlighted institutions leave their programs as stronger students and civically engaged citizens; and
WHEREAS, The Senate demonstrate responsibility to civic education through the Senate Page Program and Page School; and
WHEREAS, Hundreds of students from across Washington State have the opportunity each year to observe the legislative process and other branches of state government in action as pages; and
WHEREAS, Legislative support of educational opportunities for youth and the general public is essential to civility in the state; and
WHEREAS, The Senate celebrate Civic Education Day and honor the contributions of teachers, principals, community members, parents, state employees, interns, pages, and volunteers who help form an educated citizenry;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That on February 21, 2020, the Washington State Senate reaffirm the importance of civic education and recognize the dedication of civic educators across the state to serve and inform all Washingtonians; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate honor, thank, and celebrate the civic educators and civic education organizations of our state.
I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8686,
adopted by the Senate
February 21, 2020
Secretary of the Senate