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Legislative Digest No.
3 |
Thursday, January 17, 2019 | | 4th Day - 2019 Regular Session |
This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.
Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at
House Bills
HB 1155by Representatives Riccelli, Appleton, Sells, Chapman, Fitzgibbon, Cody, Pellicciotti, Frame, Sullivan, Wylie, Jinkins, Orwall, Valdez, Ortiz-Self, Stonier, Thai, Lovick, Reeves, Doglio, Pollet, Bergquist, Santos, Macri, Goodman, Robinson, and Stanford
Concerning meal and rest breaks and mandatory overtime for certain health care employees.
Addresses meals and rest periods for licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, surgical technologists, diagnostic radiologic technologists, cardiovascular invasive specialists, respiratory care practitioners, and certified nursing assistants.
Prohibits an employer from: (1) Using prescheduled on-call time to fill chronic or foreseeable staff shortages; and
(2) Scheduling nonemergency procedures that would require overtime.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards. |
HB 1156by Representatives Appleton, Dolan, and Doglio
Concerning employee benefit contracts for K-12 employees.
Prohibits a contract year for employee benefits from exceeding two hundred sixty days, for K-12 employees.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1157by Representative Klippert
Allowing local options with respect to state initiatives.
Authorizes a legislative authority of a county to elect not to implement or enforce all or any part of a statewide initiative enacted by the people.
Takes effect December 5, 2019, if the proposed amendment to Article II, section 1 of the state Constitution, concerning county implementation of measures initiated by the people, is approved by the voters at the next general election.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Relations. |
HB 1158by Representatives Ryu, Eslick, Appleton, Lovick, Blake, Stanford, Reeves, Kirby, and Santos
Regulating permanent cosmetics under the Washington body art, body piercing, and tattooing act.
Revises the Washington body art, body piercing, and tattooing act regarding the regulation of permanent cosmetics.
Changes the name of that act to the Washington body art, body piercing, tattooing, and permanent cosmetics act.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Consumer Protection & Business. |
HB 1159by Representatives Griffey, Goodman, Klippert, Lovick, Springer, Orwall, Irwin, Stokesbary, Blake, Pellicciotti, and Van Werven
Changing the definition of theft.
Revises the definition of "theft," for purposes of the Washington criminal code, to include when a person conceals the property of another intending that the concealment will deprive the other person of its use or benefit.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Public Safety. |
HB 1160by Representatives Fey, Wylie, Slatter, and Valdez; by request of Office of Financial Management
Making transportation appropriations for the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium.
Makes transportation appropriations for the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
HB 1161by Representatives Fey, Wylie, and Slatter; by request of Office of Financial Management
Making 2017-2019 supplemental transportation appropriations.
Makes 2017-2019 supplemental transportation appropriations.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
HB 1162by Representatives Kirby, Vick, Reeves, Stanford, Blake, Walen, Fitzgibbon, Pollet, Macri, and Kloba
Concerning human remains.
Changes certain terms and phrases in Title 68 RCW (cemeteries, morgues, and human remains).
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Consumer Protection & Business. |
HB 1163by Representatives Kloba, Jinkins, Valdez, Ortiz-Self, Thai, Pollet, and Stanford; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Concerning expanded learning opportunity programs.
Creates the expanded learning grant program to create demonstration projects within selected school districts of up to five years in length that support more time for instruction and opportunities for enrichment in order to combat summer learning loss and increase student achievement.
Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to develop and administer the program.
Authorizes the office of the superintendent of public instruction to award grants of up to one million five hundred dollars annually, through a competitive process, to school districts or state-tribal education compact schools if certain conditions are met.
Makes an appropriation from the general fund to the office of the superintendent of public instruction for the purposes of this act, with a portion of the appropriation provided for staff to support the office of the superintendent of public instruction for the purposes of this act.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1164by Representatives Bergquist, Jinkins, and Ortiz-Self; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Concerning dual credit programs.
Revises certain common school provisions regarding dual credit programs.
Removes reporting requirements of the office of the superintendent of public instruction regarding information on the demographics of students earning dual credits in certain schools receiving grants for the prior school year.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1165by Representatives Orwall, Dent, Blake, Fitzgibbon, and Doglio
Encouraging low-water landscaping practices as a drought alleviation tool.
Prohibits the following from the installation of drought resistant landscaping or wildfire ignition resistant landscaping: The governing documents of a homeowners' association; the declaration of, and any bylaws, rules, and regulations adopted by, a condominium association; and the declaration of a common interest ownership and any other documents adopted by a unit owners association.
Prohibits an association, if a property is located within the geographic designation of an order of a drought condition issued by the department of ecology, from sanctioning or imposing a fine or assessment against an owner, or resident on the owner's property, for reducing or eliminating the watering of vegetation or lawns for the duration of the drought condition order.
Encourages public agencies, public school districts, or other entities undertaking a major facility project to design and construct the projects to receive all practical water efficient landscaping credits available under the United States green building council rating system, the international green construction code, other nationally recognized consensus standard, or the state sustainable school design protocol.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources. |
HB 1166by Representatives Orwall, Mosbrucker, Lovick, Griffey, Dolan, Doglio, Valdez, Wylie, Tarleton, Cody, Jinkins, Dent, Ortiz-Self, Van Werven, Stonier, Fitzgibbon, Fey, Walen, Bergquist, Leavitt, Macri, Kloba, and Stanford
Supporting sexual assault survivors.
Changes the composition of the joint legislative task force on sexual assault forensic examination best practices.
Requires the task force to: (1) Develop policies and submit recommendations on the storage, retention, and destruction of unreported sexual assault kits;
(2) Monitor implementation of state and federal legislative changes;
(3) Collaborate with the office of the attorney general to implement reforms pursuant to federal grant requirements; and
(4) Make recommendations for institutional reforms.
Provides a December 31, 2021, expiration date for the task force.
Requires the state auditor to conduct a comprehensive performance audit of the statewide sexual assault tracking system and operations of the Washington state patrol crime laboratory with respect to processing sexual assault kits.
Requires the statewide sexual assault kit tracking system to designate sexual assault kits as unreported or reported.
Expands the requirements of the specialized, intensive, and integrative training for people responsible for investigating sexual assault cases involving adult victims.
Requires the Washington state patrol, when it receives a request for examination of a sexual assault kit from a law enforcement agency, to conduct the laboratory examination of the kit and enter relevant information into the combined DNA index system, within forty-five days of receipt of the request.
Requires law enforcement agencies to submit to the Washington state patrol crime laboratory requests for forensic analysis of sexual assault kits collected before July 24, 2015, and in the possession of the law enforcement agencies.
Prohibits the disposal or destruction of untested sexual assault kits.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Public Safety. |
HB 1167by Representatives Walen, Blake, Chandler, Dent, Springer, Fitzgibbon, Jinkins, Goodman, and Kloba
Concerning the protection of composting from nuisance lawsuits.
Confirms that composting activities are recognized as agricultural activities and protected from nuisance lawsuits.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources. |
HB 1168by Representatives Leavitt, Barkis, Kilduff, Jinkins, MacEwen, Goodman, Macri, Pollet, Callan, Wylie, Chapman, Valdez, Fey, Doglio, and Kloba
Creating sales and use and excise tax exemptions for self-help housing development.
Provides a retail sales and use tax exemption and a real estate excise tax exemption to developers of self-help housing.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Finance. |
HB 1169by Representatives Peterson, Griffey, Goodman, Ortiz-Self, and Pollet
Clarifying reimbursement for certain clean-up or removal actions by fire protection jurisdictions.
Entitles a fire protection district, a regional fire protection service authority, and a municipal fire department to recover from an insurer the reasonable costs associated with the cleanup or removal of hazardous waste and other hazardous materials when responding to an incident on private or public property that involved an insured party.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
HB 1170by Representatives Griffey and Goodman
Modifying the expiration date of certain state fire service mobilization laws.
Delays, until July 1, 2024, the expiration of certain state fire service mobilization laws.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Housing, Community Development & Veterans. |
HB 1171by Representatives Walen, Vick, and Kirby; by request of Department of Financial Institutions
Addressing trust institutions.
Revises the Washington trust institutions act.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Consumer Protection & Business. |
HB 1172by Representatives Santos, Wylie, Chapman, Valdez, and Dolan; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Assisting Washington families by improving the fairness of the state's tax system by enacting a capital gains tax and providing property tax relief.
Imposes a tax, beginning January 1, 2020, on all individuals for the privilege of selling or exchanging long-term capital assets or receiving Washington capital gains.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Finance. |
HB 1173by Representatives Santos and Ortiz-Self; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Repealing certain obsolete common school provisions.
Repeals certain obsolete common school provisions.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1174by Representatives Walsh, Blake, and Wylie
Clarifying the contracting procedures for cities.
Provides a definition for "lowest responsible bidder" to clarify the contracting procedures for cities.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
HB 1175by Representatives Kilduff, Irwin, Jinkins, Klippert, Valdez, and Ortiz-Self
Concerning authorization of health care decisions by an individual or designated person.
Increases the list of people who may provide informed consent for health care for a patient who is not competent.
Requires a health care directive directing the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment in a terminal condition or permanent unconscious condition to be signed by the declarer and acknowledged before a notary public or other individual authorized by law to take acknowledgments.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1176by Representatives Hoff and Kirby; by request of Department of Licensing
Providing consistency and efficiency in the regulation of auctioneers and auction companies, engineering and land surveying, real estate, funeral directors, and cosmetology.
Provides consistency and efficiency in the regulation of auctioneers and auction companies, engineering and land surveying, real estate, funeral directors, and cosmetology.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Consumer Protection & Business. |
HB 1177by Representatives Stonier, Caldier, Cody, and Schmick
Creating the dental laboratory registry within the department of health and establishing minimum standards for dental laboratories serving dentists in Washington state.
Requires a dental laboratory operating, doing business, or intending to operate or do business in this state to register with the department of health and pay the established fee.
Requires the department of health, upon granting a registration for a dental laboratory, to assign a dental registration number to the laboratory that must appear on all invoices or other correspondence of the laboratory.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness. |
HB 1178by Representatives Reeves, Orwall, Van Werven, Kilduff, Sells, Lovick, Slatter, Leavitt, Stanford, and Young
Concerning veteran and national guard tuition waivers.
Revises the definition of "eligible veteran or national guard member," for purposes of tuition waivers, to include a veteran or national guard member who has received a general discharge under honorable conditions.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to College & Workforce Development. |
HB 1179by Representative Tarleton; by request of Uniform Law Commission
Concerning the revised uniform unclaimed property act.
Repeals chapter 63.29 RCW, the uniform unclaimed property act of 1983, and creates the revised uniform unclaimed property act.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Finance. |
HB 1180by Representatives Tarleton, Jinkins, Slatter, Ryu, and Goodman
Concerning television airtime for candidates for local office.
Requires a broadcaster, upon request of a local candidate, to provide to the candidate in each community where there is a licensing broadcasting station, two segments of airtime without charge for each primary and general election at which the candidate appears on the ballot.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Relations. |
HB 1181by Representatives Lekanoff, Pellicciotti, Leavitt, Kilduff, Reeves, Peterson, Pollet, Entenman, Doglio, Valdez, Callan, Senn, Orwall, Wylie, Jinkins, Ortiz-Self, Dolan, Sells, Lovick, Fey, Frame, Slatter, Walen, Bergquist, Tharinger, Goodman, Kloba, and Stanford
Providing property tax relief for senior citizens and qualifying veterans.
Provides senior citizens and qualifying veterans with property tax relief.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Finance. |
HB 1182by Representatives Santos, Steele, Dolan, Ortiz-Self, and Slatter
Modifying the learning assistance program.
Restores flexibility to the use of learning assistance program funds and requires school districts to budget and expend learning assistance program funds at both the district and school levels in a manner consistent with the Washington integrated student supports protocol.
Requires monitoring of school district learning assistance programs to ensure fidelity in implementing best practices in a manner consistent with the protocol.
Encourages school districts, in preparation for the required implementation of the protocol, to expend the appropriations for the learning assistance program in a manner consistent with the protocol; plans for district expenditures should consider the needs of participating students at the school district's various schools, and prioritize student needs based on system-level, including district, school, and community, needs assessments, and student-level needs assessments performed as part of the protocol.
Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to convene a panel of experts to identify best practices and strategies that may be used to provide behavioral and other nonacademic supports to participating students or to assist them in meeting state standards in federally required state assessments.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1183by Representatives Appleton and Fitzgibbon
Amending the schedule for updates to the comprehensive plan of Kitsap county that are required under the growth management act to match the update schedules of other central Puget Sound counties.
Revises the growth management act with regard to the schedule for updates to the comprehensive plan of Kitsap county.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Environment & Energy. |
HB 1184by Representatives Stonier, Dolan, Kirby, Jinkins, Robinson, Valdez, Ortiz-Self, Macri, Walen, Sells, Callan, Lovick, Senn, Thai, Santos, Pollet, Kilduff, Wylie, Leavitt, Doglio, Frame, Slatter, and Stanford
Concerning school district elections.
Allows a simple majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds.
Takes effect if the proposed amendment to Article VII, section 2 and Article VIII, section 6 of the state Constitution, providing for a simple majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds, is approved by the voters at the next general election and certified by the secretary of state.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1185by Representatives Stonier, Harris, Wylie, Ryu, Caldier, Dolan, Ortiz-Self, Thai, Doglio, Frame, Walen, and Stanford
Assuring access to health care services for medicaid beneficiaries by applying the medicare rate floor to health care services furnished under medicaid by health care providers.
Requires a medicaid payment for health care services furnished by a licensed health care provider, with either a provider contract with the state health care authority on a fee-for-service basis or under a contract with a medicaid managed care organization, to be at a rate not less than one hundred percent of the payment rate that applies to those services and providers under medicare.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1186by Representatives Stonier, Harris, Tharinger, Cody, Riccelli, Wylie, Ryu, Dolan, Ortiz-Self, Doglio, Frame, Walen, Pollet, Macri, and Stanford
Continuing access to medicaid services.
Requires medical assistance to be provided for pregnant women who are state residents and whose family income at the time of application is no greater than one hundred ninety-three percent of the federal poverty level as adjusted for family size and determined annually by the federal department of health and human services.
Requires the state health care authority to take such actions as may be necessary to assure the receipt of federal financial participation under the medical assistance program and any other federal funding sources that are currently available or may become available in the future.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1187by Representatives Dent, Blake, Chandler, Kretz, Schmick, and Bergquist
Revising hydraulic project eligibility standards under RCW 77.55.181 for conservation district-sponsored fish habitat enhancement projects.
Allows a fish habitat enhancement project to be approved by conservation districts as conservation district-sponsored fish habitat enhancement or restoration projects in order to receive a permit review and approval process.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources. |
HB 1188by Representatives Dent, Blake, and Schmick
Concerning rangeland fire protection associations.
Addresses rangeland fire protection associations which are defined as a nonprofit corporation or nonprofit unincorporated association that has entered into an agreement for the detection, prevention, or suppression of wildfires with the state or an agency of the state.
Authorizes an association to enter into agreements with fire protection service agencies for the detection, prevention, or suppression of wildfires.
Requires an association to identify the physical boundaries within which it will provide detection, prevention, and suppression of wildfire services and resources.
Requires a local wildland fire liaison to provide information to an association concerning the department of natural resources wildfire detection, prevention, and suppression activities taking place within the boundaries of the association.
Authorizes the department of natural resources and fire protection service agencies to enter into agreements for the detection, prevention, or suppression of fires with an association.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources. |
HB 1189by Representatives Fitzgibbon, Young, Cody, Caldier, and Ortiz-Self
Concerning ferry system performance measures.
Addresses performance measures for the ferry system.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
HB 1190by Representatives Rude, Reeves, Van Werven, Lekanoff, Jinkins, Chapman, Valdez, Shewmake, Doglio, Macri, and Riccelli
Eliminating gender-based barriers from elections for state and county political party positions.
Removes the requirement that the state committee and the county central committee of each major political party consists of a chair and vice chair of opposite sexes.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Relations. |
HB 1191by Representatives Goodman and Frame
Concerning school notifications.
Requires certain school employees to follow specific notification provisions regarding the receipt of information about sex offenses, violent offenses, registered sex offenders, and kidnapping offenders.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1192by Representatives Hudgins and Dolan
Concerning solemnizing marriage.
Authorizes elected officials in the executive or legislative branch of state, county, or municipal government to solemnize a marriage.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1193by Representatives Lovick, Smith, Robinson, Chandler, Sells, Stanford, Ryu, Ortiz-Self, Peterson, Mead, Gregerson, Kloba, Dent, Riccelli, Orwall, Senn, Doglio, Wylie, and Eslick
Calculating the benchmark rate for certain community residential services.
Requires the department of social and health services to use the King county classification for the purpose of determining the benchmark rate in Snohomish county for community residential service businesses.
Provides that this act is null and void if appropriations are not approved.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Appropriations. |
HB 1194by Representatives Doglio, Fitzgibbon, Slatter, Fey, Peterson, Hudgins, Lekanoff, Macri, Shewmake, Dolan, Jinkins, Pollet, Goodman, Robinson, and Stanford
Preventing toxic pollution that affects public health or the environment.
Establishes the pollution prevention for healthy people and Puget Sound act.
Prevents toxic pollution that affects public health or the environment.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Environment & Energy. |
HB 1195by Representatives Hudgins, Walsh, Dolan, Wylie, and Pollet; by request of Public Disclosure Commission
Concerning the efficient administration of campaign finance and public disclosure reporting and enforcement.
Revises the fair campaign practices act regarding the efficient administration of campaign finance and public disclosure reporting and enforcement.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Relations. |
HB 1196by Representatives Riccelli, Steele, Stonier, Fitzgibbon, Ortiz-Self, Tarleton, Doglio, Schmick, Eslick, Lovick, Fey, Shea, Tharinger, and Goodman
Allowing for the year round observation of daylight saving time.
States that the time of the state of Washington and all of its political subdivisions is Pacific daylight time throughout the calendar year, as determined by reference to coordinated universal time.
Provides for submission of this act to a vote of the people.
Provides contingent effective dates.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Relations. |
HB 1197by Representatives Riccelli, Irwin, Lovick, Barkis, Reeves, Blake, Ortiz-Self, Ormsby, Valdez, Bergquist, Mead, Fey, Volz, Chapman, Pellicciotti, Kilduff, Dolan, Sells, Maycumber, Shea, Griffey, Leavitt, and Stanford
Concerning gold star license plates.
Requires gold star license plates to be issued without payment of vehicle license fees, license plate fees, and motor vehicle excise taxes.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
HB 1198by Representatives Caldier, Cody, Harris, Orwall, Slatter, Macri, Wylie, Eslick, Doglio, Griffey, and Robinson
Requiring health care providers sanctioned for sexual misconduct to notify patients.
Requires a health care provider who is subject to the uniform disciplinary act and has been sanctioned by a disciplining authority for sexual misconduct to provide a disclosure to all patients before a patient's first visit with the licensee following the sanction.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness. |
HB 1199by Representatives Cody, DeBolt, Jinkins, Harris, Tharinger, Caldier, Robinson, Macri, Schmick, Stonier, Slatter, Wylie, Tarleton, Frame, Pollet, and Riccelli
Concerning health care for working individuals with disabilities.
Authorizes the state health care authority to consider a person's income when establishing cost-sharing requirements.
Prohibits the authority from establishing eligibility restrictions for the buy-in program based upon a person's income or maximum age.
Requires the authority to seek federal approval to exclude resources accumulated in a separate account that results from earnings during an individual's enrollment in the buy-in program when determining the individual's subsequent eligibility for another medical assistance program.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness. |
HB 1200by Representatives Dolan, Mosbrucker, Leavitt, Klippert, Kilduff, Reeves, Goodman, Tarleton, Chapman, and Doglio; by request of Military Department
Addressing catastrophic incidents that are natural or human-caused emergencies by providing guidance that may be used by state public schools to plan for seismic catastrophic incidents.
Requires the adjutant general of the state military department to develop guidance, in consultation with the office of the superintendent of public instruction, that may be used by local school districts in developing, maintaining, training, and exercising catastrophic incident plans.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Housing, Community Development & Veterans. |
HB 1201by Representatives Kilduff, Klippert, Leavitt, Reeves, Mosbrucker, Dolan, Slatter, Goodman, Ortiz-Self, Lovick, Stanford, and Young; by request of Military Department
Concerning the Washington national guard postsecondary education grant program.
Creates the Washington national guard postsecondary education grant program.
Requires the program to be administered by the office of student financial assistance, and requires the office to: (1) With the assistance of the state military department, select eligible students to receive the grant; and notify participants of their additional service obligation or required repayment of the grant;
(2) Award grants funded by federal and state funds, private donations, or repayments from a participant who does not complete his or her service obligation;
(3) Adopt rules and policies, including establishing a priority for eligible students;
(4) Adopt participant selection criteria; and
(5) Collect repayments from participants who do not meet the service obligations.
Changes, for purposes of this act: (1) The name of the office of the adjutant general of the state military department to the office of student financial assistance; and
(2) The Washington state national guard conditional scholarship program to the Washington national guard postsecondary education grant program.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Housing, Community Development & Veterans. |
HB 1202by Representatives Gregerson, Santos, Peterson, Stanford, Jinkins, Tarleton, Valdez, Ortiz-Self, and Dolan
Concerning ensuring fairness and compliance with public works and procurement practices.
Requires the office of minority and women's business enterprises to identify state agencies and educational institutions: (1) In the lowest quintile of utilization of minority and women-owned contractors as a percentage of all contracts issued by the agency;
(2) In the lowest quintile of the dollar value awarded to minority and women-owned contractors as a percentage of the dollar value of all contracts issued by the agency; and
(3) That are performing significantly below their established goals, as determined by the office.
Establishes an investigation unit within the office for the purpose of detecting and investigating fraud and violations.
Repeals the attorney general's authority to investigate and enforce compliance with regard to contracts with minority and women-owned businesses.
Requires the department of enterprise services to work with the municipal research and services center to notify local governments that are authorized to use small works rosters of this authority and to provide guidance on how to use the authority.
Requires the joint legislative audit and review committee to review implementation of changes to small works roster and limited public works processes.
Modifies small works roster contract procedures and the limited public works process.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Innovation, Technology & Economic Development. |
HB 1203by Representatives Doglio, Peterson, Santos, Stonier, Jinkins, Valdez, Dolan, and Robinson
Reporting lost or stolen firearms.
Requires an owner or other person lawfully in possession of a firearm that has been lost or stolen to report the loss or theft to the local law enforcement agency within five days after the loss or theft.
Requires a law enforcement agency that receives a report of a lost or stolen firearm to enter certain information about the firearm into the national crime information center database.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1204by Representatives Peterson, Doglio, Frame, Slatter, Macri, and Goodman
Concerning the responsible management of plastic packaging.
Prohibits a producer of plastic packaging, beginning January 1, 2022, from selling, offering for sale, or distributing plastic packaging for use in the state unless the producer is participating in a plastic packaging stewardship organization with a plan approved by the department of ecology.
Requires each producer, by June 1, 2021, to ensure that a plan is submitted on its behalf to the department of ecology by a stewardship organization.
Exempts retailers that are not producers from the requirements of this act.
Allows the department of ecology to administratively impose a civil penalty on a person who violates this act in an amount of up to one thousand dollars per violation per day.
Creates the responsible plastic packaging stewardship account.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Environment & Energy. |
HB 1205by Representatives Peterson, Orwall, Doglio, Senn, Mead, Gregerson, Fitzgibbon, Dolan, Ortiz-Self, Lovick, Frame, Slatter, Walen, Macri, Goodman, and Tarleton
Reducing pollution from plastic bags by establishing minimum state standards for the use of bags at retail establishments.
Prohibits a retail establishment from: (1) Providing to a customer or a person at an event: (a) A single-use plastic carryout bag; or (b) a paper carryout bag or reusable carryout bag made of film plastic that does not meet recycled content requirements; and
(2) Using or providing certain polyethylene or other noncompostable plastic bags.
Authorizes a retail establishment to provide a reusable carryout bag or a recycled content paper carryout bag of any size to a customer at the point of sale.
Requires a retail establishment to collect a pass-through charge of not less than ten cents for every recycled content paper carryout bag or reusable carryout bag made of film plastic it provides.
Prohibits a city, town, county, or municipal corporation from implementing a local carryout bag ordinance.
Provides that this act is null and void if appropriations are not approved.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Environment & Energy. |
HB 1206by Representatives Ryu, Jenkin, Dolan, and Pollet
Concerning park models, tiny homes, and manufactured homes.
Revises certain definitions in the manufactured mobile home landlord-tenant act in order to avoid unintended interpretations and consequences.
Provides a definition for "tiny home."
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1207by Representatives Ryu, Jenkin, Dolan, and Pollet
Concerning manufactured housing communities.
