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Washington State Senate | ||
Introduction and First Reading of Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions |
2019 Regular Session of the 66th Legislature |
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate | KAREN KEISER, President Pro Tem | ||
BRAD HENDRICKSON, Secretary of the Senate | STEVE CONWAY, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
January 21, 2019 - Monday | 8TH DAY | ||
SB 5398 | By Senators Keiser and King Concerning unemployment benefit eligibility for apprentices. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SB 5399 | By Senators Pedersen, Walsh, Dhingra, Frockt, Kuderer, Salomon, Mullet, Palumbo, Holy and Wellman Concerning child relocation by a person with joint decision-making authority and equal residential time. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5400 | By Senators Conway, Bailey, Hunt, Zeiger and Wilson, C.; by request of Select Committee on Pension Policy Providing a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees' retirement system plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system plan 1. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5401 | By Senators Keiser, Rivers and Carlyle Concerning health care provider and health care facility whistleblower protections. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5402 | By Senators Schoesler and Rolfes Improving tax and licensing laws administered by the department of revenue, but not including changes to tax laws that are estimated to affect state or local tax collections as reflected in any fiscal note prepared and approved under the process established in chapter 43.88A RCW. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5403 | By Senators Bailey, Darneille, Conway, Rivers, Keiser and Kuderer; by request of Department of Social and Health Services Concerning safe egress from adult family homes. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5404 | By Senators Rolfes, Honeyford, Van De Wege, McCoy and Salomon Expanding the definition of fish habitat enhancement projects. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE, WATER, NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5405 | By Senators Padden, Randall, Zeiger, Fortunato, Billig, Wilson, C. and Nguyen Concerning nondiscrimination in access to organ transplants. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5406 | By Senator Warnick Providing small winery tax relief. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SB 5407 | By Senators Mullet, Conway and Braun Providing that scan-down allowances on food and beverages intended for human and pet consumption are bona fide discounts for purposes of the business and occupation tax. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5408 | By Senators Mullet, Das and Liias; by request of Insurance Commissioner Concerning the creation of the insurance fraud surcharge account. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TRADE. |
SB 5409 | By Senators Palumbo, Rivers and Liias Concerning the ability of business and nonprofit entities to obtain a marijuana license. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SB 5410 | By Senators Mullet, Rivers, Palumbo and Liias Establishing a systemwide credit policy regarding advanced placement, international baccalaureate, and Cambridge international exams. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5411 | By Senators Kuderer, Honeyford, Randall, King, Wagoner and Van De Wege Concerning physician assistants. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5412 | By Senators Saldaña, Carlyle, Palumbo, Das, Nguyen and McCoy Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation fuels. Referred to Committee on ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & TECHNOLOGY. |
SB 5413 | By Senators Keiser, King, Wellman, Holy, Das, Saldaña and Wilson, C. Concerning the pipeline for paraeducators conditional scholarship program. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5414 | By Senator Hunt Modifying the maximum amount of leave school employees may accumulate. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5415 | By Senators McCoy, Rivers, Cleveland and Saldaña Creating the Washington Indian health improvement act. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5416 | By Senators Conway, Walsh and Keiser; by request of Gambling Commission Creating a self-exclusion program for persons with a gambling problem or gambling disorder. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SB 5417 | By Senators Padden and Hobbs Authorizing military surplus vehicles to operate on public highways. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5418 | By Senators Takko, Zeiger and Liias Concerning local government procurement modernization and efficiency. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5419 | By Senators Hobbs, Warnick, Brown, Bailey, Rivers, Walsh, Keiser, Fortunato, Das, Wagoner, Honeyford and Wilson, L. Providing an adjustment of vehicle service fees. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5420 | By Senators King, Takko, Becker, Sheldon, Hawkins and Pedersen Concerning the distribution of monetary penalties to local courts and state agencies paid for failure to comply with discover pass requirements. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE, WATER, NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5421 | By Senators Kuderer, Short, Rivers and Keiser Expanding access to pharmacy services. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5422 | By Senators Kuderer, Short, Rivers and Keiser Regulating pharmacy benefit managers. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5423 | By Senators Palumbo, Warnick, Hobbs, Takko, Schoesler, Sheldon, King, Brown, Short, Wilson, L., Wagoner, Wellman, Honeyford and Van De Wege Creating the Washington rural development and opportunity zone act. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TRADE. |
SB 5424 | By Senators Palumbo and Liias Establishing minimum density standards around regional transit. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5425 | By Senators Cleveland, Keiser and Becker; by request of Department of Health Concerning maternal mortality reviews. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5426 | By Senators Mullet, Palumbo, Rivers and Nguyen Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from hydrofluorocarbons. Referred to Committee on ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & TECHNOLOGY. |
SB 5427 | By Senator Wellman; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction Concerning dual credit programs. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5428 | By Senators Wilson, L., Palumbo, Becker, Brown, Wagoner and Warnick Concerning veterans' mental health services at institutions of higher education. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5429 | By Senators Nguyen, Das, Saldaña, Hasegawa, Salomon, Darneille, Wilson, C., Zeiger and Randall Including referred and diverted youth in establishing community juvenile accountability program guidelines. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, REENTRY & REHABILITATION. |
SB 5430 | By Senators Conway, Hunt and Darneille Allowing retirees who retired under alternate early retirement factors enacted in chapter 491, Laws of 2007, to use postretirement options prior to reaching age sixty-five. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5431 | By Senators Frockt, Rivers, O'Ban, Dhingra, Darneille, Cleveland, Keiser, Wagoner, Das, Van De Wege, Zeiger and Conway; by request of Office of the Governor Concerning community facilities needed to ensure a continuum of care for behavioral health patients. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5432 | By Senators Dhingra, Rivers, Cleveland, Darneille, O'Ban, Keiser, Conway and Das; by request of Office of the Governor Concerning fully implementing behavioral health integration for January 1, 2020, by removing behavioral health organizations from law; clarifying the roles and responsibilities among the health care authority, department of social and health services, and department of health, and the roles and responsibilities of behavioral health administrative services organizations and medicaid managed care organizations; and making technical corrections related to the behavioral health system. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5433 | By Senators Wilson, C., Nguyen and Das Providing postsecondary education opportunities to enhance public safety. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, REENTRY & REHABILITATION. |
SB 5434 | By Senator Wilson, C. Restricting possession of weapons in certain locations. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5435 | By Senator Wilson, C. Expanding membership of the department of children, youth, and families oversight board to include two youth under the age of twenty-five. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, REENTRY & REHABILITATION. |
SB 5436 | By Senator Wilson, C. Concerning child care access. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5437 | By Senators Wilson, C., Palumbo, Wellman, Hunt, Saldaña, Nguyen, Randall, Das, Billig and Mullet; by request of Office of the Governor Expanding eligibility to the early childhood education and assistance program. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5438 | By Senators McCoy, Saldaña, Conway, Van De Wege, Keiser, Rolfes and Wellman; by request of Employment Security Department Concerning the H-2A temporary agricultural program. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SB 5439 | By Senators Keiser, King, Kuderer, Conway, McCoy, Saldaña and Wellman; by request of Employment Security Department Concerning confidentiality of employment security department records and data. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SB 5440 | By Senators Palumbo, Nguyen, Liias and Saldaña Concerning the housing element of comprehensive plans required under the growth management act. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5441 | By Senators Nguyen, Wilson, C., Darneille, Cleveland, Salomon and Randall Extending rental vouchers for eligible offenders. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, REENTRY & REHABILITATION. |
SB 5442 | By Senator Takko Concerning the administration of marijuana to students for medical purposes. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5443 | By Senators Van De Wege and Zeiger Concerning the state board of registration for professional engineers and land surveyors. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5444 | By Senators Dhingra, O'Ban, Darneille, Wagoner and Frockt; by request of Office of the Governor Providing timely competency evaluations and restoration services to persons suffering from behavioral health disorders within the framework of the forensic mental health care system consistent with the requirements agreed to in the Trueblood settlement agreement. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5445 | By Senators Cleveland and Rivers Concerning the temporary sale of liquor at special events. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SB 5446 | By Senators Mullet, Rivers, Cleveland, Becker, Keiser and Bailey Concerning electronic prescriptions. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5447 | By Senators Van De Wege and Warnick; by request of Department of Agriculture Extending the dairy milk assessment fee to June 30, 2025. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE, WATER, NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5448 | By Senators Wellman, Hunt, Zeiger, Padden and McCoy Concerning career and technical education in alternative learning experience programs. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5449 | By Senators Keiser, King, Liias, Wellman and Saldaña; by request of Employment Security Department Concerning paid family and medical leave. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SB 5450 | By Senators Rivers and Wilson, L.; by request of Board For Judicial Administration Concerning superior court judges. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5451 | By Senator King Concerning the definition of hydraulic project in relation to the hydraulic project approval permits. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE, WATER, NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5452 | By Senators King and Cleveland Modifying dates related to the application due date for health sciences and services authorities and their sales and use tax authority. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5453 | By Senators Takko and Short Concerning the administration of irrigation districts. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5454 | By Senators Keiser, Bailey and Van De Wege Clarifying the definition of a geriatric behavioral health worker for individuals with a bachelor's or master's degree in social work, behavioral health, or other related areas. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5455 | By Senators Takko, Warnick, McCoy, Honeyford and Van De Wege; by request of Department of Agriculture Exempting United States food and drug administration nonpublic information from disclosure under the state public disclosure act. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5456 | By Senator Keiser Requiring the use of American or recycled steel products on certain public works. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5457 | By Senators Keiser and Saldaña Naming of subcontractors by prime contract bidders on public works contracts. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5458 | By Senators Hobbs, Wagoner, Salomon, Bailey, McCoy and Palumbo Expanding access to building trades apprenticeships. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SB 5459 | By Senators Cleveland and Frockt; by request of Department of Health Concerning nonresident pharmacies. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5460 | By Senators Cleveland, Bailey, Keiser, Conway, O'Ban and Liias Joining the nurse licensure compact. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SB 5461 | By Senators Cleveland and Darneille Concerning the sharing of information between participants in multidisciplinary coordination of child sexual abuse investigations. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, REENTRY & REHABILITATION. |
SJR 8203 | By Senators Cleveland and Hunt Amending the state Constitution to modify legislative session days. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SI 976 | By People of the State of Washington Limiting state and local taxes, fees, and other charges relating to vehicles. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |