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Legislative Digest No.
5 |
| SIXTY-SIXTH LEGISLATURE | Monday, January 21, 2019 | | 8th Day - 2019 Regular Session |
This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.
Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at
House Bills HB 1216by Representatives Dolan, Harris, Lovick, Doglio, Stonier, Irwin, Senn, Appleton, Kirby, Vick, Bergquist, Riccelli, Fey, Orwall, Griffey, Gregerson, Peterson, Stanford, Frame, Kilduff, Ortiz-Self, Ryu, Valdez, Lekanoff, Sells, Slatter, Thai, Wylie, Callan, Jinkins, Macri, Goodman, and Santos
Concerning nonfirearm measures to increase school safety and student well-being.
Requires the superintendent of public instruction to establish a school safety center. Requires each educational service district to establish a regional school safety center. Provides that the regional school safety centers, working in collaboration with one another and the state school safety center, form a statewide network for school safety for the purpose of providing coordination of school safety efforts throughout the state and school safety resources to the school districts in each educational service district region. Creates the school safety and student well-being advisory committee, within the office of the superintendent of public instruction, to advise the superintendent, the office of the superintendent of public instruction's school safety center, the regional school safety centers, school districts, and public and private schools on comprehensive school safety and student well-being. Requires each school district to adopt a policy and procedure to establish a school-based threat assessment program. Requires the Washington state school directors' association, in collaboration with the office of the superintendent of public instruction, to develop a model policy and procedure to establish a school-based threat assessment program. Requires the superintendent of public instruction to monitor public schools and school districts, at least once every five years, to ensure they are meeting the following requirements relating to: Comprehensive safe school plans; plans for recognition, initial screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students; and school-based threat assessment programs. Requires the joint legislative audit and review committee to conduct a study of school districts' use of the first responder mapping information system. Changes the composition of the emergency management council by including the office of the superintendent of public instruction. Repeals RCW 28A.310.505 (regional school safety and security programs). -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 17 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1217by Representatives Blake, Sells, Irwin, Chapman, Griffey, Springer, Appleton, Wylie, Tharinger, and Pollet
Establishing a coalition of commissioned officers, detectives, and sergeants of the department of fish and wildlife for the purposes of collective bargaining, including interest arbitration.
Addresses collective bargaining, including interest arbitration, and defines "fish and wildlife officer" as a fish and wildlife officer who ranks below a captain and includes officers, detectives, and sergeants of the department of fish and wildlife. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 17 | First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards. |
HB 1218by Representatives Santos, Harris, Stonier, Gregerson, Lovick, Valdez, Riccelli, Robinson, Entenman, Fitzgibbon, Hudgins, Lekanoff, Doglio, Bergquist, Stanford, Appleton, Tarleton, Thai, Wylie, Jinkins, Fey, and Macri
Concerning dental coverage for Pacific islanders residing in Washington.
Establishes a dental services program that provides dental coverage to income-eligible members of COFA with no premium or cost-sharing payment requirements. Defines "COFA citizen" as a person who is a citizen of: (1) The Republic of the Marshall Islands; (2) The Federated States of Micronesia; or (3) The Republic of Palau. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 17 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness. |
HB 1219by Representatives Walen, Springer, Kloba, Goodman, Slatter, Stanford, Fey, Jinkins, Fitzgibbon, Ortiz-Self, Valdez, Lekanoff, Doglio, Frame, Wylie, Tharinger, Gregerson, and Macri
Providing cities and counties authority to use real estate excise taxes to support affordable housing and homelessness projects.
Authorizes the use of real estate excise taxes, by cities and counties, to support affordable housing and homelessness projects. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 17 | First reading, referred to Housing, Community Development & Veterans. |
HB 1220by Representatives Dolan, Volz, Cody, Ormsby, Stanford, Appleton, and Tharinger
Adding a nonvoting representative from the office of the insurance commissioner to the public employees' benefits board.
Changes the composition of the public employees' benefits board by including the insurance commissioner, or designee, who shall be a nonvoting member. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 17 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Relations. |
House Joint Memorials HJM 4001by Representatives Walsh and Irwin
Requesting that Congress amend further the marine mammal protection act to allow the use of hunting or bounty programs as tools to effectively manage populations of predatory sea lions.
Requests congress to further amend the marine mammal protection act to allow the use of hunting or bounty programs as tools to effectively manage populations of predatory sea lions. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 17 | First reading, referred to Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources. |
Senate Bills SB 5259by Senators Zeiger, Warnick, Van De Wege, Fortunato, and Takko
Encouraging the success of agriculture on agricultural land.
Provides that, encouraging the conservation of productive agricultural lands requires local governments to have a regulatory strategy that allows agricultural landowners to successfully engage in agriculture. Permits counties and cities to use other measures, with regard to agricultural lands that include: Consolidating multiple permit requirements; exempting agricultural lands from unnecessary requirements; reducing the amount of time required for permit review; expanding opportunities for county or city employees to provide technical assistance to landowners; and increasing coordination among counties, cities, and other agencies to avoid duplication of work during permit review. Authorizes the department of commerce to provide financial assistance and incentives to counties and cities to promote innovative zoning techniques and other measures. Changes the date to July 1, 2020, in which the county legislative authority must adopt certain ordinances or resolutions that allow it to participate in the voluntary stewardship program. Changes the date to July 31, 2021, in which the state conservation commission must determine, for participating watersheds, whether adequate funding to implement the voluntary stewardship program was provided during the preceding biennium. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
SB 5260by Senators Zeiger, Hunt, Hobbs, Takko, Bailey, and Conway
Concerning powers to waive statutory obligations or limitations during a state of emergency in order to cope with the emergency.
Allows the governor to immediately respond during a proclaimed state of emergency by temporarily waiving or suspending other statutory obligations or limitations prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business, or the orders, rules, or regulations of a state agency, if strict compliance would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections. |
SB 5261by Senators Zeiger, Kuderer, Das, Warnick, Nguyen, and Palumbo
Creating a pilot program for certain cities to hire homeless persons for local beautification projects.
Requires the department of commerce to establish a pilot program for cities to provide job opportunities to, and hire persons experiencing homelessness for, the purposes of local beautification projects. Requires the hired homeless people to be paid at least the local minimum wage and be connected with organizations that provide wraparound housing services. Expires January 1, 2023. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Housing Stability & Affordability. |
SB 5262by Senators Zeiger and Wellman
Concerning special education.
Requires a school district to post on its web site a plain language description of each of the special education service delivery models either implemented or contracted for by the school district. Requires the superintendent of public instruction to post on its web site a plain language description of each of the special education service delivery models for eligible students with disabilities. Requires the superintendent of public instruction, with regard to eligible children with disabilities, to: (1) Provide school districts with a simple written handout that districts must share with parents or guardians before an individualized education program meeting; and (2) Provide school individualized education program teams with a simple handout of information that must be addressed at the meeting. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 5263by Senator Zeiger
Concerning school bus driver requirements.
Requires the superintendent of public instruction to adopt rules that lessen burdens in hiring and training school bus drivers including, training hour requirements and training content. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
SB 5264by Senators Zeiger, Wellman, and Honeyford
Concerning state funding for school construction, modernization, and asset preservation.
Requires the state treasurer to transfer the following amount from the general fund to the education construction fund: An amount that is equal to 6.5 percent multiplied by the total amount of statewide school district capital expenditures for sites, buildings, equipment, and instructional technology, in the prior school year as reflected by the office of the superintendent of public instruction in its school district financial report. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5265by Senators Zeiger, Hunt, Bailey, and Hawkins
Concerning the role of volunteerism within state government.
Requires the joint legislative audit and review committee to conduct a review of volunteer opportunities within state government that include: (1) An inventory of existing volunteer programs; (2) Costs and benefits of volunteer programs; (3) The need for additional volunteers in existing programs; (4) Additional agencies that could accommodate volunteers in the future; and (5) Recommendations to encourage more volunteerism within state government. Requires the following to be examined: The state parks and recreation commission, the department of fish and wildlife, the state military department, and state mental hospital, developmental disability, and litter clean-up programs. Expires December 31, 2019. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections. |
SB 5266by Senators Saldaña, Hunt, Hasegawa, McCoy, Keiser, and Das
Concerning timely elections for governing body members in jurisdictions modifying districting plans under the Washington voting rights act.
Revises the state voting rights act regarding timely elections for governing body members in jurisdictions modifying districting plans. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections. |
SB 5267by Senators Saldaña, Darneille, Kuderer, O'Ban, King, and Randall
Exempting certain marine cargo from vehicle registrations.
Exempts, from vehicle registration requirements, vehicles shipped as marine cargo operated: (1) From wharves to and from storage areas or terminals owned by a public port; (2) From the storage areas or terminals to other storage areas or terminals owned by a public port; and (3) On public streets connecting facilities of a single public port. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
SB 5268by Senator Hunt
Concerning the salaries of county sheriffs.
Requires each county sheriff to be provided an annual salary not less than that provided to the prosecuting attorney of that county. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
SB 5269by Senators Hunt, Darneille, Carlyle, McCoy, Hasegawa, Saldaña, and Das
Reorganizing school districts statewide.
Creates the commission on statewide school district reorganization to develop and recommend a comprehensive plan for the reorganization of school districts and to consider and determine appeals of or alternatives to the reorganization plan. Requires the state school directors' association to work with school districts to develop and implement a comprehensive statewide reorganization initiative to streamline and provide efficiencies in the administration and operation of school districts and educational service districts. Requires the joint legislative audit and review committee to conduct an independent review of the comprehensive plan to assure that the proposed plan is based on and follows the objective criteria adopted by the commission. Authorizes a school district, whose organization is changed by a reorganization plan adopted by the legislature, to appeal the reorganization to the commission. Requires decisions and orders of the commission to be filed with the office of the superintendent of public instruction, the office of the state auditor, appropriate county officials, and the legislature. Provides a July 1, 2025, expiration date for all but section 1 of this act, if legislation submitted by the commission is not signed into law before June 30, 2025. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 5270by Senators Hunt, Kuderer, Wellman, Cleveland, Saldaña, Liias, McCoy, Das, Keiser, and Palumbo
Concerning dates and timelines associated with the operation of the state primary and elections.
Modifies certain dates and timelines for primaries for general elections, elections for precinct committee officers, special elections and resolutions calling for them, adjustments to the division of election precincts or precinct boundaries, declarations of candidacy, and filling vacancies of the state's congress members. Prohibits a state official or a person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official or legislator, during the period beginning on the date a special legislative session convenes and continuing through the date that session adjourns, from soliciting or accepting contributions to a public office fund, to a candidate or authorized committee, or to retire a campaign debt, from: (1) A registered lobbyist; (2) A registered employer of a lobbyist; or (3) A political committee sponsored by a lobbyist or lobbyist's employer. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections. |
SB 5271by Senators Hunt and Rolfes
Concerning the disclosure of personal wireless service charges or fees.
Finds that companies provide personal wireless services without disclosing the services and the changes in services provided or the charge or fee. Requires the utilities and transportation commission to, by rule, require a personal wireless service provider to clearly disclose on the consumer billing statement for the first: (1) Four months after the time of sale, a description of the service associated with each monthly charge or fee; and (2) Three months after a service charge change, a description of the service associated with each monthly charge or fee. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Environment, Energy & Technology. |
SB 5272by Senator Hunt
Increasing the maximum tax rate for the voter-approved local sales and use tax for emergency communication systems and facilities.
Prohibits the maximum tax rate for voter-approved local sales and use tax, for emergency communication systems and facilities, from exceeding two-tenths of one percent of the selling price in the case of sales tax, or value of the article used, in the case of a use tax. Requires a county imposing the tax, mentioned above, to submit an authorizing proposition to the voters to increase the rate of tax. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
SB 5273by Senators Hunt, Kuderer, Wellman, Cleveland, McCoy, Dhingra, Saldaña, Billig, Mullet, Liias, Conway, Das, Frockt, Keiser, and Palumbo
Concerning the presidential primary.
Changes the dates for the presidential primary; and for the secretary of state to propose an alternative date for the primary, including to coordinate a regional primary with Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, or Utah. Prohibits the proposed date from being before the earliest date permitted by the national rules of the major political parties. Requires each party to determine which candidates are to be placed on the presidential primary ballot for that party. Requires a ballot, if requested by a party chair, to contain a place for a voter to indicate a preference for having delegates to the party's national convention remain uncommitted. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections. |
SB 5274by Senators Hasegawa, Hunt, Wilson, C., Billig, Nguyen, Conway, Das, Frockt, Keiser, Randall, and Saldaña
Concerning dental coverage for Pacific islanders residing in Washington.
Establishes a dental services program that provides dental coverage to income-eligible members of COFA with no premium or cost-sharing payment requirements. Defines "COFA citizen" as a person who is a citizen of: (1) The Republic of the Marshall Islands; (2) The Federated States of Micronesia; or (3) The Republic of Palau. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Health & Long Term Care. |
SB 5275by Senators Hunt, Randall, Wilson, C., Conway, and Das
Adding a nonvoting representative from the office of the insurance commissioner to the public employees' benefits board.
Changes the composition of the public employees' benefits board by including the insurance commissioner, or designee, who shall be a nonvoting member. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5276by Senators Ericksen, Takko, and Wellman
Authorizing hemp production in conformance with the agriculture improvement act of 2018.
Authorizes the growing of hemp as a legal, agricultural activity in the state in conformance with the agriculture improvement act of 2018. Allows hemp, which is an agricultural product, to be grown, produced, possessed, processed, and exchanged in the state pursuant to a plan approved under the agriculture improvement act of 2018. Requires the department of agriculture to submit a plan to the United States secretary of agriculture under which this state will monitor and regulate the production of hemp. Requires money collected by the department to be deposited in an account within the agricultural local fund and be used solely for carrying out certain requirements. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 5277by Senators Warnick, Takko, Wagoner, Hunt, King, Van De Wege, Zeiger, Braun, Schoesler, Honeyford, Becker, Rivers, and Short
Ensuring the funding of agricultural fairs.
Changes the funding source and the amount of funding for the fair fund. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5278by Senators Mullet and Wilson, L.
Concerning reporting suspected fraud and theft of payment cards.
Requires a financial institution that issues payment cards to list a phone number on its web site for cardholders and merchants to report suspected incidents in which payment cards are used for fraud or have been stolen. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Financial Institutions, Economic Development & Trade. |
SB 5279by Senators Van De Wege, Warnick, and Short
Regulating outdoor burning for the protection of life or property and for public health, safety, and welfare.
Modifies the Washington clean air act. Requires the department of natural resources to develop policies that allow outdoor burning for the protection of life or property, and for the public health, safety, and welfare. Addresses a plan of the department of natural resources regarding silviculture forest burning, improving forest health and resiliency, restoring forest ecosystem functions, allowing for natural vegetation, and reducing fuel loads to address public safety and protect property from wildfire. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 5280by Senators McCoy, Hasegawa, and Palumbo
Concerning community solar gardens.
Finds that community solar gardens represent a low-cost point of entry for consumers who want solar electricity, as well as for consumers who do not have access to a sun regime that would make a residential solar energy system viable. Declares an intent to allow renters and low-income electric utility customers to own interests in solar generation facilities. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Environment, Energy & Technology. |
SB 5281by Senators Liias, Bailey, Hobbs, Wagoner, McCoy, Kuderer, Palumbo, Warnick, and Salomon
Calculating the benchmark rate for certain community residential services.
Requires the department of social and health services to use the King county classification for the purpose of determining the benchmark rate in Snohomish county for community residential service businesses. Provides that this act is null and void if appropriations are not approved. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5282by Senators Liias, Cleveland, Darneille, Short, Kuderer, Walsh, Brown, Randall, Dhingra, Rolfes, Billig, Das, Hunt, Keiser, and Pedersen
Requiring informed consent for pelvic exams.
Prohibits a licensed health care provider from knowingly performing or authorizing a student practicing under their authority to perform a pelvic examination on a patient who is anesthetized or unconscious. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Health & Long Term Care. |
SB 5283by Senators Liias, Kuderer, Wellman, Dhingra, Billig, Randall, Das, Saldaña, McCoy, Palumbo, Frockt, Hasegawa, Hunt, and Mullet
Allowing persons who will turn eighteen years of age by the general election to vote in the primary election.
Allows a person to vote in a primary election if he or she will turn eighteen years old by the general election. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections. |
SB 5284by Senators Liias, Wagoner, Van De Wege, and Hasegawa
Concerning smoke detection devices.
Requires the seller of a dwelling unit, sold on or after the effective date of this act, to install smoke detection devices in the unit before the buyer or other person occupies the unit following the sale. Requires insurance companies that write homeowner's insurance to allow an appropriate reduction in premium charges to persons who certify the dwelling unit covered under the insurance policy contains properly installed and maintained smoke detection devices. Creates the smoke detection device awareness account. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Financial Institutions, Economic Development & Trade. |