January 13, 2020 - Monday
SB 6026 Addressing the state auditor's duties and procedures. Hunt 12/2/2019
SB 6027 Concerning floating residences. Pedersen 12/2/2019
SB 6028 Adopting the uniform electronic transactions act and aligning statutory provisions relating to signatures, declarations, and documents. Pedersen 12/2/2019
SB 6029 Concerning the uniform directed trust act. Pedersen 12/2/2019
SB 6030 Concerning federal immigration enforcement. Fortunato 12/3/2019
SB 6031 Limiting state and local taxes, fees, and other charges relating to vehicles. Fortunato 12/3/2019
SB 6032 Creating a Washington apples special license plate. Hawkins 12/3/2019
SB 6033 Concerning the safety and security of retail marijuana outlets. Keiser 12/3/2019
SB 6034 Extending the time allowed to file a complaint with the human rights commission for a claim related to pregnancy discrimination. Keiser 12/3/2019
SB 6035 Concerning liquor license employees. Keiser 12/3/2019
SB 6036 Providing opportunities for drought mitigation using trust water rights. Honeyford 12/3/2019
SB 6037 Concerning business corporations. Pedersen 12/3/2019
SB 6038 Concerning acupuncture and Eastern medicine. Rivers 12/4/2019
SB 6039 Enacting the living donor act. Keiser 12/4/2019
SB 6040 Concerning the budgeting process for certain state waiver services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Braun 12/4/2019
SB 6041 Dedicating the state sales tax on motor vehicles to transportation improvements. Braun 12/4/2019
SB 6042 Prohibiting the use of title-only bills. Wilson, L. 12/5/2019
SB 6043 Concerning subscription service legal defense funds. Wilson, L. 12/5/2019
SB 6044 Concerning responsibilities of the three branches of government for administrative rules and procedure. Wilson, L. 12/5/2019
SB 6045 Concerning vulnerable users of a public way. Takko 12/5/2019
SB 6046 Concerning special purpose district commissioner compensation. Takko 12/5/2019
SB 6047 Prohibiting retaliation against school district employees that report noncompliance with individualized education programs. Hasegawa 12/5/2019
SB 6048 Addressing the group-wide supervision of internationally active insurance groups. Das 12/5/2019
SB 6049 Creating the insurance commissioner's fraud account. Liias 12/5/2019
SB 6050 Concerning insurance guaranty fund. Cleveland 12/5/2019
SB 6051 Concerning health coverage supplementing medicare part D provided through a federally authorized employer group waiver plan. Cleveland 12/5/2019
SB 6052 Concerning life insurance products or services that are intended to incent behavioral changes that improve the health and reduce the risk of death of the insured. Mullet 12/5/2019
SB 6053 Establishing wage liens. Conway 12/6/2019
SB 6054 Changing the effective date of workforce requirements related to high hazard facilities. Lovelett 12/9/2019
SB 6055 Exempting health care and veterinary services from the business and occupation surcharge. O'Ban 12/9/2019
SB 6056 Concerning the budgeting process for services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Randall 12/9/2019
SB 6057 Concerning price differentials in the sale of marijuana. Stanford 12/9/2019
SB 6058 Concerning fire district health clinic services. Randall 12/10/2019
SB 6059 Exempting health care-related services from the business and occupation surcharge. Becker 12/10/2019
SB 6060 Removing ambulatory surgical facilities from the certificate of need program. Becker 12/10/2019
SB 6061 Requiring training standards in providing telemedicine services. Becker 12/10/2019
SB 6062 Concerning direct primary care oversight. Becker 12/10/2019
SB 6063 Improving department of corrections health care administration. Wagoner 12/10/2019
SB 6064 Requiring full body scanners at each department of corrections institution. Wagoner 12/10/2019
SB 6065 Establishing the Washington blockchain work group. Brown 12/11/2019
SB 6066 Expanding ethnic studies materials and resources for public school students in grades kindergarten through six. Hasegawa 12/11/2019
SB 6067 Concerning educator certification assessments. Hasegawa 12/11/2019
SB 6068 Concerning sales and use tax exemptions for large private airplanes. Warnick 12/12/2019
SB 6069 Concerning the use of state funds for medical transportation for the purpose of receiving substance use disorder treatment services. Van De Wege 12/12/2019
SB 6070 Concerning public disclosures by state-funded substance use disorder treatment programs and facilities. Van De Wege 12/12/2019
SB 6071 Concerning increased deterrence and meaningful enforcement of fish and wildlife violations. Van De Wege 12/12/2019
SB 6072 Dividing the state wildlife account into the fish, wildlife, and conservation account and the limited fish and wildlife account. Rolfes 12/12/2019
SB 6073 Providing menstrual hygiene products in public school bathrooms. Dhingra 12/12/2019
SB 6074 Reauthorizing and expanding the financial fraud and identity theft crimes investigation and prosecution program. Dhingra 12/12/2019
SB 6075 Concerning local effort assistance. Takko 12/13/2019
SB 6076 Concerning assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Kuderer 12/16/2019
SB 6077 Concerning high capacity magazines. Kuderer 12/16/2019
SB 6078 Clarifying reimbursement for certain clean-up or removal actions by fire protection jurisdictions. Mullet 12/16/2019
SB 6079 Clarifying the scope of taxation on land development or management services. Mullet 12/16/2019
SB 6080 Subjecting federally recognized Indian tribes to the same conditions as state and local governments for property owned exclusively by the tribe. Hunt 12/16/2019
SB 6081 Concerning the calculation of compensation of an employee of a medical school and an affiliated faculty group practice for purposes of a noncompetition agreement. Liias 12/16/2019
SB 6082 Concerning manufacturers of electric vehicles. Carlyle 12/17/2019
SB 6083 Concerning travel trailers. Zeiger 12/18/2019
SB 6084 Concerning roundabouts. Takko 12/18/2019
SB 6085 Expanding opportunities for marijuana businesses by removing residency barriers and providing access to capital for minority and women-owned businesses through a fee on certain investments. Stanford 12/18/2019
SB 6086 Increasing access to medications for opioid use disorder. Hasegawa 12/18/2019
SB 6087 Imposing cost-sharing requirements for coverage of insulin products. Keiser 12/18/2019
SB 6088 Establishing a prescription drug affordability board. Keiser 12/18/2019
SB 6089 Creating a task force on marijuana odor. Warnick 12/18/2019
SB 6090 Limiting fire protection service agency liability for the installation of detection devices. Warnick 12/18/2019
SB 6091 Continuing the work of the Washington food policy forum. Warnick 12/18/2019
SB 6092 Awarding diplomas posthumously. Wilson, C. 12/18/2019
SB 6093 Concerning free public access to state parks and lands. Schoesler 12/18/2019
SB 6094 Correcting a reference to an omnibus transportation appropriations act within a prior authorization of general obligation bonds for transportation funding. Nguyen 12/19/2019
SB 6095 Excluding the common carrier licensees from the definition of retailer for the purposes of the three-tier system. Keiser 12/19/2019
SB 6096 Preventing disruption of certain state-financed and procured services due to labor unrest within contracted service providers. Keiser 12/19/2019
SB 6097 Requiring the insurance commissioner to review a health carrier's surplus levels as part of its rate filing review process. Rolfes 12/19/2019
SB 6098 Concerning insurance coverage of prosthetics and orthotics. Rolfes 12/19/2019
SB 6099 Repealing the education accountability system oversight committee. Hunt 12/19/2019
SB 6100 Expanding background check requirements for certain educational institutions. Wellman 12/20/2019
SB 6101 Concerning statewide implementation of early screening for dyslexia. Wellman 12/20/2019
SB 6102 Adjusting stop signal requirements for school buses. Wellman 12/20/2019
SB 6103 Concerning educational reporting requirements. Wellman 12/20/2019
SB 6104 Concerning the creation of a limited spirits retail license. King 12/20/2019
SB 6105 Concerning the administration of state education agencies. Hunt 12/20/2019
SB 6106 Improving postpartum medicaid coverage. O'Ban 12/23/2019
SB 6107 Exempting services essential to affordable housing from the business and occupations surcharge. O'Ban 12/23/2019
SB 6108 Nullifying certain taxes approved by regional transit authority voters. O'Ban 12/23/2019
SB 6109 Ensuring persons with serious mental illness and substance use disorders receive proper care and assistance. O'Ban 12/23/2019
SB 6110 Importing prescription drugs from Canada. Keiser 12/24/2019
SB 6111 Creating a pharmacy tourism program. Keiser 12/24/2019
SB 6112 Concerning youth solitary confinement. Wilson, C. 12/24/2019
SB 6113 Creating a central insulin purchasing program. Keiser 12/24/2019
SB 6114 Concerning all-terrain vehicles. Takko 12/24/2019
SB 6115 Concerning off-road vehicle registrations. Takko 12/24/2019
SB 6116 Assisting spouses and dependents of active duty military by ensuring affordable access to higher education. O'Ban 12/26/2019
SB 6117 Concerning appropriations for special education programs. Wellman 12/27/2019
SB 6118 Concerning collection agency transaction fees for processing electronic payments. Mullet 12/27/2019
SB 6119 Authorizing that money laundering forfeited proceeds and property be used for improvement of gambling-related law enforcement activities. Conway 12/27/2019
