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Legislative Digest No.
13 |
| SIXTY-SIXTH LEGISLATURE | Thursday, January 31, 2019 | | 18th Day - 2019 Regular Session |
This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.
Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at
House Bills HB 1445by Representatives Gregerson, Chapman, Reeves, Sells, Doglio, Orwall, Lekanoff, Ortiz-Self, Peterson, Frame, Senn, Thai, Robinson, Lovick, Stanford, Bergquist, Jinkins, Morgan, Kilduff, Macri, and Ormsby
Making unemployment benefits accessible to persons with family responsibilities and other availability issues and making clarifying changes.
Revises the employment security act to: (1) Provide unemployment benefits to people with family responsibilities and other availability issues; and (2) Require the commissioner of the employment security department to adopt rules to ensure claimants remain attached to the labor force by seeking work in a substantial field of employment and are available for scheduling that is reasonably available in the claimant's local labor market and occupation. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards. |
HB 1446by Representatives Jinkins, Macri, Robinson, Morgan, Gregerson, Santos, and Ormsby
Addressing mediation under the residential landlord-tenant act.
Revises the residential landlord-tenant act regarding compliance with notice and mediation provisions and commencement of unlawful detainers. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1447by Representatives Jinkins, DeBolt, Cody, Davis, Macri, Tharinger, Pellicciotti, Stonier, Riccelli, Thai, Robinson, Valdez, Eslick, Lekanoff, Lovick, Kloba, Frame, Bergquist, Leavitt, Fey, Ortiz-Self, Santos, and Ormsby
Concerning mental health parity.
Defines "mental health services," for health benefit plans issued or renewed before January 1, 2020, as medically necessary outpatient and inpatient services provided to treat mental disorders covered by the diagnostic categories listed in the most current version of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, published by the American psychiatric association. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness. |
HB 1448by Representatives Maycumber, Chapman, Lovick, Gildon, Reeves, Volz, Steele, Kilduff, Mosbrucker, Pettigrew, Boehnke, McCaslin, Macri, Irwin, Corry, Klippert, MacEwen, Riccelli, Eslick, Leavitt, Dye, Ryu, Smith, Stokesbary, Chambers, DeBolt, Slatter, Jenkin, Barkis, Cody, Schmick, Kretz, Tharinger, Van Werven, Orwall, Sells, Sutherland, Stanford, Ormsby, and Jinkins
Creating the veterans service officer program.
Creates the veterans service officer program in the department of veterans affairs to provide funding to underserved eligible counties to establish a veterans service officer within the county. Creates the veterans service officer fund. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Housing, Community Development & Veterans. |
HB 1449by Representatives Peterson, Chandler, Doglio, Ortiz-Self, Blake, Gregerson, Tharinger, Dolan, Frame, Stanford, Chapman, Fitzgibbon, Davis, Santos, Lovick, Tarleton, Jinkins, and Ormsby
Recognizing the fourth Saturday of September as public lands day.
Recognizes the fourth Saturday of September as public lands day. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Relations. |
HB 1450by Representatives Stanford, Kloba, Bergquist, Fitzgibbon, Sells, Ramos, and Ormsby
Concerning restraints on persons engaging in lawful professions, trades, or businesses.
Finds that: (1) Workforce mobility is important to economic growth and development; and (2) Agreements limiting competition or hiring may be contracts of adhesion that may be unreasonable. Addresses restraints, including noncompetition covenants, on persons engaging in lawful professions, trades, or businesses. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards. |
HB 1451by Representative Ryu
Concerning local project review undertaken under chapter 36.70B RCW.
Requires a project permit application, under chapter 36.70B RCW, to be deemed complete upon submittal, except that within ten days after receiving an application that is submitted online or in person without an appointment, a local government must provide a written determination to the applicant, stating that the application is complete or incomplete. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
HB 1452by Representatives Riccelli, Macri, Doglio, Jinkins, Peterson, Stonier, Dolan, Frame, Robinson, Sells, Fitzgibbon, Tarleton, Gregerson, Valdez, Lekanoff, Walen, Kloba, Chapman, Stanford, Bergquist, and Ormsby
Extending collective bargaining rights to employees of the legislative branch of state government.
Provides permanent employees of the legislative branch, the joint legislative audit and review committee, and the statute law committee with collective bargaining rights. Requires an employer, for the purpose of negotiating agreements for legislative employees that may collectively bargain, to be a designee chosen by the legislature to negotiate on its behalf. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Workplace Standards. |
HB 1453by Representatives Macri, Jinkins, Morgan, Dolan, Frame, Peterson, Thai, Doglio, Gregerson, Pellicciotti, Orwall, Davis, Lekanoff, Senn, Kloba, Stanford, and Ortiz-Self
Concerning residential tenant protections.
Revises landlord and tenant provisions regarding the protection of certain residential tenants. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1454by Representatives Pollet, Senn, Slatter, Bergquist, Kloba, Thai, Valdez, Doglio, and Tarleton
Concerning students with disabilities.
Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to: (1) Convene an advisory group to design a coordinated and responsive system for meeting the diverse needs of students with disabilities; (2) Develop and broadly publicize a process for local education associations to apply to have one or more schools designated as a special education demonstration project; and (3) Establish a technical assistance program to provide resources and best practice guidance on inclusive education practices and improve outcomes for students with disabilities. Authorizes the superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education to: (1) Grant waivers of statutes and rules for special education demonstration projects; and (2) Provide an expedited review of requests for the waivers. Expires August 1, 2023. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1455by Representatives Dent, Slatter, Dye, Chapman, Ybarra, Hoff, Sells, Eslick, Lovick, and Jenkin
Concerning the aeronautics industry.
Creates the commercial aeronautics loan and loan forgiveness program. Requires the secretary of the department of transportation to: (1) Administer the program; (2) Design and implement a low-interest commercial aeronautics student loan program; (3) Establish eligibility criteria for applicants to qualify for a loan; and (4) Establish a loan forgiveness program that provides for part of a student's total loan amount to be forgiven if certain criteria are met. Creates the commercial aeronautics transfer account. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to College & Workforce Development. |
HB 1456by Representatives Dent, Springer, Orcutt, Mosbrucker, Gregerson, Ybarra, Slatter, Chapman, Dye, Hoff, Eslick, Lovick, Tarleton, Jenkin, and Riccelli
Concerning a community aviation revitalization loan program.
Requires the department of transportation to: (1) Convene a community aviation revitalization board; (2) Provide management services, including fiscal and contract services, and staff support, to assist the board in implementing this act; (3) Make direct loans, if certain conditions are met, to airport sponsors of public use airports for the purpose of airport improvements that primarily support general aviation activities; and (4) Take reasonable measures as are necessary to familiarize government officials and members of the public with chapter 47.68 RCW, particularly the board's authority to make loans. Subjects the public use general aviation airport loan program, when authorized by the board, to the following: (1) The money in the public use general aviation airport loan revolving account must only be used to fulfill commitments arising from loans authorized in chapter 47.68 RCW; and (2) The total outstanding amount that the board must dispense at any time must not exceed the money available from the account. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
HB 1457by Representatives Dent, Springer, Orcutt, Slatter, Dye, Chapman, Hoff, Eslick, Lovick, and Jenkin
Concerning the distribution of aircraft fuel tax revenue.
Requires the money collected from a consumer or user of aircraft fuel to be transmitted to the state treasurer and distributed as follows: (1) An amount equal to revenues collected from one percent of the total 6.5 percent of the use tax or the retail sales tax must be credited to the aeronautics account; and (2) The remainder of the revenue must be credited to the state general fund. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
HB 1458by Representative Blake
Concerning municipal police districts.
Provides municipalities with greater flexibility to manage their responsibility to provide police services and details the creation, management, and dissolution of municipal police districts. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Local Government. |
HB 1459by Representatives Sullivan, Doglio, Lovick, and Ormsby
Establishing a running start summer school pilot program.
Creates the running start summer school pilot program in the state board for community and technical colleges to provide certain students with the opportunity to apply to a participating institution of higher education to enroll in and complete courses or programs offered by the institution during its summer academic term. Requires the board, in consultation with the office of the superintendent of public instruction, to select three applicant institutions to participate in the pilot program. Requires the institutions that participate in the pilot program to agree to do so for a period of time that includes two consecutive summer academic terms. Requires a school district to provide general information about the pilot program to certain pupils and the parents and guardians of the pupils. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Education. |
HB 1460by Representatives Barkis, Reeves, Kirby, Jenkin, Walsh, Stokesbary, Hoff, Gildon, Chambers, Griffey, Dye, Vick, Volz, and Irwin
Concerning notice requirements for rent increases.