Authorizes a tenant, prospective tenant, or landlord, except as expressly preempted by the requirements of a state agency relating to the siting of manufactured homes, to site any size new or used manufactured/mobile home or park model and appurtenances on a mobile home lot in accordance with the lot sizes, separation and setback distances, and other requirements in effect at the time of the approval of the manufactured/mobile home park.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Housing, Community Development & Veterans. |
HB 1208by Representatives Vick, Kirby, and Wylie; by request of State Board of Accountancy
Concerning public accounting services.
Revises the public accountancy act regarding certain entities that perform or offer to perform attest or compilation services.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Consumer Protection & Business. |
HB 1209by Representatives Hansen, Jinkins, Tarleton, Rude, Valdez, Dolan, Ortiz-Self, Kilduff, Thai, Frame, Slatter, Bergquist, Leavitt, Macri, Tharinger, Goodman, Riccelli, and Stanford; by request of Governor Inslee
Providing prepaid postage for all election ballots.
Requires the state to reimburse counties for the cost of return postage on mail and absentee ballots for elections.
Requires return envelopes for election ballots to include prepaid postage.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Relations. |
HB 1210by Representatives Kilduff, Leavitt, Mosbrucker, Ryu, Barkis, Reeves, Klippert, Dolan, Jinkins, Orwall, Ortiz-Self, Caldier, Lovick, Santos, Tharinger, and Riccelli
Allowing nonresident children from military families to enroll in Washington's public schools prior to arrival in the state.
States that a child of a military family complies with the residency requirements for enrollment in a school district if his or her parent is transferred to, or is pending transfer to, a military installation within the state while on active duty.
Requires the parent to provide to the school district proof of residence in the district within fourteen days of the arrival date.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1211by Representatives Tarleton, Doglio, Pollet, Stanford, Chapman, Peterson, Jinkins, Hudgins, Orwall, Wylie, Fitzgibbon, Valdez, Dolan, Sells, Ryu, Senn, Callan, Ortiz-Self, Fey, Morris, Slatter, Walen, Macri, Tharinger, Goodman, Kloba, Riccelli, and Robinson; by request of Governor Inslee
Supporting Washington's clean energy economy and transitioning to a clean, affordable, and reliable energy future.
Establishes the Washington clean energy transformation act.
Addresses the elimination of coal-fired electricity and the transition of the state's electricity supply to one hundred percent carbon neutral by 2030.
Provides that it is the policy of the state that all retail sales of electricity to the state's customers be greenhouse gas neutral by January 1, 2030.
Requires the department of commerce to convene an energy and climate policy advisory committee to develop recommendations to the legislature for the coordination of existing resources, or the establishment of new ones, to: (1) Examine the costs and benefits of energy-related policies, programs, functions, activities, and incentives; and
(2) Conduct other energy-related studies and analyses as may be directed by the legislature.
Requires the department of health to conduct a cumulative impact analysis to designate the communities highly impacted by fossil fuel pollution and climate change.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Environment & Energy. |
HB 1212by Representatives Shea and McCaslin
Prohibiting the names of county auditors and the secretary of state in their official capacity on election materials.
Prohibits the secretary of state's and the county auditor's names from appearing in the voters' pamphlet in his or her official capacity.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Relations. |
HB 1213by Representatives Shea, McCaslin, and Young
Granting local governments the authority to make challenges related to growth management planning subject to direct review in superior court.
Establishes the growth management reform act of 2019.
Allows jurisdictions with fewer government resources the ability to seek judicial interpretations of the growth management act without the costly and time-consuming practice of an initial review by the growth management hearings board.
Expires December 31, 2027.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Environment & Energy. |
HB 1214by Representatives Shea and McCaslin
Repealing growth management planning requirements in chapter 36.70A RCW.
Repeals chapter 36.70A RCW, the growth management act.
Requires the department of commerce to prepare recommendations to modify or repeal statutory provisions that are affected by the repeal of chapter 36.70A RCW.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Environment & Energy. |
HB 1215by Representatives Schmick and Sells
Prohibiting balance billing by health care providers.
Prohibits an out-of-network provider that provides services at an in-network facility from balance billing an enrollee for certain health care services.
-- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness. |
House Joint Resolutions
HJR 4202