SB 6120 Amending types of nonprofit organizations qualified to engage in gambling activities. Conway 12/27/2019
SB 6121 Designating the Pacific razor clam as the new state clam. Takko 12/30/2019
SB 6122 Protecting temporary workers. Keiser 12/31/2019
SB 6123 Allowing state employee leave for organ donation. Hunt 12/31/2019
SB 6124 Establishing a statewide environmental sustainability education program. Hunt 12/31/2019
SB 6125 Concerning postretirement work in an elected city or county council position. Hunt 12/31/2019
SB 6126 Allowing the local sales and use tax for affordable housing to be imposed by a councilmanic authority. Hunt 12/31/2019
SB 6127 Adding a graduate student to the student achievement council. Randall 1/2/2020
SB 6128 Extending coverage during the postpartum period. Randall 1/2/2020
SB 6129 Concerning student health plan coverage for pregnancy services. Randall 1/2/2020
SB 6130 Concerning motorcycle profiling. Takko 1/2/2020
SB 6131 Repealing the debenture company laws from the securities act of Washington. Mullet 1/3/2020
SB 6132 Allowing the learning assistance program to support school-wide behavioral health system of supports and interventions. Wellman 1/6/2020
SB 6133 Authorizing the governor to enter into agreements with tribal jurisdictions for the issuance of tribal license plates and vehicle registration. Lovelett 1/6/2020
SB 6134 Concerning state reimbursement of election costs. Hunt 1/6/2020
SB 6135 Concerning system reliability under the clean energy transformation act. Sheldon 1/7/2020
SB 6136 Updating restrictions on electronic benefit cards. Nguyen 1/7/2020
SB 6137 Reauthorizing the business and occupation tax deduction for cooperative finance organizations. Mullet 1/7/2020
SB 6138 Concerning the beginning educator support team program. Hasegawa 1/7/2020
SB 6139 Extending the joint center for aerospace technology innovation program. Mullet 1/7/2020
SB 6140 Prohibiting the practice of transcript withholding and limiting the practice of registration holds at institutions of higher education as debt collection practices. Randall 1/7/2020
SB 6141 Expanding access to higher education. Randall 1/7/2020
SB 6142 Creating the Washington common application. Liias 1/7/2020
SB 6143 Concerning the podiatric medical board. Cleveland 1/7/2020
SB 6144 Concerning implementation credits and performance standards. Hasegawa 1/7/2020
SB 6145 Reducing the property tax. Warnick 1/7/2020
SB 6146 Regulating legal service contractors. Mullet 1/7/2020
SB 6147 Concerning the replacement of shoreline armoring. Salomon 1/8/2020
SB 6148 Concerning peace officer certification. Salomon 1/8/2020
SB 6149 Ensuring compliance with the federal clean water act by prohibiting certain discharges into waters of the state. Salomon 1/8/2020
SB 6150 Concerning the effective date of certain actions taken under the growth management act. Salomon 1/8/2020
SB 6151 Concerning liability for entry into a motor vehicle to remove an animal. Salomon 1/8/2020
SB 6152 Concerning certification of the level of foreign national ownership for corporations that participate in Washington state elections. Salomon 1/8/2020
SB 6153 Concerning driver's license suspensions and revocations. Salomon 1/8/2020
SB 6154 Concerning abusive civil actions. Rolfes 1/8/2020
SB 6155 Concerning the rape of a child. Cleveland 1/8/2020
SB 6156 Modifying the requirements for collector vehicle registrations. Takko 1/8/2020
SB 6157 Requiring schools to stock bleeding control kits. Dhingra 1/8/2020
SB 6158 Concerning model sexual assault protocols for hospitals and clinics. Dhingra 1/8/2020
SB 6159 Concerning tableting and encapsulating machines and controlled substance imitation materials. Dhingra 1/8/2020
SB 6160 Concerning drug offender sentencing alternatives for offenders convicted of driving or control of a vehicle while under the influence. Dhingra 1/8/2020
SB 6161 Imposing an excise tax on ammunition. Dhingra 1/8/2020
SB 6162 Concerning victims of nonfatal strangulation. Dhingra 1/8/2020
SB 6163 Concerning unlawful possession of firearms for persons free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal, or sentencing for felony charges under RCW 46.61.502(6) and 46.61.504(6). Dhingra 1/8/2020
SB 6164 Concerning prosecutorial discretion to seek resentencing. Dhingra 1/8/2020
SB 6165 Providing a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees' retirement system plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system plan 1. Rolfes 1/8/2020
SB 6166 Concerning recreational fishing and hunting licenses. Rolfes 1/8/2020
SB 6167 Making expenditures from the budget stabilization account to alleviate the issue of homelessness. Rolfes 1/8/2020
SB 6168 Making 2019-2021 fiscal biennium supplemental operating appropriations. Rolfes 1/8/2020
SB 6169 Training on the prevention of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. Keiser 1/8/2020
SB 6170 Concerning plumbing. Keiser 1/8/2020
SB 6171 Concerning the disassembly of tower cranes. Keiser 1/8/2020
SB 6172 Extending the business and occupation tax exemption for amounts received as credits against contracts with or funds provided by the Bonneville power administration and used for low-income ratepayer assistance and weatherization. Braun 1/8/2020
SB 6173 Regarding the sale of beer for off-premises consumption. Sheldon 1/8/2020
SB 6174 Concerning free public access to state parks and lands. Schoesler 1/8/2020
SB 6175 Concerning sexual health education and affirmative consent. Wilson, C. 1/8/2020
SB 6176 Incorporating the costs of employee health benefits into school district contracts for pupil transportation. Wilson, C. 1/8/2020
SB 6177 Prohibiting unjustified employer searches of employee personal vehicles. Takko 1/9/2020
SB 6178 Concerning superior court judges. Short 1/9/2020
SB 6179 Concerning the Washington search and rescue grant program. Takko 1/9/2020
SB 6180 Concerning juvenile sex offense registration waivers under the special sexual offender disposition alternative. Darneille 1/9/2020
SB 6181 Concerning compensation for parents of minor victims of crime. Padden 1/9/2020
SB 6182 Concerning closed captioning on televisions in places of public accommodation. Padden 1/9/2020
SB 6183 Allowing service and overseas voters to use the common access card as a digital signature for proof of identity on certain election materials. Hunt 1/9/2020
SB 6184 Concerning marriage licensing and solemnization by county auditors. Randall 1/9/2020
SB 6185 Improving access to homeownership by expanding opportunities for down payment assistance programs. Zeiger 1/9/2020
SB 6186 Prioritizing homelessness diversion services. Zeiger 1/9/2020
SB 6187 Modifying the definition of personal information for notifying the public about data breaches of a state or local agency system. Zeiger 1/9/2020
SB 6188 Concerning the consumption of alcohol for certain special events held on agricultural fairgrounds. Zeiger 1/9/2020
SB 6189 Clarifying eligibility for school employees' benefits board coverage. Wellman 1/9/2020
SB 6190 Preserving the developmental disabilities community trust. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6191 Assessing the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences in middle and high school students to inform decision making and improve services. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6192 Addressing inadequate, deficient, or dangerous conditions at facilities and institutions operated or overseen by state agencies. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6193 Encouraging cost-efficiency and environmental protection by state employees using motor vehicles on official business. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6194 Prohibiting cities and towns from citing the same statutory authority to impose multiple business taxes. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6195 Funding forest health activities for the protection of people, homes, and the environment through issuance of state bonds. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6196 Creating a homelessness impact grant program to address security and sanitation impacts of homeless populations. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6197 Providing for the election of members of the house of representatives from house districts within each legislative district. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6198 Adding the workforce education investment account to the definition of related funds in the state four-year balanced budget requirement. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6199 Adjusting by inflation the qualifying income thresholds for purposes of the senior citizen and service-connected disabled veterans property tax exemption program. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6200 Concerning crime victims' compensation. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6201 Reducing the real estate excise tax rate for multiple-unit housing. Braun 1/9/2020
SB 6202 Resentencing persistent offenders with robbery 2 convictions. Darneille 1/9/2020
SB 6203 Concerning corrections. Darneille 1/9/2020
SB 6204 Concerning prisoner fatality and near fatality reviews for persons in the custody of the department of corrections. Darneille 1/9/2020
SB 6205 Preventing harassment, abuse, and discrimination experienced by long-term care workers. Cleveland 1/10/2020
SB 6206 Creating a certificate of compliance for marijuana business premises that meet the statutory qualifications at the time of application. Rivers 1/10/2020
SB 6207 Concerning the scope of collective bargaining for language access providers. Saldaña 1/10/2020
SB 6208 Increasing mobility through the modification of stop sign requirements for bicyclists. Billig 1/10/2020
SB 6209 Joining the nurse licensure compact. Randall 1/10/2020
SB 6210 Concerning antifouling paints on recreational water vessels. Lovelett 1/10/2020
SB 6211 Concerning drug offender sentencing. Dhingra 1/10/2020
SB 6212 Concerning the authority of counties, cities, and towns to exceed statutory property tax limitations for the purpose of financing affordable housing for very low-income households and low-income households. Das 1/10/2020
SB 6213 Concerning certain expanded polystyrene products. Das 1/10/2020
SB 6214 Installing, repairing, replacing, and updating mitigation equipment installed within an impacted area. Keiser 1/10/2020
SB 6215 Establishing a collaborative process to alleviate the burden on local courts to determine indigency through proof of receipt of public assistance. Braun 1/10/2020
SB 6216 Concerning the application of the family and medical leave program in Title 50A RCW to specific classes of individuals. Keiser 1/10/2020
SB 6217 Concerning minimum labor standards for certain employees working at an airport or air navigation facility. Keiser 1/10/2020
SB 6218 Modifying the definition of salary for the Washington state patrol retirement system. Schoesler 1/10/2020
SB 6219 Modifying the definition of index for the Washington state patrol retirement system. Conway 1/10/2020
SB 6220 Concerning restitution. Dhingra 1/10/2020
SB 6221 Concerning consumer protection with respect to the sale and adoption of dogs and cats. Stanford 1/10/2020
SB 6222 Concerning commercial property assessed clean energy and resilience. Lovelett 1/10/2020
SB 6223 Expanding equitable access to the benefits of renewable energy through community solar projects. Lovelett 1/10/2020
SB 6224 Concerning collective bargaining for administrative law judges. Lovelett 1/10/2020
SB 6225 Creating Washington law enforcement officer health and wellness special license plates. Wagoner 1/10/2020
SB 6226 Concerning regionalization factors used for Granite Falls school district compensation. Wagoner 1/10/2020
SB 6227 Concerning the burden of proof in disputes involving enforcement actions by certain regulatory agencies. Wagoner 1/10/2020
SB 6228 Restoring voter eligibility for all persons convicted of a felony offense who are not in total confinement under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6229 Streamlining reporting for recipients of housing-related state funding by removing Washington state quality award program requirements. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6230 Concerning the sale or lease of manufactured/mobile home communities and the property on which they sit. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6231 Providing a limited property tax exemption for the construction of accessory dwelling units. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6232 Concerning the property tax exemption for nonprofit organizations providing rental housing or mobile home park spaces to qualifying households. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6233 Concerning employee's rights concerning personnel files and disciplinary actions. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6234 Concerning the use of third parties by employers to dispute unemployment claims. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6235 Concerning exceptions to disqualification for unemployment insurance benefits when voluntarily leaving employment due to increases in job duties or changes in working conditions. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6236 Concerning certain noneconomic damage waivers. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6237 Authorizing and encouraging cities to notify the department of children, youth, and families of conditions at family day-care provider facilities that could cause harm to a child's health, welfare, or safety. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SB 6238 Requiring local ballot measure statement committee members to be registered voters in the area voting on the measure. Hunt 1/10/2020
SB 6239 Addressing compliance with apprenticeship utilization requirements and bidding on public works projects. Conway 1/10/2020
SB 6240 Concerning physician assistants. Kuderer 1/10/2020
SJM 8016 Concerning the federal harbor maintenance tax. Hasegawa 1/7/2020
SJR 8213 Amending the Constitution to create a term limit for the office of governor. Fortunato 12/3/2019
SJR 8214 Amending the Constitution to prohibit title-only bills. Wilson, L. 12/5/2019