Chapter 172, Laws of 2019
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 28, 2019 - Except for sections 3, 4, and 10 through 15 which become effective October 1, 2019.
Passed by the House April 18, 2019 Yeas 94 Nays 0 FRANK CHOPP
Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 11, 2019 Yeas 45 Nays 0 CYRUS HABIB
President of the Senate | CERTIFICATE I, Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 1900 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BERNARD DEAN
Chief Clerk Chief Clerk |
Approved April 29, 2019 2:22 PM | FILED April 30, 2019 |
Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 2019 Regular Session
State of Washington | 66th Legislature | 2019 Regular Session |
ByRepresentatives Callan, Dent, Senn, Appleton, Doglio, Davis, Pollet, Frame, and Jinkins; by request of Department of Children, Youth, and Families
Read first time 02/05/19.Referred to Committee on Human Services & Early Learning.
AN ACT Relating to implementing the family first prevention services act, P.L. 115-123, regarding expansion of services to children and families; amending RCW
13.34.138, and
13.34.145; reenacting and amending RCW
74.13.020, and
74.13.031; adding new sections to chapter
13.34 RCW; adding a new section to chapter
26.44 RCW; adding a new section to chapter
74.13 RCW; and providing an effective date.
Sec. 1. RCW
13.34.025 and 2018 c 284 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department and agencies shall develop methods for coordination of services to parents and children in child dependency cases. To the maximum extent possible under current funding levels, the department and agencies must:
(a) Coordinate and integrate services to children and families, using service plans and activities that address the children's and families' multiple needs, including ensuring that siblings have regular visits with each other, as appropriate. Assessment criteria should screen for multiple needs;
(b) Develop treatment plans for the individual needs of the client in a manner that minimizes the number of contacts the client is required to make; and
(c) Access training for department and agency staff to increase skills across disciplines to assess needs for mental health, substance abuse, developmental disabilities, and other areas.
(2) The department shall coordinate within the administrations of the department, and with contracted service providers, to ensure that parents in dependency proceedings under this chapter receive priority access to remedial services recommended by the department in its social study or ordered by the court for the purpose of correcting any parental deficiencies identified in the dependency proceeding that are capable of being corrected in the foreseeable future. Services may also be provided to caregivers other than the parents as identified in RCW
(a) For purposes of this chapter, remedial services are those services defined in the federal adoption and safe families act as ((time-limited)) family reunification services that facilitate the reunification of the child safely and appropriately within a timely fashion. Remedial services include individual, group, and family counseling; substance abuse treatment services; mental health services; assistance to address domestic violence; services designed to provide temporary child care and therapeutic services for families; and transportation to or from any of the above services and activities.
(b) The department shall provide funds for remedial services if the parent is unable to pay to the extent funding is appropriated in the operating budget or otherwise available to the department for such specific services. As a condition for receiving funded remedial services, the court may inquire into the parent's ability to pay for all or part of such services or may require that the parent make appropriate applications for funding to alternative funding sources for such services.
(c) If court-ordered remedial services are unavailable for any reason, including lack of funding, lack of services, or language barriers, the department shall promptly notify the court that the parent is unable to engage in the treatment due to the inability to access such services.
(d) This section does not create an entitlement to services and does not create judicial authority to order the provision of services except for the specific purpose of making reasonable efforts to remedy parental deficiencies identified in a dependency proceeding under this chapter.
Sec. 2. RCW
13.34.030 and 2018 c 284 s 3 and 2018 c 58 s 54 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Abandoned" means when the child's parent, guardian, or other custodian has expressed, either by statement or conduct, an intent to forego, for an extended period, parental rights or responsibilities despite an ability to exercise such rights and responsibilities. If the court finds that the petitioner has exercised due diligence in attempting to locate the parent, no contact between the child and the child's parent, guardian, or other custodian for a period of three months creates a rebuttable presumption of abandonment, even if there is no expressed intent to abandon.
(2) "Child," "juvenile," and "youth" mean:
(a) Any individual under the age of eighteen years; or
(b) Any individual age eighteen to twenty-one years who is eligible to receive and who elects to receive the extended foster care services authorized under RCW
74.13.031. A youth who remains dependent and who receives extended foster care services under RCW
74.13.031 shall not be considered a "child" under any other statute or for any other purpose.
(3) "Current placement episode" means the period of time that begins with the most recent date that the child was removed from the home of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian for purposes of placement in out-of-home care and continues until: (a) The child returns home; (b) an adoption decree, a permanent custody order, or guardianship order is entered; or (c) the dependency is dismissed, whichever occurs first.
(4) "Department" means the department of children, youth, and families.
(5) "Dependency guardian" means the person, nonprofit corporation, or Indian tribe appointed by the court pursuant to this chapter for the limited purpose of assisting the court in the supervision of the dependency.
(6) "Dependent child" means any child who:
(a) Has been abandoned;
(b) Is abused or neglected as defined in chapter
26.44 RCW by a person legally responsible for the care of the child;
(c) Has no parent, guardian, or custodian capable of adequately caring for the child, such that the child is in circumstances which constitute a danger of substantial damage to the child's psychological or physical development; or
(d) Is receiving extended foster care services, as authorized by RCW
(7) "Developmental disability" means a disability attributable to intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, or another neurological or other condition of an individual found by the secretary of the department of social and health services to be closely related to an intellectual disability or to require treatment similar to that required for individuals with intellectual disabilities, which disability originates before the individual attains age eighteen, which has continued or can be expected to continue indefinitely, and which constitutes a substantial limitation to the individual.
(8) "Educational liaison" means a person who has been appointed by the court to fulfill responsibilities outlined in RCW
(9) "Extended foster care services" means residential and other support services the department is authorized to provide under RCW
74.13.031. These services may include placement in licensed, relative, or otherwise approved care, or supervised independent living settings; assistance in meeting basic needs; independent living services; medical assistance; and counseling or treatment.
(10) "Guardian" means the person or agency that: (a) Has been appointed as the guardian of a child in a legal proceeding, including a guardian appointed pursuant to chapter
13.36 RCW; and (b) has the legal right to custody of the child pursuant to such appointment. The term "guardian" does not include a "dependency guardian" appointed pursuant to a proceeding under this chapter.
(11) "Guardian ad litem" means a person, appointed by the court to represent the best interests of a child in a proceeding under this chapter, or in any matter which may be consolidated with a proceeding under this chapter. A "court-appointed special advocate" appointed by the court to be the guardian ad litem for the child, or to perform substantially the same duties and functions as a guardian ad litem, shall be deemed to be guardian ad litem for all purposes and uses of this chapter.
(12) "Guardian ad litem program" means a court-authorized volunteer program, which is or may be established by the superior court of the county in which such proceeding is filed, to manage all aspects of volunteer guardian ad litem representation for children alleged or found to be dependent. Such management shall include but is not limited to: Recruitment, screening, training, supervision, assignment, and discharge of volunteers.
(13) "Housing assistance" means appropriate referrals by the department or other agencies to federal, state, local, or private agencies or organizations, assistance with forms, applications, or financial subsidies or other monetary assistance for housing. For purposes of this chapter, "housing assistance" is not a remedial service or ((
time-limited)) family reunification service as described in RCW
(14) "Indigent" means a person who, at any stage of a court proceeding, is:
(a) Receiving one of the following types of public assistance: Temporary assistance for needy families, aged, blind, or disabled assistance benefits, medical care services under RCW
74.09.035, pregnant women assistance benefits, poverty-related veterans' benefits, food stamps or food stamp benefits transferred electronically, refugee resettlement benefits, medicaid, or supplemental security income; or
(b) Involuntarily committed to a public mental health facility; or
(c) Receiving an annual income, after taxes, of one hundred twenty-five percent or less of the federally established poverty level; or
(d) Unable to pay the anticipated cost of counsel for the matter before the court because his or her available funds are insufficient to pay any amount for the retention of counsel.
(15) "Nonminor dependent" means any individual age eighteen to twenty-one years who is participating in extended foster care services authorized under RCW
(16) "Out-of-home care" means placement in a foster family home or group care facility licensed pursuant to chapter
74.15 RCW or placement in a home, other than that of the child's parent, guardian, or legal custodian, not required to be licensed pursuant to chapter
74.15 RCW.
(17) "Parent" means the biological or adoptive parents of a child, or an individual who has established a parent-child relationship under RCW ((
26.26A.100, unless the legal rights of that person have been terminated by a judicial proceeding pursuant to this chapter, chapter
26.33 RCW, or the equivalent laws of another state or a federally recognized Indian tribe.
"Prevention and family services and programs" means specific mental health prevention and treatment services, substance abuse prevention and treatment services, and in-home parent skill-based programs that qualify for federal funding under the federal family first prevention services act, P.L. 115-123. For purposes of this chapter, prevention and family services and programs are not remedial services or family reunification services as described in RCW 13.34.025(2).(19) "((
Prevention services" means preservation services, as defined in chapter
74.14C RCW, and other reasonably available services, including housing assistance, capable of preventing the need for out-of-home placement while protecting the child.
Prevention services include, but are not limited to, prevention and family services and programs as defined in this section. (20) "Qualified residential treatment program" means a program licensed as a group care facility under chapter 74.15 RCW that also qualifies for funding under the federal family first prevention services act under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 672(k) and meets the requirements provided in section 3 of this act. (21) "Relative" includes persons related to a child in the following ways:
(a) Any blood relative, including those of half-blood, and including first cousins, second cousins, nephews or nieces, and persons of preceding generations as denoted by prefixes of grand, great, or great-great;
(b) Stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, and stepsister;
(c) A person who legally adopts a child or the child's parent as well as the natural and other legally adopted children of such persons, and other relatives of the adoptive parents in accordance with state law;
(d) Spouses of any persons named in (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection, even after the marriage is terminated;
(e) Relatives, as named in (a), (b), (c), or (d) of this subsection, of any half sibling of the child; or
(f) Extended family members, as defined by the law or custom of the Indian child's tribe or, in the absence of such law or custom, a person who has reached the age of eighteen and who is the Indian child's grandparent, aunt or uncle, brother or sister, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, niece or nephew, first or second cousin, or stepparent who provides care in the family abode on a twenty-four hour basis to an Indian child as defined in 25 U.S.C. Sec. 1903(4);
(22) "Shelter care" means temporary physical care in a facility licensed pursuant to RCW
74.15.030 or in a home not required to be licensed pursuant to RCW
(23) "Sibling" means a child's birth brother, birth sister, adoptive brother, adoptive sister, half-brother, or half-sister, or as defined by the law or custom of the Indian child's tribe for an Indian child as defined in RCW
(((21)))(24) "Social study" means a written evaluation of matters relevant to the disposition of the case ((and shall contain the following information:
(a) A statement of the specific harm or harms to the child that intervention is designed to alleviate;
(b) A description of the specific services and activities, for both the parents and child, that are needed in order to prevent serious harm to the child; the reasons why such services and activities are likely to be useful; the availability of any proposed services; and the agency's overall plan for ensuring that the services will be delivered. The description shall identify the services chosen and approved by the parent;
(c) If removal is recommended, a full description of the reasons why the child cannot be protected adequately in the home, including a description of any previous efforts to work with the parents and the child in the home; the in-home treatment programs that have been considered and rejected; the preventive services, including housing assistance, that have been offered or provided and have failed to prevent the need for out-of-home placement, unless the health, safety, and welfare of the child cannot be protected adequately in the home; and the parents' attitude toward placement of the child;
(d) A statement of the likely harms the child will suffer as a result of removal;
(e) A description of the steps that will be taken to minimize the harm to the child that may result if separation occurs including an assessment of the child's relationship and emotional bond with any siblings, and the agency's plan to provide ongoing contact between the child and the child's siblings if appropriate; and
(f) Behavior that will be expected before determination that supervision of the family or placement is no longer necessary))that contains the information required by section 4 of this act.
(((22)))(25) "Supervised independent living" includes, but is not limited to, apartment living, room and board arrangements, college or university dormitories, and shared roommate settings. Supervised independent living settings must be approved by the department or the court.
(((23)))(26) "Voluntary placement agreement" means, for the purposes of extended foster care services, a written voluntary agreement between a nonminor dependent who agrees to submit to the care and authority of the department for the purposes of participating in the extended foster care program.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter
13.34 RCW to read as follows:
A qualified residential treatment program as defined in this chapter must meet the following requirements:
(1) Use a trauma-informed treatment model that is designed to address the needs, including clinical needs as appropriate, of children with serious emotional or behavioral disorders or disturbances; and
(2) Be able to implement treatment for the child that is identified in an assessment that:
(a) Is completed by a trained professional or licensed clinician who is a "qualified individual" as that term is defined under the federal family first prevention services act;
(b) Assesses the strengths and needs of the child; and
(c) Determines whether the child's needs can be met with family members or through placement in a foster family home or, if not, which available placement setting would provide the most effective and appropriate level of care for the child in the least restrictive environment and be consistent with the child's permanency plan.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter
13.34 RCW to read as follows:
A social study as defined in this chapter must contain the following information:
(1) A statement of the specific harm or harms to the child that intervention is designed to alleviate;
(2) A description of the specific services and activities, for both the parents and child, that are needed in order to prevent serious harm to the child; the reasons why such services and activities are likely to be useful; the availability of any proposed services; and the agency's overall plan for ensuring that the services will be delivered. The description shall identify the services chosen and approved by the parent;
(3) If removal is recommended, a full description of the reasons why the child cannot be protected adequately in the home, including a description of any previous efforts to work with the parents and the child in the home; the in-home treatment programs that have been considered and rejected; the prevention services, including housing assistance, that have been offered or provided and have failed to prevent the need for out-of-home placement, unless the health, safety, and welfare of the child cannot be protected adequately in the home; and the parents' attitude toward placement of the child;
(4)(a) If the child is placed, for at least thirty days, in a qualified residential treatment program as defined in this chapter, a copy of the assessment described in section 3 of this act.
(b) As long as the child remains placed in a qualified residential treatment program and the department anticipates that the child will remain in this placement for at least sixty days, or if the child has already been in this placement for at least sixty days, the social study must also include the following information sufficient for the juvenile court to determine at each status hearing concerning the child:
(i) Whether ongoing assessment of the child's strengths and needs continues to support the determination that the child's needs cannot be met through placement in a foster family home;
(ii) Whether the child's placement provides the most effective and appropriate level of care in the least restrictive environment;
(iii) Whether the placement is consistent with the child's permanency plan;
(iv) What specific treatment or service needs will be met in the placement, and how long the child is expected to need the treatment or services; and
(v) What efforts the department has made to prepare the child to return home or be placed with a fit and willing relative as defined in RCW
13.34.030, a Title
13 RCW legal guardian, an adoptive parent, or in a foster family home;
(5) A statement of the likely harms the child will suffer as a result of removal;
(6) A description of the steps that will be taken to minimize the harm to the child that may result if separation occurs including an assessment of the child's relationship and emotional bond with any siblings, and the agency's plan to provide ongoing contact between the child and the child's siblings if appropriate; and
(7) Behavior that will be expected before determination that supervision of the family or placement is no longer necessary.
Sec. 5. RCW
26.44.020 and 2018 c 284 s 33 and 2018 c 171 s 3 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Abuse or neglect" means sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or injury of a child by any person under circumstances which cause harm to the child's health, welfare, or safety, excluding conduct permitted under RCW
9A.16.100; or the negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for or providing care to the child. An abused child is a child who has been subjected to child abuse or neglect as defined in this section.
(2) "Child" or "children" means any person under the age of eighteen years of age.
(3) "Child forensic interview" means a developmentally sensitive and legally sound method of gathering factual information regarding allegations of child abuse, child neglect, or exposure to violence. This interview is conducted by a competently trained, neutral professional utilizing techniques informed by research and best practice as part of a larger investigative process.
(4) "Child protective services" means those services provided by the department designed to protect children from child abuse and neglect and safeguard such children from future abuse and neglect, and conduct investigations of child abuse and neglect reports. Investigations may be conducted regardless of the location of the alleged abuse or neglect. Child protective services includes referral to services to ameliorate conditions that endanger the welfare of children, the coordination of necessary programs and services relevant to the prevention, intervention, and treatment of child abuse and neglect, and services to children to ensure that each child has a permanent home. In determining whether protective services should be provided, the department shall not decline to provide such services solely because of the child's unwillingness or developmental inability to describe the nature and severity of the abuse or neglect.
(5) "Child protective services section" means the child protective services section of the department.
(6) "Child who is a candidate for foster care" means a child who the department identifies as being at imminent risk of entering foster care but who can remain safely in the child's home or in a kinship placement as long as services or programs that are necessary to prevent entry of the child into foster care are provided, and includes but is not limited to a child whose adoption or guardianship arrangement is at risk of a disruption or dissolution that would result in a foster care placement. The term includes a child for whom there is reasonable cause to believe that any of the following circumstances exist:
(a) The child has been abandoned by the parent as defined in RCW 13.34.030 and the child's health, safety, and welfare is seriously endangered as a result; (b) The child has been abused or neglected as defined in chapter 26.44 RCW and the child's health, safety, and welfare is seriously endangered as a result; (c) There is no parent capable of meeting the child's needs such that the child is in circumstances that constitute a serious danger to the child's development;
(d) The child is otherwise at imminent risk of harm.
(7) "Children's advocacy center" means a child-focused facility in good standing with the state chapter for children's advocacy centers and that coordinates a multidisciplinary process for the investigation, prosecution, and treatment of sexual and other types of child abuse. Children's advocacy centers provide a location for forensic interviews and coordinate access to services such as, but not limited to, medical evaluations, advocacy, therapy, and case review by multidisciplinary teams within the context of county protocols as defined in RCW
26.44.180 and
(((7)))(8) "Clergy" means any regularly licensed or ordained minister, priest, or rabbi of any church or religious denomination, whether acting in an individual capacity or as an employee or agent of any public or private organization or institution.
(((8)))(9) "Court" means the superior court of the state of Washington, juvenile department.
(((9)))(10) "Department" means the department of children, youth, and families.
(((10)))(11) "Family assessment" means a comprehensive assessment of child safety, risk of subsequent child abuse or neglect, and family strengths and needs that is applied to a child abuse or neglect report. Family assessment does not include a determination as to whether child abuse or neglect occurred, but does determine the need for services to address the safety of the child and the risk of subsequent maltreatment.
(((11)))(12) "Family assessment response" means a way of responding to certain reports of child abuse or neglect made under this chapter using a differential response approach to child protective services. The family assessment response shall focus on the safety of the child, the integrity and preservation of the family, and shall assess the status of the child and the family in terms of risk of abuse and neglect including the parent's or guardian's or other caretaker's capacity and willingness to protect the child and, if necessary, plan and arrange the provision of services to reduce the risk and otherwise support the family. No one is named as a perpetrator, and no investigative finding is entered in the record as a result of a family assessment.
(((12)))(13) "Founded" means the determination following an investigation by the department that, based on available information, it is more likely than not that child abuse or neglect did occur.
(((13)))(14) "Inconclusive" means the determination following an investigation by the department of social and health services, prior to October 1, 2008, that based on available information a decision cannot be made that more likely than not, child abuse or neglect did or did not occur.
(((14)))(15) "Institution" means a private or public hospital or any other facility providing medical diagnosis, treatment, or care.
(((15)))(16) "Law enforcement agency" means the police department, the prosecuting attorney, the state patrol, the director of public safety, or the office of the sheriff.
(((16)))(17) "Malice" or "maliciously" means an intent, wish, or design to intimidate, annoy, or injure another person. Such malice may be inferred from an act done in willful disregard of the rights of another, or an act wrongfully done without just cause or excuse, or an act or omission of duty betraying a willful disregard of social duty.
(18) "Negligent treatment or maltreatment" means an act or a failure to act, or the cumulative effects of a pattern of conduct, behavior, or inaction, that evidences a serious disregard of consequences of such magnitude as to constitute a clear and present danger to a child's health, welfare, or safety, including but not limited to conduct prohibited under RCW
9A.42.100. When considering whether a clear and present danger exists, evidence of a parent's substance abuse as a contributing factor to negligent treatment or maltreatment shall be given great weight. The fact that siblings share a bedroom is not, in and of itself, negligent treatment or maltreatment. Poverty, homelessness, or exposure to domestic violence as defined in RCW
26.50.010 that is perpetrated against someone other than the child does not constitute negligent treatment or maltreatment in and of itself.
(19) "Pharmacist" means any registered pharmacist under chapter
18.64 RCW, whether acting in an individual capacity or as an employee or agent of any public or private organization or institution.
(((19)))(20) "Practitioner of the healing arts" or "practitioner" means a person licensed by this state to practice podiatric medicine and surgery, optometry, chiropractic, nursing, dentistry, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or medicine and surgery or to provide other health services. The term "practitioner" includes a duly accredited Christian Science practitioner. A person who is being furnished Christian Science treatment by a duly accredited Christian Science practitioner will not be considered, for that reason alone, a neglected person for the purposes of this chapter.
(21) "Prevention and family services and programs" means specific mental health prevention and treatment services, substance abuse prevention and treatment services, and in-home parent skill-based programs that qualify for federal funding under the federal family first prevention services act, P.L. 115-123. For purposes of this chapter, prevention and family services and programs are not remedial services or family reunification services as described in RCW 13.34.025(2).(22) "Professional school personnel" include, but are not limited to, teachers, counselors, administrators, child care facility personnel, and school nurses.
(23) "Psychologist" means any person licensed to practice psychology under chapter
18.83 RCW, whether acting in an individual capacity or as an employee or agent of any public or private organization or institution.
(((22)))(24) "Screened-out report" means a report of alleged child abuse or neglect that the department has determined does not rise to the level of a credible report of abuse or neglect and is not referred for investigation.
(((23)))(25) "Sexual exploitation" includes: (a) Allowing, permitting, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution by any person; or (b) allowing, permitting, encouraging, or engaging in the obscene or pornographic photographing, filming, or depicting of a child by any person.
(26) "Sexually aggressive youth" means a child who is defined in RCW
74.13.075(1)(b) as being a sexually aggressive youth.
(((25)))(27) "Social service counselor" means anyone engaged in a professional capacity during the regular course of employment in encouraging or promoting the health, welfare, support, or education of children, or providing social services to adults or families, including mental health, drug and alcohol treatment, and domestic violence programs, whether in an individual capacity, or as an employee or agent of any public or private organization or institution.
(((26)))(28) "Unfounded" means the determination following an investigation by the department that available information indicates that, more likely than not, child abuse or neglect did not occur, or that there is insufficient evidence for the department to determine whether the alleged child abuse did or did not occur.
Sec. 6. RCW
26.44.030 and 2018 c 77 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) When any practitioner, county coroner or medical examiner, law enforcement officer, professional school personnel, registered or licensed nurse, social service counselor, psychologist, pharmacist, employee of the department of children, youth, and families, licensed or certified child care providers or their employees, employee of the department of social and health services, juvenile probation officer, placement and liaison specialist, responsible living skills program staff, HOPE center staff, state family and children's ombuds or any volunteer in the ombuds's office, or host home program has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect, he or she shall report such incident, or cause a report to be made, to the proper law enforcement agency or to the department as provided in RCW
(b) When any person, in his or her official supervisory capacity with a nonprofit or for-profit organization, has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect caused by a person over whom he or she regularly exercises supervisory authority, he or she shall report such incident, or cause a report to be made, to the proper law enforcement agency, provided that the person alleged to have caused the abuse or neglect is employed by, contracted by, or volunteers with the organization and coaches, trains, educates, or counsels a child or children or regularly has unsupervised access to a child or children as part of the employment, contract, or voluntary service. No one shall be required to report under this section when he or she obtains the information solely as a result of a privileged communication as provided in RCW
Nothing in this subsection (1)(b) shall limit a person's duty to report under (a) of this subsection.
For the purposes of this subsection, the following definitions apply:
(i) "Official supervisory capacity" means a position, status, or role created, recognized, or designated by any nonprofit or for-profit organization, either for financial gain or without financial gain, whose scope includes, but is not limited to, overseeing, directing, or managing another person who is employed by, contracted by, or volunteers with the nonprofit or for-profit organization.
(ii) "Organization" includes a sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, association, financial institution, governmental entity, other than the federal government, and any other individual or group engaged in a trade, occupation, enterprise, governmental function, charitable function, or similar activity in this state whether or not the entity is operated as a nonprofit or for-profit entity.
