TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2019, 1:13 PM 86TH DAY
SHB 1091 Technical corrections
SHB 1148 Architect registration
SHB 1197 Gold star license plates
SHB 1198 f Health prv misconduct notice
SHB 1199 Health care/disability
SHB 1210 School enrollment/military
SHB 1254 Vehicle regist./marine cargo
SHB 1298 f Weights and measures program
SHB 1356 Peer support group privilege
HB 1429 f Dairy milk assessment fee
SHB 1469 Driving/emerg. & work zones
HB 1505 f Child victims/sexual assault
ESHB 1643 f Address confid./property
SHB 1658 Paraeducators
HB 1673 f Explosives/public record act
HB 1727 Gift cards
ESHB 1849 Unplatted tidelands, etc.
HB 1866 f Day care prof dev compliance
SHB 1953 Sno-park recreation permits
HB 2058 f Purple Heart license plates
2SHB 1065 f Out-of-network health care
SHB 1196 f Perm. daylight saving time
2SHB 1216 f School safety & well-being
ESHB 1325 f Personal delivery devices
ESHB 1510 f Narrow track vehicles
HB 1702 f Low-cost course material/CTC
2SHB 1713 Native American women
SHB 1742 Juvenile offenses/depictions
ESHB 1788 WA state bar association
HB 1900 f Federal funding/family serv.
HB 1934 f Pistol license/armed forces
HB 1980 f Federal tax lien recording
SB 5549 f Distillery marketing & sales
ESHB 1578 f Oil transportation safety
ESHB 1355 f CTC counselor staffing
SHB 1798 Short-term rentals
2SHB 1579 f Chinook abundance
HB 1534 f Psychiatric payments/rural
HB 1375 f Port district campaign cntrb
HB 1913 f Occup. disease presumption
2SHB 1059 f B&O return filing due date
2SHB 1166 Sexual assault
E2SHB 1105 f Home foreclosure/taxes
ESHB 1696 f Wage and salary information
HB 1803 f Minimum school days
SHB 1231 f Sex offenses/modify SOL
SHB 1028 Off-road vehicles/local gov.
HB 1688 f Resident student/veterans
HB 1137 f Nat guard pay/wildland fires
HB 1490 f Hanford workers/cancer
2SHB 1444 Appliance efficiency
HB 1016 f Sexual assault kit notice
ESHB 1994 Significant transp. projects
HB 1441 f Local infrastruct. financing
SHB 1605 f Foster care TBI screenings
SHB 1225 Domestic violence/law enf.
EHB 1465 f Pistol sales or transfers
HB 1568 f Port district worker dev.
HB 1908 f Electronic authentication
HB 1187 f Fish habitat projects
HB 1583 f Mosquito control districts