Revises the residential landlord-tenant act by authorizing a rent increase to become effective upon completion of the term of the rental agreement or sooner upon mutual consent if certain conditions are met. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1461by Representatives Barkis, Reeves, Kirby, Jenkin, Stokesbary, Walsh, Gildon, Hoff, Dye, Chambers, Griffey, Volz, and Irwin
Concerning notices for termination of a residential tenancy.
Revises the residential landlord-tenant act to increase the time, from twenty days to thirty days, in which a tenant or landlord must provide written notice of the termination of tenancy. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1462by Representatives Barkis, Reeves, Kirby, Riccelli, Jenkin, Stokesbary, Gildon, Walsh, Chambers, Dye, Hoff, Volz, and Irwin
Providing notice of plans to demolish, substantially rehabilitate, or change use of residential premises.
Requires a landlord to provide written notice to a tenant at least one hundred twenty days before termination of a tenancy, if the landlord plans to demolish or substantially rehabilitate the premises or plans a change of use of the premises. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1463by Representatives Barkis, Reeves, Kirby, Jenkin, Walsh, Stokesbary, Gildon, Chambers, Griffey, Dye, Hoff, Vick, Volz, and Irwin
Changing notice requirements with respect to tenancies in order to enhance stability for tenants.
Provides additional time for tenants to comply with terms of a rental agreement. Requires the department of commerce to maintain a housing information guide for tenants and owners and make it available on its web site and in printed form, upon request. Requires a landlord to provide a copy of the guide to each tenant at the commencement of the tenancy. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1464by Representatives Goodman, Dent, Orwall, Lovick, Klippert, Griffey, and Jinkins; by request of Washington State Patrol
Clarifying background check requirements for an application for a concealed pistol license.
Requires a background check for an original concealed pistol license to be conducted through the Washington state patrol criminal identification section and include a national check from the federal bureau of investigation through the submission of fingerprints. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1465by Representatives Goodman, Jinkins, and Santos
Concerning requirements for pistol sales or transfers.
Modifies the requirements of a firearms dealer regarding the delivery of a pistol to a purchaser. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. |
HB 1466by Representatives Klippert, Kirby, Jinkins, Davis, and Kilduff
Banning marijuana billboards.
Prohibits a licensed marijuana business from placing or maintaining a billboard that advertises the licensee's business, marijuana, or marijuana product. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Commerce & Gaming. |
Senate Bills SB 5462by Senators Takko, Zeiger, Das, and Padden
Requiring additional criteria to be met for the department of licensing to suspend a driver's license.
Requires the department of licensing to meet additional criteria in order to suspend a driver's license. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Law & Justice. |
SB 5463by Senators Warnick, Takko, Fortunato, Hasegawa, and Wagoner
Concerning notice to active duty military owners of impounded vehicles.
Prohibits a tow truck operator from selling a vehicle, until criteria provided in the servicemembers civil relief act has been satisfied, if the legal or registered owner shows an active duty military status as provided by the department of licensing. Allows a tow truck operator to hold a vehicle for longer than ninety days without holding an auction on the vehicle, if the vehicle is subject to the servicemembers civil relief act. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
SB 5464by Senators Frockt, Das, Darneille, Takko, Palumbo, Sheldon, Keiser, Wilson, C., Hunt, Saldaña, and Kuderer
Concerning opioid overdose medication at schools with grades seven through twelve and higher education institutions.
Authorizes a school to obtain and maintain opioid overdose medication through a standing order. Requires certain school districts to obtain and maintain at least one set of the medication doses in certain schools. Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction: (1) In consultation with the department of health, to develop opioid-related overdose policy guidelines and training requirements for public schools and school districts; and (2) To develop and administer a grant program to provide funding to certain public schools and institutions of higher education to train personnel on the administration of the medication to respond to an overdose. Requires certain institutions of higher education to develop a plan for: (1) The maintenance and administration of the medication in and around a residence hall; and (2) The training of designated personnel to administer the medication to respond to an overdose. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Health & Long Term Care. |
SB 5465by Senators Wellman, Pedersen, Wilson, C., Hunt, Hasegawa, and Kuderer; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Concerning basic education funding.
Requires funding for additional school nurses, guidance counselors, and family and community engagement coordinators to be phased in beginning with the 2021-2023 biennium, and continue to be phased in each year until fiscal year 2025. Requires the legislature, beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, to begin phasing in funding for content-specific professional learning days for certain staff, and, at a minimum, allocate funding for three professional learning days in the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 school years. Requires each school district board of directors, by fiscal year 2021 and each fiscal year thereafter, to adopt an unrestricted minimum fund balance for their general fund of no less than 8.5 percent of their prior year's state apportionment. Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to calculate the actual minimum fund balance amount for each school district for the directors' review and adoption. Provides for the allocation of state funding to support school districts in offering institutional education programs. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 5466by Senators Wellman, Wilson, C., Hunt, and Conway; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Concerning school district levies.
Modifies certain school levy and funding provisions regarding enrichment levies by school districts, levy limitations, enrichment levy expenditure plan approval, local effort assistance funding, and maximum per-pupil rate. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 5467by Senators Liias, Short, Takko, Padden, Sheldon, Hobbs, Warnick, Wellman, and Van De Wege
Extending the tax preferences in RCW 82.04.260(12).
Extends business and occupation tax preferences for mass timber products. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 5468by Senators Van De Wege, McCoy, Warnick, Salomon, and Saldaña; by request of Department of Agriculture
Concerning device registration, civil penalties, and service agent registration for the weights and measures program.
Modifies the weights and measures program with regard to device registration, civil penalties, and service agent registration. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 5469by Senators Hunt, Hasegawa, and Kuderer
Concerning premium reduction for medicare-eligible retiree participants in the public employees' benefits board program.
Requires the amount of a premium reduction for medicare-eligible retiree participants to be no less than fifty percent of the premium cost. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5470by Senators Kuderer, Zeiger, Darneille, Warnick, Wilson, C., Hasegawa, Keiser, Das, Frockt, and Wellman; by request of Department of Commerce
Concerning services provided by the office of homeless youth prevention and protection programs.
Allows a child to be placed in a HOPE center by the department of children, youth, and families, upon filing of a child in need of services petition. Modifies provisions regarding HOPE centers, case workers having experience working with adolescents, on-site program managers, and street outreach services. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Housing Stability & Affordability. |
SB 5471by Senators King and Keiser; by request of Department of Labor & Industries
Extending the validity of temporary elevator licenses, expanding membership of the elevator safety advisory committee, allowing homeowners to remove certain conveyances from their residences, and eliminating duplicate paperwork.
Revises provisions regarding elevators, lifting devices, and moving walks. Changes the composition of the elevator safety advisory committee. Increases the amount of time, from thirty days to one year, in which a temporary elevator mechanic license is valid. Permits a homeowner, or person employed by a homeowner, to permanently remove a stairway chair lift or a platform lift located in a private residence as described in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. | Jan 29 | LBRC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | Jan 30 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5472by Senators Saldaña, Walsh, and Hasegawa
Concerning reporting requirements for common carriers who transport liquor into the state.
Requires a carrier that delivers an item, that he or she knows contains liquor, to a recipient in the state, to report the delivery to the state liquor and cannabis board and the department of revenue on or before the end of the calendar month following the month the delivery is completed. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. |
SB 5473by Senators Saldaña and Nguyen
Making unemployment benefits accessible to persons with family responsibilities and other availability issues and making clarifying changes.
Revises the employment security act to: (1) Provide unemployment benefits to people with family responsibilities and other availability issues; and (2) Require the commissioner of the employment security department to adopt rules to ensure claimants remain attached to the labor force by seeking work in a substantial field of employment and are available for scheduling that is reasonably available in the claimant's local labor market and occupation. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. |
SB 5474by Senator Keiser
Concerning industrial insurance and self-insurers.
Requires a self-insurer, if he or she has determined to allow an industrial insurance claim, to issue an order allowing the claim to the injured worker, attending medical provider, and the department of labor and industries, for a claim for which the worker may be entitled to benefits other than medical treatment only. Authorizes a self-insured employer, in the event the department has made an order communicating the closure of a claim of the employer, to serve the department order provided the employer does so using a secure, verifiable nonelectronic means of delivery and includes the department prescribed notice explaining the contents of the order and any protest or appeal rights. Requires the director of the department of labor and industries to appoint a collaborative work group. Requires the work group to evaluate issues on whether the current penalties for self-insurers and third-party administrators are sufficient to support: (1) The mandate to provide relief for workers injured in their work, their families, and dependents; and (2) The legislature's finding that the workers' compensation system should be designed to focus on achieving the best outcomes for injured workers. Provides a December 31, 2019, expiration date for the work group. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. |
SB 5475by Senators Zeiger, Saldaña, Hasegawa, Frockt, Palumbo, Keiser, Wilson, C., Nguyen, and Wellman
Concerning credit retrieval programs under the migrant education program.