(iii) "Reasonable cause" means a person witnesses or receives a credible written or oral report alleging abuse, including sexual contact, or neglect of a child.
(iv) "Regularly exercises supervisory authority" means to act in his or her official supervisory capacity on an ongoing or continuing basis with regards to a particular person.
(v) "Sexual contact" has the same meaning as in RCW
(c) The reporting requirement also applies to department of corrections personnel who, in the course of their employment, observe offenders or the children with whom the offenders are in contact. If, as a result of observations or information received in the course of his or her employment, any department of corrections personnel has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect, he or she shall report the incident, or cause a report to be made, to the proper law enforcement agency or to the department as provided in RCW
(d) The reporting requirement shall also apply to any adult who has reasonable cause to believe that a child who resides with them, has suffered severe abuse, and is able or capable of making a report. For the purposes of this subsection, "severe abuse" means any of the following: Any single act of abuse that causes physical trauma of sufficient severity that, if left untreated, could cause death; any single act of sexual abuse that causes significant bleeding, deep bruising, or significant external or internal swelling; or more than one act of physical abuse, each of which causes bleeding, deep bruising, significant external or internal swelling, bone fracture, or unconsciousness.
(e) The reporting requirement also applies to guardians ad litem, including court-appointed special advocates, appointed under Titles
11 and
13 RCW and this title, who in the course of their representation of children in these actions have reasonable cause to believe a child has been abused or neglected.
(f) The reporting requirement in (a) of this subsection also applies to administrative and academic or athletic department employees, including student employees, of institutions of higher education, as defined in RCW
28B.10.016, and of private institutions of higher education.
(g) The report must be made at the first opportunity, but in no case longer than forty-eight hours after there is reasonable cause to believe that the child has suffered abuse or neglect. The report must include the identity of the accused if known.
(2) The reporting requirement of subsection (1) of this section does not apply to the discovery of abuse or neglect that occurred during childhood if it is discovered after the child has become an adult. However, if there is reasonable cause to believe other children are or may be at risk of abuse or neglect by the accused, the reporting requirement of subsection (1) of this section does apply.
(3) Any other person who has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect may report such incident to the proper law enforcement agency or to the department as provided in RCW
(4) The department, upon receiving a report of an incident of alleged abuse or neglect pursuant to this chapter, involving a child who has died or has had physical injury or injuries inflicted upon him or her other than by accidental means or who has been subjected to alleged sexual abuse, shall report such incident to the proper law enforcement agency, including military law enforcement, if appropriate. In emergency cases, where the child's welfare is endangered, the department shall notify the proper law enforcement agency within twenty-four hours after a report is received by the department. In all other cases, the department shall notify the law enforcement agency within seventy-two hours after a report is received by the department. If the department makes an oral report, a written report must also be made to the proper law enforcement agency within five days thereafter.
(5) Any law enforcement agency receiving a report of an incident of alleged abuse or neglect pursuant to this chapter, involving a child who has died or has had physical injury or injuries inflicted upon him or her other than by accidental means, or who has been subjected to alleged sexual abuse, shall report such incident in writing as provided in RCW
26.44.040 to the proper county prosecutor or city attorney for appropriate action whenever the law enforcement agency's investigation reveals that a crime may have been committed. The law enforcement agency shall also notify the department of all reports received and the law enforcement agency's disposition of them. In emergency cases, where the child's welfare is endangered, the law enforcement agency shall notify the department within twenty-four hours. In all other cases, the law enforcement agency shall notify the department within seventy-two hours after a report is received by the law enforcement agency.
(6) Any county prosecutor or city attorney receiving a report under subsection (5) of this section shall notify the victim, any persons the victim requests, and the local office of the department, of the decision to charge or decline to charge a crime, within five days of making the decision.
(7) The department may conduct ongoing case planning and consultation with those persons or agencies required to report under this section, with consultants designated by the department, and with designated representatives of Washington Indian tribes if the client information exchanged is pertinent to cases currently receiving child protective services. Upon request, the department shall conduct such planning and consultation with those persons required to report under this section if the department determines it is in the best interests of the child. Information considered privileged by statute and not directly related to reports required by this section must not be divulged without a valid written waiver of the privilege.
(8) Any case referred to the department by a physician licensed under chapter
18.57 or
18.71 RCW on the basis of an expert medical opinion that child abuse, neglect, or sexual assault has occurred and that the child's safety will be seriously endangered if returned home, the department shall file a dependency petition unless a second licensed physician of the parents' choice believes that such expert medical opinion is incorrect. If the parents fail to designate a second physician, the department may make the selection. If a physician finds that a child has suffered abuse or neglect but that such abuse or neglect does not constitute imminent danger to the child's health or safety, and the department agrees with the physician's assessment, the child may be left in the parents' home while the department proceeds with reasonable efforts to remedy parenting deficiencies.
(9) Persons or agencies exchanging information under subsection (7) of this section shall not further disseminate or release the information except as authorized by state or federal statute. Violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor.
Upon receiving a report that a child is a candidate for foster care as defined in RCW 26.44.020, the department may provide prevention and family services and programs to the child's parents, guardian, or caregiver. The department may not be held civilly liable for the decision regarding whether to provide prevention and family services and programs, or for the provision of those services and programs, for a child determined to be a candidate for foster care.(11) Upon receiving a report of alleged abuse or neglect, the department shall make reasonable efforts to learn the name, address, and telephone number of each person making a report of abuse or neglect under this section. The department shall provide assurances of appropriate confidentiality of the identification of persons reporting under this section. If the department is unable to learn the information required under this subsection, the department shall only investigate cases in which:
(a) The department believes there is a serious threat of substantial harm to the child;
(b) The report indicates conduct involving a criminal offense that has, or is about to occur, in which the child is the victim; or
(c) The department has a prior founded report of abuse or neglect with regard to a member of the household that is within three years of receipt of the referral.
(((11)))(12)(a) Upon receiving a report of alleged abuse or neglect, the department shall use one of the following discrete responses to reports of child abuse or neglect that are screened in and accepted for departmental response:
(i) Investigation; or
(ii) Family assessment.
(b) In making the response in (a) of this subsection the department shall:
(i) Use a method by which to assign cases to investigation or family assessment which are based on an array of factors that may include the presence of: Imminent danger, level of risk, number of previous child abuse or neglect reports, or other presenting case characteristics, such as the type of alleged maltreatment and the age of the alleged victim. Age of the alleged victim shall not be used as the sole criterion for determining case assignment;
(ii) Allow for a change in response assignment based on new information that alters risk or safety level;
(iii) Allow families assigned to family assessment to choose to receive an investigation rather than a family assessment;
(iv) Provide a full investigation if a family refuses the initial family assessment;
(v) Provide voluntary services to families based on the results of the initial family assessment. If a family refuses voluntary services, and the department cannot identify specific facts related to risk or safety that warrant assignment to investigation under this chapter, and there is not a history of reports of child abuse or neglect related to the family, then the department must close the family assessment response case. However, if at any time the department identifies risk or safety factors that warrant an investigation under this chapter, then the family assessment response case must be reassigned to investigation;
(vi) Conduct an investigation, and not a family assessment, in response to an allegation that, the department determines based on the intake assessment:
(A) ((
Poses a risk of "imminent harm" consistent with the definition provided in RCW 13.34.050, which includes,))
Indicates a child's health, safety, and welfare will be seriously endangered if not taken into custody for reasons including, but ((
is)) not limited to, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation
of the child as defined in this chapter;
(B) Poses a serious threat of substantial harm to a child;
(C) Constitutes conduct involving a criminal offense that has, or is about to occur, in which the child is the victim;
(D) The child is an abandoned child as defined in RCW
(E) The child is an adjudicated dependent child as defined in RCW
13.34.030, or the child is in a facility that is licensed, operated, or certified for care of children by the department under chapter
74.15 RCW.
In addition, the department may use a family assessment response to assess for and provide prevention and family services and programs, as defined in RCW 26.44.020, for the following children and their families, consistent with requirements under the federal family first prevention services act and this section:(i) A child who is a candidate for foster care, as defined in RCW 26.44.020; and (ii) A child who is in foster care and who is pregnant, parenting, or both.
(d) The department may not be held civilly liable for the decision to respond to an allegation of child abuse or neglect by using the family assessment response under this section unless the state or its officers, agents, or employees acted with reckless disregard.
(13)(a) For reports of alleged abuse or neglect that are accepted for investigation by the department, the investigation shall be conducted within time frames established by the department in rule. In no case shall the investigation extend longer than ninety days from the date the report is received, unless the investigation is being conducted under a written protocol pursuant to RCW
26.44.180 and a law enforcement agency or prosecuting attorney has determined that a longer investigation period is necessary. At the completion of the investigation, the department shall make a finding that the report of child abuse or neglect is founded or unfounded.
(b) If a court in a civil or criminal proceeding, considering the same facts or circumstances as are contained in the report being investigated by the department, makes a judicial finding by a preponderance of the evidence or higher that the subject of the pending investigation has abused or neglected the child, the department shall adopt the finding in its investigation.
(((13)))(14) For reports of alleged abuse or neglect that are responded to through family assessment response, the department shall:
(a) Provide the family with a written explanation of the procedure for assessment of the child and the family and its purposes;
(b) Collaborate with the family to identify family strengths, resources, and service needs, and develop a service plan with the goal of reducing risk of harm to the child and improving or restoring family well-being;
(c) Complete the family assessment response within forty-five days of receiving the report((; however,))except as follows:
(I) Upon parental agreement, the family assessment response period may be extended up to one hundred twenty days. The department's extension of the family assessment response period must be operated within the department's appropriations;
(II) For cases in which the department elects to use a family assessment response as authorized under subsection (12)(c) of this section, and upon agreement of the child's parent, legal guardian, legal custodian, or relative placement, the family assessment response period may be extended up to one year. The department's extension of the family assessment response must be operated within the department's appropriations.
(d) Offer services to the family in a manner that makes it clear that acceptance of the services is voluntary;
(e) Implement the family assessment response in a consistent and cooperative manner;
(f) Have the parent or guardian agree to participate in services before services are initiated. The department shall inform the parents of their rights under family assessment response, all of their options, and the options the department has if the parents do not agree to participate in services.
(((14)))(15)(a) In conducting an investigation or family assessment of alleged abuse or neglect, the department or law enforcement agency:
(i) May interview children. If the department determines that the response to the allegation will be family assessment response, the preferred practice is to request a parent's, guardian's, or custodian's permission to interview the child before conducting the child interview unless doing so would compromise the safety of the child or the integrity of the assessment. The interviews may be conducted on school premises, at day-care facilities, at the child's home, or at other suitable locations outside of the presence of parents. If the allegation is investigated, parental notification of the interview must occur at the earliest possible point in the investigation that will not jeopardize the safety or protection of the child or the course of the investigation. Prior to commencing the interview the department or law enforcement agency shall determine whether the child wishes a third party to be present for the interview and, if so, shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate the child's wishes. Unless the child objects, the department or law enforcement agency shall make reasonable efforts to include a third party in any interview so long as the presence of the third party will not jeopardize the course of the investigation; and
(ii) Shall have access to all relevant records of the child in the possession of mandated reporters and their employees.
(b) The Washington state school directors' association shall adopt a model policy addressing protocols when an interview, as authorized by this subsection, is conducted on school premises. In formulating its policy, the association shall consult with the department and the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs.
(((15)))(16) If a report of alleged abuse or neglect is founded and constitutes the third founded report received by the department within the last twelve months involving the same child or family, the department shall promptly notify the office of the family and children's ombuds of the contents of the report. The department shall also notify the ombuds of the disposition of the report.
(((16)))(17) In investigating and responding to allegations of child abuse and neglect, the department may conduct background checks as authorized by state and federal law.
(((17)))(18)(a) The department shall maintain investigation records and conduct timely and periodic reviews of all founded cases of abuse and neglect. The department shall maintain a log of screened-out nonabusive cases.
(b) In the family assessment response, the department shall not make a finding as to whether child abuse or neglect occurred. No one shall be named as a perpetrator and no investigative finding shall be entered in the department's child abuse or neglect database.
(((18)))(19) The department shall use a risk assessment process when investigating alleged child abuse and neglect referrals. The department shall present the risk factors at all hearings in which the placement of a dependent child is an issue. Substance abuse must be a risk factor.
(((19)))(20) Upon receipt of a report of alleged abuse or neglect the law enforcement agency may arrange to interview the person making the report and any collateral sources to determine if any malice is involved in the reporting.
(21) Upon receiving a report of alleged abuse or neglect involving a child under the court's jurisdiction under chapter
13.34 RCW, the department shall promptly notify the child's guardian ad litem of the report's contents. The department shall also notify the guardian ad litem of the disposition of the report. For purposes of this subsection, "guardian ad litem" has the meaning provided in RCW
(((21)))(22) The department shall make efforts as soon as practicable to determine the military status of parents whose children are subject to abuse or neglect allegations. If the department determines that a parent or guardian is in the military, the department shall notify a department of defense family advocacy program that there is an allegation of abuse and neglect that is screened in and open for investigation that relates to that military parent or guardian.
(((22)))(23) The department shall make available on its public web site a downloadable and printable poster that includes the reporting requirements included in this section. The poster must be no smaller than eight and one-half by eleven inches with all information on one side. The poster must be made available in both the English and Spanish languages. Organizations that include employees or volunteers subject to the reporting requirements of this section must clearly display this poster in a common area. At a minimum, this poster must include the following:
(a) Who is required to report child abuse and neglect;
(b) The standard of knowledge to justify a report;
(c) The definition of reportable crimes;
(d) Where to report suspected child abuse and neglect; and
(e) What should be included in a report and the appropriate timing.
Sec. 7. RCW
74.13.020 and 2018 c 284 s 36, 2018 c 58 s 51, and 2018 c 34 s 3 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Case management" means convening family meetings, developing, revising, and monitoring implementation of any case plan or individual service and safety plan, coordinating and monitoring services needed by the child and family, caseworker-child visits, family visits, and the assumption of court-related duties, excluding legal representation, including preparing court reports, attending judicial hearings and permanency hearings, and ensuring that the child is progressing toward permanency within state and federal mandates, including the Indian child welfare act.
(2) "Child" means:
(a) A person less than eighteen years of age; or
(b) A person age eighteen to twenty-one years who is eligible to receive the extended foster care services authorized under RCW
(3) "Child protective services" has the same meaning as in RCW
(4) "Child welfare services" means social services including voluntary and in-home services, out-of-home care, case management, and adoption services which strengthen, supplement, or substitute for, parental care and supervision for the purpose of:
(a) Preventing or remedying, or assisting in the solution of problems which may result in families in conflict, or the neglect, abuse, exploitation, or criminal behavior of children;
(b) Protecting and caring for dependent, abused, or neglected children;
(c) Assisting children who are in conflict with their parents, and assisting parents who are in conflict with their children, with services designed to resolve such conflicts;
(d) Protecting and promoting the welfare of children, including the strengthening of their own homes where possible, or, where needed;
(e) Providing adequate care of children away from their homes in foster family homes or day care or other child care agencies or facilities.
"Child welfare services" does not include child protection services.
(5) "Child who is a candidate for foster care" means a child who the department identifies as being at imminent risk of entering foster care but who can remain safely in the child's home or in a kinship placement as long as services or programs that are necessary to prevent entry of the child into foster care are provided, and includes but is not limited to a child whose adoption or guardianship arrangement is at risk of a disruption or dissolution that would result in a foster care placement. The term includes a child for whom there is reasonable cause to believe that any of the following circumstances exist:
(a) The child has been abandoned by the parent as defined in RCW 13.34.030 and the child's health, safety, and welfare is seriously endangered as a result; (b) The child has been abused or neglected as defined in chapter 26.44 RCW and the child's health, safety, and welfare is seriously endangered as a result; (c) There is no parent capable of meeting the child's needs such that the child is in circumstances that constitute a serious danger to the child's development;
(d) The child is otherwise at imminent risk of harm.
(6) "Department" means the department of children, youth, and families.
(((6)))(7) "Extended foster care services" means residential and other support services the department is authorized to provide to dependent children. These services include, but are not limited to, placement in licensed, relative, or otherwise approved care, or supervised independent living settings; assistance in meeting basic needs; independent living services; medical assistance; and counseling or treatment.
(((7)))(8) "Family assessment" means a comprehensive assessment of child safety, risk of subsequent child abuse or neglect, and family strengths and needs that is applied to a child abuse or neglect report. Family assessment does not include a determination as to whether child abuse or neglect occurred, but does determine the need for services to address the safety of the child and the risk of subsequent maltreatment.
(9) "Medical condition" means, for the purposes of qualifying for extended foster care services, a physical or mental health condition as documented by any licensed health care provider regulated by a disciplining authority under RCW
(10) "Nonminor dependent" means any individual age eighteen to twenty-one years who is participating in extended foster care services authorized under RCW
(11) "Out-of-home care services" means services provided after the shelter care hearing to or for children in out-of-home care, as that term is defined in RCW
13.34.030, and their families, including the recruitment, training, and management of foster parents, the recruitment of adoptive families, and the facilitation of the adoption process, family reunification, independent living, emergency shelter, residential group care, and foster care, including relative placement.
(((11)))(12) "Performance-based contracting" means the structuring of all aspects of the procurement of services around the purpose of the work to be performed and the desired results with the contract requirements set forth in clear, specific, and objective terms with measurable outcomes. Contracts shall also include provisions that link the performance of the contractor to the level and timing of reimbursement.
(((12)))(13) "Permanency services" means long-term services provided to secure a child's safety, permanency, and well-being, including foster care services, family reunification services, adoption services, and preparation for independent living services.
(14) "Prevention and family services and programs" means specific mental health prevention and treatment services, substance abuse prevention and treatment services, and in-home parent skill-based programs that qualify for federal funding under the federal family first prevention services act, P.L. 115-123. For purposes of this chapter, prevention and family services and programs are not remedial services or family reunification services as described in RCW 13.34.025(2).(15) "Primary prevention services" means services which are designed and delivered for the primary purpose of enhancing child and family well-being and are shown, by analysis of outcomes, to reduce the risk to the likelihood of the initial need for child welfare services.
(((14)))(16) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department.
(((15)))(17) "Supervised independent living" includes, but is not limited to, apartment living, room and board arrangements, college or university dormitories, and shared roommate settings. Supervised independent living settings must be approved by the department or the court.
(18) "Unsupervised" has the same meaning as in RCW
(((17)))(19) "Voluntary placement agreement" means, for the purposes of extended foster care services, a written voluntary agreement between a nonminor dependent who agrees to submit to the care and authority of the department for the purposes of participating in the extended foster care program.
Sec. 8. RCW
74.13.031 and 2018 c 284 s 37, 2018 c 80 s 1, and 2018 c 34 s 5 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) The department shall develop, administer, supervise, and monitor a coordinated and comprehensive plan that establishes, aids, and strengthens services for the protection and care of runaway, dependent, or neglected children.
(2) Within available resources, the department shall recruit an adequate number of prospective adoptive and foster homes, both regular and specialized, i.e. homes for children of ethnic minority, including Indian homes for Indian children, sibling groups, handicapped and emotionally disturbed, teens, pregnant and parenting teens, and the department shall annually report to the governor and the legislature concerning the department's success in: (a) Meeting the need for adoptive and foster home placements; (b) reducing the foster parent turnover rate; (c) completing home studies for legally free children; and (d) implementing and operating the passport program required by RCW
74.13.285. The report shall include a section entitled "Foster Home Turn-Over, Causes and Recommendations."
(3) The department shall investigate complaints of any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, or sexual abuse or exploitation, or that presents an imminent risk of serious harm, and on the basis of the findings of such investigation, offer child welfare services in relation to the problem to such parents, legal custodians, or persons serving in loco parentis, and/or bring the situation to the attention of an appropriate court, or another community agency. An investigation is not required of nonaccidental injuries which are clearly not the result of a lack of care or supervision by the child's parents, legal custodians, or persons serving in loco parentis. If the investigation reveals that a crime against a child may have been committed, the department shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency.
(4) As provided in RCW
26.44.030(11), the department may respond to a report of child abuse or neglect by using the family assessment response.
(5) The department shall offer, on a voluntary basis, family reconciliation services to families who are in conflict.
(6) The department shall monitor placements of children in out-of-home care and in-home dependencies to assure the safety, well-being, and quality of care being provided is within the scope of the intent of the legislature as defined in RCW
74.13.010 and
74.15.010. Under this section children in out-of-home care and in-home dependencies and their caregivers shall receive a private and individual face-to-face visit each month. The department shall randomly select no less than ten percent of the caregivers currently providing care to receive one unannounced face-to-face visit in the caregiver's home per year. No caregiver will receive an unannounced visit through the random selection process for two consecutive years. If the caseworker makes a good faith effort to conduct the unannounced visit to a caregiver and is unable to do so, that month's visit to that caregiver need not be unannounced. The department is encouraged to group monthly visits to caregivers by geographic area so that in the event an unannounced visit cannot be completed, the caseworker may complete other required monthly visits. The department shall use a method of random selection that does not cause a fiscal impact to the department.
The department shall conduct the monthly visits with children and caregivers to whom it is providing child welfare services.
(7) The department shall have authority to accept custody of children from parents and to accept custody of children from juvenile courts, where authorized to do so under law, to provide child welfare services including placement for adoption, to provide for the routine and necessary medical, dental, and mental health care, or necessary emergency care of the children, and to provide for the physical care of such children and make payment of maintenance costs if needed. Except where required by Public Law 95-608 (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1915), no private adoption agency which receives children for adoption from the department shall discriminate on the basis of race, creed, or color when considering applications in their placement for adoption.
(8) The department shall have authority to provide temporary shelter to children who have run away from home and who are admitted to crisis residential centers.
(9) The department shall have authority to purchase care for children.
(10) The department shall establish a children's services advisory committee which shall assist the secretary in the development of a partnership plan for utilizing resources of the public and private sectors, and advise on all matters pertaining to child welfare, licensing of child care agencies, adoption, and services related thereto. At least one member shall represent the adoption community.
(11)(a) The department shall provide continued extended foster care services to nonminor dependents who are:
(i) Enrolled in a secondary education program or a secondary education equivalency program;
(ii) Enrolled and participating in a postsecondary academic or postsecondary vocational education program;
(iii) Participating in a program or activity designed to promote employment or remove barriers to employment;
(iv) Engaged in employment for eighty hours or more per month; or
(v) Not able to engage in any of the activities described in (a)(i) through (iv) of this subsection due to a documented medical condition.
(b) To be eligible for extended foster care services, the nonminor dependent must have been dependent at the time that he or she reached age eighteen years. If the dependency case of the nonminor dependent was dismissed pursuant to RCW
13.34.267, he or she may receive extended foster care services pursuant to a voluntary placement agreement under RCW
74.13.336 or pursuant to an order of dependency issued by the court under RCW
13.34.268. A nonminor dependent whose dependency case was dismissed by the court may request extended foster care services before reaching age twenty-one years. Eligible nonminor dependents may unenroll and reenroll in extended foster care through a voluntary placement agreement an unlimited number of times between ages eighteen and twenty-one.
(c) The department shall develop and implement rules regarding youth eligibility requirements.
(d) The department shall make efforts to ensure that extended foster care services maximize medicaid reimbursements. This must include the department ensuring that health and mental health extended foster care providers participate in medicaid, unless the condition of the extended foster care youth requires specialty care that is not available among participating medicaid providers or there are no participating medicaid providers in the area. The department shall coordinate other services to maximize federal resources and the most cost-efficient delivery of services to extended foster care youth.
(e) The department shall allow a youth who has received extended foster care services, but lost his or her eligibility, to reenter the extended foster care program an unlimited number of times through a voluntary placement agreement when he or she meets the eligibility criteria again.
(12) The department shall have authority to provide adoption support benefits, or relative guardianship subsidies on behalf of youth ages eighteen to twenty-one years who achieved permanency through adoption or a relative guardianship at age sixteen or older and who meet the criteria described in subsection (11) of this section.
(13) The department shall refer cases to the division of child support whenever state or federal funds are expended for the care and maintenance of a child, including a child with a developmental disability who is placed as a result of an action under chapter
13.34 RCW, unless the department finds that there is good cause not to pursue collection of child support against the parent or parents of the child. Cases involving individuals age eighteen through twenty shall not be referred to the division of child support unless required by federal law.
(14) The department shall have authority within funds appropriated for foster care services to purchase care for Indian children who are in the custody of a federally recognized Indian tribe or tribally licensed child-placing agency pursuant to parental consent, tribal court order, or state juvenile court order. The purchase of such care is exempt from the requirements of chapter
74.13B RCW and may be purchased from the federally recognized Indian tribe or tribally licensed child-placing agency, and shall be subject to the same eligibility standards and rates of support applicable to other children for whom the department purchases care.
Notwithstanding any other provision of RCW
13.32A.170 through
74.13.035, and
74.13.036, or of this section all services to be provided by the department under subsections (4), (7), and (8) of this section, subject to the limitations of these subsections, may be provided by any program offering such services funded pursuant to Titles II and III of the federal juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act of 1974.
(15) Within amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the department shall provide preventive services to families with children that prevent or shorten the duration of an out-of-home placement.
(16) The department shall have authority to provide independent living services to youths, including individuals who have attained eighteen years of age, and have not attained ((twenty-one))twenty-three years of age, who are or have been in ((foster))the department's care and custody, or who are or were nonminor dependents.
(17) The department shall consult at least quarterly with foster parents, including members of the foster parent association of Washington state, for the purpose of receiving information and comment regarding how the department is performing the duties and meeting the obligations specified in this section and RCW
74.13.250 regarding the recruitment of foster homes, reducing foster parent turnover rates, providing effective training for foster parents, and administering a coordinated and comprehensive plan that strengthens services for the protection of children. Consultation shall occur at the regional and statewide levels.
(18)(a) The department shall, within current funding levels, place on its public web site a document listing the duties and responsibilities the department has to a child subject to a dependency petition including, but not limited to, the following:
(i) Reasonable efforts, including the provision of services, toward reunification of the child with his or her family;
(ii) Sibling visits subject to the restrictions in RCW
(iii) Parent-child visits;
(iv) Statutory preference for placement with a relative or other suitable person, if appropriate; and
(v) Statutory preference for an out-of-home placement that allows the child to remain in the same school or school district, if practical and in the child's best interests.
(b) The document must be prepared in conjunction with a community-based organization and must be updated as needed.
(19)(a) The department shall have the authority to purchase legal representation for parents or kinship caregivers, or both, of children who are at risk of being dependent, or who are dependent, to establish or modify a parenting plan under RCW
13.34.155 or chapter
26.09 or
26.26 RCW or secure orders establishing other relevant civil legal relationships authorized by law, when it is necessary for the child's safety, permanence, or well-being. The department's purchase of legal representation for kinship caregivers must be within the department's appropriations. This subsection does not create an entitlement to legal representation purchased by the department and does not create judicial authority to order the department to purchase legal representation for a parent or kinship caregiver. Such determinations are solely within the department's discretion. The term "kinship caregiver" as used in this section means a caregiver who meets the definition of "kin" in RCW
74.13.600(1), unless the child is an Indian child as defined in RCW
13.38.040 and 25 U.S.C. Sec. 1903. For an Indian child as defined in RCW
13.38.040 and 25 U.S.C. Sec. 1903, the term "kinship caregiver" as used in this section means a caregiver who is an "extended family member" as defined in RCW
(b) The department is encouraged to work with the office of public defense parent representation program and the office of civil legal aid to develop a cost-effective system for providing effective civil legal representation for parents and kinship caregivers if it exercises its authority under this subsection.
Sec. 9. RCW
74.14C.020 and 1996 c 240 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Intensive family preservation services shall have all of the following characteristics:
(a) Services are provided by specially trained service providers who have received at least forty hours of training from recognized intensive in-home services experts. Service providers deliver the services in the family's home, and other environments of the family, such as their neighborhood or schools;
(b) Caseload size averages two families per service provider unless paraprofessional services are utilized, in which case a provider may, but is not required to, handle an average caseload of five families;
(c) The services to the family are provided by a single service provider who may be assisted by paraprofessional workers, with backup providers identified to provide assistance as necessary;
(d) Services are available to the family within twenty-four hours following receipt of a referral to the program; and
(e) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, duration of service is limited to a maximum of forty days, unless paraprofessional workers are used, in which case the duration of services is limited to a maximum of ninety days. The department may authorize an additional provision of service through an exception to policy when the department and provider agree that additional services are needed.
(2) Family preservation services shall have all of the following characteristics:
(a) Services are delivered primarily in the family home or community;
(b) Services are committed to reinforcing the strengths of the family and its members and empowering the family to solve problems and become self-sufficient;
(c) Services are committed to providing support to families through community organizations including but not limited to school, church, cultural, ethnic, neighborhood, and business;
(d) Services are available to the family within forty-eight hours of referral unless an exception is noted in the file;
(e) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, duration of service is limited to a maximum of six months, unless the department requires additional follow-up on an individual case basis; ((and))
(f) Caseload size no more than ten families per service provider, which can be adjusted when paraprofessional workers are used or required by the department; and
(g) Support and retain foster families so they can provide quality family based settings for children in foster care.
(3) Preservation services shall include the following characteristics:
(a) Services protect the child and strengthen the family;
(b) Service providers have the authority and discretion to spend funds, up to a maximum amount specified by the department, to help families obtain necessary food, shelter, or clothing, or to purchase other goods or services that will enhance the effectiveness of intervention;
(c) Services are available to the family twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week;
(d) Services enhance parenting skills, family and personal self-sufficiency, functioning of the family, and reduce stress on families; and
(e) Services help families locate and use additional assistance including, but not limited to, the development and maintenance of community support systems, counseling and treatment services, housing, child care, education, job training, emergency cash grants, state and federally funded public assistance, and other basic support services.
(4) The department may offer or provide family preservation services or preservation services to families as remedial services pursuant to proceedings brought under chapter 13.34 RCW. If the department elects to do so, these services are not considered remedial services as defined in chapter 13.34 RCW, and the department may extend the duration of such services for a period of up to fifteen months following the return home of a child under chapter 13.34 RCW. The purpose for extending the duration of these services is to, whenever possible, facilitate safe and timely reunification of the family and to ensure the strength and stability of the reunification. Sec. 10. RCW
74.15.020 and 2018 c 284 s 67 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter and RCW
74.13.031 unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Agency" means any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, or facility which receives children, expectant mothers, or persons with developmental disabilities for control, care, or maintenance outside their own homes, or which places, arranges the placement of, or assists in the placement of children, expectant mothers, or persons with developmental disabilities for foster care or placement of children for adoption, and shall include the following irrespective of whether there is compensation to the agency or to the children, expectant mothers, or persons with developmental disabilities for services rendered:
(a) "Child-placing agency" means an agency which places a child or children for temporary care, continued care, or for adoption;
(b) "Community facility" means a group care facility operated for the care of juveniles committed to the department under RCW
13.40.185. A county detention facility that houses juveniles committed to the department under RCW
13.40.185 pursuant to a contract with the department is not a community facility;
(c) "Crisis residential center" means an agency which is a temporary protective residential facility operated to perform the duties specified in chapter
13.32A RCW, in the manner provided in RCW
43.185C.295 through
(d) "Emergency respite center" is an agency that may be commonly known as a crisis nursery, that provides emergency and crisis care for up to seventy-two hours to children who have been admitted by their parents or guardians to prevent abuse or neglect. Emergency respite centers may operate for up to twenty-four hours a day, and for up to seven days a week. Emergency respite centers may provide care for children ages birth through seventeen, and for persons eighteen through twenty with developmental disabilities who are admitted with a sibling or siblings through age seventeen. Emergency respite centers may not substitute for crisis residential centers or HOPE centers, or any other services defined under this section, and may not substitute for services which are required under chapter
13.32A or
13.34 RCW;
(e) "Foster-family home" means an agency which regularly provides care on a twenty-four hour basis to one or more children, expectant mothers, or persons with developmental disabilities in the family abode of the person or persons under whose direct care and supervision the child, expectant mother, or person with a developmental disability is placed;
(f) "Group-care facility" means an agency, other than a foster-family home, which is maintained and operated for the care of a group of children on a twenty-four hour basis. "Group care facility" includes but is not limited to:
(i) Qualified residential treatment programs as defined in RCW 13.34.030; (ii) Facilities specializing in providing prenatal, post-partum, or parenting supports for youth; and
(iii) Facilities providing high-quality residential care and supportive services to children who are, or who are at risk of becoming, victims of sex trafficking;
(g) "HOPE center" means an agency licensed by the secretary to provide temporary residential placement and other services to street youth. A street youth may remain in a HOPE center for thirty days while services are arranged and permanent placement is coordinated. No street youth may stay longer than thirty days unless approved by the department and any additional days approved by the department must be based on the unavailability of a long-term placement option. A street youth whose parent wants him or her returned to home may remain in a HOPE center until his or her parent arranges return of the youth, not longer. All other street youth must have court approval under chapter
13.34 or
13.32A RCW to remain in a HOPE center up to thirty days;
(h) "Maternity service" means an agency which provides or arranges for care or services to expectant mothers, before or during confinement, or which provides care as needed to mothers and their infants after confinement;
(i) "Resource and assessment center" means an agency that provides short-term emergency and crisis care for a period up to seventy-two hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays to children who have been removed from their parent's or guardian's care by child protective services or law enforcement;
(j) "Responsible living skills program" means an agency licensed by the secretary that provides residential and transitional living services to persons ages sixteen to eighteen who are dependent under chapter
13.34 RCW and who have been unable to live in his or her legally authorized residence and, as a result, the minor lived outdoors or in another unsafe location not intended for occupancy by the minor. Dependent minors ages fourteen and fifteen may be eligible if no other placement alternative is available and the department approves the placement;
(k) "Service provider" means the entity that operates a community facility.
(2) "Agency" shall not include the following:
(a) Persons related to the child, expectant mother, or person with developmental disability in the following ways:
(i) Any blood relative, including those of half-blood, and including first cousins, second cousins, nephews or nieces, and persons of preceding generations as denoted by prefixes of grand, great, or great-great;
(ii) Stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, and stepsister;
(iii) A person who legally adopts a child or the child's parent as well as the natural and other legally adopted children of such persons, and other relatives of the adoptive parents in accordance with state law;
(iv) Spouses of any persons named in (a)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this subsection (2), even after the marriage is terminated;
(v) Relatives, as named in (a)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this subsection (2), of any half sibling of the child; or
(vi) Extended family members, as defined by the law or custom of the Indian child's tribe or, in the absence of such law or custom, a person who has reached the age of eighteen and who is the Indian child's grandparent, aunt or uncle, brother or sister, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, niece or nephew, first or second cousin, or stepparent who provides care in the family abode on a twenty-four-hour basis to an Indian child as defined in 25 U.S.C. Sec. 1903(4);
(b) Persons who are legal guardians of the child, expectant mother, or persons with developmental disabilities;
(c) Persons who care for a neighbor's or friend's child or children, with or without compensation, where the parent and person providing care on a twenty-four-hour basis have agreed to the placement in writing and the state is not providing any payment for the care;
(d) A person, partnership, corporation, or other entity that provides placement or similar services to exchange students or international student exchange visitors or persons who have the care of an exchange student in their home;
(e) A person, partnership, corporation, or other entity that provides placement or similar services to international children who have entered the country by obtaining visas that meet the criteria for medical care as established by the United States citizenship and immigration services, or persons who have the care of such an international child in their home;
(f) Schools, including boarding schools, which are engaged primarily in education, operate on a definite school year schedule, follow a stated academic curriculum, accept only school-age children and do not accept custody of children;
(g) Hospitals licensed pursuant to chapter
70.41 RCW when performing functions defined in chapter
70.41 RCW, nursing homes licensed under chapter
18.51 RCW and assisted living facilities licensed under chapter
18.20 RCW;
(h) Licensed physicians or lawyers;
(i) Facilities approved and certified under chapter
71A.22 RCW;
(j) Any agency having been in operation in this state ten years prior to June 8, 1967, and not seeking or accepting moneys or assistance from any state or federal agency, and is supported in part by an endowment or trust fund;
(k) Persons who have a child in their home for purposes of adoption, if the child was placed in such home by a licensed child-placing agency, an authorized public or tribal agency or court or if a replacement report has been filed under chapter
26.33 RCW and the placement has been approved by the court;
(l) An agency operated by any unit of local, state, or federal government or an agency licensed by an Indian tribe pursuant to RCW
(m) A maximum or medium security program for juvenile offenders operated by or under contract with the department;
(n) An agency located on a federal military reservation, except where the military authorities request that such agency be subject to the licensing requirements of this chapter;
(o) A host home program, and host home, operated by a tax exempt organization for youth not in the care of or receiving services from the department, if that program: (i) Recruits and screens potential homes in the program, including performing background checks on individuals over the age of eighteen residing in the home through the Washington state patrol or equivalent law enforcement agency and performing physical inspections of the home; (ii) screens and provides case management services to youth in the program; (iii) obtains a notarized permission slip or limited power of attorney from the parent or legal guardian of the youth authorizing the youth to participate in the program and the authorization is updated every six months when a youth remains in a host home longer than six months; (iv) obtains insurance for the program through an insurance provider authorized under Title
48 RCW; (v) provides mandatory reporter and confidentiality training; and (vi) registers with the secretary of state as provided in RCW
24.03.550. A host home is a private home that volunteers to host youth in need of temporary placement that is associated with a host home program. Any host home program that receives local, state, or government funding shall report the following information to the office of homeless youth prevention and protection programs annually by December 1st of each year: The number of children the program served, why the child was placed with a host home, and where the child went after leaving the host home, including but not limited to returning to the parents, running away, reaching the age of majority, or becoming a dependent of the state. A host home program shall not receive more than one hundred thousand dollars per year of public funding, including local, state, and federal funding. A host home shall not receive any local, state, or government funding.
(3) "Department" means the department of children, youth, and families.
(4) "Juvenile" means a person under the age of twenty-one who has been sentenced to a term of confinement under the supervision of the department under RCW
(5) "Performance-based contracts" or "contracting" means the structuring of all aspects of the procurement of services around the purpose of the work to be performed and the desired results with the contract requirements set forth in clear, specific, and objective terms with measurable outcomes. Contracts may also include provisions that link the performance of the contractor to the level and timing of the reimbursement.
(6) "Probationary license" means a license issued as a disciplinary measure to an agency that has previously been issued a full license but is out of compliance with licensing standards.
(7) "Requirement" means any rule, regulation, or standard of care to be maintained by an agency.
(8) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department.
(9) "Street youth" means a person under the age of eighteen who lives outdoors or in another unsafe location not intended for occupancy by the minor and who is not residing with his or her parent or at his or her legally authorized residence.
(10) "Transitional living services" means at a minimum, to the extent funds are available, the following:
(a) Educational services, including basic literacy and computational skills training, either in local alternative or public high schools or in a high school equivalency program that leads to obtaining a high school equivalency degree;
(b) Assistance and counseling related to obtaining vocational training or higher education, job readiness, job search assistance, and placement programs;
(c) Counseling and instruction in life skills such as money management, home management, consumer skills, parenting, health care, access to community resources, and transportation and housing options;
(d) Individual and group counseling; and
(e) Establishing networks with federal agencies and state and local organizations such as the United States department of labor, employment and training administration programs including the workforce innovation and opportunity act which administers private industry councils and the job corps; vocational rehabilitation; and volunteer programs.
Sec. 11. RCW
13.34.065 and 2018 c 284 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) When a child is taken into custody, the court shall hold a shelter care hearing within seventy-two hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The primary purpose of the shelter care hearing is to determine whether the child can be immediately and safely returned home while the adjudication of the dependency is pending.
(b) Any parent, guardian, or legal custodian who for good cause is unable to attend the shelter care hearing may request that a subsequent shelter care hearing be scheduled. The request shall be made to the clerk of the court where the petition is filed prior to the initial shelter care hearing. Upon the request of the parent, the court shall schedule the hearing within seventy-two hours of the request, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The clerk shall notify all other parties of the hearing by any reasonable means.
(2)(a) If it is likely that the child will remain in shelter care longer than seventy-two hours, the department shall submit a recommendation to the court as to the further need for shelter care in all cases in which the child will remain in shelter care longer than the seventy-two hour period. In all other cases, the recommendation shall be submitted by the juvenile court probation counselor.
(b) All parties have the right to present testimony to the court regarding the need or lack of need for shelter care.
(c) Hearsay evidence before the court regarding the need or lack of need for shelter care must be supported by sworn testimony, affidavit, or declaration of the person offering such evidence.
(3)(a) At the commencement of the hearing, the court shall notify the parent, guardian, or custodian of the following:
(i) The parent, guardian, or custodian has the right to a shelter care hearing;
(ii) The nature of the shelter care hearing, the rights of the parents, and the proceedings that will follow; and
(iii) If the parent, guardian, or custodian is not represented by counsel, the right to be represented. If the parent, guardian, or custodian is indigent, the court shall appoint counsel as provided in RCW
13.34.090; and
(b) If a parent, guardian, or legal custodian desires to waive the shelter care hearing, the court shall determine, on the record and with the parties present, whether such waiver is knowing and voluntary. A parent may not waive his or her right to the shelter care hearing unless he or she appears in court and the court determines that the waiver is knowing and voluntary. Regardless of whether the court accepts the parental waiver of the shelter care hearing, the court must provide notice to the parents of their rights required under (a) of this subsection and make the finding required under subsection (4) of this section.
(4) At the shelter care hearing the court shall examine the need for shelter care and inquire into the status of the case. The paramount consideration for the court shall be the health, welfare, and safety of the child. At a minimum, the court shall inquire into the following:
(a) Whether the notice required under RCW
13.34.062 was given to all known parents, guardians, or legal custodians of the child. The court shall make an express finding as to whether the notice required under RCW
13.34.062 was given to the parent, guardian, or legal custodian. If actual notice was not given to the parent, guardian, or legal custodian and the whereabouts of such person is known or can be ascertained, the court shall order the department to make reasonable efforts to advise the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the status of the case, including the date and time of any subsequent hearings, and their rights under RCW
(b) Whether the child can be safely returned home while the adjudication of the dependency is pending;
(c) What efforts have been made to place the child with a relative. The court shall ask the parents whether the department discussed with them the placement of the child with a relative or other suitable person described in RCW
13.34.130(1)(b) and shall determine what efforts have been made toward such a placement;
(d) What services were provided to the family to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child from the child's home. If the dependency petition or other information before the court alleges that homelessness or the lack of suitable housing was a significant factor contributing to the removal of the child, the court shall inquire as to whether housing assistance was provided to the family to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child or children;
(e) Is the placement proposed by the department the least disruptive and most family-like setting that meets the needs of the child;
(f) Whether it is in the best interest of the child to remain enrolled in the school, developmental program, or child care the child was in prior to placement and what efforts have been made to maintain the child in the school, program, or child care if it would be in the best interest of the child to remain in the same school, program, or child care;
(g) Appointment of a guardian ad litem or attorney;
(h) Whether the child is or may be an Indian child as defined in RCW
13.38.040, whether the provisions of the federal Indian child welfare act or chapter
13.38 RCW apply, and whether there is compliance with the federal Indian child welfare act and chapter
13.38 RCW, including notice to the child's tribe;
(i) Whether, as provided in RCW
26.44.063, restraining orders, or orders expelling an allegedly abusive household member from the home of a nonabusive parent, guardian, or legal custodian, will allow the child to safely remain in the home;
(j) Whether any orders for examinations, evaluations, or immediate services are needed. The court may not order a parent to undergo examinations, evaluation, or services at the shelter care hearing unless the parent agrees to the examination, evaluation, or service;
(k) The terms and conditions for parental, sibling, and family visitation.
(5)(a) The court shall release a child alleged to be dependent to the care, custody, and control of the child's parent, guardian, or legal custodian unless the court finds there is reasonable cause to believe that:
(i) After consideration of the specific services that have been provided, reasonable efforts have been made to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child from the child's home and to make it possible for the child to return home; and
(ii)(A) The child has no parent, guardian, or legal custodian to provide supervision and care for such child; or
(B) The release of such child would present a serious threat of substantial harm to such child, notwithstanding an order entered pursuant to RCW
26.44.063; or
(C) The parent, guardian, or custodian to whom the child could be released has been charged with violating RCW
9A.40.060 or
(b) If the court does not release the child to his or her parent, guardian, or legal custodian, the court shall order placement with a relative or other suitable person as described in RCW
13.34.130(1)(b), unless there is reasonable cause to believe the health, safety, or welfare of the child would be jeopardized or that the efforts to reunite the parent and child will be hindered. If such relative or other suitable person appears otherwise suitable and competent to provide care and treatment, the fingerprint-based background check need not be completed before placement, but as soon as possible after placement. The court must also determine whether placement with the relative or other suitable person is in the child's best interests. The relative or other suitable person must be willing and available to:
(i) Care for the child and be able to meet any special needs of the child;
(ii) Facilitate the child's visitation with siblings, if such visitation is part of the department's plan or is ordered by the court; and
(iii) Cooperate with the department in providing necessary background checks and home studies.
(c) If the child was not initially placed with a relative or other suitable person, and the court does not release the child to his or her parent, guardian, or legal custodian, the department shall make reasonable efforts to locate a relative or other suitable person pursuant to RCW
13.34.060(1). In determining placement, the court shall weigh the child's length of stay and attachment to the current provider in determining what is in the best interest of the child.
(d) If a relative or other suitable person is not available, the court shall order continued shelter care and shall set forth its reasons for the order. If the court orders placement of the child with a person not related to the child and not licensed to provide foster care, the placement is subject to all terms and conditions of this section that apply to relative placements.
(e) Any placement with a relative, or other suitable person approved by the court pursuant to this section, shall be contingent upon cooperation with the department's or agency's case plan and compliance with court orders related to the care and supervision of the child including, but not limited to, court orders regarding parent-child contacts, sibling contacts, and any other conditions imposed by the court. Noncompliance with the case plan or court order is grounds for removal of the child from the home of the relative or other suitable person, subject to review by the court.
(f) If the child is placed in a qualified residential treatment program as defined in this chapter, the court shall, within sixty days of placement, hold a hearing to:
(i) Consider the assessment required under section 3 of this act and submitted as part of the department's social study, and any related documentation;
(ii) Determine whether placement in foster care can meet the child's needs or if placement in another available placement setting best meets the child's needs in the least restrictive environment; and
(iii) Approve or disapprove the child's placement in the qualified residential treatment program.
(g) Uncertainty by a parent, guardian, legal custodian, relative, or other suitable person that the alleged abuser has in fact abused the child shall not, alone, be the basis upon which a child is removed from the care of a parent, guardian, or legal custodian under (a) of this subsection, nor shall it be a basis, alone, to preclude placement with a relative or other suitable person under (b) of this subsection.
(6)(a) A shelter care order issued pursuant to this section shall include the requirement for a case conference as provided in RCW
13.34.067. However, if the parent is not present at the shelter care hearing, or does not agree to the case conference, the court shall not include the requirement for the case conference in the shelter care order.
(b) If the court orders a case conference, the shelter care order shall include notice to all parties and establish the date, time, and location of the case conference which shall be no later than thirty days before the fact-finding hearing.
(c) The court may order another conference, case staffing, or hearing as an alternative to the case conference required under RCW
13.34.067 so long as the conference, case staffing, or hearing ordered by the court meets all requirements under RCW
13.34.067, including the requirement of a written agreement specifying the services to be provided to the parent.
(7)(a) A shelter care order issued pursuant to this section may be amended at any time with notice and hearing thereon. The shelter care decision of placement shall be modified only upon a showing of change in circumstances. No child may be placed in shelter care for longer than thirty days without an order, signed by the judge, authorizing continued shelter care.
(b)(i) An order releasing the child on any conditions specified in this section may at any time be amended, with notice and hearing thereon, so as to return the child to shelter care for failure of the parties to conform to the conditions originally imposed.
(ii) The court shall consider whether nonconformance with any conditions resulted from circumstances beyond the control of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian and give weight to that fact before ordering return of the child to shelter care.
(8)(a) If a child is returned home from shelter care a second time in the case, or if the supervisor of the caseworker deems it necessary, the multidisciplinary team may be reconvened.
(b) If a child is returned home from shelter care a second time in the case a law enforcement officer must be present and file a report to the department.
Sec. 12. RCW
13.34.130 and 2018 c 284 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
If, after a fact-finding hearing pursuant to RCW
13.34.110, it has been proven by a preponderance of the evidence that the child is dependent within the meaning of RCW
13.34.030 after consideration of the social study prepared pursuant to RCW
13.34.110 and after a disposition hearing has been held pursuant to RCW
13.34.110, the court shall enter an order of disposition pursuant to this section.
