1121 AMH WALJ H0466.1
HB 1121 - H AMD 6
By Representative Walsh
NOT ADOPTED 01/27/2021
On page 3, line 20, after "(5)" insert "The office of the superintendent of public instruction, in accordance with RCW 43.01.036, shall annually summarize and report school district data received under subsection (2)(c) of this section to the education committees of the legislature. The requirements of this subsection (5) do not apply in school years in which no emergency waivers were issued.
EFFECT: Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction (OSPI) to annually summarize and report to the education committees of the legislature the student level emergency waiver data that is provided by school districts to the OSPI. Specifies that OSPI's obligation to annually summarize and report the emergency waiver data to the education committees of the legislature does not apply in school years in which no emergency waivers were issued.
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