Permits a school district that receives funds under the federal elementary and secondary education act to select a program of their own choosing for student credit retrieval. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
SB 5476by Senators Kuderer, Warnick, Takko, Liias, Hobbs, Honeyford, Saldaña, Das, and Nguyen
Concerning the protection of composting from nuisance lawsuits.
Confirms that composting activities are recognized as agricultural activities and protected from nuisance lawsuits. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks. |
SB 5477by Senators Dhingra, Hasegawa, Kuderer, Keiser, Hunt, Saldaña, Darneille, and Nguyen
Requiring institutions of higher education to waive application fees for low-income students.
Requires institutions of higher education to waive application fees for low-income students. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Higher Education & Workforce Development. |
SB 5478by Senators Liias, Keiser, Conway, Hunt, Pedersen, Kuderer, and McCoy
Concerning restraints on persons engaging in lawful professions, trades, or businesses.
Finds that: (1) Workforce mobility is important to economic growth and development; and (2) Agreements limiting competition or hiring may be contracts of adhesion that may be unreasonable. Addresses restraints, including noncompetition covenants, on persons engaging in lawful professions, trades, or businesses. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. |
SB 5479by Senators Mullet, Wilson, L., and Cleveland
Concerning the Washington state credit union act.
Revises the state credit union act and modifies provisions regarding the bylaws of a credit union; investment of a credit union's funds; and a credit union having the same powers and authority as a federal credit union. Requires the supervisory committee of a credit union to perform or arrange for a verification of its members' accounts at least once every two years and provide related findings and recommendations from the audits and verifications to the board of directors of a credit union. Authorizes the director of the department of financial institutions to approve the inclusion within a credit union's field of membership of groups having a common bond of occupation or association, or groups within a well-defined neighborhood, community, or rural district. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Financial Institutions, Economic Development & Trade. |
SB 5480by Senators Brown, Conway, Honeyford, and Takko
Concerning the renewal of real estate appraiser certificates, licenses, and registrations.
Revises the certified real estate appraiser act regarding the renewal, expiration date, reinstatement, cancellation, and inactive status of the certificate, license, or registration of real estate appraisers. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. |
SB 5481by Senators Warnick, Sheldon, Short, Van De Wege, Honeyford, Wagoner, Fortunato, and Holy
Establishing a coalition of commissioned officers, detectives, and sergeants of the department of fish and wildlife for the purposes of collective bargaining, including interest arbitration.
Addresses collective bargaining, including interest arbitration, and defines "fish and wildlife officer" as a fish and wildlife officer who ranks below a captain and includes officers, detectives, and sergeants of the department of fish and wildlife. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Labor & Commerce. |
SB 5482by Senators Randall, Keiser, Van De Wege, and Saldaña; by request of Department of Health
Modifying funding of the medical marijuana authorization database.
Changes the account, from the health professions account to the dedicated marijuana account: (1) From which expenses are paid for carrying out health professions licensing activities of the department of health and implementing and administering the medical marijuana authorization database; and (2) For the deposit of the one-dollar fee that is charged for initial and renewal recognition cards issued by marijuana retailers with a medical marijuana endorsement. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5483by Senators Braun, Keiser, Palumbo, Sheldon, Becker, Short, Wilson, C., Hunt, Kuderer, and Darneille
Improving services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Requires the department of social and health services to track and monitor the following and make the information available to the office of the developmental disabilities ombuds, the legislature, and the public upon request: (1) Clients receiving services from a provider that are taken to hospitals; and (2) Clients that are taken to hospitals once their provider terminates services. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Health & Long Term Care. |
SB 5484by Senators Wilson, C., Billig, Takko, Keiser, Hunt, Kuderer, and Wellman
Implementing improvements to the early achievers program as reviewed and recommended by the joint select committee on the early achievers program.
Raises base subsidy rates for licensed child care centers and family homes to the seventy-fifth percentile of market rates. Provides adequate funding to increase needs-based grants, scholarships, and professional development assistance and reduces early achievers coaching ratios to support providers in continuous improvement. Supports the work of the department of children, youth, and families' professional equivalencies committee and the development of the proficiency review process. -- 2019 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 22 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |