5141-S2.E AMH CORR H1539.1
E2SSB 5141 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-1522.2/21) 689
By Representative Corry
ADOPTED 04/10/2021
On page 9, line 33, after "(4)" strike all material through "must" and insert "The environmental justice assessment obligation of a covered agency for a significant agency action under this section is satisfied by the completion by the covered agency of a checklist developed by the covered agency that functions akin to the environmental checklist developed by the department of ecology pursuant to chapter
43.21C RCW, and that directs the covered agency to at a minimum"
On page 9, line 38, after "(b)" strike "Use" and insert "Where applicable, use"
On page 10, line 18, after "(5)" insert "(a)"
On page 10, after line 23, insert the following:
"(b) A covered agency may include items in the checklist required under subsection (4) of this section that are not specified in subsection (4) of this section.
(c) The completion of an environmental justice checklist under subsection (4) of this section is not required to be a comprehensive or an exhaustive examination of all potential impacts of a significant agency action and does not require a covered agency to conduct novel quantitative or economic analysis of the proposed significant agency action."
EFFECT: Specifies that environmental justice assessments by covered agencies are satisfied by the completion of a checklist that functions akin to an environmental checklist under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), and that contains the environmental justice assessment criteria specified in the underlying striking amendment. Requires covered agencies to use cumulative environmental health impact analysis as part of environmental justice assessments only where applicable. Authorizes covered agencies to include items in the checklist beyond the minimum requirements of the checklist. Specifies that environmental justice assessments are not required to be comprehensive or exhaustive examinations of potential impacts of a significant agency action, and do not require novel quantitative or economic analysis of proposed actions.
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