(1) The court shall order one of the following dispositions of the case:
(a) Order a disposition that maintains the child in his or her home, which shall provide a program designed to alleviate the immediate danger to the child, to mitigate or cure any damage the child has already suffered, and to aid the parents so that the child will not be endangered in the future. In determining the disposition, the court should choose services to assist the parents in maintaining the child in the home, including housing assistance, if appropriate, that least interfere with family autonomy and are adequate to protect the child.
(b)(i) Order the child to be removed from his or her home and into the custody, control, and care of a relative or other suitable person, the department, or agency responsible for supervision of the child's placement. If the court orders that the child be placed with a caregiver over the objections of the parent or the department, the court shall articulate, on the record, his or her reasons for ordering the placement. The court may not order an Indian child, as defined in RCW
13.38.040, to be removed from his or her home unless the court finds, by clear and convincing evidence including testimony of qualified expert witnesses, that the continued custody of the child by the parent or Indian custodian is likely to result in serious emotional or physical damage to the child.
(ii) The department has the authority to place the child, subject to review and approval by the court (A) with a relative as defined in RCW
74.15.020(2)(a), (B) in the home of another suitable person if the child or family has a preexisting relationship with that person, and the person has completed all required criminal history background checks and otherwise appears to the department to be suitable and competent to provide care for the child, or (C) in a foster family home or group care facility licensed pursuant to chapter
74.15 RCW.
(iii) The department may also consider placing the child, subject to review and approval by the court, with a person with whom the child's sibling or half-sibling is residing or a person who has adopted the sibling or half-sibling of the child being placed as long as the person has completed all required criminal history background checks and otherwise appears to the department to be competent to provide care for the child.
(2) Absent good cause, the department shall follow the wishes of the natural parent regarding the placement of the child in accordance with RCW
(3) The department may only place a child with a person not related to the child as defined in RCW
74.15.020(2)(a), including a placement provided for in subsection (1)(b)(iii) of this section, when the court finds that such placement is in the best interest of the child. Unless there is reasonable cause to believe that the health, safety, or welfare of the child would be jeopardized or that efforts to reunite the parent and child will be hindered, the child shall be placed with a person who is willing, appropriate, and available to care for the child, and who is: (I) Related to the child as defined in RCW
74.15.020(2)(a) with whom the child has a relationship and is comfortable; or (II) a suitable person as described in subsection (1)(b) of this section. The court shall consider the child's existing relationships and attachments when determining placement.
(4) If the child is placed in a qualified residential treatment program as defined in this chapter, the court shall, within sixty days of placement, hold a hearing to:
(i) Consider the assessment required under section 3 of this act and submitted as part of the department's social study, and any related documentation;
(ii) Determine whether placement in foster care can meet the child's needs or if placement in another available placement setting best meets the child's needs in the least restrictive environment; and
(iii) Approve or disapprove the child's placement in the qualified residential treatment program.
(5) When placing an Indian child in out-of-home care, the department shall follow the placement preference characteristics in RCW
(((5)))(6) Placement of the child with a relative or other suitable person as described in subsection (1)(b) of this section shall be given preference by the court. An order for out-of-home placement may be made only if the court finds that reasonable efforts have been made to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child from the child's home and to make it possible for the child to return home, specifying the services, including housing assistance, that have been provided to the child and the child's parent, guardian, or legal custodian, and that ((preventive))prevention services have been offered or provided and have failed to prevent the need for out-of-home placement, unless the health, safety, and welfare of the child cannot be protected adequately in the home, and that:
(a) There is no parent or guardian available to care for such child;
(b) The parent, guardian, or legal custodian is not willing to take custody of the child; or
(c) The court finds, by clear, cogent, and convincing evidence, a manifest danger exists that the child will suffer serious abuse or neglect if the child is not removed from the home and an order under RCW
26.44.063 would not protect the child from danger.
(((6)))(7) If the court has ordered a child removed from his or her home pursuant to subsection (1)(b) of this section, the court shall consider whether it is in a child's best interest to be placed with, have contact with, or have visits with siblings.
(a) There shall be a presumption that such placement, contact, or visits are in the best interests of the child provided that:
(i) The court has jurisdiction over all siblings subject to the order of placement, contact, or visitation pursuant to petitions filed under this chapter or the parents of a child for whom there is no jurisdiction are willing to agree; and
(ii) There is no reasonable cause to believe that the health, safety, or welfare of any child subject to the order of placement, contact, or visitation would be jeopardized or that efforts to reunite the parent and child would be hindered by such placement, contact, or visitation. In no event shall parental visitation time be reduced in order to provide sibling visitation.
(b) The court may also order placement, contact, or visitation of a child with a stepbrother or stepsister provided that in addition to the factors in (a) of this subsection, the child has a relationship and is comfortable with the stepsibling.
(((7)))(8) If the court has ordered a child removed from his or her home pursuant to subsection (1)(b) of this section and placed into nonparental or nonrelative care, the court shall order a placement that allows the child to remain in the same school he or she attended prior to the initiation of the dependency proceeding when such a placement is practical and in the child's best interest.
(9) If the court has ordered a child removed from his or her home pursuant to subsection (1)(b) of this section, the court may order that a petition seeking termination of the parent and child relationship be filed if the requirements of RCW
13.34.132 are met.
(10) If there is insufficient information at the time of the disposition hearing upon which to base a determination regarding the suitability of a proposed placement with a relative or other suitable person, the child shall remain in foster care and the court shall direct the department to conduct necessary background investigations as provided in chapter
74.15 RCW and report the results of such investigation to the court within thirty days. However, if such relative or other person appears otherwise suitable and competent to provide care and treatment, the criminal history background check need not be completed before placement, but as soon as possible after placement. Any placements with relatives or other suitable persons, pursuant to this section, shall be contingent upon cooperation by the relative or other suitable person with the agency case plan and compliance with court orders related to the care and supervision of the child including, but not limited to, court orders regarding parent-child contacts, sibling contacts, and any other conditions imposed by the court. Noncompliance with the case plan or court order shall be grounds for removal of the child from the relative's or other suitable person's home, subject to review by the court.
Sec. 13. RCW
13.34.138 and 2018 c 284 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The status of all children found to be dependent shall be reviewed by the court at least every six months from the beginning date of the placement episode or the date dependency is established, whichever is first. The purpose of the hearing shall be to review the progress of the parties and determine whether court supervision should continue.
(a) The initial review hearing shall be an in-court review and shall be set six months from the beginning date of the placement episode or no more than ninety days from the entry of the disposition order, whichever comes first. The requirements for the initial review hearing, including the in-court review requirement, shall be accomplished within existing resources.
(b) The initial review hearing may be a permanency planning hearing when necessary to meet the time frames set forth in RCW
13.34.145(1)(a) or
(2)(a) A child shall not be returned home at the review hearing unless the court finds that a reason for removal as set forth in RCW
13.34.130 no longer exists. The parents, guardian, or legal custodian shall report to the court the efforts they have made to correct the conditions which led to removal. If a child is returned, casework supervision by the department shall continue for a period of six months, at which time there shall be a hearing on the need for continued intervention.
(b) Prior to the child returning home, the department must complete the following:
(i) Identify all adults residing in the home and conduct background checks on those persons;
(ii) Identify any persons who may act as a caregiver for the child in addition to the parent with whom the child is being placed and determine whether such persons are in need of any services in order to ensure the safety of the child, regardless of whether such persons are a party to the dependency. The department may recommend to the court and the court may order that placement of the child in the parent's home be contingent on or delayed based on the need for such persons to engage in or complete services to ensure the safety of the child prior to placement. If services are recommended for the caregiver, and the caregiver fails to engage in or follow through with the recommended services, the department must promptly notify the court; and
(iii) Notify the parent with whom the child is being placed that he or she has an ongoing duty to notify the department of all persons who reside in the home or who may act as a caregiver for the child both prior to the placement of the child in the home and subsequent to the placement of the child in the home as long as the court retains jurisdiction of the dependency proceeding or the department is providing or monitoring either remedial services to the parent or services to ensure the safety of the child to any caregivers.
Caregivers may be required to engage in services under this subsection solely for the purpose of ensuring the present and future safety of a child who is a ward of the court. This subsection does not grant party status to any individual not already a party to the dependency proceeding, create an entitlement to services or a duty on the part of the department to provide services, or create judicial authority to order the provision of services to any person other than for the express purposes of this section or RCW
13.34.025 or if the services are unavailable or unsuitable or the person is not eligible for such services.
(c) If the child is not returned home, the court shall establish in writing:
(i) Whether the department is making reasonable efforts to provide services to the family and eliminate the need for placement of the child. If additional services, including housing assistance, are needed to facilitate the return of the child to the child's parents, the court shall order that reasonable services be offered specifying such services;
(ii) Whether there has been compliance with the case plan by the child, the child's parents, and the agency supervising the placement;
(iii) Whether progress has been made toward correcting the problems that necessitated the child's placement in out-of-home care;
(iv) Whether the services set forth in the case plan and the responsibilities of the parties need to be clarified or modified due to the availability of additional information or changed circumstances;
(v) Whether there is a continuing need for placement;
(vi) Within sixty days of the placement of a child in a qualified residential treatment program as defined in this chapter, and at each review hearing thereafter if the child remains in such a program, the following:
(A) Whether ongoing assessment of the child's strengths and needs continues to support the determination that the child's needs cannot be met through placement in a foster family home;
(B) Whether the child's placement provides the most effective and appropriate level of care in the least restrictive environment;
(C) Whether the placement is consistent with the child's permanency plan;
(D) What specific treatment or service needs will be met in the placement, and how long the child is expected to need the treatment or services; and
(E) What efforts the department has made to prepare the child to return home or be placed with a fit and willing relative as defined in RCW 13.34.030, a Title 13 RCW legal guardian, an adoptive parent, or in a foster family home. (vii) Whether a parent's homelessness or lack of suitable housing is a significant factor delaying permanency for the child by preventing the return of the child to the home of the child's parent and whether housing assistance should be provided by the department;
(((vii)))(viii) Whether the child is in an appropriate placement which adequately meets all physical, emotional, and educational needs;
(((viii)))(ix) Whether preference has been given to placement with the child's relatives if such placement is in the child's best interests;
(((ix)))(x) Whether both in-state and, where appropriate, out-of-state placements have been considered;
(((x)))(xi) Whether the parents have visited the child and any reasons why visitation has not occurred or has been infrequent;
(((xi)))(xii) Whether terms of visitation need to be modified;
(((xii)))(xiii) Whether the court-approved long-term permanent plan for the child remains the best plan for the child;
(((xiii)))(xiv) Whether any additional court orders need to be made to move the case toward permanency; and
(((xiv)))(xv) The projected date by which the child will be returned home or other permanent plan of care will be implemented.
(d) The court at the review hearing may order that a petition seeking termination of the parent and child relationship be filed.
(3)(a) In any case in which the court orders that a dependent child may be returned to or remain in the child's home, the in-home placement shall be contingent upon the following:
(i) The compliance of the parents with court orders related to the care and supervision of the child, including compliance with the department's case plan; and
(ii) The continued participation of the parents, if applicable, in available substance abuse or mental health treatment if substance abuse or mental illness was a contributing factor to the removal of the child.
(b) The following may be grounds for removal of the child from the home, subject to review by the court:
(i) Noncompliance by the parents with the department's case plan or court order;
(ii) The parent's inability, unwillingness, or failure to participate in available services or treatment for themselves or the child, including substance abuse treatment if a parent's substance abuse was a contributing factor to the abuse or neglect; or
(iii) The failure of the parents to successfully and substantially complete available services or treatment for themselves or the child, including substance abuse treatment if a parent's substance abuse was a contributing factor to the abuse or neglect.
(c) In a pending dependency case in which the court orders that a dependent child may be returned home and that child is later removed from the home, the court shall hold a review hearing within thirty days from the date of removal to determine whether the permanency plan should be changed, a termination petition should be filed, or other action is warranted. The best interests of the child shall be the court's primary consideration in the review hearing.
(4) The court's authority to order housing assistance under this chapter is: (a) Limited to cases in which a parent's homelessness or lack of suitable housing is a significant factor delaying permanency for the child and housing assistance would aid the parent in providing an appropriate home for the child; and (b) subject to the availability of funds appropriated for this specific purpose. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to create an entitlement to housing assistance nor to create judicial authority to order the provision of such assistance to any person or family if the assistance or funding are unavailable or the child or family are not eligible for such assistance.
(5) The court shall consider the child's relationship with siblings in accordance with RCW
NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. A new section is added to chapter
13.34 RCW to read as follows:
If a child is placed in a qualified residential treatment program as defined in this chapter, the court shall, within sixty days of placement, hold a hearing to:
(1) Consider the assessment required under section 3 of this act and submitted as part of the department's social study, and any related documentation;
(2) Determine whether placement in foster care can meet the child's needs or if placement in another available placement setting best meets the child's needs in the least restrictive environment; and
(3) Approve or disapprove the child's placement in the qualified residential treatment program.
Sec. 15. RCW
13.34.145 and 2018 c 284 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The purpose of a permanency planning hearing is to review the permanency plan for the child, inquire into the welfare of the child and progress of the case, and reach decisions regarding the permanent placement of the child.
(a) A permanency planning hearing shall be held in all cases where the child has remained in out-of-home care for at least nine months and an adoption decree, guardianship order, or permanent custody order has not previously been entered. The hearing shall take place no later than twelve months following commencement of the current placement episode.
(b) Whenever a child is removed from the home of a dependency guardian or long-term relative or foster care provider, and the child is not returned to the home of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian but is placed in out-of-home care, a permanency planning hearing shall take place no later than twelve months, as provided in this section, following the date of removal unless, prior to the hearing, the child returns to the home of the dependency guardian or long-term care provider, the child is placed in the home of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian, an adoption decree, guardianship order, or a permanent custody order is entered, or the dependency is dismissed. Every effort shall be made to provide stability in long-term placement, and to avoid disruption of placement, unless the child is being returned home or it is in the best interest of the child.
(c) Permanency planning goals should be achieved at the earliest possible date, preferably before the child has been in out-of-home care for fifteen months. In cases where parental rights have been terminated, the child is legally free for adoption, and adoption has been identified as the primary permanency planning goal, it shall be a goal to complete the adoption within six months following entry of the termination order.
(2) No later than ten working days prior to the permanency planning hearing, the agency having custody of the child shall submit a written permanency plan to the court and shall mail a copy of the plan to all parties and their legal counsel, if any.
(3) When the youth is at least age seventeen years but not older than seventeen years and six months, the department shall provide the youth with written documentation which explains the availability of extended foster care services and detailed instructions regarding how the youth may access such services after he or she reaches age eighteen years.
(4) At the permanency planning hearing, the court shall conduct the following inquiry:
(a) If a goal of long-term foster or relative care has been achieved prior to the permanency planning hearing, the court shall review the child's status to determine whether the placement and the plan for the child's care remain appropriate. The court shall find, as of the date of the hearing, that the child's placement and plan of care is the best permanency plan for the child and provide compelling reasons why it continues to not be in the child's best interest to (i) return home; (ii) be placed for adoption; (iii) be placed with a legal guardian; or (iv) be placed with a fit and willing relative. If the child is present at the hearing, the court should ask the child about his or her desired permanency outcome.
(b) In cases where the primary permanency planning goal has not been achieved, the court shall inquire regarding the reasons why the primary goal has not been achieved and determine what needs to be done to make it possible to achieve the primary goal. The court shall review the permanency plan prepared by the agency and make explicit findings regarding each of the following:
(i) The continuing necessity for, and the safety and appropriateness of, the placement;
(ii) The extent of compliance with the permanency plan by the department and any other service providers, the child's parents, the child, and the child's guardian, if any;
(iii) The extent of any efforts to involve appropriate service providers in addition to department staff in planning to meet the special needs of the child and the child's parents;
(iv) The progress toward eliminating the causes for the child's placement outside of his or her home and toward returning the child safely to his or her home or obtaining a permanent placement for the child;
(v) The date by which it is likely that the child will be returned to his or her home or placed for adoption, with a guardian or in some other alternative permanent placement; and
(vi) If the child has been placed outside of his or her home for fifteen of the most recent twenty-two months, not including any period during which the child was a runaway from the out-of-home placement or the first six months of any period during which the child was returned to his or her home for a trial home visit, the appropriateness of the permanency plan, whether reasonable efforts were made by the department to achieve the goal of the permanency plan, and the circumstances which prevent the child from any of the following:
(A) Being returned safely to his or her home;
(B) Having a petition for the involuntary termination of parental rights filed on behalf of the child;
(C) Being placed for adoption;
(D) Being placed with a guardian;
(E) Being placed in the home of a fit and willing relative of the child; or
(F) Being placed in some other alternative permanent placement, including independent living or long-term foster care.
(c) Regardless of whether the primary permanency planning goal has been achieved, for a child who remains placed in a qualified residential treatment program as defined in this chapter for at least sixty days, and remains placed there at subsequent permanency planning hearings, the court shall establish in writing:
(i) Whether ongoing assessment of the child's strengths and needs continues to support the determination that the child's needs cannot be met through placement in a foster family home;
(ii) Whether the child's placement provides the most effective and appropriate level of care in the least restrictive environment;
(iii) Whether the placement is consistent with the child's short and long-term goals as stated in the child's permanency plan;
(iv) What specific treatment or service needs will be met in the placement, and how long the child is expected to need the treatment or services; and
(v) What efforts the department has made to prepare the child to return home or be placed with a fit and willing relative as defined in RCW 13.34.030, a Title 13 RCW legal guardian, an adoptive parent, or in a foster family home. (5) Following this inquiry, at the permanency planning hearing, the court shall order the department to file a petition seeking termination of parental rights if the child has been in out-of-home care for fifteen of the last twenty-two months since the date the dependency petition was filed unless the court makes a good cause exception as to why the filing of a termination of parental rights petition is not appropriate. Any good cause finding shall be reviewed at all subsequent hearings pertaining to the child.
(a) For purposes of this subsection, "good cause exception" includes but is not limited to the following:
(i) The child is being cared for by a relative;
(ii) The department has not provided to the child's family such services as the court and the department have deemed necessary for the child's safe return home;
(iii) The department has documented in the case plan a compelling reason for determining that filing a petition to terminate parental rights would not be in the child's best interests;
(iv) The parent is incarcerated, or the parent's prior incarceration is a significant factor in why the child has been in foster care for fifteen of the last twenty-two months, the parent maintains a meaningful role in the child's life, and the department has not documented another reason why it would be otherwise appropriate to file a petition pursuant to this section;
(v) Where a parent has been accepted into a dependency treatment court program or long-term substance abuse or dual diagnoses treatment program and is demonstrating compliance with treatment goals; or
(vi) Where a parent who has been court ordered to complete services necessary for the child's safe return home files a declaration under penalty of perjury stating the parent's financial inability to pay for the same court-ordered services, and also declares the department was unwilling or unable to pay for the same services necessary for the child's safe return home.
(b) The court's assessment of whether a parent who is incarcerated maintains a meaningful role in the child's life may include consideration of the following:
(i) The parent's expressions or acts of manifesting concern for the child, such as letters, telephone calls, visits, and other forms of communication with the child;
(ii) The parent's efforts to communicate and work with the department or other individuals for the purpose of complying with the service plan and repairing, maintaining, or building the parent-child relationship;
(iii) A positive response by the parent to the reasonable efforts of the department;
(iv) Information provided by individuals or agencies in a reasonable position to assist the court in making this assessment, including but not limited to the parent's attorney, correctional and mental health personnel, or other individuals providing services to the parent;
(v) Limitations in the parent's access to family support programs, therapeutic services, and visiting opportunities, restrictions to telephone and mail services, inability to participate in foster care planning meetings, and difficulty accessing lawyers and participating meaningfully in court proceedings; and
(vi) Whether the continued involvement of the parent in the child's life is in the child's best interest.
(c) The constraints of a parent's current or prior incarceration and associated delays or barriers to accessing court-mandated services may be considered in rebuttal to a claim of aggravated circumstances under RCW
13.34.132(4)(h) for a parent's failure to complete available treatment.
(6)(a) If the permanency plan identifies independent living as a goal, the court at the permanency planning hearing shall make a finding that the provision of services to assist the child in making a transition from foster care to independent living will allow the child to manage his or her financial, personal, social, educational, and nonfinancial affairs prior to approving independent living as a permanency plan of care. The court will inquire whether the child has been provided information about extended foster care services.
(b) The permanency plan shall also specifically identify the services, including extended foster care services, where appropriate, that will be provided to assist the child to make a successful transition from foster care to independent living.
(c) The department shall not discharge a child to an independent living situation before the child is eighteen years of age unless the child becomes emancipated pursuant to chapter
13.64 RCW.
(7) If the child has resided in the home of a foster parent or relative for more than six months prior to the permanency planning hearing, the court shall:
(a) Enter a finding regarding whether the foster parent or relative was informed of the hearing as required in RCW
13.34.215(6), and
13.34.096; and
(b) If the department is recommending a placement other than the child's current placement with a foster parent, relative, or other suitable person, enter a finding as to the reasons for the recommendation for a change in placement.
(8) In all cases, at the permanency planning hearing, the court shall:
(a)(i) Order the permanency plan prepared by the department to be implemented; or
(ii) Modify the permanency plan, and order implementation of the modified plan; and
(b)(i) Order the child returned home only if the court finds that a reason for removal as set forth in RCW
13.34.130 no longer exists; or
(ii) Order the child to remain in out-of-home care for a limited specified time period while efforts are made to implement the permanency plan.
(9) Following the first permanency planning hearing, the court shall hold a further permanency planning hearing in accordance with this section at least once every twelve months until a permanency planning goal is achieved or the dependency is dismissed, whichever occurs first.
(10) Prior to the second permanency planning hearing, the agency that has custody of the child shall consider whether to file a petition for termination of parental rights.
(11) If the court orders the child returned home, casework supervision by the department shall continue for at least six months, at which time a review hearing shall be held pursuant to RCW
13.34.138, and the court shall determine the need for continued intervention.
(12) The juvenile court may hear a petition for permanent legal custody when: (a) The court has ordered implementation of a permanency plan that includes permanent legal custody; and (b) the party pursuing the permanent legal custody is the party identified in the permanency plan as the prospective legal custodian. During the pendency of such proceeding, the court shall conduct review hearings and further permanency planning hearings as provided in this chapter. At the conclusion of the legal guardianship or permanent legal custody proceeding, a juvenile court hearing shall be held for the purpose of determining whether dependency should be dismissed. If a guardianship or permanent custody order has been entered, the dependency shall be dismissed.
(13) Continued juvenile court jurisdiction under this chapter shall not be a barrier to the entry of an order establishing a legal guardianship or permanent legal custody when the requirements of subsection (12) of this section are met.
(14) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit the ability of the agency that has custody of the child to file a petition for termination of parental rights or a guardianship petition at any time following the establishment of dependency. Upon the filing of such a petition, a fact-finding hearing shall be scheduled and held in accordance with this chapter unless the department requests dismissal of the petition prior to the hearing or unless the parties enter an agreed order terminating parental rights, establishing guardianship, or otherwise resolving the matter.
(15) The approval of a permanency plan that does not contemplate return of the child to the parent does not relieve the department of its obligation to provide reasonable services, under this chapter, intended to effectuate the return of the child to the parent, including but not limited to, visitation rights. The court shall consider the child's relationships with siblings in accordance with RCW
(16) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit the procedural due process rights of any party in a termination or guardianship proceeding filed under this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. A new section is added to chapter
26.44 RCW to read as follows:
Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit the department's authority to offer or provide prevention services or primary prevention services as defined in chapters
13.34 and
74.13 RCW, respectively.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 17. A new section is added to chapter
13.34 RCW to read as follows:
Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit the department's authority to offer or provide prevention services or primary prevention services as defined in this chapter and chapter
74.13 RCW, respectively.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 18. A new section is added to chapter
74.13 RCW to read as follows:
Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit the department's authority to offer or provide prevention services or primary prevention services as defined in chapter
13.34 RCW and this chapter, respectively.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 19. Sections 3, 4, and 10 through 15 of this act take effect October 1, 2019.
Passed by the House April 18, 2019.
Passed by the Senate April 11, 2019.
Approved by the Governor April 29, 2019.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State April 30, 2019.
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